The Plough

The Plough

Chapter 140 - Chapter 140

Shen Renjie's old heart couldn't take the shock and almost jumped out of his throat.

He tried to hold back the exclamation of surprise and pained moan, swallowing it down.

When did Ling Shu transform from an ordinary customer in the crowd to the dealer behind the gambling table?

The black suit he wore was no different from the other dealers at the table, but it fit him exceptionally well. It was clear that it wasn't just taken from anyone, but carefully selected for him.

Shen Renjie pursed his lips and couldn't help but mourn silently for the unlucky person who was unconscious somewhere.

Ling Shu's movements in rolling the dice were incredibly skilled, and his shouts were full of ups and downs, as if he had spent half his life in a gambling den.

The other gamblers around him were so engrossed in their own games that they didn't even notice. Even if they had paid close attention, they wouldn't have been able to tell that Ling Shu was an amateur.

Shen Renjie suddenly remembered a long time ago when Ling Shu had been arrested as a suspect in the murder of Du Yunning. Ling Shu had bribed him with gambling equipment and food, and they had played a game in the prison. Ling Shu had even managed to anger Yue Dingtang, scaring him into thinking he was going to be in trouble.

Now that he thought about it, it seemed that Ling Shu came from a family with a long history of gambling. He must have worked in a casino before, otherwise he wouldn't be so skilled at it.

'If that's the case, then he must have been a lock-picker before with his skills in using wire to open locks?' Shen Renjie shook his head, dismissing his wild thoughts.

At the table of Ling Shu, there was a guest who had been winning continuously.

His stack of gold papers grew from one to three, and then to ten. The other guests were amazed and gathered around him, drawing the attention of the gambling house.

Shen Renjie watched coldly and noticed several thugs slowly approaching the winning guest from somewhere. The gambling house was all about making profits, even if it by causing others to lose everything they had.

There was no room for morality or justice in such a place. They couldn't let the guest keep winning endlessly. If he refused to stop and continued to attract attention like this, he would eventually be targeted and might even die a gruesome death.

As expected, the guest was soon surrounded by four burly men from the gambling house. Those with any sense quickly distanced themselves, afraid of being caught in the crossfire.

But then Ling Shu flicked his wrist and slammed the dice onto the table.

"I'll bet big!" the guest declared, placing three gold notes on the table.

He had already won five consecutive rounds by betting big.

Many onlookers decided to try their luck and followed suit by betting big.

Some didn't believe in luck and bet small.

Others who had lost everything were desperate to borrow money and join in the gambling.

Human nature is full of desires and emotions.

"Roll!" Ling Shu shouted as he picked up the dice.

The crowd gasped.

It was a small number.

The guest's luck had run out and his three gold notes were promptly taken away.

Shen Renjie saw the gambling house's thugs, who had been ready to pounce, retreat to their original positions and watch the situation unfold.

In the past, although he wasn't addicted, he enjoyed gambling from time to time. He would go to the casino and play a few hands, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. He even borrowed money from friends and colleagues to cover his financial difficulties.

But at this moment, seeing the scene before him was like a bucket of cold water being poured over his head, instantly sobering him up. He seemed to suddenly understand the essence of gambling, seeing the demon in the painting tearing off the beautiful face to reveal its gruesome flesh.

The endless cycle of gambling can drag people into an endless abyss, slowly consuming them until they are completely destroyed.

The man who had won five rounds in a row and then started losing clearly didn't have the same realization as Shen Renjie.

He gritted his teeth and placed three more bets, winning one and losing two. This only made him more determined, and he even bet all the remaining money he had.

"Roll the dice!" Ling Shu smiled, but the man's face turned ashen. "Did you cheat?! Give me another chance, I'll owe you one and I promise to make it up to you! Trust me, I'll win it all back!"

The other person grew more and more agitated, reaching out to grab Ling Shu.

But before he could lay a hand on him, he was dragged away and his mouth was quickly covered, leaving him unable to speak.

Shen Renjie didn't know where they were taking him, but he knew it couldn't be good. Perhaps the gambling den saw him as a lone wolf with no connections and decided to send him to work in a brick kiln until he died.

Cold sweat dripped down Shen Renjie's forehead as he saw himself in the mirror of his own gambling addiction. He had never sunk this low before, but if he continued down this path, he would become a lost soul in the abyss.

However, he soon realized he didn't have the energy to dwell on these thoughts any longer.

Shen Renjie noticed that Ling Shu was called away by someone, who seemed to be from the gambling house. The person said a few words to Ling Shu, who hesitated for half a second before following him.

Is Ling Shu's identity compromised?

He was a little worried and saw the two men walking towards him. He was about to find a place to hide when Ling Shu walked past him quickly.

Without a word, Shen Renjie felt a light tap on his waist, and the two had already walked away.

Did he just get taken advantage of?

Shen Renjie was first stunned, then angry.

He never expected that Ling Shu, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, would be this kind of person!

He reached for his waist and exclaimed.

Where did the jade ring in his pocket go?

It was a bribe he took from a prisoner, intended to make his wife happy.

