Sending the Divine

Sending the Divine

Chapter 67 - Immortal Body

In Yi City, inside the imperial palace.

A top-quality lamp was lit on the table. The candle flame was bright and smokeless, illuminating the table as if it were daytime. Xu Jingxing pressed his throbbing forehead and put down the document in his hand.

Compared to the reckless and carefree Prince Rong, Xu Jingxing had been emperor for many years and had become more mature and composed. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of Xu Jingming, but his facial features were more solemn, making him look more handsome.

However, this handsomeness was completely overshadowed by the look of worry on his face.

Xu Jingxing had slightly high cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks. He had never drunk immortal wine, so even though there weren't many signs of aging on his face, the few strands of white hair on his head were still quite noticeable. He also had a habit of furrowing his brow, giving off an air of seriousness and not being one to joke around.

For a hundred years, the prosperous era of the Yun dynasty still showed no signs of decline. However, governing a large country was like cooking a small dish, and Xu Jingxing, despite not considering himself a gifted leader, had to exert all his efforts just to maintain the eight characters of "clear rivers and peaceful seas, prosperous country and happy people."

Xu Jingxing had no ambitions, but he also didn't want to be a clueless and incompetent ruler. He had put in a lot of effort in punishing corrupt officials and clarifying the administration, but just as things were starting to improve, the border issues flared up again, causing Xu Jingxing to feel extremely frustrated.

"It's only been a few months since they crowned a new king, and those Naluojiu people are biting everywhere like crazy. Barbarians are barbarians after all, don't they understand the importance of recuperation and growth?"

Xu Jingxing let out a heavy sigh. The old eunuch Lu Fu quickly approached and massaged the emperor's shoulders.

"Your Majesty, didn't the Naluojiu barbarians cause trouble a few years ago? Last time, General Liu led the army to defeat their elite troops and killed several of their great generals--"

"Enough, we both know that General Liu doesn't have that ability."

Lu Fu quickly changed his tone, "Your Majesty, didn't you order someone to keep an eye on that person? If it's really difficult, let the Yueshui Bureau help deliver a message, he won't dare refuse."

"He won't dare? What does he not dare to do?" Xu Jingxing sighed, "Before, Shi Jingzhi was willing to fight the battle from a thousand miles away with a sand table only because of boredom. That scoundrel has never taken me seriously."

He spoke without the fear that Pring Rong had shown, only a hint of disgust.

"Why did Your Majesty let him go in the first place?" Lu Fu asked cautiously. "This child is unlucky. The Emperor is kind-hearted and has spared his life, providing him with good food and drink, which is already a great act of kindness. If it weren't for Jiang Youyue's interference, this slave would have thought..."

Xu Jingxing interrupted him, "Kind-hearted?"

His tone was more self-mocking than sarcastic.

"No, it's because Shi Jingzhi's remaining life is less than a year. Let him find his own way out. If he succeeds, I will have a use for him. If he fails, it will still be a way out for him - by keeping that monster by my side and pushing him to the brink, I fear that one day I will close my eyes and he will smash my skull with one blow."

Lu Fu swallowed his saliva and dared not speak again.

"I originally thought that without Shi Jingzhi, the generals could hold up the peace for a few more years. But that useless group can be played around by the Naluojiu just like that... Jiang Youyue truly recommended a talented person to me."

Lu Fu replied, "I heard that Naluojiu's new king is called the 'Holy Descendant' by the barbarians. Perhaps it's not that the generals are weak, but that the enemy has received divine assistance. Your Majesty, please don't get angry and be careful not to harm your health..."

Xu Jingxing coldly snorted, "Lately, your words are becoming more and more like Jiang Youyue's. Which new king hasn't been proclaimed to have the help of divine beings? It's just the barbarians exaggerating... Even if they were as extraordinary as Shi Jingzhi, they still only have one head and one heart. When they die, they die.

"Dayun's prosperity in recent years is not due to the Immortal Gathering, but due to the common people. I will send someone to investigate the matter of 'Divine Descendant'. If Jiang Youyue's recommendation is not strong enough, I will also question him."

"Then that Shi Jingzhi..."

"Let him do as he pleases. A small Ku Mountain Sect sect cannot cause much of a stir."

Four hours later, at the National Teacher's residence.

"Master, Lu Fu just sent a message. The border is suffering continuous defeats and Xu Jingxing still has no intention of fully dealing with the Naluojiu."

Jiang Youyue sat in the small shrine of the National Teacher's residence, reporting softly.

The shrine was still in the style of the Divine Emperor Wu's Shrine, but there was no plaque hanging. Thick incense burned inside the shrine, and an opaque veil hung in front of the altar.

Upon hearing Jiang Youyue's words, a low murmuring sound came from behind the veil.

