Even a Shaman Needs Evening Self Study

Even a Shaman Needs Evening Self Study

Chapter 17 - My Two Deskmates

Monday came around and Tan Xiao followed his usual route to school as always.

Eat breakfast, enter the classroom, and greet his deskmate.

The person sitting diagonally across from him should be Kong Xuan. The reason for the uncertainty was because he was surprised to find that Kong Xuan was actually holding a chemistry book and reading it, looking quite frustrated.

Kong Xuan's academic level had "stunned" the entire class before, but he had also shown disdain for improvement.

But now it seemed that after a weekend of reflection, classmate Kong Xuan had probably realized that he needed to improve his grades. Otherwise, with the monthly exam in a couple of days, the scores would be quite embarrassing.

Look, it wasn't even class time yet and he was already studying on his own, although judging from his expression it looked a bit difficult.

Lin Yang quietly told Tan Xiao, "The head teacher called him out for a chat this morning, probably to encourage him to study. He's been burying his head in books since he came back."

Tan Xiao thought, no wonder he looked to be in a bad mood.

Kong Xuan's head was swelling. Seeing Tan Xiao arrive, he wordlessly shoved Lin Yang's desk back.

Lin Yang thought it was because his guilty words had been overheard. "Don't, don't be impulsive." He felt Kong Xuan's aggressive manner was a bit scary.

Kong Xuan shoved backwards wildly, to the point that half his body was almost parallel with Tan Xiao's desk. At first glance, it was completely unclear who was actually Tan Xiao's deskmate, him or Lin Yang.

This action gradually quieted down the originally somewhat lively classroom. Kong Xuan had just (almost) gotten into a fight with Tan Xiao, now could it be that he also wanted to get physical with Lin Yang?


However, Kong Xuan ignored Lin Yang who had been squeezed into only a sliver of survival space. He slapped a workbook onto Tan Xiao's desk.

Caught off guard, Tan Xiao looked at him questioningly, "Hm?"

Lin Yang's gaze went back and forth between the two. What was the meaning of this, was Kong Xuan seeking peace, wanting Tan Xiao to teach him how to do the problems?

Actually Tan Xiao was thinking the same thing. He felt that if Kong Xuan lowered his head, he would reconcile with this bad-tempered new classmate.

"The...head teacher said to." Kong Xuan flipped to a page and pointed at a question. "I'll teach you how to do the problems."

Tan Xiao: "......?"

He didn't react for a moment.

The crowd was also dumbfounded. "????"

What was Kong Xuan saying, was the subject reversed?

Kong Xuan paid no heed and had already started lecturing on his own. This was also something he had no choice in. When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when entering the mountains, ask about the taboos.

Just like he must have a proxy shaman in order to enter the human world, at school he also had to abide by the school rules and not cheat. To fulfill Tan Xiao's wish, he could only work hard himself!

He had studied bitterly for a night. The head teacher had also happened to urge them to help each other, indicating that this was the will of heaven. Now was the time to validate it.

"No, you, I, there's no need..." Tan Xiao wanted to push away Kong Xuan's book. Teacher Ji had indeed told them to help each other, but no matter how you thought about it, it probably didn't include having Kong Xuan teach him, right?

Kong Xuan was unhappy, "Why can you teach me but I can't teach you?"

Tan Xiao: "......"

The crowd: "......"

"But you're teaching it wrong!" What was this, just listening it sounded off. Every two questions there was one that wasn't right. Tan Xiao stood up wanting to get far away from Kong Xuan. Not recognizing you was one thing, last time you got so angry but let it go. Unexpectedly, you're still holding a grudge after a week.

Under the horrified gazes of all his classmates, Kong Xuan reached out and hooked in Tan Xiao, this "illegal deskmate". He impatiently said while restraining him, "Listen carefully."

Tan Xiao: ".........."



Yu Zhenzhen got up a bit late today. She rushed and ran as soon as she got off the bus, eating bread as she went. Passing by the man-made lake, she tossed the last bite in to feed the fish.

With two minutes to spare, Yu Zhenzhen arrived at the door out of breath. Hearing that it was quiet inside, she thought the teacher had already arrived. Taking a peek, she didn't see the teacher.

But the next second, she was shocked.

She was too startled. She saw Kong Xuan and Tan Xiao hugging and embracing!

Kong Xuan had almost squeezed Lin Yang into becoming Tan Xiao's back seat. He himself was nearly parallel with Tan Xiao, tightly restraining him across the desk and saying something.

And Tan Xiao couldn't break free. At first he was painfully covering his ears, then later couldn't stand it and said, "No, no, no, you used the wrong formula!"

Tan Xiao explained the correct solution.

