Royal Descendants

Royal Descendants

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Qi Xiao had invited Bairen into the study for half an hour. Jiang Deqing dismissed all the attendants, but he didn't dare to go far himself. Although someone with a physique like Bairen's was no match for Qi Xiao even if there were a few more of them, Jiang Deqing was still a little uneasy. He kept guard under the corridor, carefully listening to the movements inside.

When he heard Bairen drawing his sword, Jiang Deqing almost called for someone, but unexpectedly, Qi Xiao persuaded Bairen in just a moment. Jiang Deqing secretly sighed. Qi Xiao was playing with fire.

Jiang Deqing listened to a few more sentences and knew that Bairen had agreed to submit, finally putting his mind at ease. Qi Xiao had never liked to touch those concubines since he was a child.

Moreover, Princess Dunsu disliked Qi Xiao indulging in romantic affairs too early, fearing that he would change his temperament and become addicted to female charms. She never allowed Jiang Deqing to talk to Qi Xiao about these things. Jiang Deqing was a little worried, afraid that his master would act on a whim without restraint, and if he wore the person out...

Jiang Deqing sighed to himself. This Lingnan prince was also pitiful. He probably owed Qi Xiao in his previous life, and now he had to suffer this sin. Jiang Deqing was lost in his own thoughts.

After another hour, a little eunuch outside bowed and entered the inner courtyard. He approached and said in a low voice, "Steward Jiang, the Emperor wants to invite Princess Dunsu and Marquis He to a banquet tonight. The palace sent a message saying that the Crown Prince should also go."

Jiang Deqing nodded, "Since it's an evening banquet... it can be delayed for a while longer. I'll tell the Crown Prince in a bit."

"No..." This little eunuch was Jiang Deqing's confidant and also an alert one. He glanced at the tightly closed windows of the study and lowered his voice, "I also heard... the Emperor wants the young prince to go too. This..."

Jiang Deqing suddenly became alert and slapped the little eunuch on the forehead, "You little brat! Why didn't you say so earlier! What if it's already... how will the prince face the Emperor later?!"

The little eunuch rubbed his forehead and chuckled, "You know the situation inside... who dares to call? Does it matter if I say it early or late..."

"What do you know?!" Jiang Deqing was anxious. He wasn't pitying Bairen, but was afraid that if someone saw through the trick, it would implicate Qi Xiao. He hurriedly waved his hand, "Get up, get up, let everyone go far away... I'll go in and take a look..."

The little eunuch didn't have the guts to stand guard even without Jiang Deqing saying so. He bowed and slipped out of the courtyard. Jiang Deqing took a deep breath, walked to the door, knocked on it, and slowly said, "Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Jiang Deqing originally thought that the door wouldn't open at first, but unexpectedly, Qi Xiao opened the door after a moment and paused, "What's the matter?"

Qi Xiao's clothes were neat and tidy, and there was no impatience in his eyes, which made Jiang Deqing stare blankly. He repeated what the little eunuch had just said, and at the end, he couldn't help but glance inside.

However, there was a twelve-fold screen and layers of bed curtains in between, so he couldn't see anything. Jiang Deqing said in a low voice, "The Emperor also sent someone to invite the prince. The Lingnan Prince's Manor has probably already received the news, but they haven't sent it over yet."

"I know..." Qi Xiao pursed his lips, as if talking to himself, "If he enters the palace... he needs to change his clothes, and he didn't bring enough attendants... Forget it, tell someone to prepare a carriage to send him back."

Jiang Deqing nodded, hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Your Highness... is the prince's body still able to move?"

Qi Xiao paused and laughed, ignoring Jiang Deqing, and turned to enter the inner room.

In the inner room, Bairen stood in front of the couch. Seeing Qi Xiao coming back, his whole body tensed up. Qi Xiao slowly walked over, watching Bairen's fearful appearance, yet having to endure standing in place, and a sense of pleasure inexplicably surged in his heart.

Qi Xiao put one hand around Bairen's waist. Through the thin clothes, he could almost feel Bairen's trembling. Bairen's fear pleased Qi Xiao. Qi Xiao's voice softened a little, and he said gently, "I wanted to keep you for a day, but unfortunately, the Emperor has arranged a banquet... There's no way. I've asked someone to prepare a carriage for you. It will send you back in a bit."

Bairen was greatly relieved in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He just lightly nodded. How could Qi Xiao not see through it? His arm exerted force, almost pressing the person against his own body. He smiled faintly, "They will probably persuade you to drink tonight. Don't drink too much... three cups at most, understand?"

Bairen perfunctorily "hmm"ed, but Qi Xiao still wasn't satisfied. He frivolously scratched Bairen's face and chuckled, "Drinking too much easily ruins the face. Such delicate skin, how can it not be well-nourished..."

