I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 10 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 10

Saddened by the scene of his younger brother being groped right in front of his eyes as soon as he got home, President Su was unhappy.

Especially since his brother seemed to have been bewitched by that handsy person, turning his head away and ignoring him after he drove the person away, President Su was heartbroken.

President Su, heartbroken to the point of being unable to breathe, really wanted to use his private authority to simply dismiss Qin Zhi from the Su residence, or transfer him somewhere far away, in order to protect the safety of his little cabbage.

——But he couldn't.

He was a person who grew up receiving an egalitarian family education, and couldn't become a dictator just because of a momentary impulse.

If he really did that, based on Su Duan's temperament, he might become even angrier.

When it came to matters that did not involve the basic bottom line of being a person, President Su, who was used to being domineering outside, had always been unable to be domineering in front of his younger brother.

Actually, his younger brother usually behaved very obediently and listened to him, President Su thought, it was just that when it came to matters of the heart, he would become difficult to deal with.

A year ago, Su Duan turned the family upside down for the sake of a Qin Feng, and now that things had finally passed, another Qin Zhi appeared.

Not only did he look so much like Qin Feng, he even shared half of the same blood that flowed in Qin Feng's body.

How trendy could his younger brother be, to actually find a body double.

——Su Zheng still remembered that this was the thought that came to his mind the first time he saw Qin Zhi's face downstairs.

Su Zheng had always thought that after so long, Qin Feng's weight in Su Duan's heart should not be that heavy anymore, and bringing in a Qin Zhi might have just been a sudden whim. He was used to indulging Su Duan, so after instructing the butler to keep an eye on things and not let Su Duan suffer any losses, he temporarily did not interfere.

But today's incident told him clearly that Su Duan may have never let go of that fruitless relationship.

Thinking of his younger brother's little affair with Qin Feng, President Su became full of resentment.

As for what happened back then, although in the eyes of outsiders who did not know the situation, most felt that it was his younger brother who had relentlessly pestered Qin Feng, and almost ruined Qin Feng's engagement with the only daughter of another big company's chairman, the honest and upright eldest son of the Qin family simply suffered an unjust disaster and was extremely unlucky.

But what was the reality?

Qin Feng appeared modest, gentle, and had excellent upbringing, but in reality, he was promiscuous with both men and women, and his private life was so messy that even ordinary rich second generations could only admire him. However, the places Qin Feng frequented were all clubs with extremely good confidentiality, and he was usually very mindful of his reputation. If Su Zheng had not put in a great deal of effort to investigate Qin Feng's background, he would have almost been fooled by him.

His younger brother was only seventeen years old at that time, not even an adult yet, and had no previous relationship experience. After being ambiguously hinted at by Qin Feng a few times at a banquet, he recklessly threw himself in, seemingly unable to pull himself out.

But Qin Feng was still tied to an engagement that involved the interests of the family, and of course could not really stir up anything with a man. He was just casually flirting with his younger brother on a whim, and had no intention of taking responsibility at all!

Thinking of the project plan that he had just snatched from the Qin family not long ago, as well as Qin Feng's expression that looked as if he had swallowed shit, President Su's mood finally eased a little.

In any case, this old wound that might not have healed could not be allowed to continue festering in Su Duan's heart.

After finishing the last bit of documents in the study and drinking two more cups of coffee to calm his mind, Su Zheng estimated that it was about time and prepared to go find his little cabbage for a talk.

Having slept for two sessions in a row, he should have slept enough. This time, he shouldn't be able to say that he wanted to sleep and drive him away, right?

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and the warm golden sunlight slanted in through the corridor windows, spilling onto the wooden floor that had been polished to a shiny luster. Because the young master was sleeping, the servants' footsteps were cautiously light when they passed by here, and the entire second floor was very quiet.

Afraid of waking him up, Su Zheng's movements were very light when he pushed open the door.

Su Duan usually slept very deeply. When he was young, he had a bad sleeping posture. Sometimes, he would roll off the bed and onto the floor without waking up.

Even so, Su Zheng still tried his best not to make any noise.

However, when he walked to the bedside, he found that Su Duan's eyes were open, and when he lowered his head, he was met with Su Duan's dark eyes.

Su Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked him, "When did you wake up?"

There was not a trace of sleepiness in Su Duan's eyes, so he should not have been woken up by the noise of him entering the room.

Su Duan moved his head on the pillow and finally answered honestly, "I didn't fall asleep."

After Su Zheng left, he chatted with the system about the task for a while, then spent some time looking at the flowers outside the window and spacing out, and finally ran back to the bed to curl up, spending a few hours like this.

Su Zheng sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked his black hair that had been messed up from rubbing against the bed.

This time, Su Duan did not dodge.

Because the system had already earnestly advised him several times that the original body had a very good relationship with Su Zheng, dodging once could still be explained as being angry and acting out, but if Su Duan continued to behave like this, it would be judged as a significant deviation from the original body's personality, ultimately affecting the task rating.