Hearing this, Kong Xuan paused for a moment. "That works too." Then he nonchalantly moved on to the next question.

Yu Zhenzhen: "......"

She looked back, considering whether she should re-enter the classroom door. Why did she see Kong Xuan forcibly teaching Tan Xiao?

Lin Yang called to Yu Zhenzhen, "Class rep! Talk some sense into your deskmate!"

This was devastating. Everyone couldn't bear to watch anymore. This was persecution, right? Kong Xuan was persecuting him, right?

"Classmate Kong Xuan, what are you doing?" Yu Zhenzhen put on a brave face and tried to stop him.

Kong Xuan answered absent-mindedly, "He taught me last week too, I'm repaying him."

What repayment, this is called revenge!

Yu Zhenzhen: "...Then you can't use force. This looks like you're strangling him."

Kong Xuan glanced at Tan Xiao and actually let him go. Then he continued lecturing to Tan Xiao with great fanfare. If this was any other time, having such a perfect face up close, staring at someone and intently saying something, everyone would be envious of Tan Xiao.

At this moment, Class 3 only had one consensus: Classmate Kong Xuan may be good-looking, but he sure has a strong vengeful streak.

Kong Xuan would lecture and Tan Xiao would point out mistakes. He would re-explain. Gradually, even the onlookers couldn't tell who was teaching whom.

—Tan Xiao originally wanted to tell the teacher that Kong Xuan was retaliating against him. But he discovered that Kong Xuan also had a pained expression when listening to his explanations, giving off a feeling of "killing a thousand enemies while losing eight hundred of your own". After all, he was someone whose knowledge didn't pass through his brain.

So he gradually stopped being anxious too. If you want to talk then keep talking, I'll treat it as review.

He even started to suspect that the teacher had originally wanted Kong Xuan and him to study together, but Kong Xuan was too stubborn to tell the truth.

So the atmosphere on-site actually became harmonious...

The surrounding students were dumbstruck. What are you two doing?

At eight o'clock, the broadcast sounded.

Kong Xuan was interrupted by the music. He listened carefully, the melody was quite impassioned. "What music is this?"

Tan Xiao gave him a strange look. In turn, he locked Kong Xuan's arm, "Are you changing the subject because you can't stand listening anymore? This question is very important, finish listening before you go!"

Kong Xuan: "........."

"Let's go." After finishing teaching this problem, Tan Xiao put down the book. Actually, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "To the flag raising ceremony."

To the tune of "March of the Athletes", all the teachers and students started moving, walking towards the sports field in small groups. After Tan Xiao mixed into the crowd with his classmates, he gradually lost the ability to locate them.

But as long as he remembered where his class was standing, it would be fine. When they got there, everyone would line up in a fixed order again.

The sports field of Nanchu No. 1 Middle School was right next to the artificial lake. There were a few ducks raised in it, as well as many fish and shrimp. Some people even scooped up crabs and shells. It was a place for students to relax after class, and everyone liked to come and feed the ducks and fish.

These ducks were not afraid of people. When Tan Xiao walked over, there were ducks circling around his feet, recognizing him and wanting food.

"No more buns." Tan Xiao would sometimes feed them with leftover breakfast.

Kong Xuan walked not far from Tan Xiao. Many people around were looking at Kong Xuan. Almost all the teachers and students in the school were here. With Kong Xuan's graceful appearance, he was the most dazzling even in his school uniform.

Some people also noticed the subtle atmosphere between Kong Xuan and Tan Xiao. Well-informed students from other classes all knew that Kong Xuan and Tan Xiao had become enemies.

Tan Xiao turned his head and reached out to Kong Xuan who was walking beside him, "Do you have anything to eat?"

Kong Xuan was stunned for a moment.

He really did have something. It was what Tan Xiao bought back yesterday to offer to him.

How shameless, having the nerve to ask for the fruit he gave himself. And giving him the cold shoulder in the classroom.

Kong Xuan took out an apple from his pocket, but didn't give it to Tan Xiao right away. Instead, he looked at him with hooded eyes, "If you want it, beg for it."

From his look, Tan Xiao suddenly realized that this person who had been hovering around him was not Lin Yang, but definitely Kong Xuan. He suddenly remembered that he felt the Peacock God gave him a similar feeling to someone, wasn't it Kong Xuan? But the Peacock God was much more helpful than Kong Xuan.

So Tan Xiao retaliated by accusing, "Teacher! He's eating during the flag-raising ceremony."

Kong Xuan: "...!!!"

...Obviously it was you who wanted it! Kong Xuan quickly stuffed the apple back.

Tan Xiao walked away smugly.

The surrounding students who passed by and witnessed the whole process: "..."

