Sending the Divine

Sending the Divine

Chapter 63 - Karmic Obstacles

After Yin Ci left, the Abbot's room fell silent for a while.

Juehui's bitter melon face became even more bitter as he turned to Juefei, "Senior Brother, what's going on?"

"Juehui, do you know how demons are formed? Yan Budu has committed many evils, but if he enters the Buddha's Heart Formation, he may not have that level of Heart Demon - the extremes of good and evil are clear, with no room for doubt. But the Heart Demon is a difficult problem that comes from one's self, a suffering that cannot be escaped, and it means to question the heavens."

Juefei's expression was complex.

"Those who develop a Heart Demon are either good people turning to evil or evil people attempting to come to their. Without strength, one cannot succeed, and without determination, one cannot achieve. The causes and conditions are complex and difficult to understand, but if great karmic obstacles are gathered, it'll be able to force people to become demons and fall into chaos and madness."

Juehui understood and said, "Answering that it's for the living, it seems that Master Yin belongs to the category of 'good people turning to evil'. He still has a slight worldly attachment. If we lend him a hand, perhaps we can help disperse the demonic inclination."

"Indeed. However, in my many years as an abbot, I have never heard of such a catastrophic event nor have I encountered such a skilled practitioner. I truly cannot comprehend Master Yin's situation."

Abbot Juefei counted his prayer beads with a bitter smile.

"Never mind. After I finish writing the letter of introduction, bring me the records of Elder Kongshi and the secret letter from the Taiheng Sect. Tomorrow, I will present them together... Sect Leader Shi's Heart Demon might be big, but it's pure, and nothing to worry about for now. However, white is the easiest color to become stained with dust, and the meeting of these two may be fate."

Juehui quietly recited a Buddhist chant.

"Your disciple, his name is Zhixing, right? Meeting at the Ghost Tomb was fate. After tomorrow, make sure he gets ready to send all the members of the Ku Mountain Sect down the mountain."


It was mid-afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly.

When Yin Ci returned to his guest room, the two servants had come to their senses and were enthusiastically expressing their excitement.

Yan Qing's foot had been treated with medicine, and he had cleaned his stone sword until it was spotless, placing it in the brightest spot and almost offering incense to it. Su Si, on the other hand, didn't like the sword and complained that it was taking up his sunbathing spot. The two of them laughed and joked, making a fuss.

When they saw Yin Ci enter the room, they instinctively lowered their voices.

Even though Yin Ci didn't look very old, after seeing his Heart Demon, Yan Qing and Su Si only dared to treat him as an elder.

Yin Ci was tired of putting on an act for too many people and enjoyed the keen eyes of the two.

He put on the appearance of the "eldest disciple of the Ku Mountain Sect": "These few days, you have overcome greed, anger, and ignorance, and have also undergone the test of the the Compassion Stone Sword. You have suffered a lot. Jianchen Temple is secluded and perfect for recuperation. Let's rest well today."

Yan Qing nodded happily, while Su Si immediately collapsed onto the bed: "Finally, I can have some peace and quiet, sigh."

Yin Ci smiled and went into the inner room, closing the door behind him.

"You're back?... Hiss!"

Shi Jingzhi was grimacing as he tended to his burnt palm. Seeing Yin Ci, he wanted to put on a calm and composed appearance, but as he lifted his head, his hand shook, and the medicinal wine spilled onto his palm, causing him to inhale a cold breath and almost bite his own tongue.

His hands were covered in blood and it was difficult for him to move around. The air was filled with the distinct smell of burns. Yin Ci dragged over a chair and sat down next to Shi Jingzhi. "Your hands."

"I'm almost done wrapping them up."

"Start over. Don't underestimate hand injuries. A small deviation during a fight could be enough to cost you your life."

Shi Jingzhi hesitated for a moment before obediently spreading out his hands. His fingers were long and powerful, but unfortunately covered in festering burns, which looked quite terrifying at first glance.

Yin Ci shook his head. "Wrapped like this, even if if the wounds don't leave any lasting damage, they'll still leave scars. If all sorts of messy scars are left in the future..."

"...'I won't be able to attract any girls'?" Shi Jingzhi finished, following a fragment of memory.

Perhaps it was just Shi Jingzhi's imagination, but Yin Ci's gaze seemed to soften slightly at his words.

He resumed his stubborn and unyielding demeanor, jokingly saying, "I was going to say 'your grip on the flagpole in future won't be firm'. As long as Shizun doesn't die young, even if hair grows on both hands, there will still be girls who like you."

As he spoke, Yin Ci carefully treated the wounds, neither too gentle nor too rough, applying just the right amount of medicine.

