Fake Slackers

Fake Slackers

Chapter 67 - Chapter 66

Email Subject: Sprinting for the College Entrance Exam, Breaking Free from Low Scores.

He Chao put down his pen and glanced at the sender. He didn't recognize the name and the new number was low-level, not a friend.

His first reaction was that it was junk mail.

Back when school just started, He Chao left his own number as the contact for his parents.

Who knew where those those tuition classes got the student information from, every few days he would receive several spam messages. After every big or small exam, these ads would bombard him even more: Hello, parents of He Chao, we are the xxx college entrance exam sprint class. We have already understood your child's grades in school and sincerely recommend our 80-day improvement class, with one-on-one guidance from famous teachers...

Various educational tuition institutions often come to the entrance of No. 2 High School to distribute flyers and occasionally conduct surveys by pulling people aside.

Once, when he went out to eat with Xie Yu, they encountered a group of people holding clipboards and standing at the intersection, waiting to approach anyone coming out of the nearby restaurant.

"Excuse me, student, can you..." they would start, before Xie Yu cut them off with a simple "No."


The group was stunned for a moment, clearly not used to being rejected like this.

They tried to explain, "Well, you see, we are..." but Xie Yu interrupted again, "I don't want to know. Can you move aside, you're blocking the way."

Thinking back on this incident, He Chao couldn't help but laugh. He thought to himself that Xie Yu must be the type of person that salespeople dread encountering.

Not even giving others a chance to speak.

Especially cold-hearted.

With the mindset of watching junk advertisements, He Chao clicked on it and found that it was not quite like the 80-day intensive course he had imagined.

It was actually a study material email.

Without a single word of advertising.

It was divided into several sections by subject, all of which were important exam points. The entire document was concise and clear, with no useless words.

He Chao quickly scanned it and didn't see any difficult problems. It looked more like a basic foundation for struggling students.

In summary, this was a perfectly explained basic knowledge guide.

After Xie Yu briefly summarized the key points of each subject for He Chao, he was ready to go to bed. Just as his head hit the pillow, the class group chat started buzzing again.

His phone rang several times on the bedside table.

[He Chao]: @v=s*h, Class Rep, what are you doing?

[@v=s*h]: I'm memorizing English vocabulary.

[Luo Wenqiang]: Class Rep, it's already this late, why are you still working so hard?

[@v=s*h]: It's still early, do you all go to bed this early? I can't sleep, and the more I study, the more energized I become.

[Luo Wenqiang]: Alright, no need to say anymore. You're amazing, as always.

[He Chao]: No, what I mean is why did you send me an email so late at night.

Xue Xisheng had no idea what was going on.

[@v=s*h]: What email?

[He Chao]: Study materials.

[@v=s*h]: ?

[He Chao]: What do you mean by sending a question mark? Wasn't it you?

A mysterious study material had Class 3 buzzing like they had just been injected with chicken blood. They stayed up all night, their minds racing as they looked at the screenshot sent by He Chao.

[Liu Cunhao]: Could it be Old Wu?

[Xu Qingqing]: Impossible, Old Wu doesn't need to create a fake account. He could just send it directly.

[Liu Cunhao]: Then why don't we just ask? @Teacher Wu Zheng

After ruling out the class representative and the math teacher, they couldn't think of anyone else in the class who could have done it.

[Wan Da]: Then, could it be this situation...

In the end, they imagined there was a girl who had secretly loved He Chao for years, but could never have him. She loved him so much that it consumed her, and she silently followed his every move.

[Xu Qingqing]: It must be like this, and from this set of materials, you can also see that this girl has good academic performance and strong logic. For example, the explanation of this example question is well-organized.

[Wan Da]: Yes, yes, the love that has been suppressed in her heart for a long time finally bursts out on this thought-provoking night!

[He Chao]: Oh, so it's like this.


Xie Yu lay on the bed, pressing his forehead with one hand, not knowing whether he was cursing He Chao or himself as he muttered, "Stupid idiot."

After being analyzed by Xu Qingqing and the rest, this complicated and bizarre love story was told as if it were true.

Xie Yu hadn't finished organizing the materials yet. The one sent out today was only the basic part. Although he was a bit speechless about the excessive imagination of the students in Class 3, he still had to continue organizing what needed to be done.

The example questions and knowledge points in the basic version were simply not enough, and there was still a long way to go before reaching the level required for the college entrance examination.

The next day, Xie Yu got up and organized another one.

Similar to the previous set, it still had the same sections, but he added some very typical trap questions and listed various different ways of testing a particular knowledge point.

"How come you're always staying in your room?" As noon approached, Madam Gu knocked on the door and said, "Come down and have lunch."

Xie Yu replied while typing on the keyboard, "Got it."

Gu Xuelan sighed, "You say that, but I don't think you're really listening."

Madam Gu nagged through the door for a while. After saving the document, Xie Yu opened his email and sent it to He Chao using the same account from yesterday.

[Sent successfully].

During dinner, Gu Xuelan didn't let go of the topic from earlier: "What were you doing in your room?"

Xie Yu picked up a piece of pork rib and put it in Gu Xuelan's bowl, casually saying, "Studying."

"Don't give me that."

After finishing the pork rib, Xie Yu picked up some vegetables for himself and didn't say anything else.

