The Plough

The Plough

Chapter 146 - Chapter 145

Lu Tongcang rarely shows his face, so how did Ling Shu recognize him?

Last time, when He You'an mentioned that Lu Tongcang had pursued her unsuccessfully, Ling Shu became curious and asked her about Lu Tongcang's appearance.

Coincidentally, He You'an had a photo of herself with Lu Tongcang, which she showed to him. At that time, although Mr. Lu didn't like to show his face, he couldn't resist the temptation of taking a photo with a beautiful star like He You'an.

It's likely that Lu Tongcang didn't expect that this photo would become the last one he took with He You'an.

Back to the present, as Lu Zude rolled to the side, the people around Lu Tongcang pulled out their guns.

Ling Shu had no doubt that if his movements were even a fraction of a second slower, his body would become a bullet hole.

But even before Lu Tongcang appeared, Ling Shu had already prepared a complete plan. Or perhaps, he had been waiting for this moment.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots in a row!

The scene immediately erupted into chaos. Although the auction had ended, many guests had not left yet, and some even brought female companions.

Everyone heard the gunshots and immediately screamed and scattered in all directions.

Ling Shu was shooting at the three crystal lamps on the stage. Originally, in order to highlight the atmosphere, there were no other lights on in the room except for the few crystal lamps on the stage. Now, all three lamps had been shot down by Ling Shu, and the steel wires holding them up were precisely cut, causing the crystal glass to shatter and make a thunderous noise. The room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

His eyes were temporarily blinded, and the action of pulling the trigger was slowed down for a moment. In that instant, Ling Shu had already moved from his original position. The bodyguards around Lu Tongcang fired several shots, but no screams were heard.

Instead, Lu Zude, who had already hidden under the table, was lifted up by a hand.

Before he could react, he was shot in the leg.

Lu Zude never expected Ling Shu to be so ruthless.

Instead of going after Mr. Lu's people, he went straight for him. He screamed in agony as he was lifted up like a rag doll by Ling Shu.

In the darkness, he couldn't tell which way was which, and he didn't know where Ling Shu was taking him.

He was tossed around like a rag doll, his brain almost shaking out of his head.

The guests scattered in fear, pushing and shoving each other in a frenzy.

Following Mr. Lu, Sister Rong quickly came up with a plan and went to turn on the lights in the courtyard outside.

Although there were only three crystal chandeliers in the venue, there were electric lights installed outside. Now, the lights were all on and the doors to the venue were opening one after another, casting light inside and revealing the outlines of most of the chaos.

There were people who had fallen down in a mess, had their pants pulled off, lost their shoes and had to hop on one foot, and those who were hit by stray bullets in the darkness and were bleeding.

It was a complete mess.

Sister Rong scanned the area hastily, but couldn't find Ling Shu's figure.

Even the short winter melon, Lu Zude, was nowhere to be seen!

"Where is he?"

"Where is that kid? Where did he run off to?"

"He ran outside, let's go after him!"

Ling Shu had already dashed out of the venue. From the moment he entered, he had been secretly memorizing the terrain.

All of his teasing and provocation towards Lu Zude was just for this moment of chaos.

Even if he was outnumbered, no matter how skilled he was, it would be difficult to escape.

But if there was chaos on the scene, it might not be the case. The more chaotic it was, the more he could benefit from it.

The pursuers saw him from afar, but couldn't shoot. Firstly, Ling Shu ran extremely fast, and secondly, he had Lu Zude under his arm.

After all, Lu Zude was the head of the Chunshan Society and Mr. Lu's capable assistant. Without Mr. Lu's orders, no one dared to attack Ling Shu.

If they accidentally hurt Lu Zude, they would be in big trouble.

However, with so many people, it was reasonable to think that they could catch up to Ling Shu.

Lu Zude was tossed around so violently that he almost coughed up his lungs.

Instinctively, he struggled to move his limbs, but was immediately knocked out by a punch from Ling Shu.

Unconscious, Lu Zude was like a sandbag or a piece of brick, easily moved wherever needed. Whenever the henchmen of the Chunshan Club wanted to shoot, Ling Shu would strategically place Lu Zude as a shield, making them hesitate to act.

To make matters worse, he was also throwing things while running.

On the table in the front restaurant, there was a pile of dishes and utensils that he casually picked up and threw. He had great accuracy, as evidenced by his shooting down three crystal lamps with just three shots.

He was definitely a sharpshooter. Now, with his throwing skills, those people were dodging left and right, thinking they had avoided the objects, but Ling Shu seemed to know where they were going to move before they did.

He threw with precision, causing chaos among the panicked customers who were running in all directions. It was impossible to avoid the flying objects, and some were even knocked over.

The scene was a complete mess.

Thanks to the fully lit lights, Ling Shu scanned the room and noticed a few familiar faces.

"Well, well," he thought to himself. There was a high-ranking official in the municipal government, a professor who often wrote editorials in the newspaper and advocated for new cultural ideas, and a social activist who boasted about studying in Europe and America and striving to be Japan's second.

They all talked about righteousness and morality, but behind closed doors, they were all involved in prostitution and theft.

As they watched Ling Shu almost escape from the restaurant, everyone became anxious.


"Don't run!"

They knew that they couldn't let him get away tonight.

If Mr. Lu found out, everyone would be in trouble. In their haste, someone was already preparing to shoot.

A few people came around from the back door and blocked the entrance.

With no way out, Ling Shu was surrounded. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to escape this time.

Sister Rong stood behind the crowd, gritting her teeth in hatred towards the guy.

She almost fell for his charm and made a big mistake, but luckily, now she had Lu Zude standing in front of her.