Was it Ling Shu?

Shen Renjie was furious.

This guy was really cunning!

Wait, how did he know about the jade ring in his pocket? He didn't say anything!

Meanwhile, Ling Shu followed the man into a small room, feeling a bit uneasy. The man claimed to be invited by Sister Rong, but Ling Shu had no idea who that was. She seemed to be some kind of manager, if not the owner of the gambling den. A

woman sat on a bamboo chair with her legs crossed, wearing a purple and red cheongsam made of glossy silk that shimmered under the electric light. Even her hands, which were currently doing her nails, looked radiant.

Ling Shu felt a bit guilty. He knew he had knocked the guy out in the alley while he was peeing, but no one had seen him. The guy was probably still unconscious, and even if he woke up, he couldn't report him for now.

"Sister Rong, did you call me?" he asked nervously. The other party remained silent, waiting for Ling Shu to speak first. Ling Shu had no choice but to break the silence.

"How did you get in here? Where is Old Zhao?"

Sister Rong lifted her head. Although she was middle-aged, she still had a charming demeanor.

Her captivating eyes added a touch of allure to her otherwise ordinary appearance, making her even more attractive.

She neither confirmed nor denied anything, leaving Ling Shu unsure if she was testing him or genuinely unaware.

"Laosi felt unwell and left halfway. I am his distant nephew, Zhao Wubing. I came to help out at the last minute," Ling Shu said with an innocent smile.

This smile was one he had shown to many people before, and many had fallen for it.

Sister Rong looked at him skeptically, but her suspicion seemed to ease slightly.

"Zhao Wubing? That's quite an interesting name. But according to the rules of the gambling house, no outsiders are allowed to enter at will, let alone replace someone to work. Didn't Old Zhao tell you?"

Ling Shu accompanied with a smile, "He did, but my uncle suddenly had a stomach ache and there were also some family matters... You don't know, he just took in someone from outside and my aunt found out. I hurried over to inform Uncle Zhao, and my uncle rushed back. Otherwise, our family would have fallen apart."

He spoke smoothly, gambling on Sister Rong's lack of understanding of Old Zhao.

But it wasn't entirely gambling, because Old Zhao's table was on the edge of the gambling den. When he first arrived, he was introduced to the people around Liu Qi. The closer to the middle of the table, the higher the stakes. Someone like Old Zhao, who was on the edge and also sloppy and ugly, was not someone Sister Rong would be interested in.

As expected, Sister Rong didn't question his words, just sneered.

"With that ugly face, how could Old Zhao find a younger woman? Did all the men in the world die or something?"

Ling Shu agreed, "Sister Rong is right!"

"What's right?" Sister Rong asked.

"I also think my old uncle is unbearable. As a handsome young man like me, I should have many young girls who like me, right?" Ling Shu said.

Sister Rong looked him up and down, sneering, "Your face is okay, but you're a bit too young!"

Ling Shu took a few steps closer and pulled out a jade ring. "Sister Rong, take a look. Does my face still have any charm left?"

Sister Rong's gaze slid over the jade ring, and her lips curled up.

"The quality is good. It couldn't have been bought by you, could it?"

Ling Shu laughed, "The source is absolutely clean. It's just borrowing a flower to present to Buddha. My uncle didn't follow the rules tonight, and if I don't cover for him, he'll definitely be punished. So, I ask Sister Rong to be merciful and forgive him this time. Let's just pretend nothing happened! Of course, if you like me and want me to work here too, I'm more than willing!"

Sister Rong gave him a sideways glance, her beautiful eyes shining. "You little rascal, you think you can get me to agree to two things with just one ring?"

Ling Shu squatted down and looked up at Sister Rong. "Then I'll be bold and make one more small request?"

Sister Rong picked up the jade ring and examined its quality under the light, humming softly from her nose.


Ling Shu said, "As long as I can see you every day, I'll be satisfied."

Sister Rong saw her reflection in his eyes and couldn't help but feel a flutter in her heart, like a feather tickling her soul.

"Do you really want to work here?"

Ling Shu nodded, "My uncle has been working here for so long and he always boasts about how great it is."

Sister Rong tapped his forehead, "You believe what he says? It's not hard for you to come here, but I'm the one in charge of this department. I just need to say a word, but recently someone from higher up has been sent here, so I need their approval too."

Ling Shu was delighted. "Then arrange a gambling table closer to you for me!"

Sister Rong scolded, "You are such a person!"

As they were talking, just as Ling Shu's handsome plan was about to work, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Before Sister Rong could even speak, the other party had already pushed the door open.

Sister Rong's face was full of displeasure, and she was about to reprimand them, but suddenly froze and quickly put on a smile.

"Master Lu!"

The person who came in was Lu Zude, followed by the maid Sister Song.

These two people knew Ling Shu.

Ling Shu immediately realized that things were not looking good, but it was too late. The other party also spotted him in an instant.

Both parties suddenly changed their expressions.

"What are you doing here!"

Lu Zude reacted faster and without hesitation, pulled out a gun from his pocket and aimed it at Ling Shu, pulling the trigger!


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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