Raising the Evil Spirit

Raising the Evil Spirit

Chapter 11 - Silent Little Ghost

Geng Zimo was at least an academic with brains when he was in school.

Although his way of thinking made people anxious under normal circumstances, he often had unlimited potential in such abnormal situations. Although he couldn't see the little ghost, he actually judged the approximate position of the little ghost from Su Kun's frozen posture and the movement of his gaze.

He guessed from Su Kun's eyes staring at a certain point without moving and his tense expression that the little ghost was probably saying something to Su Kun and didn't move much. So taking advantage of this opportunity, he neatly covered the little ghost with the coffin body in one hand and the coffin lid in the other.

However, there was still an element of luck in his action. He originally wanted to ask, "Did I catch it right?" But looking at Su Kun's performance of almost kneeling down to him, he didn't need to waste his breath.

Daddy Geng Zimo put the coffin on the computer desk, one hand pressing hard on the coffin lid, the other hand extending his index finger against Su Kun's forehead, saying with a look of disgust, "Get lost!"

Su Kun looked up at him and said lightly, "Your action is so sissy." Then he continued to hug his thighs and howl for his daddy.

Geng Zimo finally couldn't bear it anymore. He lifted his leg to shake off his paws, and then kicked him in the butt, "Then I'll let you try the non-sissy way. Go find a chain, otherwise if that little ghost crawls out again, I won't care about you anymore."

Su Kun scrambled out.

He found a two-inch thick chain from the toolbox under the TV cabinet in the living room. Together with Geng Zimo, they tied up the entire coffin tightly. After locking the last lock, Su Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief and slumped on the floor beside the bed, "Fuck, my soul was almost scared out of me."

Geng Zimo pulled out the chair in front of the computer desk and sat down with his legs crossed, his hands clasped on his knees in an unusually pretentious posture, looking down at Su Kun condescendingly, "You say your soul is scared out of you for about twenty days a month on average. Aren't your guts a little too small? But with such small guts, you always like to run to weird places. Are you missing a wire in your brain?"

"What do you mean twenty days a month? Ten days at most!" Su Kun was dissatisfied.

Geng Zimo: "..." Wasn't the point that I scolded him for missing a wire in his brain?

"Being timid is innate. What can I do?" Su Kun continued to go further and further on the path of defending his timidity, "And when I say 'my soul was almost scared out', this sentence is not exaggerated at all and is completely realistic..."

He looked up at the light that had turned back to warm yellow, thinking while trying to describe that feeling, "Can you understand? I really felt like my soul was about to leave my body. Actually, not only when I'm scared, but also occasionally at other times, I will have that feeling, it's just more obvious when I'm afraid, as if I became lighter and then floated away from my body."

Geng Zimo thought about it and found that he had never experienced it and really couldn't understand, "This is obviously not a normal reaction. Why don't you go to a psychological counseling center or something? I heard there is a good one in H City with a nice environment. The key is that the counselors are good-looking. I heard there is a young one who is very handsome and steady..."

He paused, as if making a great sacrifice, and said, "I can reluctantly accompany you to go."

"You fucking gay, I don't believe you." Su Kun said expressionlessly, "If you want to hit on handsome guys, please go by yourself! Someone like you doesn't need to pretend to be seen as abnormal."


"Fucking gay number two, if you stay at home all day long with a bitter and resentful look, you will be single for life, believe me."

Su Kun twitched the corner of his mouth, "Be careful with your random curses, young man, it will hurt your character. By the way, speaking of H City, you got the job at Unic. When will you officially start working? Where will you live then? Employee dormitory?"

"Next Monday." Geng Zimo paused and then added, "But I have to stay at the branch store here in Li City for three months first. The weird boss said to let me get familiar with the situation and get to know the frontline well before I can go to the headquarters. So I can still help you share the rent for another three months. Hurry up and kneel down to thank me for the favor."

Su Kun didn't even bother with him, but he was indeed a little happy in his heart. After all, they had been living together for two years and had a very good relationship. It was rare to make such a pure friend. If he suddenly had to move to another city, he would probably be very sorry.

Seeing that there was nothing else, Geng Zimo tugged at the creases of his clothes and was about to get up, "With all this tossing around, I haven't even taken a shower yet."

The moment he stood up, the coffin tied with locks on the computer desk behind him was exposed. Su Kun glanced at it and only then remembered what he wanted to ask before. So he hugged Geng Zimo's leg and pulled him to sit down again, "Fuck, I almost forgot what I wanted to ask because of your distraction."

He pointed to the coffin and said, "That little ghost has no physical body and can directly pass through walls. Can this coffin contain it? What if its head pops out later?!" TAT

Geng Zimo looked at him expressionlessly for a long time and sighed very helplessly, "No wonder you're missing a wire in your brain. If this coffin really can't contain it, what's the use of you asking now?!"

Su Kun, who was missing a wire: "..."

"Please try to widen your dog eyes and think about it, okay? How did this little ghost come out of the coffin before? Did you get amnesia?! I can't even see the little ghost but I'm better than you!"

