Death Progress Bar

Death Progress Bar

Chapter 63 - The Pharmacy

The information provided by Number Two was not extensive, and Shi Jin finished reading it in just an hour.

The Lishui Hospital was located in an old district of a second-tier city in L Country, and it was over five hours away from where Shi Jin and his team were staying. The hospital was not large, with only one building, but it was easy to defend and difficult to attack. From the surface, there was only one obvious entrance and exit, which was the main gate.

When Long Shi was hiding in this hospital, he used the identity of a pharmacist.

He usually only moved around in the pharmacy, which was located in the deepest part of the first floor of the hospital. He ate and slept in the hospital and rarely went out. He never socialized with outsiders and lived like a ghost floating in the pharmacy.

According to Old Ghost, Long Shi disappeared suddenly. The day before his disappearance, Old Ghost had sent his subordinates to pretend to be patients and go to the Lishui Hospital for treatment, then stop by the pharmacy to try and talk to Long Shi. But Long Shi was very cautious and acted like a local from L country who couldn't understand China dialect.

After dealing with the people sent by the Old Ghost, he quickly left the pharmacy claiming to be sick. Later, when Long Shi reappeared, he was already in the hands of Nine Eagles.

After Long Shi disappeared, Lishui Hospital continued to operate as usual, and the pharmacy quickly had a new pharmacist take over, as if Long Shi had never existed.

A small organization called Hydra was covering the Lishui Hospital. Their headquarters were located in the suburbs of the second-tier city where the hospital was located. Hydra mainly dealt in the human flesh and drug business, with no higher-level organization and no expansion outside of their city. They operated in a very low-key manner.

There wasn't much information available, and nothing particularly noteworthy, but something felt off.

Shi Jin circled a few points that he was particularly interested in, pondered them for a while, and then got up and left the room.

Lian Jun was in a meeting with officials, so Shi Jin didn't want to disturb him. Instead, he went to the kitchen and decided to figure out Lian Jun's three meals for the day, so he wouldn't have to cook blindly.

As he walked into the living room, Shi Jin unexpectedly saw Fei Yujing again. But this time, Fei Yujing no longer had the tired and haggard look with dark circles under his eyes. He looked energetic and sharp, dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase, as if he was ready to go out for business.

Shi Jin had been thinking about the menu, and when he saw Fei Yujing, he casually reminded him, "Remember to bring an umbrella. It's definitely going to rain today."

Fei Yujing stopped and looked at him, watching his back disappear into the entrance to the kitchen. He turned his head and glanced at the umbrella basket in the foyer, furrowing his brow. He reached into the basket and took out a black folding umbrella, stuffing it into his briefcase.

Everyone was busy the whole day, and after dinner, Shi Jin rushed to find Number Two to clarify some unclear information in the materials. Some questions were answered, while others were not. They talked until bedtime before he hastily ended the conversation and returned to Lian Jun's room.

Lian Jun had already finished washing up and was lying on the bed. When he saw him come back, he gestured towards the bathroom and said, "Go wash up. Your pajamas are already inside. Rest well tonight."

Shi Jin turned and headed straight to the bathroom. He quickly finished washing up and blew his hair dry before rushing out and throwing himself onto the bed with a loud thud.

The mattress shook from the impact, and Lian Jun put down his tablet and turned to look at Shi Jin. Shi Jin lifted the covers and slipped inside, feeling his way up Lian Jun's leg under the blankets. Just as he was about to reach Lian Jun's waist, he suddenly lifted the covers and leaned in to kiss him.

Lian Jun had already placed his tablet on the bedside table when Shi Jin lifted the covers. Seeing him approach, he took the opportunity to embrace him and deepen the kiss as he pushed him onto the bed.

Their body temperatures quickly rose, and Shi Jin bit Lian Jun's lip, forcing him to retreat. Then he quickly checked his death progress bar.

"Not sleepy?" Lian Jun retreated and touched Shi Jin's face, asking as he pressed his forehead against his.

Shi Jin reached out to pull at his sleeping robe and said seriously, "We haven't done the massage today, and we can't neglect your leg care."

But who said leg care had to come before cuddling? Lian Jun's lips curled up as he held onto his hand and leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose.

"Do you think my body is ugly?" he asked.

"Nonsense, it's clearly very attractive," Shi Jin replied, embracing him and running his fingers down his spine. "Lian Jun, you'll only become more beautiful in the future."

Lian Jun's breath hitched as he lowered his head to kiss Shi Jin's eyes, which seemed to sparkle like stars. He murmured a soft response and slipped his hand under the covers, undoing Shi Jin's pajamas.


The next morning, Shi Jin changed into a casual outfit and, with the guidance of Number Two, put on all his equipment before getting into a silver van parked outside the door.

