I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 11 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 11

Facing Qin Zhi's questioning that he couldn't hold back, the butler coldly said, "There is no reason. You are just a hired servant and have no right to question the master."

"Remember to go to the logistics department to get your new uniform and tools for cleaning the garden. I have already informed them." After briefly explaining, the butler turned and left, not bothering to heed Qin Zhi's intentions.

Qin Zhi stood there for a long time, his fists clenching and unclenching, his teeth gritted tightly.

He stood there for a long while, until several passing servants cast strange glances at him. Only then did he slowly move his feet and leave.

The news of Qin Zhi being transferred from Su Duan's side to work in the garden quickly spread throughout the Su residence.

Many servants gossiped about this sudden transfer. Just yesterday they thought this person had gained the young master's favor and was about to rise, but who knew that today he would be transferred from his personal attendant position to cleaning the garden!

The huge gap between the two was obvious to anyone with a bit of sense.

——The young master's thoughts are really hard to fathom.

The servants thought in unison once again.

However, with the previous lesson of the fired servant as a warning, coupled with Su Zheng's return, the atmosphere in the Su family was somewhat solemn. The servants did not dare to engage in any more bullying tactics for the time being. At most, they just mocked a few words in their hearts. So Qin Zhi's days were relatively peaceful after the job change.

The garden cleaning was on a shift system. The servant previously driven away by Su Duan was on the morning shift. After Qin Zhi replaced him, he naturally took over the morning shift.

In fact, this job was very easy. He just needed to clean up fallen withered branches and some minor dirt. As for the specific care of the flowers and plants, that would naturally be handled by other professionals.

Qin Zhi walked along the small paths in the garden with specialized cleaning tools, picking up any withered branches and fallen leaves he saw.

He did it very earnestly, his expression calm, only occasionally revealing a hint of gloom between his brows and eyes.

Su Duan leaned by the window and concluded to the system, "He looks a bit unhappy."

Because the new work location of the healing target was right under his window, Su Duan specially asked the system to wake him up a few minutes early today, just to observe Qin Zhi in his new job.

The system said, "The emotional detection results are consistent with the host's observations."

Su Duan said, "Actually, I'm not too happy either."

As a plant, although Su Duan had developed intelligence, in his long life of several thousand years, he had almost never experienced any emotional fluctuations. This could be seen from his sparse and even somewhat blurry memories.

Perhaps some experiences can only be understood by personally going through them.

The system said, "Because the host has interacted the most with the healing target since coming to this world, it's natural for the host to feel reluctant when the healing target leaves the host's side. This conforms to normal human psychological patterns."

The system: "But I hope the host can maintain rationality and not let personal feelings affect the progress of the mission."

Su Duan nodded and got up from the window.

A few seconds later, a slight breeze blew by. Qin Zhi picked up a half-withered leaf and straightened up.

He raised his head and looked at that familiar window, only to see the gently swaying curtains, as if someone had just left from there not long ago.


Su Zheng said he would accompany him these days, and he really didn't go to the company, staying at home with Su Duan for several days.

Su Duan was finally no longer the only lonely person at the Su family's dining table. However, Su Zheng had the appetite of a normal adult man. The little bit that Su Duan could eat looked pitiful in comparison.

With a "clatter", the chopsticks slipped from Su Duan's hand, falling onto the dining table, then rolling onto the porcelain tile floor, making a crisp sound.

Although he had learned to use chopsticks, he was not yet proficient. So almost every meal, Su Duan would drop his chopsticks once or twice.

Su Zheng stopped his movements and instructed the servant standing to the side, "Go get another pair of chopsticks."

The servant responded with a yes, bent down to pick up the dirty chopsticks that had fallen on the floor, and then quickly walked out of the dining room.

Su Duan stole a glance at Su Zheng, not knowing where to put his hands.

He didn't know if Su Zheng would suspect anything. Faced with this fierce and serious-looking older brother, he always worried that he would be caught.

Su Zheng's imagination was not that wild, but seeing the uneasiness and confusion in his younger brother's eyes as he secretly observed him, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

It shouldn't be his illusion. Su Duan had been absent-minded the whole day. It was evident from his expression that his mind was wandering. Now he even dropped his chopsticks while eating. Who would believe he wasn't harboring something in his heart?

As for the specific content of this matter, Su Zheng could probably guess.

Under his all-round strict guard, his younger brother hadn't seen that servant named Qin Zhi for a whole day, and his entire state had visibly withered.

Does he like him that much?

Even if it's just a substitute, it can still affect him like this.