Su Kun looked up at the ceiling. A few seconds later, a light bulb lit up over his head, "I remember now! It pushed open the coffin lid to come out!"

Geng Zimo looked at him with particular disgust and squeezed out a sentence after a long time, "You're so stupid that I can't bear to look at you."

Su Kun: "... Will you die if you don't mock me every day?"

"Yes." Geng Zimo got up again, but before he could move, Su Kun pounced on his thigh again. He wiped his face, "Are you fucking done? I'm so sleepy and still need to take a shower. If you hug my leg again, I'll kill you!"

Su Kun looked up from his posture on the ground and said, "I still have a question I don't understand."

"Let go."

"You didn't see it before. That little ghost was very smooth in passing through the walls. It rolled all the way without even a pause and went into the next room. It was the same when it came out of the wall on this side of the room, as if it was particularly easy, without any obstruction."

Su Kun gestured to describe the scene he saw.

"Nonsense, even if you haven't eaten pork, you must have seen a pig run, right? You've watched so many ghost movies and TV shows that you've seen right through to the dog's stomach? Ghosts don't have physical bodies to begin with. This coffin was probably treated or something, which is why it can touch it. All these other ordinary things are completely untouchable to it."  Geng Zimo felt mentally exhausted. = =

Su Kun nodded, "I thought so too, which is why I find it even stranger... Because when it passed through my body, I clearly felt a bump, and there was even a slight pain in my chest as if something had pierced through it, just very mild."

Hearing him say this, Geng Zimo, who had already become a little impatient, was stunned for a moment, "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Su Kun thought for a moment and then continued, "Remember how we were scared and huddled in this corner of the wall?"

"Correction, you were the one huddled in fear, I was standing."

"Okay, I was huddled, you were standing, I was holding your thigh... Later I told you that your hair was tickling my ear, of course, I only said half of that before I felt something was off, because your hair definitely couldn't be long enough to hang down next to my ear."

This time, before Su Kun finished speaking, Geng Zimo already knew what he wanted to express - if that little ghost really had no physical body and couldn't touch things, then even if its hair was hanging next to Su Kun's ear, Su Kun definitely wouldn't feel itchy. Because he simply couldn't touch its hair.

But the fact is, he did touch it. This is a very strange thing.

"The first time it came out last night, it was still a big guy. At that time, it could completely touch me and almost choked me to death. Later, it seemed to be hit back by this jade, and when it came out again, it was that tiny and had become transparent... Let's just say it was weakened by the jade, so it became completely ethereal, wanting to pounce on me but passing right through my body instead, leaving no wounds or scars, and went straight through the wall to roll into someone else's home. But it's not like I can't touch it at all..."

Although Geng Zimo couldn't see the series of terrifying moments after the coffin was pushed open at the beginning, he still got a general idea from Su Kun's description.

"Indeed, it passed through your body, but it can also touch you, these two are a bit contradictory." Geng Zimo thought for a moment, also unable to figure it out, so he kicked Su Kun's legs that were spread out in an unsightly manner with his toes, "Get up! It's no use sitting here and thinking about this kind of thing, and why do you care so much anyway, the point is that the little ghost wanted to pounce on you but couldn't.

"So at least you won't be choked by it again, that's the main thing, you can ponder the rest when you're really bored. I'll treat you to a nice meal tomorrow to calm your nerves, and on the way out, bring this thing and throw it away."

He yawned and walked out of the room, swaying.

That night, the coffin was indeed very well-behaved, so much so that Su Kun felt a little uneasy. He couldn't help but think of the little ghost's hateful eyes and what it said before...

Innocent? Spare? Did you ever think of innocence when you exterminated my entire clan? Did you ever think of sparing when you ordered me to be flayed alive in the city? One hundred and seventy-nine lives, not one can remain; one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four cuts, not one can be missed...

Listening to those words, it seemed that the little ghost's entire family was killed, and he himself was cut more than 1,800 times, what kind of punishment was that? Lingchi? It is said that in the punishment of lingchi, the person being executed will not be allowed to die until the prescribed number of cuts are made, they will use every means to make him endure until the last cut in a torment where he cannot seek life or death...

No matter how you think about it, this content is a bit too brutal for Su Kun.

He seemed to still be able to hear that slightly muffled voice saying these words deeply from the bottom of its throat. When he thought about it again when his life was not threatened, Su Kun only felt that there was an indescribable desolation and deep-rooted pain in that voice, which made the listener feel a little sad from the bottom of their heart.

His overwhelming hatred for the fatuous emperor whom he had mistaken Su Kun for was also understandable...

It's just that, for a person with such a deep hatred, when facing the one he considered his enemy, before he could finish venting his words, he was locked back into the coffin from behind in a way similar to being put in a sack, and an additional chain was added.

After being locked in, the entire coffin fell into dead silence, not even moving once... No matter how you think about it, this situation is not a good sign!

Su Kun: "..." Help! QAQ


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
