One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 9 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 9

Mo Lanyu has been having a tough time recently.

First, her investment went sour and her partner swindled her out of a large sum of money. In order to get the money for her investment, her mother had to grit her teeth and borrow from her own family, with whom they were not close and who looked down on them.

Now, not long after, those cold-hearted relatives were pressuring them to pay back the money like their pants were on fire, not giving them any breathing room. Although her parents Mo Tiangao and Shen Cuiwei didn't tell her explicitly, the worry on their faces and the occasional arguments made her realize the difficult situation her family was in.

Mo Lanyu felt very ashamed. She had always been praised for her business acumen, but now she had made such a big blunder by trusting the wrong person!

The university she attended was a renowned economics school in the country. Anyone who could get in was no fool, and many heirs of financial groups came here to gild their credentials. She had already made quite a name for herself at school due to several high-yielding investments, garnering the admiration and adulation of her classmates.

After all, not every sophomore had her skills and vision! But naturally, with admirers also came detractors. However, due to her popularity at school, they didn't dare say anything to her face, only talking behind her back.

But now that she had stumbled badly and word had spread to the school, those people seized on her weakness and immediately became brazen, mocking and ridiculing her indirectly right to her face several times.

How could she tolerate this!

She wished she could grab those people and rip their mouths apart! But she had to swallow this anger. Who knew how many staggeringly wealthy scions there were at the school. As someone from an ordinary family, making enemies with them would do her no good.

After cursing out those scoundrels in her heart, Mo Lanyu calmed down and started considering practical matters again. Things couldn't go on like this. Her family needed money to pay off their debts and to support her next investment. After much thought, Mo Lanyu came up with an idea, but she was still hesitant and decided to think it over for a few more days.

Time passed quickly. Half a month later, one of Mo Lanyu's admirers, a wealthy second-generation heir, invited her to an evening banquet. This banquet was being held by a famous local entrepreneur to celebrate his only son's 18th birthday.

Perhaps with the intention of paving the way for his son, the scale of the banquet was grand, with invitations sent to all the who's who of local businesses. It was said that even Mo Yitao would attend. It was precisely because of this that Mo Lanyu agreed to the invitation from this admirer whom she didn't think much of.

On the day of the banquet, Mo Lanyu took great care in dressing up. She was already pretty with refined features and had a unique aura. With exquisite makeup and an elegant, form-fitting evening gown, she stood out even amidst the bevy of beauties at the banquet.

Enjoying the admiring gazes from the crowd, Mo Lanyu's gloomy mood of late dissipated quite a bit. She mingled with the guests beside the second-generation heir even more effortlessly. However, although she came to the banquet as his date, she didn't stay very close to him, only demurely taking his arm for a brief moment when entering.

Although the second-generation heir was a bit dissatisfied with Mo Lanyu keeping her distance, she was after all the woman he fancied, and bringing her had earned him much face. So he didn't mind these small things.

As the two were chatting with one of the heir's friends in a corner of the hall, the heir noticed that Mo Lanyu seemed distracted. He couldn't help frowning slightly and ended the conversation with his friend in a few sentences. Somewhat displeased, he asked Mo Lanyu, "What are you doing? Why were you so absent-minded just now?"

Facing his dissatisfied expression, Mo Lanyu smiled faintly, "I saw many people gathered over there. I wonder who has drawn such a crowd."

The second-generation heir already liked her looks to begin with. Seeing Mo Lanyu's gentle and graceful demeanor, he instantly cast aside the subtle displeasure in his heart.

Following her words, he joked, "Probably some bigwig has arrived. Let's go over and join in the excitement. Small fries like us may not be able to strike up a conversation with them, but it's still good to get a glimpse of a big shot's glory."

His family was wealthy, but theirs was just an ordinary small business. In G City full of business tycoons, they couldn't even rank in the top twenty. He was quite self-aware about this, knowing his place and not boasting to impress the girl he liked.

Hearing his words, although Mo Lanyu maintained a faint smile on the surface, she was already somewhat displeased in her heart. Although she hadn't made a name for herself yet, with her talent, sooner or later she would rise higher.

So she never thought of herself as inferior to others like the second-generation heir did. But there was no need to make this clear to her temporary date. After all, besides this banquet, they likely wouldn't have further interactions.

Thinking of her purpose in coming here, Mo Lanyu couldn't help feeling eager anticipation in her heart. The person who could cause such a stir here was very likely the one she wanted to see!

She followed behind the second-generation heir, crossing the hall towards the crowd. As the distance closed, the figure she had been thinking of day and night indeed appeared before her eyes.

At this moment, the man at the center of the crowd was talking to someone with his side facing her. His jet-black hair was neatly combed up, revealing a full, bright forehead, making his deep and charming features even more striking. He held a glass of red wine in his left hand, taking occasional sips, his posture relaxed and elegant.

He seemed to be in a good mood. Although there was still no smile on his face, it lacked the usual coldness and sternness.

Mo Lanyu couldn't help gazing at the man with some infatuation.

The people around all wanted to get close and chat with him. But besides the host family of tonight's banquet and a few heavyweight business tycoons, the rest didn't dare approach rashly due to insufficient status.

But they were also unwilling to leave, so they could only linger nearby, stealing glances from time to time, as if feeling that getting a few more looks was good enough.

The rich second-generation and Mo Lanyu were also among this group of people. The rich second-generation noticed Mo Lanyu's focused gaze on Mo Yitao and gradually felt a bit strange in his heart.

But then he thought that someone like the Mo family head would attract the attention of others wherever he went, which was quite normal. He recalled when he first saw Mo Yitao while following his father, he was also stunned.

Without a doubt, this man was the focus of tonight's banquet. Even though everyone was constrained by the host's face and didn't dare to make it too obvious, the original protagonist of this banquet, the son of the entrepreneur, had already had his limelight completely stolen.

However, the host wasn't angry and maintained a cheerful appearance, chatting with Mo Yitao under everyone's watchful eyes.

"Mr. Mo, it's rare. You actually have a companion today," the slightly plump and kind-faced male host joked to Mo Yitao, "Won't you introduce us to this handsome young gentleman by your side?"

Mo Lanyu was pricking up his ears to listen to the movements on Mo Yitao's side. She vaguely heard the words "have a companion" and instantly felt like a bolt from the blue!

How is that possible! Mo Yitao was known for not being close to women. Up until now, he had never brought a female companion when attending various occasions. Now he actually brought someone. Could it be that someone had beaten him to it?!!


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