This child is always like this. Although he doesn't study much, he loves to use studying as an excuse.

He said he wouldn't come back on the weekend and wanted to stay at school to focus on reviewing, but ended up getting second to last in the whole grade for the monthly exam. Who knew what he actually reviewed.

Gu Xuelan thought about it and decided to drop the topic. If they kept talking about it, they wouldn't be able to enjoy their meal.

After finishing his meal, Xie Yu prepared to log out of his account when he noticed a small red dot on his mailbox.

Curiosity piqued, he clicked on it and found a new email with a five-word subject: Don't love me, it's hopeless.

The sender was He Chao.


Xie Yu was at a loss for words as he read the contents of the email. It was filled with phrases like "I already have someone".

- My partner and I have a great relationship.

- This classmate, although I don't know who you are, I hope you understand that it's impossible between us.

- Do you understand what I mean?

It seems that this person took to heart every word that Xu Qingqing and the others said yesterday.

Xie Yu sat in front of the computer, staring at that rejection letter for a long time, unsure of how to react.

"Fuck," Xie Yu muttered as he closed the page with a flick of his finger. "...I'm your partner."

Normally, He Chao annoyed Xie Yu so much that he wanted to put him on his blacklist, but this weekend was surprisingly peaceful.

After finishing his meal, Xie Yu accompanied Madam Gu for a walk in the nearby park. They didn't have much to talk about, so he casually mentioned some things happening in their class. Madam Gu seemed quite pleased to hear about it.

When He Chao called again, it was already past one in the afternoon.

"I've been holding back for so long before calling you," He Chao's side was a bit noisy, indicating that he was outside. "I was afraid you hadn't woken up yet."

Xie Yu had just entered his room and leaned against the door, saying, "What kind of species do you think I am that I need to sleep until now?"

"A pig?"

"You're the fucking pig."

"Okay, fine," He Chao said. "I'm the pig."

After chatting for a while, Xie Yu vaguely heard someone on He Chao's side say, "...sixty-eight yuan even, cash or Alipay?"

He Chao was on the phone and couldn't scan the code. He fumbled in his pocket and said, "Cash, and can I have a bag? Thanks."

It wasn't until he paid that Xie Yu asked, "Are you outside?"

"Yeah," He Chao stood in the bookstore with two books of the series <Complete Solutions to High School Textbooks> on the counter. He had carefully picked out these study guides for his boyfriend after browsing for a long time. He mumbled, "...just came out to buy something."

Xie Yu thought He Chao was probably buying food at a convenience store or something. There weren't many students staying on campus during the weekend at No. 2 High School, and the cafeteria only opened a small window for them with few dishes. The taste was definitely not comparable to home-cooked meals.

Those who stayed on campus either chose to go out to eat or just bought some instant noodles and snacks to get by.

The cashier handed him the change and quickly packed the books for him.

Holding the plastic bag, He Chao pushed the door open and saw the red string on his wrist. He asked Xie Yu, "Are you still wearing your bracelet?"

Xie Yu also looked down and saw the red string still hanging on his wrist, with the red bean engraved with the letter "Z" perfectly resting on the protruding bone joint. "Still wearing it. Why?"

"Just curious," He Chao replied.

Although the two were not together at the moment, it was strange that with the red strings, they suddenly felt very close to each other.

They even felt like they were breathing the same air.

The two-day weekend passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was Monday again.

After waiting for the school bus, Xie Yu checked the time and realized it was the exact moment when the wake-up music for the loyal and patriotic would sound. This made him think of Head Teacher Jiang's daily motivational broadcast and the cries of agony that echoed throughout the dormitory building every morning.

Xie Yu thought for a moment and decided to call He Chao.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

"How can I sleep?" He Chao replied groggily, having just been woken up by the broadcast. "Did you get on the bus? What time will you arrive?"

When Xie Yu left, Madam Gu forced a can of hot milk into his hand, urging him to drink it on the bus to replenish his nutrition. Xie Yu sipped on the straw and replied, "...About half an hour."

His voice was muffled and lacked energy, making him sound a bit weak.

"What are you eating?" He Chao asked.

"Drinking milk," Xie Yu replied.


These two words sounded strange, so Xie Yu added, "Cow's milk."

As a result, He Chao on the opposite side exclaimed, "Fuck me."

Xie Yu asked, "Are you crazy?"

He Chao replied, "Morning wood, is that considered an illness?"

Boys tend to experience certain physiological reactions in the morning, and He Chao even imagined the image of a little friend obediently drinking milk, torturing himself.

When Xie Yu arrived in the classroom, He Chao hadn't come yet.

Wan Da and the others had arrived early, gathering together to copy their homework. They didn't dare to leave any unanswered questions blank. They would even copy a few steps they didn't understand. When they saw Xie Yu enter, they looked up and greeted him, "Big Brother Yu, you're early... Where's Brother Chao?"

Xie Yu replied while walking towards the back row, "He's taking a shower."

Wan Da asked, "Taking a shower at this time?"

Xie Yu wanted to say something more, but when he walked to his desk and saw two books titled <Complete Solutions to High School Textbooks> placed in the center, he fell silent: "..."

What the hell is this?


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@tibbir.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com