So for the sake of the task rating, Su Duan could only lie there motionlessly and contribute his head.

Su Zheng tentatively brought up the topic, "Brother wants to talk to you."

Su Duan said, "Okay."

Su Zheng did not expect him to agree so readily this time. After thinking about it, he finally chose to speak directly, "Duan Duan, tell your brother, are you still thinking about... Qin Feng?"

In his heart, Su Duan answered that he was not familiar with who Qin Feng was, but before his mouth could move, the system, which was very worried that the host would break character, promptly spoke up in his mind and instructed, "Host, don't speak, don't move, hurry up and take this blame!"

Su Duan: "...Okay."

"Now, close your eyes for five seconds and then slowly open them, remember to make your eyes look a little lost!" The system flipped through the materials in its database such as "Do you love me or him" and "The unspeakable love triangle", while precisely instructing the host down to the second.

Its professionalism was really very strong!

Su Duan: "...Okay."

So Su Duan very cooperatively closed his mouth tightly, shut his eyes, counted a standard five seconds in his heart before opening them again, recalling his mood from a few days ago when he had just barely learned to use chopsticks and couldn't pick up any food because he couldn't hold them steady, his eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing him in such a state of loss that he couldn't even speak, how could Su Zheng not understand? His heart ached, wanting to drag out the culprit Qin Feng and whip his corpse with the most vicious methods. Even the slight displeasure he felt at noon when his younger brother turned his head away and refused to be touched had unknowingly dissipated.

Su Zheng stroked his younger brother's soft black hair and said in a gentler voice, "Duan Duan."

Su Duan said, "Mm."

Su Zheng said, "Let the past be the past, okay?"

Su Duan lowered his eyes, not speaking. His long and slightly curled eyelashes cast a small shadow on his cheeks, making it impossible to see the emotions in his eyes.

Su Zheng didn't urge him. After waiting for who knows how long, he finally saw Su Duan nod very slightly.

Although the conversation went much more smoothly than he had imagined, seeing his younger brother like this, Su Zheng didn't feel relieved. He reached out and touched his head distressedly, saying softly, "Your brother will be at home these few days and wants to accompany you. Let's have Qin Zhi go work somewhere else for now, okay?"

The implication was that Qin Zhi would be transferred away from him.

And this was just the first step. According to the system's speculation, with how nervous Su Zheng was about his younger brother, once he discovered something amiss, he would definitely try every means to eliminate it.

So as long as Su Duan chose to back down, that day would arrive before long.

Urged by the system, Su Duan nodded.

After the talk, Su Zheng said he would go wait for him downstairs in the restaurant to have breakfast. Su Duan lay in bed for a few more minutes before getting up and putting on loose casual clothes to go wash up in the bathroom.

Su Duan squeezed out some toothpaste, preparing to brush his teeth.

The system told him that this was an opportunity delivered to his doorstep, allowing Qin Zhi to leave the Qin family and walk his own path of destiny.

He thought for a bit. He couldn't let those inexplicable emotions affect Qin Zhi's original fate, so he let it go.

Besides, although his body wasn't very nimble now, he could still manage daily life. Even without Qin Zhi's care, he could still live on.

Looking at himself in the mirror with a mouthful of mouthwash, Su Duan raised the toothbrush with toothpaste on it, put it in his mouth, and slowly started brushing.


After all, Su Zheng was someone used to making ruthless decisions in the business world. As soon as he left Su Duan's bedroom, he immediately notified the butler to transfer Qin Zhi to work somewhere else.

Su Zheng asked, "Which place is short on people right now?"

The butler thought for a moment and replied, "The garden is missing a cleaner. The one from yesterday was dismissed and the job posting hasn't gone out yet."

Su Zheng made the decision, "Don't hire for the garden for now. Transfer Qin Zhi there. His salary will remain the same."

The salary for a personal attendant was much higher than a garden cleaner. Moreover, cleaning the garden was on a shift system and the work wasn't tiring. Strictly speaking, Qin Zhi was actually getting a good deal.

Anyway, he wouldn't be staying with their family for long. Just consider it his severance pay, the generous President Su thought.

"Right, also hire a new personal attendant for Duan Duan. Be careful with the selection this time. Don't let any more incidents happen." Su Zheng's tone cooled, carrying a hint of warning.

The butler respectfully acknowledged the order.

So that evening, just as Qin Zhi was about to go attend to the young master's meal, he received notice of his job transfer.

After hearing the butler's words, Qin Zhi felt his mind buzzing for a moment. He clenched his fists and couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Author's Note:

Su Zheng: I feel like a starfish.jpg

Qin Zhi: I feel unlucky.jpg

Su Duan: Ermmmmmm

#A familiar yet somehow off mini-scene#


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