"This disciple understands," Jiang Youyue lowered his head. "The Naluojiu is not to be feared. By using it to test Xu Jingxing, he will develop a sense of crisis. We cannot rush this matter, we can only wait for fate to take its course..."

Suddenly, a faint murmur was heard.

The gauze curtain gently shook, and something poked out from inside. Jiang Youyue knelt upright on the cushion, slightly bowing his head.

A withered giant hand pierced through the gauze curtain, lifting its index finger and tapping Jiang Youyue's forehead.

The hand was so huge that it could almost grip Jiang Youyue's entire head. The fingers were extremely thin and bony, covered only by a layer of dark brown skin, moving like the legs of a spider.

"...Master's teachings are deeply ingrained in my heart," Jiang Youyue replied respectfully.

After half an incense stick's worth of time, Jiang Youyue slightly bowed his body. He didn't lift his head to look at the owner of the hand, and his tone became even more respectful.

"Shi Jingzhi has his own destiny. This disciple cannot help him find a way out... The 'Immortal Body' has been used up? This disciple will bring you another one right away."

After those words, Jiang Youyue didn't look for any servants. He straightened his clothes and personally opened the secret passage, entering the secret room behind the temple alone.

When he came out again, there was a wooden cart behind him.

On the wooden cart lay something that resembled a human corpse. It was tightly wrapped in white cloth covered in blood-red characters, and the cloth was soaked in an unknown liquid, giving off a faint light green color.

Only the neck of the thing was not wrapped in cloth, and a bowl-sized gap was exposed on the outside. The cut was filled with dark brown withered roots. Those withered roots hung lifelessly, their color like that of decaying blood.

Luckily, the headless corpse did not emit any foul odor. Instead, a delicate fragrance of grass and trees filled the air.

The giant hand grabbed the "immortal body" wrapped in the curse cloth and slowly pulled back the veil. Soon, a sound of chewing came from behind the veil, sounding like teeth crushing bones. The fragrance of grass and trees became even stronger, and the evening wind blew past the shrine, but the candlelight did not even flicker.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Jiang Youyue's expression remained unchanged, and he did not even lift his head once.

"In this disciple's eyes, only my master is worthy of the Shi Rou." He muttered to himself with a sigh before leaving the shrine. "Unfortunately, fate cannot be changed."

At the same time, the master and disciple pair of the Ku Mountain Sect scattered their gold beads and returned to the inn in the middle of the night. Little did they know that their two servants had not slept at all and had lit three lamps in their room, their eyes bloodshot and waiting anxiously.

The surroundings were too bright, and even Lord Bai couldn't fall asleep. The Goose Demon paced back and forth in the small guest room, venting its anger.

As soon as the master and disciple entered, they were caught red-handed.

"Didn't I leave a note? After you two have relaxed, just go to sleep," said Shi Jingzhi with a chuckle.

They had left to do something important, but for some reason, he still felt a sense of guilt.

"Sect Leader, I have a request," Yan Qing sat up straight, clenching his hands tightly.

"Su Si and I have discussed it. If news of the Jianchen Temple incident gets out, our sect's journey ahead will be difficult."

"Are you saying you want to protect the reputation of your stone sword withdraw from the sect?" Shi Jingzhi raised an eyebrow. "I can understand——"

"No. Whether it's my life, my old friend, or this Compassion Stone Sword, all this fate was given to me by the Ku Mountain Sect. To withdraw now would be no different from burning the bridge after I've crossed the river."

Yan Qing immediately refused, his tone quite serious.

"I know the Sect Leader is no longer accepting disciples, and I have no intention of forcing you to make an exception. But Senior Yin's martial arts are superb, and if possible, I would like to ask Senior Yin to take me as his disciple. If our sect is ever caught in a conflict, I can also contribute."

The young man's words were passionate, his eyes full of determination. Unfortunately, his target was cold and unfeeling, refusing to give face.

Yin Ci put away his veil and calmly said, "I won't take you as my disciple."

Yan Qing: "..."

There was no resentment on his face, only a few traces of an obedient plea, like a puppy being kicked out of the house.

"According to Abbot Juefei's 'karmic law,' I cannot teach you. The techniques must match the individual's temperament, and we are not of the same kind. I would only lead you astray. If you truly wish to achieve great things, you must explore on your own."

Yin Ci did not hesitate for a moment. Having traveled the world for many years, he was best at keeping a cold heart and cutting off worldly ties.

He had already devoted all of his remaining humanity to this master-disciple relationship, and he simply did not have the energy to take care of another person. Furthermore, Yan Qing was an upright person, and getting too involved with them would only cause trouble and lead to nothing.

Yin Ci gave a signal to Shi Jingzhi, who immediately understood.

"This is a gift from Master Juefei before he left," Shi Jingzhi said, holding up the thin book of the "Jade Bell Sword Technique" and told a bold-faced lie.

