One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 8 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 8

Actually, to say that Mo Tiangao's family family did not take good care of Mo Qi would be truly wronging them. In the three years since adopting Mo Qi, perhaps due to a subconscious sense of guilt, Shen Cuiwei and Mo Tiangao could not be said to have been attentive to every detail in their daily life, but they had been quite dedicated.

————— Mo Lanyu had even once felt dissatisfied with this cousin because of the attention her parents gave to Mo Qi.

Of course, this was all before Mo Lanyu lost money on investments. Ever since getting into debt and setting their sights on Mo Qi's inheritance, the only thing on these two people's minds all day was the question of "how to reasonably let Mo Qi die by accident."

Coincidentally, Mo Yitao was also filled with thoughts of "how to make this couple die more miserably."

Looking at the young boy's childish little face that had gained a bit of flesh compared to the previous period and the slightly cute look of dissatisfaction from not being allowed to continue drinking orange juice, thinking about the things he was about to confess to the boy, Mo Yitao couldn't help but feel a surge of heartache.

The reason why he had dragged it out for more than half a month before preparing to reveal the true colors of Mo Tiangao's family family to the boy was not because of insufficient evidence, but because the boy's body was still very weak at that time.

He was afraid that the boy would be stimulated by the truth and cause his physical condition to deteriorate, so he gave Mo Tiangao's family a little breathing room.

Now, seeing that the boy had been nourished by him to be fair and soft, he had to personally tell him these truths that were bound to hurt him. He began to feel a little reluctant.

Therefore, even though he had originally steeled his heart to solemnly inform the boy of this matter, in the end, he couldn't help but soften into a puddle, wanting to hold the boy tightly in his arms and comfort him.

Mo Yitao put the orange juice in his hand on the table beside him, got up from the chair at a distance and walked to the bedside, sitting next to He Yan. He gently patted the little blanket wrapped around He Yan and coaxed as gently as possible, "Xiao Qi, I'm going to tell you something. This matter may make you sad, but don't be afraid, I'll always be with you."

He Yan's gaze at Mo Yitao had a moment of confusion, then he blinked obediently, pulled up his little blanket again, and said cooperatively to Mo Yitao, "Brother, you can tell me, I'm not afraid."

So Mo Yitao used a gentle tone that he had never shown to anyone in his life, and explained the matter to He Yan in as roundabout a manner as possible.

He never thought that concealing these things from the boy was the best way to protect him. Although deep in his heart, a voice had always been tempting him to keep the boy by his side, raise him to be ignorant and naive, and only able to rely on him to survive, he understood that the boy, as the person involved, had the right to know these truths, no matter how ugly they actually were.

The boy's face first showed obvious shock and sadness, his eyes slowly turning red. Then, as if to hide himself, he lowered his head without a word.

Seeing the little boy in front of him who was already heartbroken but still holding back his tears, Mo Yitao's heart suddenly felt like it had been fiercely pierced by a thin thorn.

Unable to suppress the heartache in his heart, he hurriedly wrapped an arm around the boy's slightly thin shoulders with one hand, and gently pressed the back of the boy's head with the other, holding him in his arms. As if afraid of startling him, he softly comforted him, "Don't be sad anymore, Xiao Qi, your brother is still here."

As for He Yan, the person involved who Mo Yitao thought was already heartbroken but still holding back tears and pretending to be strong, he was a little awkwardly leaning against Mo Yitao's chest that was a bit hard compared to his body.

For some reason, the orange juice that originally belonged to him but was later drunk by Mo Yitao came to his mind, and a strange feeling surged in his heart.

Suddenly, he realized that this family head seemed to be a little too close to him?

But strangely, he didn't seem to dislike this closeness very much?

This sudden realization made He Yan a little stunned, but at this time he couldn't care about the vague thoughts in his mind. Once the act was put on, he had to go through with the whole set. The most important thing at the moment was to solve the matter of Mo Tiangao's family first.

So he put aside the strange feeling in his heart and dutifully acted like a truly helpless young man who had been betrayed by his relatives, obediently and weakly relying on the only person he could trust. With a trembling voice, he spoke out his inner confusion and pain, "Brother, why... If uncle's family is short of money, I can lend it to them first. Why do they have to do this?"

Mo Yitao couldn't help but hold the soft body in his arms that was two sizes smaller than him a little tighter. "Xiao Qi, people have good and evil. You are kind to others, but others may not necessarily be grateful. Human nature is a very complex thing."

"Regarding this matter, I also want to apologize to you on behalf of my father. Back then, my father made the decision to entrust you to Mo Tiangao, and he also had the fault of misjudging people." Mo Yitao paused, "So, give me a chance to make it up to you on behalf of my father, okay?"

Hearing this, the boy immediately raised his head from his embrace in a panic, and hurriedly refuted him, "No, this is not Uncle Mo's fault. I lived with them for four years and didn't see through their true colors. How could Uncle Mo have seen through it back then?"

Seeing the boy explaining earnestly with red eyes, Mo Yitao's heart softened a little more. He loosened his arms that were holding the boy, and instead gently stroked his soft hair, saying softly, "No matter what, it was my father who was too careless. As his son, it is only right that I should make up for his mistakes. You are still young, so let me help you deal with this matter, okay? I promise to let them receive fair legal sanctions."

A struggling expression appeared on the boy's face. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind and slowly nodded to Mo Yitao.

Afterwards, Mo Yitao stayed in He Yan's room, gently and patiently coaxing him for a long time, until the boy fell asleep in a daze before quietly closing the door and leaving.

However, the moment the door was closed, the boy who should have been fast asleep on the bed opened his eyes. Under the dim yellow light from the bedside lamp, the expression on his face seemed a little obscure.

Mo Yitao's recent behavior had been a bit too obvious.

It seems his initial judgment was wrong. Mo Yitao... should have some different thoughts about him. He had previously assumed it was a kind of care and love for a younger generation, only to realize the oddity now.

He Yan vaguely felt a bit of a headache and irritation. Although he planned to use Mo Yitao's power to avenMo Qi Qi, he did not intend to do so at the cost of his own body...

No, that's not quite right. Although Mo Yitao did have some thoughts in that direction about him, this family head behaved like a gentleman. At least for now, he didn't seem to have any plans to do anything to him.

Although Mo Yitao often gave him a hug, held his hand, patted his head and so on, if one were to be strict, these could barely be considered normal contact between relatives. Other things, like deliberately touching sensitive parts to take advantage of him, he had never done at all.

He Yan didn't know what was going on with Mo Yitao. Was he in a stage where he hadn't realized his own feelings yet? Or was he planning to slowly wear him down?

He Yan stared, pondering for a long time, but still couldn't guess Mo Yitao's thoughts. In the end, seeing that Mo Yitao was behaving rather modestly, he decided to hold back for now.

He would first deal with the original body's annoying uncle and aunt, and then handle this family head with impure thoughts.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
