The Plough

The Plough

Chapter 154 - Chapter 153

At the moment he handed over the money, Ling Shu felt like his previous bravado was just a delusion brought on by some sort of spell.

After settling the bill, he clutched his empty wallet and felt a sense of emptiness he had never experienced before.

It was as if he had reached a point in life where everything was dull and meaningless.

Yue Dingtang was truly remarkable. He was like a thousand-year-old fox spirit reincarnated, not only able to drain people of their energy but also make them willingly foot the bill.

Watching his money fly away like a bird, Ling Shu lost all interest in anything. Even his hair drooped like a wilted eggplant, as if it had been frostbitten.

When Yue Dingtang suggested they go see a movie, Ling Shu could only weakly wave his hand and say, "You go ahead."

Yue Dingtang couldn't help but find it amusing, but he didn't want to show it too obviously, lest Ling Shu become even more annoyed.

He pushed his smile down and hummed in agreement.

"I have to go to school this afternoon for something. You go home and rest. I'll come find you later."

He finished speaking and also touched his head, smoothing down the two strands of hair.

Ling Shu's gaze was blank as he lay on the table.

He realized too late that he had been comforted like a small animal.

When he thought of getting up to question it, Yue Dingtang had already walked away.

He sighed and silently lay back on the table, planning to spend the afternoon contemplating life while basking in the sun.

Unfortunately, this leisurely moment didn't last long before someone came over.

It was Xiao Yue, who had returned.

"Mr. Ling, you're still here?" Xiao Yue was pleasantly surprised.

"I wanted to come and see you. I didn't expect to actually run into you. If you weren't here, I might have had to call you."

Ling Shu still had that lazy look, but he straightened up a bit in front of the unfamiliar lady, knowing he had to maintain basic etiquette.

"I'm not much older than you, just call me Ling Shu. What's up? Do you need something from me?"

Xiao Yue nodded, panting a little as she ran over.

"I just went to the Feng family. Uncle and Aunt Feng heard about your reputation and are willing to let you join in the search for Zhenzhu's whereabouts. They even said that if Zhenzhu is found, they will add another five thousand dollars to the original reward."

Ling Shu blinked.

Five thousand dollars is enough to eat how many meals?

Even for a lunch of this caliber today, it would be enough for many meals, right?

"Money doesn't matter, the important matter is to find her. Let's go together."

Xiao Yue exclaimed happily, "Thank you, you are truly a kind-hearted person!"

She knew she had not misjudged him when she first met Ling Shu on campus and was initially attracted to his appearance. This feeling only grew stronger when she discovered that he was just as genuine on the inside.

"My driver is waiting outside, we can leave anytime," she said.

Xiao Yue, who could be friends with Feng Zhenzhu, naturally came from a well-off family. It was evident from the fact that she had a driver to pick her up and drop her off.

Ling Shu accompanied her in the car to the Feng family's house. Upon arriving at their destination, Ling Shu raised an eyebrow in surprise.

It was a coincidence that this place was not far from Yue's house. It was no wonder that the area was filled with either the wealthy or the powerful, and it was only natural that Feng's house was located near Yue's.

"Minister Feng is rarely in Shanghai, and he only came back these few days because of his daughter's matter. The Feng family siblings usually live in the Feng Manor."

On the way down the car, Xiao Yue shared about the family with Ling Shu.

"Zhenzhu has two older brothers. The eldest brother follows Minister Feng in Nanjing, and the other brother is also studying in Shanghai."

Ling Shu remembered, "Is her second brother named Feng Liang?"

Xiao Yue replied, "Yes, do you know him?"

Ling Shu said, "I knew him many years ago. I'm afraid he doesn't remember me now."

It was indeed many years ago.

At that time, the Ling family had not yet fallen, and they occasionally met at dance parties. The two also attended one of the better middle schools in Shanghai, so it was inevitable that they would have activities together.

However, Ling Shu had little interaction with Feng Liang because the latter did not perform well academically and had no interest in studying. He was unable to represent the school in any activities. Ling Shu still remembered a time at a dance when Feng Liang, who had been scolded by his father to learn more from Ling Shu, couldn't help but vent his anger on Ling Shu and they had a few words of disagreement.

Many years had passed, and the two were like this manor and the occasional dandelion that flew by outside. Perhaps they would intersect at some point, but this intersection was destined to be fleeting and insignificant.

Feng Manor appeared much more luxurious than the Yue family from the outside, but as soon as Ling Shu entered, he realized that the furnishings inside were not necessarily better than those of the Yue family.

In fact, they were somewhat out of sync with the exterior decor, giving off a slightly outdated feel. Of course, it's not to say that these things are worthless.

Ling Shu himself has experienced great wealth and prosperity.

He just saw an answer from these details: the Feng family is not as glamorous as they seem.

Ling Shu remembers that after Xiao Yue left previously, he asked Yue Dingtang about the current situation of the Feng family and whether Minister Feng was still doing well in the officialdom.

These questions were not aimless.

Sometimes a person's disappearance may not be related to the person themselves, but may have intricate connections with their family.

However, it was not convenient to ask Minister Feng face to face, and Xiao Yue, a little girl, couldn't explain anything.

The most suitable person to ask was Yue Dingtang.

Yue Dingtang's answer at the time was that Minister Feng had just been transferred to the Ministry of Tobacco Control as the minister. The Ministry of Tobacco Control, as the name suggests, is responsible for cracking down on the opium and tobacco trade.