Hearing this, Bairen was furious. Before he could get angry, Qi Xiao hit him once and rubbed him three times, coaxing in a low voice, "Don't be impatient, I'm just teasing you. Haven't you heard that frequent drunkenness breeds illness and frequent anger breeds consumption? At such a young age, with such a big temper, and always drinking, it will harm your body... If your mother knew, wouldn't she be heartbroken?"

Bairen was originally infuriated by Qi Xiao's teasing, but unexpectedly, this sentence hit him in the heart. The anger in his heart dissipated, and thinking of his mother, a trace of grievance slowly welled up in his heart. He turned his head and didn't speak.

Qi Xiao smiled with satisfaction in his heart. He had previously told Jiang Deqing that he and Bairen were similar, and it was not without reason. Just looking at Bairen like this, Qi Xiao could almost see through his joys, angers, sorrows, and happiness. Every look, every action, every thought, Qi Xiao could see through them all.

Comforting someone when they are upset will have a much better effect than usual. Qi Xiao's skill in taking advantage of opportunities was superb, and he naturally wouldn't miss a great opportunity.

He held the person in his arms, his tone becoming even more gentle, "It's for the sake of your mother that you should take good care of yourself. Heh... You're still too young. Don't worry, I will protect you in the future. If they persuade you to drink tonight, I'll block it for you, okay?"

Bairen was afraid that his voice would be hoarse, so he didn't dare to speak. He just lightly nodded. Qi Xiao saw it and only felt that he was adorably obedient. He lowered his head and kissed him on the ear, whispering, "I really want to keep you here and never let you go..."

Qi Xiao said it casually, but when Bairen heard these words, he couldn't help but shudder. He had long known that Qi Xiao was not someone to be trifled with. After today's events, he understood even more that this person's abilities were definitely not something he could handle. If Qi Xiao really acted on a whim and disregarded both of their reputations, keeping him trapped here all day...

Bairen swallowed and slowly said, "Crown Prince... There are countless eyes watching outside. Even if the Crown Prince doesn't care about Bairen's reputation, you should still take care of yourself..."

"Hehe..." Qi Xiao laughed out loud, "What are you thinking? Do you think I'm that idle? I specially made time to accompany you today. On normal days, how could I have such leisurely days..."

Bairen hoped that he would be busy every day. Qi Xiao kissed Bairen's forehead and slowly said with a restrained smile, "I won't make things difficult for you. Like today, I won't deliberately keep you, but on other days... no matter when I send Jiang Deqing to pick you up, you must obediently come over, understand?"

Bairen closed his eyes, trying his best to endure the humiliation and let out an "mm" sound. Qi Xiao smiled with satisfaction, "Be obedient and I will treat you well. Go on."

Jiang Deqing had been waiting outside the whole time. Seeing the two come out, he hurriedly went up to them, "Young master, the carriage is ready, please come with your servant."

Bairen couldn't wait to leave immediately and quickly went out the door. Qi Xiao smiled, thinking that one day, he would make Bairen reluctant to leave every time.

Before long, Jiang Deqing returned and slowly said, "Your Highness, I've asked Li Er to follow the carriage, he is older and tight-lipped, surely nothing will go wrong."

Qi Xiao nodded and turned to continue reading documents. Jiang Deqing stepped forward to grind ink while softly laughing, "Your Highness is truly tender and protective, your servant was just afraid the young prince wouldn't be able to get up."

Qi Xiao shook his head with a smile, "In the battle to conquer, the real fight is to win the heart. What's the point of just enjoying someone physically? Besides... he's too thin, don't even know if he can take it or not."

Jiang Deqing chuckled, "Your Highness is far-sighted, but... if you're not anxious to enjoy him, why tear off the facade now? Because of that guy surnamed Cen, the young prince's heart is hurting. If the crown prince treats him well now and slowly coaxes him, making the young prince wholeheartedly devoted to you, wouldn't that be faster?"

Qi Xiao scoffed, "You think I'm some sentimental scholar from an opera stage? Wholeheartedly devoted... I do want to keep pretending to be a good person, but time is really tight. He's not the type to fall in love with whoever he sees. The matter of the political marriage will need a result in a few days. How can I coax him in time? Besides... if I'm always nice and gentle, he'll really think I'm that good-natured. Have to scare him once, so he'll have some fear in the future."

Jiang Deqing was speechless, "Your Highness has truly thought it through. Just hope the young prince will understand soon, you are much more reliable than that surnamed Cen."

Qi Xiao smiled without replying. After a while, he said, "Prepare clothes for me, I'm going to the palace now. As for Roujia's matter... I'll still need aunt to intervene." 


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