Shi Jingzhi kept his hands still and said, "I see people coming and going in this world, but I can only hold a few in my heart. I'm not good at dealing with many people, and I can't handle too much. As long as Ah Ci likes me, that's enough."

"'Can't handle too much'? Then be careful not to choke, Shizun."

Yin Ci said with a smile as he carefully wrapped the wound after the medicine was applied.

"...Done. Don't move around these next few days, and don't use chopsticks either. I'll make some rice dishes that can be eaten with a spoon. You should take a nap and rest."

"Are we really not going to play with the sand table?" Shi Jingzhi asked, feeling a bit disappointed.

"Well, someone didn't listen to advice," Yin Ci replied.

"But you were so focused and happy when you played with the sand table. I've never seen you like that before."

Yin Ci's heart softened and he relented, "Let's wait until your hand gets better."

Shi Jingzhi didn't end up taking a nap. He lay in front of the table, lost in thought. Yin Ci was bored out of his mind, leaning against the window and admiring the scenery. Perhaps it was the influence of Shi Jingzhi's earlier talk about the scenery, but now that they were in a new place, he couldn't help but appreciate the view outside the window.

Looking out, the scenery was indeed beautiful. The light shone on the strange rocks, and the wind swayed the bamboo, truly calming the mind.

"After some thought, I've come up with a brilliant idea," said Shi Jingzhi, suddenly straightening his back. "Ah Ci, Yan Qing has the worst foundation in our sect, and it's not appropriate for us to teach him directly. Since we both have some free time, let's create a fake secret manual that suits him. We can say it's a gift from Abbot Juefei and ask Su Si to help him practice."

Yin Ci: "..."

"Didn't I tell you to take a nap in bed?" Why he was talking nonsense in broad daylight.

Shi Jingzhi stood up and said, "I'm not joking. Although there are different types of martial arts, each with different levels, it also depends on whether it suits one's nature."

"Su Si is cunning and overly cautious, born with extraordinary strength in both hands. The Red Serpent Hand technique from the Red Hook Sect is the perfect fit for him. But if Yan Qing were to learn it, with his honest nature, he would only be able to master the Dog Paddle technique.

"As for you, Ah Ci, you may lack internal strength, but your external skills are unparalleled, making the intricate and mysterious Sweeping Bone Sword technique ideal for you. Even if Yan Qing were to practice hard with the Compassion Stone Sword, he would only be able to master the Scraping Sword technique.

"The secret manuals that are widely circulated in the martial arts world may only be suitable for certain individuals and have limited effectiveness. You must understand that such techniques cannot produce true top-notch experts."

Yin Ci said, "...Shizun, do you still remember? Yan Qing is just a servant of the Ku Mountain Sect."

Shi Jingzhi's face turned serious. "Master Kongshi was a great monk of his generation. We cannot let his sword techniques be disgraced. Sand table battles and mental sparring are both forms of combat. This way, we can continue to exchange moves."

He understood now, Yan Qing and his Compassion Stone Sword were just excuses, and this person just wanted to keep playing.

After some consideration, he realized that he was also a bit crazy to find Shi Jingzhi's proposal quite interesting. He tried to shake off this absurd idea and said helplessly, "Shizun, you don't have to do this. You asked me to teach him when I have time, so I'll just teach him directly."

"Did I say that? Then I'll take it back. Only I need to know how powerful Ah Ci is."


Well, maybe it's okay, thought Yin Ci. He had lived for hundreds of years and had never done such a ridiculous thing before.

The master and disciple decided to go all out and first sent away their two servants, then asked the monks for some old paper, ink, scrap cloths and thread.

The Scripture Washing Ceremony was in full swing, with many old books still in need of repair, with no lack of such items. The monks were kind-hearted and despite being filled with question marks, they fulfilled every request from Shi Jingzhi.

"Let's call it 'White Jade Green Knife', since you already have the Sweeping Bone Sword technique," Shi Jingzhi said, picking up his brush with enthusiasm.

"No, the Compassion Stone Sword is still a sword, so let's call it 'White Jade Green Sword'..."

This person's obsession with tofu and cabbage was alarming, causing Yin Ci to rub his forehead. "Tonight, I'll make you some white jade soup, so just change the name of this technique."

"Right, four words are a bit long. How about White Green Sword? Jade Green Sword?"

"How about 'Jade Bell Sword'? It's said that 'holding the jade hammer, striking the bell, the sound is heard throughout the three thousand worlds'. It suits the sword perfectly."

Shi Jingzhi beamed and quickly wrote it down. "This is it."

The four characters of "Jade Bell Sword Technique" were written powerfully on the paper.

