The Plough

The Plough

Chapter 147 - Chapter 146

The night was a bit chilly.

Lu Tongcang sat in the car with his driver, suddenly wondering if the driver had forgotten to turn on the heater.

In a moment, he realized that it was already summer.

The wind outside the car window blew in, which for some people was hot, but for him, it was slightly cool.

Ever since he was shot many years ago, he had been afraid of the cold.

Not many people knew about this, and Jiang He was one of them.

Lu Tongcang didn't know why he suddenly thought of these trivial details.

Perhaps he had been guarding against this brother for a long time, investigating and testing him openly and secretly. The other party was like a thorn buried in his heart. If it wasn't pulled out, he would never feel comfortable and would be restless.

On the long street, there were a total of more than ten cars on both sides, surrounding each other in a silent confrontation. The police station was eerily quiet, as if everyone inside had died. No one came out to inquire or investigate.

Even if he was a complete fool, Lu Tongcang would still know that something was amiss.

He couldn't understand how Jiang He could have anticipated his arrival, especially since he had come to the closest house to Decheng Restaurant on a whim.

Could there be a traitor among his ranks? Impossible. He had already cleared out his house, leaving only those who were completely loyal to him or had grudges against Jiang He. If Jiang He could still manage to plant someone by his side, then he truly deserved respect.

"Big brother, long time no see. I'd like to have a chat with you,"

Lu Tongcang sat in his car and saw Jiang He get out of his. His voice echoed from afar.

The other party stood behind a wall of henchmen and refused to step over the minefield. Lu Tongcang couldn't help but sneer in his mind: 'I thought you were so bold, but it turns out you're just like this.'

Jiang He saw someone getting off the car in the middle, but it wasn't Lu Tongcang, it was his driver.

"Mr. Lu said he doesn't want to see you," the driver said.

Jiang He laughed, "Does he not want to see me, or is he afraid to see me?"

Both sides had guns, and Lu Tongcang seemed to be at a disadvantage. If they really started fighting, his henchmen could protect him and break through the encirclement.

Jiang He didn't rush to take action. Besides not wanting to risk everything, he hoped that Lu Tongcang would recognize the situation. The driver bent down and stuck his head into the car, seemingly asking for instructions. After a moment, he straightened up.

"Mr. Lu said that he treated you well. When you were wandering the streets as a thug, he picked you up and carefully cultivated you, allowing you to achieve today's glory and wealth. But you are an ungrateful person who bites the hand that feeds you. This has greatly disappointed him."

These words were not only meant for Jiang He to hear, but also for those under his command.

Lu Tongcang was telling them that the person they were loyal to was someone who lacked integrity and would repay kindness with enmity. If he could betray me, Lu Tongcang, today, he could do the same to you in the future.

Jiang He shook his head, "You always focus on others' faults and never reflect on your own. It's true that you have shown me kindness, but I have risked my life several times to save you. Remember those assassinations by the Huangpu River and in the leased warehouse? If I hadn't taken the bullet for you, would you still be alive? Whatever you ask me to do, I do it without hesitation, even the dirty work that you can't do yourself. When you wanted to be with the famous actress He You'an and she refused, I even helped you kill someone..."

Lu Tongcang couldn't listen anymore. Jiang He's words were half true and half false, and they could easily manipulate people's hearts.

"You're just talking nonsense!" he exclaimed.

He got out of the car and his men naturally surrounded him and the car, forming a human wall. To kill him, they would have to break through the blockade of these people, and at that moment, Lu Tongcang could easily escape.

Jiang He smiled slightly.

But what was the point?

Even if all of Lu Tongcang's men died for him, his failure tonight was already a foregone conclusion.

"You sent people to cause chaos at the Chunshan Club tonight just to lure me out, didn't you? You've been planning for so long, and today you finally have the chance."

Lu Tongcang looked at him coldly, his eyes like knives, ready to flay Jiang He alive.

But Jiang He was not afraid, calmly meeting his gaze.

Their eyes met through the crowd and time, locking onto a single point.

Jiang He saw the unbridled killing intent in Lu Tongcang's eyes, and he felt the same way.

Perhaps they were once close brothers, but all their affection had been worn away over years of testing each other and killing each other.