Lian Jun personally saw him off in the back seat of the van and said, "Come back safely."

When Shi Jin heard this, he suddenly jumped out of the car and hugged him before getting back in and closing the van door. He lowered the window and stuck his head out, reminding him, "Eat well, I'll check on you when I come back."

Lian Jun looked at him approvingly and nodded.

Number Three started the car and drove away. Number Two raised the window that Shi Jin had lowered and began adjusting the various devices in the van.

Shi Jin leaned against the window and watched Lian Jun's figure get smaller and smaller. His expression slowly drooped, and he sighed to himself, "It's over. He just left, and I'm already thinking about your baby. He definitely won't eat well."

"Clearly, he's our baby," Xiao Si corrected Shi Jin's words.

Shi Jin was speechless, then laughed. As he laughed, he couldn't help but sigh. If only he and Lian Jun were an ordinary couple in peacetime, with him responsible for earning money to support the family and Lian Jun responsible for being beautiful at home, how nice that would be.

Xiao Si cruelly poured cold water on him: "Jin Jin, based on overall ability, even if our baby was born in an ordinary family, his chances of success would be much higher than yours. According to your plan, your relationship with the baby is more likely to become that of a domineering CEO and a kept loved."

Shi Jin: "..."

"But I don't think our baby will mind that you earn less," Xiao Si comforted him thoughtfully.

Shi Jin's momentary sadness about Lian Jun temporarily disappeared, and he was so angry that he sat back in his chair.


After adjusting the equipment in the car, Number Two briefly discussed the tactical arrangements for this mission.

The current plan was for Number Three to lead the main force to besiege the headquarters of the Hydra, using brute force to attack directly. Number Two, on the other hand, will lead Shi Jin and his team to investigate the situation at the Lishui Hospital by taking a detour and going deep into the area, trying to avoid major firepower conflicts.

The reason for this differential treatment is that although the Hydra used Lishui Hospital as a stockpile base, they still receive patients on a regular basis. Apart from the gangsters, there are also many real patients living in the building. A large-scale conflict could harm them.

In addition, the Hydra's main business is in human flesh and drugs. The goods they stockpile in Lishui Hospital are likely to be related to drugs. Once a major firepower conflict breaks out, those drugs, which are stored in unknown locations, could easily be ignited and leaked, causing a large-scale drug contamination that would be very difficult to handle.

"Our main goal in investigating the Lishui Hospital is to see if there are any clues about the toxin's source that Long Shi has been hiding for years, not to confront the hospital staff. Therefore, we need to exercise restraint in our actions and wait for Number Three to attack the Hydra headquarters. Once Lishui Hospital receives the news and chaos ensues, we can enter with a larger force and conduct a thorough search while taking advantage of the confusion."

Number Two continued to explain, as he presented a detailed internal structure diagram of Lishui.

"While Number Three attack the Hydra's stronghold, we will also send people to infiltrate the hospital and gather information. As we are all from the East and stand out too much in L country, we will not participate in the initial infiltration. I have recruited several locals who have been absorbed into our branch.

"They have already entered the hospital in various disguises, such as family members of patients, patients themselves, and drug addicts looking to buy drugs. Once we arrive, we need to make contact with the initial infiltrators before assessing the situation at Number Three's end. We will then choose a suitable time to sneak into the hospital and search for what we need."

Shi Jin nodded in understanding.

"The plan is roughly like this. This mission is relatively simple, so you don't need to be too nervous, Shi Jin," Number Two reassured him, handing him the internal structure diagram of Lishui Hospital. "Familiarize yourself with the internal situation of the hospital. When searching, you can't make any low-level mistakes like taking the wrong turn."

In fact, Shi Jin had already had Xiao Si scan the structure diagram of Lishui Hospital and had memorized it several times to ensure he wouldn't get lost. But hearing Number Two say this, he still took the diagram and honestly memorized it again.

Four hours later, the van stopped in the neighboring city of Lishui Hospital. Number Three got off and joined the branch personnel who had already been sent over yesterday, heading straight to the Hydra headquarters.

Number Two took over the position of Number Three and continued driving towards Lishui Hospital with Shi Jin. After another hour, Number Two parked the van on a secluded street about ten minutes away from the hospital. After waiting quietly for a few minutes, a garbage truck and a small truck drove up. Number Two checked their license plates in the rearview mirror before starting the car again.

Shi Jin asked, "Are the team members we brought with us in those two cars behind us?"

"Yeah, they're from the branch and were trained by Number Seven. There are eighteen of them, plus the two of us, making a total of twenty people. That should be enough to search Lishui Hospital," Number Two explained.

Shi Jin was puzzled, "Number Seven?"

As they were on their way, Number Two suddenly realized that he didn't know Number Seven yet.