Then, the two of them cleared out some space in the room and began to ponder over the content. Yin Ci picked up a duster and used it as the giant sword, while Shi Jingzhi tied a paper roll to his arm as a weapon. The two of them practiced their moves in a realistic manner.

Shi Jingzhi had been practicing without a break all these while. After several days, his movements were not yet proficient, but his slow-motion moves were more than adequate. The two of them danced back and forth in the afternoon light, like some kind of elegant dance.

Shi Jingzhi turned around lightly and said, "There are only a few types of theoretical footwork, and the stone sword is too heavy. Compared to the lighter types, the stable model is still better."

"Yes, but Yan Qing's footwork is not light and agile enough... we need to adjust here." Yin Ci took the opportunity to support his back and lifted up a handful of cool, silky long hair.

As the sun began to set, their footwork was finally established.

The two no longer spun and stepped, but instead crossed swords.

"No, your last move was too complicated. Yan Qing has a straightforward mind, so big and simple movements are better. Come, let me attack again, you defend and see?" Shi Jingzhi swung his paper scroll with a fierce aura, "I'll use the Green Maiden Sword Technique."


There was a flash of fire and black smoke scattered. Shi Jingzhi was too absorbed and the paper scroll caught fire from his Yang fire. He quickly shook it off his arm and stomped on it with his boot, narrowly avoiding burning his sleeve.

Seeing him scrambling to put out the fire and later retying the paper scroll with a disgruntled expression, Yin Ci couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Great skill comes from simplicity. Wielding this heavy sword doesn't need too much complexity. However, this sword is about questioning the heart, and relying too much on the sword technique can easily become an obsession. Hmm, let me think again."

"Zheng Fengdao was defeated by me, but he has a move that is quite mysterious. Come, Ah Ci, let me show you, maybe it will inspire you... Hmm, wait a moment, let me tie the paper roll into something longer."

As the moon rose, the outline was already formed.

"That move just now had a flaw."

"Oh? Shizun dares to say so."

"A flaw is a flaw, only discussing theory, I won't lose to you. Watch closely, Ah Ci, I will break this technique of yours within ten moves. The Compassion Stone Sword is not a real dustpan, it's quite broad."

"Ten moves it is."

Their clothes fluttered and their steps were like the wind. The two of them fought without any intention to kill, and the paper touched the feathers, yet it also produced a heavy momentum. Shi Jingzhi lost in experience, and theory couldn't overcome practical combat.

In the ninth move, Yin Ci shamelessly used a backhand move, causing Shi Jingzhi to stumble and fall backwards.

Yin Ci rolled up his sleeves and hooked his hand, swaying over to Shi Jingzhi's side to support his wobbling master. "Do you admit defeat?"

Shi Jingzhi brushed aside the hair that had fallen into his eyes, a smile on his face. "Your move was too insidious, it doesn't fit with the Jade Bell Sword Technique. It was you who lost."

"Verbal games won't work on the battlefield. Why don't we try again?"

"Of course."

As the stars rose and the moon set, they meticulously crafted three new sword techniques. It wasn't until the east began to lighten that Yin Ci realized something was off.

He had fallen under Shi Jingzhi's spell, and the battle had become so engrossing that he lost track of time.

Shi Jingzhi hung up the final "secret manual" and sewed it into a book. As he used his inner strength to bake dry the ink on the fake manual, he looked at Yin Ci with a clear sense of satisfaction.

"Did Ah Ci have a good time?"

"Inconsistency in words and actions deserves punishment. Shizun, let's have breakfast together in the temple tomorrow."

Shi Jingzhi's smile instantly disappeared as he tightly gripped the thin secret book and let out a mournful cry, "...I didn't even have dinner tonight!"

"...Who asked the master to be so engrossed?"

"That's not true, it goes both ways."

The two of them bantered back and forth for a while before finally smiling at each other.

Finally, the faint light of dawn appeared.

Shi Jingzhi woke up at the hour of the tiger as usual, only to find a broom lying across his body. He sneezed and gently patted Yin Ci's hair before going back to sleep.

In the end, neither of them were able to wake up on time, and the master and disciple were still in bed, all tangled up.

Unfortunately, the peaceful time couldn't last forever.

In the morning, Shi Jingzhi and Yin Ci were led by Juehui to meet Abbot Juefei.

"I have finished writing the letter of introduction and placed it together with the records of Master Kongshi. During the Scripture Washing Ceremony, it is truly inconvenient for our temple to accommodate guests."

"After lunch, Zhixing will burn at stick of Buddha's Heart incense and send you off. The Buddha's Heart incense can break the Buddha's Heart Formation and calm Greed, Anger, and Ignorance. You don't have to worry, just leave the mountain normally."