This is hard to judge. Why is the way the handsome guys are hostile to each other similar to elementary school students? They thought it would be more intense.


After being "maliciously tutored" by Kong Xuan for a week, Tan Xiao finally ushered in the monthly exam.

After the exam results were released, the chemistry teacher came into the classroom with the exam papers and said as soon as he put them down, "I want to specially praise two people for this monthly exam, Tan Xiao and Kong Xuan."

Tan Xiao slowly raised his head, what's the situation?

The teacher praised, "These past few days, whenever I passed by your class, I often saw Tan Xiao studying together with his deskmate. It's reflected in the exam papers. Tan Xiao has made great progress compared to the last monthly exam, ranking in the top five of the grade."

Tan Xiao: "..."

He glanced to the side.

What deskmate, it was clearly Kong Xuan constantly squeezing backwards. Lin Yang was almost squeezed into a paper man, sharing Tan Xiao's desk with Kong Xuan.

Good fellow, others all sing "You Deskmates", only Tan Xiao has "My Two Deskmates".

It was precisely because Kong Xuan had been illegally deskmate-ing and maliciously tutoring that Tan Xiao, in order not to be affected, concentrated on discerning whether what he said was right or wrong, and then lectured himself in reverse to reinforce the impression, for fear of being influenced.

As a result, he had a highly focused sprint review of the exercises, which even he himself did not expect would actually help improve his grades... Killing a thousand enemies at the cost of eight hundred, it turned into mutual help.

Tan Xiao suddenly had a horrifying realization. Could this be the blessing of the Peacock God in some mysterious way? Using this method to make him work hard to improve himself? How to say, no wonder there is a saying not to make wishes casually.

"As for student Kong Xuan, he just transferred here and his progress is different from ours. He has a weak foundation, but he also passed this time. Keep working hard." The teacher had already spoken about Kong Xuan. Perhaps because the exam paper was too beautiful, under the circumstances of the grading teacher's sympathy, Kong Xuan surprisingly passed.

If it were normal times, the teacher might have scolded him, but he had seen Kong Xuan's original level!

Through the joint efforts with Tan Xiao, being able to pass showed that this kid still had the intention to study, so he wanted to encourage him instead.

Sure enough, the chemistry teacher saw Kong Xuan turn his head and exchange a tacit glance with Tan Xiao. He couldn't help but nod in gratification. This is what an effective study partner is, a good deskmate.

Tan Xiao saw Kong Xuan's smug look as he turned back: "..."


After school, Tan Xiao bought some vegetables, planning to go back and offer some new dishes to the Peacock God.

Although the process was a bit torturous, the ranking result did improve, so he still had to fulfill his wish.

But he felt that he wouldn't dare to make wishes casually in the future...

After buying the vegetables and coming back, he saw a Pit Bull wandering in the distance, digging the ground outside his courtyard wall with its two legs. Tan Xiao took a look, this thing could dig a big hole, so he quickly shouted, "Go, go, go! Go home!"

Whose dog is it, not even on a leash.

That Pit Bull, chased away by Tan Xiao, whimpered and ran away, flapping its big ears.

After returning home, Tan Xiao first replaced the incense with new ones and lit them, then replaced the fruits with new ones. In a moment, he saw the Peacock leaning by the offering table, his eyes bright and shining, as if very pleased with his own work.

"How are your grades?"

"Great God, your blessing was very good. Don't bless me next time." Sure enough it was you who did it, Tan Xiao said dryly.

Kong Xuan raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Tan Xiao was about to answer when he heard a familiar female voice coming from upstairs, "Tan Xiao? You're back?"

Tan Xiao was caught off guard and said in surprise, "My mom is back?"

Kong Xuan was also a bit surprised. He didn't even notice, but still said indifferently, "This is your mom, you're asking me?"

Tan Xiao said in confusion, "I went to school, wasn't the Great God staying at my house?"

Kong Xuan: "..."

Kong Xuan was so choked he wanted to roll his eyes.

Tan Chunying had already trotted down from upstairs. She walked too fast and felt a bit dizzy. She looked very young, with curly hair, and a snake-shaped tattoo exposed on the left side of her neck.

According to Tan Chunying, it had a similar meaning to the snake dance. When a shaman establishes their own altar, they will tattoo a snake on their body to show intimidation to snakes. But for Tan Xiao's generation, they shouldn't casually get tattoos, in case they can't take the civil service exam in the future.

"Son, come and support me."

Tan Xiao stepped forward to support Tan Chunying. It seemed that the concussion had not fully recovered. "Why didn't you say anything when you came back?"

"What's there to say about this, afraid that I would disturb your studies if I came back?" Tan Chunying said with amusement. She walked to the offering table and took a newly placed apple to eat.