After that, the two of them fought openly and secretly, and Lu Tongcang had never been soft-hearted towards him. If it weren't for Jiang He's vigilance, he wouldn't be standing here as the victorious side.

"Big brother, saying that hurts my heart," Jiang He said calmly. At this point, he shouldn't be the one in a hurry.

"Ling Shu wasn't sent by me, and I can't control him either. It can only be said that there is a line in everything, and if you cross that line, many people won't tolerate it. If heaven wants to take you, I can't do anything about it. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too extreme, too ruthless, and leaving no room for compromise."

Lu Tongcang fell silent for a moment.

"How did you convince the foreigners to cooperate with you?"

"Big brother, I've told you before, many people have been looking at you with disdain. Remember when you took that batch of goods from the foreigners? Did you think they wouldn't be unhappy about it? The enemy of your enemy is your friend, you should understand this better than me." Jiang He sighed as he spoke.

"Big brother, your time has passed. Face this reality. Put down your gun and come out on your own, I can give you a way out--" Jiang He's voice abruptly stopped before he could finish his sentence.

He turned around and immediately lunged backwards!

The next second, a deafening explosion rang in his ears!

The flames shot up into the sky, illuminating half of the street in an instant.

The people around Lu Tongcang threw grenades in this direction!

Many people couldn't dodge in time and were injured on the spot. Several grenades exploded in different places, scattering Jiang He's men and forcing them to take cover while firing their guns.

Lu Tongcang's men fought back and protected him as they retreated. Jiang He had been confident that Lu Tongcang was a coward who valued his life, but he was wrong.

Lu Tongcang had no way out and even after learning that foreigners were involved, he still took a gamble.

Even ants have the instinct to survive, let alone a famous boss from Shanghai.

If there was even a one in a thousand chance of letting Lu Tongcang escape, he might be able to make a comeback in the future.

Jiang He couldn't let that happen.

"Chase him!" he ordered.

Meanwhile, Ling Shu was running for his life.

Leaving Decheng Restaurant didn't mean safety for Ling Shu. Being chased by a large group of people with guns while alone made him feel like a rabbit that had just escaped a trap, only to run straight into a tiger's den.

The seemingly safe streets were actually full of danger.

Fortunately, the area was full of winding alleys, and the pursuers couldn't catch up immediately.

However, this also had its drawbacks. If the pursuers were more familiar with the terrain, they could easily intercept him and it would be the end of him.

Ling Shu ran into a dark alley and saw three forks ahead. Without hesitation, he turned right and climbed over the wall.

He narrowly missed the group of people chasing him, who were just on the other side of the wall. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall to rest for a while.

He thought to himself that Old Yue and Shen Renjie were really unreliable.

He had thought that Shen Renjie would definitely go and inform others, and Yue Dingtang would naturally know what to do next.

Who knew that he had been waiting and waiting for reinforcements, but none had arrived.

It seemed that he and Old Yue were not quite in sync. He might have to rely on himself to survive tonight.

Just as he was thinking this, he heard the sound of a door opening ahead.

It turned out that on the side where he had climbed over the wall was a house belonging to someone else.

A young girl, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with disheveled hair and a pair of eyes that looked startled, came out of the door. She stared at him with wide eyes in the moonlight.

Ling Shu: ...

Suddenly, he remembered that he hadn't been punched in the face tonight, had he?

Since he hadn't been punched in the face, he could still use his handsome looks to his advantage.

It was unclear whether it was the darkness of the night or the lack of moonlight, but the young girl couldn't quite make out his stunningly handsome face.

After a moment of confusion, she immediately opened her mouth and screamed, "Help! There's a thief!"

Ling Shu had a foreboding feeling and almost turned to run away.

The girl's scream was as loud as several chickens crowing at once, and it had an immediate effect.

The neighbors were quickly awakened and the commotion could be heard everywhere.

"Who's there?"

"Where's the thief?"

"Quick, go outside and check!"

People with sticks, poles, and footsteps rushed over, and the scene became lively.

Meanwhile, Ling Shu had already jumped over the wall and escaped.

But as soon as he landed, he was confronted by the pursuers, led by none other than Sister Song.

As soon as she saw him, she immediately started shouting at the top of her lungs.

"He's over there, catch him quickly! Mr. Lu said to catch him dead or alive!"