The Abbot pointed to the young monk who previously preached that "form is emptiness."

"There is also a secret letter from Taiheng, which was entrusted to Juehui by Taiheng Sect's Shi Zhongyu to bring up the mountain. In the letter, she said that Sect Leader Shi once made an agreement with her in front of the Ghost Tomb, and our temple will act as a notary to exchange the treasure map rubbings."

Juefei sighed.

"Jianchen Temple did not want to get involved in this matter, but Taiheng and our temple have a good relationship, and Sect Leader Shi has done us a favor. You should take the opportunity to quickly find the Shi Rou and resolve this trouble as soon as possible. It can also be considered a merit."

Yin Ci looked at Shi Jingzhi with some surprise.

While they were still at the Ghost Tomb, did this person already prepare such a trick up his sleeve?

The Taiheng Sect was known for their integrity, while Jianchen Temple kept their promises. The Ku Mountain Sect was willing to trade, and Taiheng was able to obtain two treasure maps without any bloodshed. Even if Ku Mountain were to go back on their word, Taiheng would not suffer any losses, and Shi Zhongyu would surely not refuse.

It seemed that Shi Jingzhi wanted to take control of the exchange.

However, Ku Mountain Sect had the unique advantage of possessing two Buddhist beads. If they were to trade them away, they would lose their only advantage. Now that Shi Jingzhi knew that there was a "key," it made sense that he wanted to use Taiheng's help to find the "lock."

It seemed that Shi Jingzhi could read his thoughts as he turned his head and silently laughed, saying, "How could Yan Budu arrange such a cheap deal as 'gather the treasure maps and receive the Shi Rou'? There must be more than one clue. It's better to make a deal with Taiheng at a favorable time."

Yin Ci: '...' He had almost forgotten that this person was undoubtedly of the same kind as Demon Lord Yan.

"Amitabha," said Abbot Juefei, raising his voice slightly.

"In addition, there is one final matter. Taiheng entrusted us with the care of a treasure map and sent a Sinking Heart Pill as a gift. This pill can calm the mind and is a treasure of Taiheng. I do not wish to borrow the power of external objects, so I am giving it to Sect Leader Shi as a gift... As for the favour with the 'Woodless Sutra' from our temple, it can be considered resolved."

"Thank you, Master Abbot," said Shi Jingzhi, accepting the prepared package and bowing.

"I will present the rubbings of the treasure map meant for Taiheng before I leave. This junior will take my leave now," he added.

"Go ahead, go ahead. I will have someone send some good food at noon," Juefei said with a smile. "Oh, and take this Buddha's Heart Incense with you for now..."

Just as Monk Juefei uncovered the Buddha's Heart Incense from the small table, his words abruptly stopped. The room was still filled with bright sunlight and lush greenery, but there was now a sense of ominous coldness.

Abbot Juefei's skin gradually turned red, with bulging blue veins.

Suddenly, his powerful inner energy erupted uncontrollably, sweeping through the peaceful and serene room, leaving chaos in its wake.

"Senior Brother!" Juehui shouted loudly. Monk Zhixing stood frozen in place, too shocked to move.

Abbot Juefei's smile had not yet disappeared when his round face twisted and contorted, as if he had discovered something terrifying. He propped himself up on the edge of the bed, panting heavily like a bull, losing his usual calm and composed demeanor.

"This is not all...quickly leave," Monk Juefei's eyes bulged as he looked straight at Shi Jingzhi, speaking in a broken and intermittent voice. "Juehui...don't come near..."

As Shi Jingzhi was about to approach and take his pulse, Yin Ci stopped him in his tracks.

"Ah Ci?!"

"Don't go over there," Yin Ci stared straight at Juefei. "Trust me, don't go over there."

In a flash, not only did he stop Shi Jingzhi, but he also coldly snatched away his flagpole and forcefully pushed aside Juehui who was in front of the bed. Monk Juehui was anxious and unprepared, and he crashed into the distant wall.

Only then did Juefei reveal a faint smile.

He exerted his last bit of strength, sitting upright on the edge of the bed and closing his eyes.

"It's good that you're okay, it's good that you're okay. Juehui, Zhixing... what happened to me today...the Ku Mountain not at..."

He couldn't finish his sentence.

Suddenly, golden flames erupted from Juefei's body. Amidst the raging flames, Juefei sat still like a bell, without struggling or screaming.

That Yang fire and Shi Jingzhi's own Yang fire was equally fierce and pure, impossible to extinguish even with water and earth.

The author has something to say:

Holding the jade hammer, striking the bell, the sound is heard throughout the three thousand worlds. This phrase is from the "Illustrated Classic of the Geyuan Temple".

This scroll has come to an end~ (;ω;)


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