The offerings to deities are usually eaten by oneself after a few days, but she didn't care. What a joke.

Kong Xuan: "!!!"

He stared at Tan Chunying in disbelief.

Tan Chunying munched on an apple with a "crunch crunch crunch" sound.

Tan Xiao looked at them strangely. He found that his mother had no reaction at all to the Peacock God beside her. "Mom, you... can't see it?"

Even if the Peacock God was a spirit, last time when he appeared, Mu Fei and Tan Xiao could both see him, but Tan Chunying seemed completely unaware. Tan Xiao became curious about the mechanism of gods and ghosts appearing.

"I can see it!" Tan Chunying gave a thumbs up.

Looking at that thumb, Tan Xiao had a feeling that they might not be on the same wavelength.

"It's your monthly exam results, right? Your school sent a text message. You did very well. Mom is too dizzy to go to the kitchen. How about I take you out for a burger tomorrow?" Tan Chunying said happily, not realizing at all that Tan Xiao was referring to the god beside them.

Always busy with work, the independent Tan Xiao was a breeze for her to raise.

Kong Xuan observed Tan Chunying, the unimpressive shaman, and said, "She is missing one of her hun souls, so she can't see me."

Tan Xiao: "What?!"

Seeing him startled, Tan Chunying reflected on whether she didn't know her son's preferences had changed. Aw, her son had grown up and didn't like fast food anymore. "What's wrong, you don't like burgers anymore? Then what do you want to eat? Choose for yourself."

Tan Xiao was about to speak when Kong Xuan calmly said beside him, "Do not frighten her."

"...No, I don't really want to eat out. Let's just eat at home." Tan Xiao swallowed his words. He knew Tan Chunying had gone to visit a shaman, and didn't know what had happened there. Could it be related to the concussion?

But the Peacock said it was not good to startle someone who had lost their soul. Tan Xiao could only pretend as if nothing had happened and didn't dare ask Tan Chunying again if she could see the Peacock.

Tan Chunying, unaware, pointed upstairs and said, "What did you buy? That big thing in the study room. When I was cleaning, I wanted to open that cabinet to wipe it, but I couldn't open it. It was even emitting a blue light. Is it 3D?"

Tan Xiao had a lot of pocket money. After all, he had been helping her with work since he was young, so she gave Tan Xiao a small cut. He was also good at planning, so Tan Chunying didn't really care what he bought.

Tan Xiao: "..."

Goodness, Tan Xiao had almost forgotten that Ah Jin was still on the second floor. That was a close call.

"...Yes, no need to wipe the inside. That's my experiment project." Tan Xiao probed indirectly, "Mom, weren't you going to talk about your experience in the north? What are the shaman rituals like there?"

"It was quite interesting. I recorded a video. I'll send it to you." Tan Chunying said with a smile, "The spirit dance, there were also things like climbing knife mountains and crossing seas of fire.

"Kid, our family doesn't know how to do this. You watch it and analyze what principles are used to achieve it. Then we can also learn. My goodness, it was so lively. Tourists will definitely love to watch it."

Kong Xuan looked at Tan Xiao, his eyes full of meaning.

His acting shaman, a descendant of the Chu shamans, was deceiving people like this in the mortal world? And even wanted to continue developing deceptive techniques?

Tan Xiao also noticed the Peacock's gaze. Without any psychological barriers, he nodded, "I've been researching this for a long time, just haven't experimented. I'll start learning right away."

Hey, my contract with the Peacock God to continue writing the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", what conflict does it have with my family continuing to develop folk performance projects?

Kong Xuan: "..."

"Okay, send it to me then. I'll go put down my backpack." Tan Xiao had Tan Chunying send him the recorded video, then headed upstairs. He wanted to ask the Peacock God properly.

Tan Xiao walked into the study with a frown. He had also heard of losing one's soul, but Tan Chunying had acted quite normal just now, so he hadn't thought too much about it. It was the Peacock who pointed it out.

Kong Xuan leisurely followed behind and entered the study together.

Tan Xiao was about to speak when he and Kong Xuan both stared at Ah Jin standing in the corner of the study, both falling silent.

His square, black frosted metal exterior had been polished to a shine. On top, a floral cloth was tightly wrapped around the top of the machine cabinet, with the edges secured with rubber bands.

Ah Jin: "Wuwu, your mom said it's to prevent dust."

Tan Xiao: "..."


Hello! I'm Echo, and I've always been fascinated by how stories can connect us across different worlds. When I'm not translating, I'm probably playing guitar or experimenting in the kitchen. I hope my translations resonate with you, just like a good melody

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@ohce.