He quickly explained, "Number Seven is a disciple brought out by Number One. He is in charge of personnel scheduling and new recruit training. When we have missions like this that require us to run around, we need him to help us arrange manpower."

Shi Jin nodded to show that he understood and refocused his attention on the mission.

A few minutes later, the van stopped at the side of a building diagonally across from Lishui Hospital. Number Two contacted a few of the early personnel who had already infiltrated the hospital to confirm that there was no abnormal activity inside. Then they began to wait quietly.

Shi Jin suppressed his eagerness at seeing the building and settled his mind to wait patiently.

"After waiting for an hour, Shi Jin couldn't help but ask, 'Do you think the Nine Eagles have sent people to guard this hospital, betting that we will come to search for Long Shi's previous residence?'"

Number Two glanced at him through the rearview mirror and replied, "It's very possible, so we need to be more careful."

Shi Jin responded with a sound and quieted down again.

Half an hour later, the advance team reported that some of the cleaners and caregivers in Lishui Hospital suddenly became restless and ran towards the pharmacy and the hospital warehouse one after another. At the same time, news came from Number Three's side that they had already penetrated the headquarters of the Hydra.

"Get ready to move. You have ten minutes to enter the hospital in batches," Number Two came back to life from his statue-like state, maneuvering the steering wheel towards Lishui Hospital while giving instructions on his phone. The people hiding in the other two cars immediately sprang into action upon hearing the orders.

Shi Jin also quickly got into gear, putting on his in-ear headphones and preparing for battle.

Number Two parked the van on the side of Lishui Hospital.

Five minutes later, the early personnel at Lishui Hospital once again relayed a message: most of the Hydra personnel had gone to the storeroom, and other areas had become less guarded.

"So they know they can't hide forever and want to save as much as they can?" Number Two raised an eyebrow, chuckled, confirmed the infiltration status of the other eighteen people, and gave orders while starting the van, "Divide into three groups. One group will monitor the movements of the storeroom, one group will observe the situation of the hospital staff scattered around, and one group will go to the pharmacy. Numbers 9 to 12, the four of you will follow Shi Jin into the pharmacy and stay in contact."


A chorus of voices echoed through his headphones. Shi Jin sat up straight and got out of the van as soon as it stopped at the entrance of Lishui Hospital. He entered the hospital alone, looking like a family member visiting a patient. He walked through the lobby with ease and familiarity, and climbed the stairs to the second floor ward.

Despite his distinctive Chinese features, he didn't attract any attention in the lobby because of his confident and natural demeanor.

Before Number Two could even finish his instructions, Shi Jin had disappeared from sight.

What a ghostly speed!

He widened his eyes and quickly opened the location on his tablet where Shi Jin had entered. On the screen, he saw the hospital's floor plan with a green dot representing Shi Jin. After reaching the second floor of the inpatient department, the dot suddenly accelerated and swiftly moved through the corridor, down the stairs on the other side, and then continuously turned corners in the first-floor corridor, avoiding the crowds and quickly approaching the pharmacy. this hospital your home? How can you navigate so skillfully and quickly.

"What a guy." Number Two muttered with mixed feelings. He quickly adjusted his earphones and instructed the 9th to 12th members who had already infiltrated to meet up with Shi Jin.

Inside the hospital, Shi Jin had successfully approached the pharmacy. Perhaps having advance warning, the iron gate of the pharmacy had already been closed. Looking through the crack in the door, all that could be seen were rows and rows of medicine shelves, with no sign of a person.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind. Shi Jin quickly gave up looking and hid in the shadow by the door.

The person who came was a tall, thin man. He turned into this corridor and didn't rush forward, but stopped and asked, "Shi?"

"Don't be nervous, it's one of us," Number Two reminded him in his earpiece.

Shi Jin finally relaxed, walked out of the shadow, and signaled for the man to come over.

The tall, thin man approached and noticed the situation in the pharmacy. He asked, "Is the door locked?"

"Ah, only the outer iron gate was locked, the inner glass door was not. The person who should have closed it was in a hurry and didn't have time to close it all," said Shi Jin, as he took out a piece of wire and signaled to the tall, thin man to watch out. Then he crouched down and began to pick the lock.

The tall, thin man: "..." Brother, why are you so skilled at picking locks.

With the arrival of another ally, Shi Jin successfully opened the gate.

He stood up, put away his tools, and left one person to wait for the others while he led the tall, thin man into the pharmacy.

The pharmacy was very quiet, with too many shelves blocking their view, making it uncertain if anyone was hiding inside.

Shi Jin signaled for the tall, thin man to provide cover while he headed straight for the back of the pharmacy, keeping an ear out for any sounds. As they approached the middle of the pharmacy, there was a sudden movement behind the shelves on the left.