"He said that this technique is perfect for those who wield giant swords, and he wants you to practice it well. If you make a name for yourself in the future, don't forget about the kindness of the Jianchen Temple."

Yan Qing was stunned in place, "Sect Leader..."

"You have a good foundation from your time at Taiheng, and their basic techniques are perfect for you. I will teach you some techniques to cultivate your inner strength, and if you combine it with your swordsmanship, you can catch up to Su Si in as little as three years."

"The key points in the manual can be explained thoroughly enough by Su Si. As for Ah Ci and me, we have other matters to attend to and won't interfere with this."

Su Si asked, "Sect Leader, aren't you afraid that I will secretly learn the manual from the Jianchen Temple?"

Shi Jingzhi smiled brightly, "With your personality, can you really focus on mastering the broadsword?"

Without hesitation, he stood up and winked at Yin Ci, saying, "Yan Qing, Su Si can only teach you verbally. So, us master and disciple have already looked through the secret book in advance and memorized the sword techniques. We'll demonstrate it to you once, and you should watch carefully. Ah Ci, lend me the Hanging Shadow Sword, and I'll give you the flagpole."

"Shizun, just demonstrate the broadsword alone."

"Lend me the Hanging Shadow Sword," Shi Jingzhi said, shaking his hand.

Yin Ci reluctantly took off his sword and threw it to Shi Jingzhi. He picked up the 'Cure All With Medicine' flag and rolled up the flag surface, using it as a broadsword.

"Watch closely, this is the attacking technique. The first move is 'Crossing the River to Meet the Boat'," Shi Jingzhi said, wielding the sword like a sudden rainstorm, with a hint of the Green Maiden Sword Technique's style.

Yin Ci countered with the flagpole, with decisive and straightforward movements. His strength was immense, but at the moment of utmost strength and murderous intent, it turned into a soft and flexible move, leaving behind a lingering vitality.

"The second move, the defensive move, 'Today and Yesterday are Different'," said Shi Jingzhi.

He changed his stance and used his sword as a knife, every cut sharp and vicious, aiming straight for Yin Ci's vital points. But Yin Ci remained calm and adapted to every move, like a withered pine tree standing firm in the rain.

Occasionally, he would make a slight movement, his trajectory smooth and steady, perfectly intercepting Shi Jingzhi's attacks. A bamboo pole was turned into an impenetrable wall.

"The third move," Shi Jingzhi's voice softened. "The final move, 'Golden Stone Breaks Open'."

"Wait," Yin Ci frowned. "This move is too complicated, it's too early to demonstrate it now."

But Shi Jingzhi had already made his move.

This time, he used his inner strength, and his sword, the Hanging Shadow Sword, carried an unprecedented killing intent. Yin Ci sighed inwardly and responded with the third move. The flagpole was no longer heavy and imposing, but danced lightly like snow and grandly like a famous river.

At the end of the straight and upright sword movements, a warm and compassionate feeling burst forth, as if the wind had stopped and the rain had ceased, and all was quiet.

This move was completed in one breath, with a powerful momentum that looked extremely exhausting. After completing the set, the Hanging Shadow Sword was decisively knocked away and deeply embedded in the wall.

Yan Qing forgot to breathe, his face turning red and his eyes unable to blink.

Su Si had a solemn expression: "This is a method to counter a crowd, hurting the enemy by a thousand but also injuring oneself by eight hundred. It should only be used as a last resort."

However, this time, no one responded to his words.

Shi Jingzhi took the opportunity to grab the flagpole and approached Yin Ci on his own. The latter frowned slightly, his face flushed with blood due to the intense battle, and he didn't look as cold as before.

"Ah Ci," Shi Jingzhi whispered close to his ear, "you said you're not suitable to teach Yan Qing, but I feel like the 'Golden Stone Breaks Open' move is quite suitable for you."

His eyes shone with a confident look. Yin Ci couldn't resist and lightly flicked Shi Jingzhi's nose.

"It's just for show," Yin Ci responded effortlessly.

"...Shizun, you should first take down the Hanging Shadow Sword on the wall. If you can't fix it before dawn, you'll have to pay for it."

Shi Jingzhi's smile suddenly disappeared, and he gasped a cold breath. "Yan Qing, remember to fix the wall later. Consider it as your tuition fee for this time."

As Shi Jingzhi turned around, Yin Ci quietly reached out and took a thin feather from his hair. It looked like a sparrow feather, with a faint hint of demonic energy... interesting, is it a message from a sparrow demon?

He wondered if Shi Jingzhi has ever investigated himself.

To be honest, Yin Ci himself was not very clear about his own affairs. The initial memories seem both real and illusory, as if they were a reflection in water or a flower in a mirror.

How far could this master of his investigate his background?


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