However, nowadays, tobacco is a lucrative business. Not only do local warlords take the lion's share, but also any influential relatives with connections are eager to get involved.

The so-called ban on tobacco is just an empty promise. Minister Feng cannot possibly go and shut down the business of someone important's sister-in-law or brother-in-law.

He can only turn a blind eye and deal with some small fry.

Sometimes, he may accidentally step on the toes of a big shot and have to personally make amends.

It's no wonder that Minister Feng feels a bit frustrated in his position.

It's clear that Minister Feng's career is in jeopardy.

As for political enemies, Yue Dingtang is not quite sure.

Perhaps there were some in the past, but Minister Feng's defeat is what led to his being sent to this backwater department.

Perhaps Miss Feng's disappearance has nothing to do with this.

Lost in thought, Ling Shu and Xiao Yue were greeted by the servants of the Feng family and led into the living room.

There, they saw Mr. and Mrs. Feng, as well as the two older brothers of Miss Feng, with the eldest having returned with Minister Feng.

There was also a young woman of similar age, presumably the wife of the eldest brother.

Minister Feng had obviously been introduced to Ling Shu by Xiao Yue beforehand, so when he greeted them, he got straight to the point.

"I assume you've already heard about my daughter's situation from Xiao Yue."

Ling Shu nodded in agreement.

Minister Feng said, "Currently, both the patrol station and the police department are helping with the search. I didn't want to involve outsiders, but Xiao Yue said that you are very skilled at investigating cases, and Mr. Jiang also recommended you. So, I would like you to participate as well. If my daughter can return safely, I will offer a generous reward. However, I also hope that you will keep this matter confidential and not mention it to anyone else. Once you leave this room, pretend you know nothing."

Whether it was to protect the family's reputation or for the sake of his daughter's honor, Minister Feng's words were reasonable.

Although his tone was a bit forceful, Ling Shu understood that he was just concerned.

"Don't worry, Minister Feng. I'm not a tabloid journalist, nor do I have any interest in prying into other people's affairs. Besides, if even the police are at a loss, my ability to help may be limited. But I will do my best to assist."

Minister Feng furrowed his brow slightly, seeming somewhat dissatisfied with his words, but unable to find any major loopholes, he could only let it go.

But someone nearby voiced a question.

"Ling Shu? Are you that Ling Shu?"

Feng Liang actually had some impression of Ling Shu.

From his expression, it didn't seem like a good impression.

"What are you doing here, helping to find someone? A spy? A police officer? When Xiao Yue mentioned it, I thought it was just a coincidence of names, but I didn't expect it to be you."

Whether they were patrol or police officers, their social status was not particularly high.

Feng Liang never expected that the person his father used to mention as a role model for him to study hard would now be someone who relied on his family for a living.

He couldn't tell whether he was gloating or mocking his father's poor judgment.

"Father, do you remember him? Ling Shu, the one you used to talk about in school, saying he had good grades."

Minister Feng looked puzzled, as if he was still trying to recall.

But Feng Liang couldn't wait to remind him.

"At that time, you always said he would have a brighter future than me. But now it seems that without the Ling family, he's nothing special."

Xiao Yue couldn't help but interject, "Elder Brother, Mr. Ling is my friend. I asked him to help us!"

Minister Feng didn't know if he remembered Ling Shu, but he certainly had to scold his son for his disrespectful attitude. "Don't speak nonsense!"

Ling Shu smiled, "I didn't expect Second Young Master Feng to remember me. Without the Ling family, I am indeed nothing. I suppose with the Feng family, you have everything now, don't you? What are you?"

Xiao Yue tried to hold back her laughter, but couldn't help it and let out a small sound.

Feng Liang was getting angry from the banter, "If you don't want to take on this job, then just leave. You have no right to mock the host. We don't welcome you here!"

Without another word, Ling Shu turned and left.

He didn't rely on the Feng family for a living.

That money was tempting, but not easy to earn.

If Third Miss Feng couldn't be found, where would the money come from?

Xiao Yue stomped her foot and exclaimed, then seeing that the Feng family didn't care, she followed after Ling Shu.

Although Minister Feng was very dissatisfied with his son's behavior, Ling Shu was not important enough for him to speak up and try to keep him.

Once he left, without any hesitation, the matter was settled.

Xiao Yue was a sensible girl and repeatedly apologized to Ling Shu when she caught up with him, saying that she had not thought it through and took all the blame upon herself.

"Don't worry about it. Second brother Feng is a stingy person. I don't like him either, but it's hard to say anything. You have finally helped me vent my anger. Today was my fault for dragging you to the door. I will invite you for a meal to apologize another day!"

Ling Shu was about to say something when he saw a person rushing towards them from the direction of the Feng mansion.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the young woman who had been standing next to Eldest brother Feng earlier.

She was wearing high heels, but her footsteps were not slow at all. The Feng family's servants were also following closely behind her, and when they saw Ling Shu and the others, they shouted,

"Mr. Ling, please wait!"

"It's Mrs. Feng!" exclaimed Xiao Yue in surprise.

Mrs. Feng's hurried footsteps, urgent tone, and even her expression all conveyed a desire to keep them there.

Ling Shu had a gut feeling that something had happened at the Feng household during the few minutes they were away.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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