Without hesitation, Shi Jin circled around and approached the person who was hiding behind the shelves from behind. With a swift pounce, he covered the person's mouth and knocked them out with a quick tap on the back, all without making a sound. It was efficient and precise.

The skinny man who was about to draw his gun to help: "..."

Meanwhile, a few more lackeys who were guarding the pharmacy appeared from behind. Some even had their guns drawn, but Shi Jin remained calm and composed. He approached each one with a ghostly and swift movement, taking them down one by one without firing a single shot. It was so efficient that it made one's teeth ache.

The skinny man was left dumbfounded, feeling like he was a bit unnecessary.

After dealing with the lookout, Shi Jin led the tall and skinny man to a closed door deep in the pharmacy. He grabbed the handle and gestured to the skinny man before quickly opening the door and pressing himself against the wall to avoid the gunfire that erupted from inside.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of gunfire was intense and all coming from inside the room.

Shi Jin took out a tear gas canister, smashed it open, and put on a gas mask before quickly entering the room and hiding behind a cabinet. He aimed and fired several shots at the people lying in ambush inside.

The sound of silenced gunfire was intense. By the time the skinny man rushed into the room, all the people inside had already been taken care of.

There were four people in total, two shot in the arms and two in the shoulders. They had all lost the strength to hold their weapons. Shi Jin was kicking away their weapons one by one.

"Bind them up," ordered Shi Jin.

The tall, skinny man gave him a silent glance before obediently stepping forward to help subdue the group.

Shi Jin began to survey the room in the pharmacy.

It was a large room, likely meant for the resident pharmacists. The furnishings were simple, with only a bed, table, and wardrobe. In the corner, there were many crates in disarray, showing signs of being rummaged through and moved around.

According to the floor plan, this was the only room in the pharmacy, with no other hiding places. Long Shi had likely been living here during his years in hiding, but the room was too ordinary to reveal any secrets.

"Any discoveries?" asked Number Two through the earpiece.

Shi Jin looked around the room, hoping to find a hidden door or something of the sort, but he found nothing.

"There's nothing here," he said. "Even if Long Shi lived here before, his traces of life have probably been covered up by later people. I'll go check the pharmacy outside later...wait a minute." He suddenly stopped talking and looked up at the ceiling.

The people who were tied up by the tall and thin man noticed his actions and all had a change in expression, becoming restless.

"Did you find something?" Number Two asked.

Shi Jin glanced at the trapped Hydra lackeys and then at the cargo box. "I found something. I remember that the Lishui Hospital has a higher floor height than ordinary buildings, but the ceiling of this pharmacy's interior rooms is a bit low. Also, I did not see the pharmacist's figure. Some of the Hydras are staying here to sort out the cargo box, obviously to transfer the goods, but the only exit in this pharmacy is locked..."

"Do you suspect there is a passage on the ceiling?" Number Two asked.

"Well, I didn't find any other way out of the pharmacy," Shi Jin replied. He walked over to the pile of messy cargo boxes in the corner and carefully observed them. He found that the boxes had been moved from the corner towards the middle of the room.

Shi Jin glanced at the ceiling in the middle of the room, then turned to look at the wall near the cargo box. His gaze finally settled on an old hook. He quickly stepped onto the cargo box, reached out and touched the hook, tried to pull it, and then grabbed it and pulled it outwards with force.

After a faint sound of sliding iron chains, several pieces of ceiling in the middle of the room suddenly opened downwards, and a movable slide fell down, hanging down to the ground, just landing near a certain cargo box.

"Uh, uh, uh." The little lackeys who were tied up and had their mouths blocked had a big change in their expressions, struggling to try to attack Shi Jin.

Shi Jin let go of his hand and jumped off the cargo box, looking at the open ceiling, and asked Number Two, "I remember there was a doctor's office directly above this room. Do we have anyone on the second floor?"

Number Two was impressed by his sharpness, saying, "Yes, I'll let them go take a look."

Ten minutes later, there were a few knocks from above the ceiling. Shi Jin received the signal and climbed up the ladder smoothly, entering the doctor's office upstairs.

The office was empty, and the doctor was nowhere to be seen. There were also several scattered boxes on the ground, as if the owner of the room had not had time to take them away.

Shi Jin observed for a moment and said, "It seems that the pharmacy was just a cover-up made by Hydra. Long Shi must have been involved in some other shady business besides hiding in this small hospital all these years."

"It's not surprising at all," said Number Two, "someone like Long Shi could never be honest. Otherwise, Young Master Jun wouldn't have sent us here to investigate and warned us to be careful." He continued, "Did you find anything else in the office?"

Shi Jin replied that he hadn't, but then he remembered the layout of the Lishui Hospital and realized that this doctor's office was located right next to the stairs and very close to the elevator. In other words, someone from within the Hydra organization could access any floor of the hospital that they wanted from this office.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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