The Plough

The Plough

Chapter 153 - Chapter 152

Of course, Yue Dingtang did not order separate tables for their meals.

"Two steaks, one cooked to 60% and the other to 70%," he smoothly placed the order for himself and Ling Shu.

"Xiao Yue, order whatever you want for yourself," he said.

Xiao Yue agreed, but couldn't help feeling a bit puzzled. She couldn't quite put her finger on why.

When the dishes arrived, Yue Dingtang naturally placed the potato wedges in front of Ling Shu, along with two servings of black pepper sauce.

Ling Shu, in turn, poured all the black pepper sauce onto his own steak.

Xiao Yue was a bit confused about their relationship. She and Feng Zhenzhu had grown up together, but they had never had such a tacit understanding.

Perhaps it was because they were women and didn't quite understand the bond between men.

After finishing their meal, Xiao Yue politely thanked the two of them.

"Mr. Ling, would it be convenient for me to have your phone number? If there is any news from the Feng family, I can inform you in a timely manner," Xiao Yue said.

It's rare for families to have phones these days, except for the wealthy. Xiao Yue wanted to contact Ling Shu, but realized it might not be appropriate to ask.

However, it was too late to take back her words, and she could only regret it silently.

As expected, Ling Shu replied, "I don't have a phone at home, but I can give you the number of Captain Yue's office at the City Bureau. You can call that number instead."

"Okay, thank you," Xiao Yue said, settling for second best.

Even though she wanted to get closer to Ling Shu, she couldn't focus on that right now with her best friend missing and her worries mounting.

Professor Yue said, "Xiao Yue, finish your meal and then go back to school. We still have some things to take care of."

"Okay, Professor Yue," Xiao Yue replied.

She felt that Professor Yue was a bit ungentlemanly today.

How could he ask a lady to leave right after she picked up her napkin to wipe her mouth?

But a student couldn't resist the professor, Xiao Yue had to say goodbye and leave.

Ling Shu also noticed that Yue Dingtang didn't really want him to get involved in this mess.

"Is there something fishy about this?" he asked.

Yue Dingtang didn't answer, but instead said, "You haven't been taking care of yourself since you came back from the northeast, and now you're only just dealt with the situation with Lu Zude. You should rest for a while. As for Miss Feng's case, it doesn't matter who goes to look for her. The Feng family's background is there, and the police station won't just sit idly by. They will do their best, and whether there's one more person or one less person won't make a difference."

Ling Shu scratched his face and suddenly asked, "Old Yue, I have a question for you."

He was so serious that Yue Dingtang was a bit uncomfortable. "Do you think I'm quite the slacker?"

Yue Dingtang remained composed. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, you mentioned earlier that it wouldn't make a difference if there were one more or one less person helping with this task. They asked me for help because of my strong curiosity, and I don't let any detail slip by. But upon reflection, this curiosity can sometimes bring trouble to my friends and family. For example, if I hadn't been able to handle Lu Zude this time, my brother-in-law and sister's safety would have been compromised. Ultimately, it was thanks to you for finding Jiang He."

Some thoughts are like weeds, ignored and unnoticed, but with a gust of wind, they grow rapidly and become lush.

The words of Jiang He urging him to start his own business lingered in his mind, and Ling Shu went from not taking it seriously to thinking that it had some truth to it.

"So, what are you trying to say?" Yue Dingtang furrowed his brow slightly as he listened.

"Well, I know you don't need it, but for future dinner dates, I'll pay for half too. It's like we're both contributing to our home. You already have a house, and a car anyway."

As Ling Shu spoke, he became a bit embarrassed and cleared his throat, coughing twice out of habit.

"I don't know what else you need, but I should at least show some appreciation... Why are you looking at me like that?"


To be honest, before Ling Shu said these words, Yue Dingtang had never thought about it so deeply.

For Yue Dingtang, the concept of having a home had been absent for a long time.

Certainly, most of his relatives were still alive, but they were scattered all over the world. His eldest and second eldest brothers were both in the country, but not in the same place. His third sister had a good relationship with him, but she was not in the country.

The ancestral home only had the old housekeeper and a group of servants. Although the old housekeeper was like family, he never crossed the line and always followed the rules.

In Yue Dingtang's heart, he was no different from family, but there was still some distance in their communication. Even Uncle Zhou was closer to Ling Shu than him.

Yue Dingtang didn't know when it started, but the place where he could relax and let his guard down was where Ling Shu was.

He had never consciously made a distinction, even though he had never said it out loud. It wasn't until Ling Shu's words just now that he was suddenly jolted awake like a bolt of lightning.

"Did I say something wrong?" As Ling Shu saw the strange look in his eyes and his prolonged silence, he couldn't help but pause.

If Yue Dingtang was a bit proud and self-respecting, it was not surprising.

He used to be that kind of person too.

Before the downfall of the Ling family, everyone knew that the young master of the Ling family was arrogant and always wanted to be the best. Even when he went to the dance floor, he had to dance the most with the top dancer.

But after experiencing the collapse of the Ling family, going to Yunnan, and facing gunfire and danger, he couldn't say that he had completely changed, but he had already abandoned many things that he once valued and now found them ridiculous.

He learned a lesson on the battlefield: never hesitate to confess your love or feelings to someone you like or care about, or you might miss your chance.

He regretted not telling his sister Ling Yao earlier that he loved her, thinking that he would never come back.

Although he had succumbed to the temptation of beauty last night, he couldn't deny his care for Yue Dingtang. He was only conflicted about who would take the initiative first.

Since that's the case, he might as well be straightforward.

"If you're not happy, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Yue Dingtang shook his head.

How could he not be happy?

It was just that the surprise came too quickly.

He thought he was always the boy who watched his crush from behind the tree, but unconsciously he had already walked out from behind that tree and stood in front of that person.

Sometimes, even the most perfect understanding can't compare to a sweet word.

Because people always like things that are certain and existent.

And Ling Shu's words were another kind of promise.

"So, will you treat me to this meal?"

Captain Yue's words had a hint of cautious probing.

When he was studying in France, he had a brief romance.

This must be an experience that is indispensable for personal growth, but he had never felt the current anxiety and hesitation before.


Ling Shu answered boldly, but when the bill came, he was dumbfounded.

This meal cost him half a month's salary.

Ling Shu: ...

Yue Dingtang: "Is it too expensive? Let me pay."

Ling Shu quickly stopped him.

"No, no. I can afford to treat you to a meal. If you don't let me, it's like you're looking down on me!"

With that hat on, Yue Dingtang couldn't take it and stopped insisting.

Ling Shu's heart was weeping.

His mood was even more uncomfortable than last night when he couldn't control himself.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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