Dead or alive was easy enough, but the difficult part was catching him alive. As soon as they heard this, the crowd immediately started shooting at Ling Shu.

But Ling Shu reacted quickly and pushed over all the boxes and garbage by the wall.

The tall boxes fell down, and the bullets were slowed down for a split second, hitting only the boxes.

The sound of gunfire scared the people on the other side of the wall. Those who were carrying sticks to chase after Ling Shu became quiet instead.

Ling Shu quickly realized that his situation was not good. He ran in a daze and ended up in a dead end.

There were pursuers behind him and a high wall in front of him. However, there were quite a few boxes piled up in the corner, emitting an indescribable smell of pickled fish.

It seemed that a fishmonger lived nearby. It was okay when the weather was cold, but when it was hot, the smell was unbearable. Apart from cats, there probably isn't any animal that can tolerate it, including humans.

Sister Song commanded everyone to split into three groups to chase after Ling Shu. Despite chasing for so long without catching up, she still had to follow behind at a slow pace.

Although she was panting and exhausted, she didn't really hate Ling Shu in her heart.

Not only did she not hate him, but if it were in a different situation, Sister Song might even have a hard time keeping her mouth shut from laughing.

Although she and Lu Zude were in this business together, in reality, Lu Zude was the leader. With all the commotion tonight, Lu Zude would definitely take the blame.

Who knows, if Mr. Lu gets angry, he might just take him down completely, and then she would become the successor?

Lu Zude was cruel and ungrateful, and she was already dissatisfied with him.

Now, it seemed like she had accidentally benefited from all of this, and it was all thanks to Ling Shu. As Sister Song's mind wandered, she noticed the person in front of her had stopped moving.

She furrowed her brow and walked over.

"What's going on?" she asked.

It was a dead end ahead, and the pungent smell of pickled fish made everyone cover their noses.

"Where is he?" she asked her subordinate.

"Sister Song, he disappeared as soon as he got here!" the subordinate replied.

There was no way out, with high walls on both sides. It was certain that the person was hiding here, but all they could see were baskets and boxes of pickled fish. The smell alone was enough to make people recoil.

Everyone looked at each other, hesitant to take a step forward.

Sister Song was furious. "Hurry up and search! We can't let Mr. Lu blame us for this!"

The mention of Mr. Lu's name spurred everyone into action, and they rushed forward to search frantically. The pickled fish came back to life, jumping out of the basket and filling the air with the smell of fish and scattered fish scales.

It was like a dense net that suffocated everyone. The basket and the fish flew together, causing chaos.

Just as everyone was about to lift the basket, a gunshot interrupted their actions!

Everyone turned to look and saw a brother suddenly fall in the corner. Ling Shu lifted the fish basket and jumped up, using the man's body as a shield to charge towards Sister Song.

He knocked down several people and was about to reach Sister Song.

She was frightened and kept retreating.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind her.

Then, a voice shouted, "Don't move! This is the Gelan Road police station! Raise your hands and don't move!"

As soon as Sister Song turned her head, she saw that the officers from the police station had arrived.

This group of people usually did nothing and were not particularly diligent.

Moreover, Mr. Lu had a good relationship with their superiors, and everything had been arranged beforehand. But now they suddenly appeared, as if they were the embodiment of justice descending from the heavens, making people feel absurd and ridiculous.

Sister Song hurriedly said, "We are Mr. Lu's people!"

This name carried great weight in Shanghai, but the other party said, "I don't care if you are Mr. Lu or Mr. Ma's people. Fighting on the streets late at night and daring to use guns, you are tired of living! Tie them all up and let's go to the station to talk!"

Sister Song and her companions would not sit idly by and immediately pulled out their guns to fight back, ignoring the presence of Ling Shu.

Bullets whizzed through the air, but Ling Shu didn't rush out to kill everyone.

Instead, he crouched behind the corpse in the corner, using it as a shield.

It was safe, secure, and even allowed him to take a nap. The only downside was the strong smell of fish.

Ling Shu yawned. He had been up all night, without a drop of water or any rest. He was starting to feel tired.

The best part was that the only sounds around him were the bullets and screams of his enemies. As soon as the police officers appeared, Ling Shu knew it was because of Yue Dingtang.