Her insignificant mistake was now turned into a contribution, and who knows, maybe Mr. Lu would be pleased and promote her to take his place.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for Lu Zude, this incident wouldn't have happened, leading to this Ling Shu breaking in and causing chaos.

Knowing Mr. Lu's personality, even if Lu Zude didn't die, he would still be punished severely.

Thinking about this, Sister Rong felt that Ling Shu wasn't as hateful as she thought.

But just as she was lost in thought for a few seconds, the situation changed again!

Ling Shu directly threw Lu Zude behind him and threw him towards Sister Rong and the others. Sister Rong looked up and saw the short Lu Zude being thrown up like a colorful ball, and then falling heavily. Her subordinates were caught off guard and had to reach out to catch it.

With the threat gone, Ling Shu seized the opportunity to grab the long bench next to him and charge towards the group at the door.

Gunshots rang out.

Ling Shu dodged and leaped up!

All the changes happened in just a few seconds, even less than a few seconds.

The person who fired the gun only had time to fire a random shot before being knocked down by the bench.

Several people were scattered and pushed away, and Ling Shu broke through and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.


"Quickly chase!"

This was destined to be a sleepless night. Sister Rong watched helplessly as Ling Shu escaped, stomping her feet. Seeing Lu Zude lying on the ground in a mess, she couldn't help but add a vicious kick during the chaos. One kick didn't feel satisfying enough, so she secretly added another one.

With his eyes closed, Lu Zude was screaming in pain, not even knowing who was kicking him.

She didn't have much fondness for this dwarf, but she was just pretending to be polite for the sake of Mr. Lu.

But something was off tonight.

So many people were mobilized, yet they couldn't catch that kid.

At first glance, it seemed like their side was incompetent.

But upon closer inspection, Sister Rong realized that there weren't actually that many people, mostly just lackeys from the Chunshan Society.

Mr. Lu's men didn't even catch up.


Did Mr. Lu think it wasn't worth sending his own men for this kid?

But if he ran around causing chaos, it could bring them trouble.

Sister Rong was suspicious and puzzled.

Mr. Lu was also a bit puzzled.

When Ling Shu was causing chaos, he was protected by his men and retreated to the side. When his men wanted to chase after the kid, he stopped them. A young man, still wet behind the ears, dared to come here and cause trouble. And he had a smooth journey all the way.

Could it be that he had someone backing him up?

If he had no fear, then who could be his backer?

Lu Tongcang had always been suspicious, and he knew he had countless enemies. Just a quick count and there were four or five, including brothers who had been with him for many years and knew him well.

"Mr. Lu?"

The voice of his subordinate's inquiry sounded in his ear, prompting Lu Tongcang to make a decision.

Whether it was a trap or not, it was always better to be cautious.

"Let's go!"

He made a quick decision, turned around and left through the back door, hastily getting into the car.

"Mr. Lu, where are we going? Your house?" the driver asked.

Lu Tongcang had a house nearby.

But after thinking for three seconds, he refused. "No, let's go to the concession and go to the nearest police station there!"

Although the concession was further away, Lu Tongcang would rather choose to go there than return to his old nest.

He felt that if tonight was a carefully planned trap aimed at him, the other party must be waiting around his house for him to come to them.

But he stubbornly refused to go back.

Three cars drove into the concession, with Lu Tongcang's car surrounded in the middle.

This was a very safe position. If there was an attack from the front or back, he could escape calmly with the buffer. Someone had once thought of using a bomb on the road to ambush him, but ended up hitting the leading car instead, and Lu Tongcang narrowly escaped death.

Since then, he has become even more cautious and careful.

There was no one on the road, and even the farthest distance seemed to pass quickly. At this time, the police station usually didn't have many people, but there were still guards on duty at night, and the lights were on.

Since Lu Tongcang was well-connected in Shanghai, he had a good relationship with the police station. He had given them gifts during festivals and had gained some face with every police station and police station in every corner of Shanghai.

If the other party knew he was Lu Tongcang, they would definitely report it to their superiors immediately. The temporary shelter he chose was not a place where anyone would think to ambush him.

In the middle of the night, Shanghai was so quiet that it was a bit creepy. Although the police station's door was lit up, it wasn't as lively as during the day with people coming and going.

But Lu Tongcang felt that something was off.

It was hard to describe this feeling, but it was like the sharp intuition he had developed over many years of sensing danger. The car came to a stop, but Lu Tongcang didn't open the door to get out.

The bodyguard beside him was a bit puzzled, but didn't dare to urge him.

"Turn around, we're not staying here!" Lu Tongcang suddenly said.

The driver was a bit confused, but he had to stick his head out and prepare to signal to the cars in front and behind to turn around.

But just at that moment--

The headlights suddenly lit up in front and behind!

At least ten cars suddenly appeared, blocking their three cars tightly, leaving no room to move!

The front lights were all on, and the driver couldn't look directly at them, so he had to squint and watch as the other side got out of the car.

Lu Tongcang's men reacted quickly and immediately got out of the car with their guns drawn.

The other side did the same!

The black gun barrels were pointed at each other, forming an instant standoff.

In the last car in front, two people didn't get out.

"Are we going to to have a gun battle?" Yue Dingtang asked.

"I don't think so, Lu Tongcang values his life very much," Jiang He replied.

"I'm going to find Ling Shu," Yue Dingtang said.

"Okay," Jiang He said.

Yue Dingtang got out of the car and walked into a small alley in the opposite direction, quickly disappearing from sight.

Jiang He sighed, as if speaking to his back, but also to himself.

"I also need to have a good chat with my big brother."


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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