Su Zheng couldn't help grinding his back molars, thinking that he must find an opportunity to fiercely retaliate against Qin Feng a few more times.

Even so—even so, there was no way to resolve the hatred in his heart!

Although he knew the truth, Su Zheng couldn't speak it out. He put down the knife and fork in his hand and asked his brother, who looked listless down to his hair, in a low voice, "What's wrong? Did you not sleep well last night?"

Su Duan shook his head and answered softly, "No."

The servant brought new chopsticks, but Su Duan didn't go to pick them up. He quietly drank the porridge with his small spoon.

Seeing the almost untouched food in front of his brother, Su Zheng suddenly reached out and pulled the plate with a steaming fried egg in front of his brother to his own side. He neatly cut it into appropriately sized pieces with a new knife and fork, then placed the utensils on the edge of the plate and pushed it back in front of Su Duan.

When the fried egg with a crispy outside and tender inside was cut open, it revealed an enticing yellow yolk. The delicious aroma wafted to one's nose along with the steam.

Su Duan looked at this plate of fried eggs for a few seconds, then quickly raised his head and said thank you to Su Zheng.

Then he picked up the knife and fork and slowly ate this delivered plate of fried eggs until it was completely clean. After dinner, Su Zheng took Su Duan for a walk in the garden to aid digestion.

The back garden of the Su family was very large. Upon entering, one was greeted by a vast field of lush, soft flowers in full bloom. Further ahead, there were streams and an exquisite octagonal pavilion. Tall ancient trees were planted beside it, their lofty and verdant branches intertwining with the alternating Western and ancient-style buildings, harmoniously linking the two together.

The sunshine was lovely today, gentle yet radiant. When it shone on people, it would involuntarily evoke a lazy sensation.

The fallen petals on the bluestone path in the garden had been swept spotlessly clean, exuding a sense of neatness. Undried water droplets adorned the layered petals, making the flower branches appear even more delicate and pleasing to the eye, instantly uplifting one's mood.

Looking at the clean path beneath his feet, Su Duan thought that his healing target had cleaned this place very well, much better than the dismissed servant.

Due to the lingering fear from nearly slipping last time, under Su Zheng's watchful gaze, Su Duan didn't dare to be careless and very slowly placed his foot on the bluestone path.

However, this time the sensation underfoot was dry, not slippery at all. Su Duan tentatively took a few steps and found that there wasn't a single drop of water on the path.

There were still many fresh water droplets clinging to the nearby flower bushes, indicating that Qin Zhi had likely watered the flowers this morning...

Su Zheng stood in the middle of the path ahead. He wasn't wearing a coat, just simple home clothes, appearing more gentle, which made Su Duan feel a bit more at ease compared to their first meeting.

Seeing his younger brother standing there in a daze after walking a few steps, not knowing what he was thinking about, Su Zheng called out, "Duan Duan, what's wrong? Is your stomach hurting again?"

Su Duan looked up at him and said, "No, brother."

Then he took slightly larger strides and walked to Su Zheng's side.

Su Zheng reached out and held his hand, slowly walking with him on the path.

Su Duan lowered his eyes, his gaze falling on the flower bushes beside them. From Su Zheng's angle, he could only see the top of his younger brother's head, occasionally turning slowly.

Su Zheng thought he was looking at the flowers, but in fact, Su Duan's mind was filled with thoughts of the wet flowers on the side and the dry bluestone path underfoot.

Su Duan asked the system, "Did Qin Zhi water the flowers this morning?"

The system replied, "Yes, he did."

Su Duan: "But the path is very dry."

The system said, "Because the healing target has been very careful not to let the water splash onto the path. Does the host want to watch the video playback?"

Su Duan thought for a moment but still declined the system's suggestion. He said, "Thank you, but no need."

Suddenly, the system said, "Please pay attention, host. The healing target has been detected twenty meters away from you."

At this time, Su Zheng was leading him around a corner. Ahead was a small stream and a pavilion. Upon hearing this, Su Duan raised his head and looked around. In a very hidden corner obscured by trees, he discovered Qin Zhi's figure.

Qin Zhi was standing among a large cluster of staggered branches and leaves, looking straight at him. His eyes carried some emotions that Su Duan couldn't understand. He seemed surprised that Su Duan had suddenly discovered him peeping, and his pupils slightly constricted.

With his good eyesight, Su Duan could clearly see even the dappled light falling on Qin Zhi's face.

Qin Zhi was no longer wearing that neat vest uniform. Although still in black and white, the style had become a bit rougher. There were some water stains and specks of dirt on his body, appearing somewhat disheveled.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