Either he had called for backup, or he had come himself. Behind the police station were the foreigners. If they got involved, Sister Song and the others would be doomed.

It seemed that Old Yue could handle a lot of pressure.

Meanwhile, Sister Rong was getting restless. It was supposed to be a peaceful Chunshan gathering, but Ling Shu's disruption caused all the guests to flee.

Who knows if they'll even come back next time?

And to make matters worse, all the guests who left were either wealthy or powerful. This could really offend some important people.

But that wasn't even the biggest concern for her.

As someone who was responsible for managing the event and dealing with all kinds of people, she had a quick mind that was sharper than Sister Song's narrow focus.

So, she thought to herself: if someone dared to come and cause trouble on Mr. Lu's territory, does that mean someone is trying to go after him?

It could even be someone with equal or greater power than Mr. Lu, or a force that was just as strong and domineering.

Sister Rong's intuition rarely failed her, and the more she thought about it, the more something seemed off. She wished she had wings to fly home and pack a few things just in case. All her belongings were hidden at home, and if she had to run away, she would have to take them with her.

With this in mind, she couldn't stay a moment longer and ignored the mess around her as she got up and headed for the door.

As luck would have it, someone was standing outside.

"Where are you going?"

Sister Rong took a closer look and saw an unremarkable middle-aged man.

"Who are you?"

She didn't recognize him, but he seemed to know her.

"My surname is Shen," said Shen Renjie with a smile.

Sister Rong felt uneasy and kept a poker face, but she was already thinking about the back door.

"Do you need something?"

"There's nothing urgent, I just want you to come with me," Shen Renjie seemed to see through her intentions and continued calmly, "I advise you not to try to escape. We have surrounded this place from all sides. If you want to die for Mr. Lu, it doesn't matter, but if you die, no one will remember you in the end."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sister Rong saw all the henchmen who were originally guarding outside silently return, their faces solemn, and they turned back to her with an anxious expression.

Sister Rong's heart sank.

Could it be that Mr. Lu was also in danger?


Ling Shu was really asleep.

The sleeping position was too awkward, and coupled with the unpleasant smell around him, he immediately woke up when someone touched the corpse in front of him.

"Oh, Old Yue, you finally came!"

As soon as Ling Shu saw the figure of the person, his body, which had been tense and ready to strike, relaxed unconsciously.

"If you didn't come, I might have died," he said.

"Dead asleep?" Yue Dingtang felt like he had to muster all his love for Ling Shu to control the urge to pinch his nose.

This suit was a lost cause, and he'd probably have to take two showers to get the stench off.

Ling Shu laughed heartily. "I was almost smoked to death!"

The gun battle had ceased, and without a doubt, all of Sister Song's people had been tied up like dumplings and taken to the police station. There were still many bodies in the alley, including a few police officers. Both sides had used real guns and bullets, and no one had held back.

It was precisely because of this that Yue Dingtang admired Ling Shu even more.

He was able to doze off in such a situation, while others would have been scared to death.

After sitting for a while, his legs had gone numb.

Ling Shu reached out his hand to the other person.

Yue Dingtang looked at the hand that was almost like a salted fish, sighed slightly, and still grabbed it. With a little force, he pulled the person up.

Ling Shu was very satisfied with his reaction.

This was the fourth young master of the Yue family, who had quite high standards for cleanliness.

"Thank you, Captain Yue, for coming to rescue me just in time. Otherwise, my little life would probably have been in danger again today."

Yue Dingtang asked, "Have you ever thought about what if I didn't make it in time?"

Ling Shu grinned, "There's no 'what if' between us. We are the most tacit partners."

In the light of the night, Yue Dingtang seemed a little unhappy.

Although Ling Shu couldn't see his expression, he could feel it from the aura emanating from him. It's no wonder given that in the middle of the night, receiving a sudden message from Ling Shu and having to rush around to form an alliance with Jiang He, deal with the foreigners, and come to rescue him, almost failing to save him, anyone would feel unhappy.

Ling Shu thought to himself that as a man, he should be more magnanimous, so he tried to coax the other person.

He quickly glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then took a bite out of Old Yue's cheek.

"Alright, don't be angry. When we go back, you can deal with me however you want."

Yue Dingtang felt like he had just been bitten by a pickled fish and couldn't help but make a spitting sound.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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