Chapter 65 - Chapter 65

This was the first time Jiang Cheng didn't finish his homework since entering No. 4 High School.

He had written half of it during self-study class, and had planned to finish the rest at night. But he was feeling very irritable because of what happened with Li Baoguo, and wasn't in the mood for it. Chatting idly with Gu Fei, he didn't feel like working on it either.

It wasn't until he picked up his phone and saw the time was almost two o'clock that he reluctantly sat up: "It's so late already."

"I won't be able to get up tomorrow morning," Gu Fei leaned against the headboard, "You can go to school yourself tomorrow, don't wake me up."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him: "We haven't been late recently, it must have been tiring for you."  

"No choice, who told my boyfriend to be a top student," Gu Fei said, "But your baby is only hurting inside, won't say it out loud usually."

"Get lost," Jiang Cheng got out of bed and opened the wardrobe, "Go to sleep, you can wear my pajamas."

"You only have one pillow?" Gu Fei asked.  

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng took out a set of pajamas and threw them to him, "I'll give you a towel to roll up for yourself in a bit."

"I'm not sleeping on that thing," Gu Fei replied.

"Then you take the pillow, I'll take the towel," Jiang Cheng said.

"No," Gu Fei said.

"Looking to get hit?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"I want to sleep on pillows the same height, one high and one low won't work," Gu Fei said.

"What's with this weird habit of yours," Jiang Cheng threw the towel at him, "Go ahead and fold it to the same height yourself."

"Sure thing," Gu Fei got up.

When Jiang Cheng came back from washing up, he found that his pillow had already been placed on the desk. The space at the headboard was occupied by a long rolled up blanket.

"...What the hell?" Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Same height now," Gu Fei clapped his hands, "Double pillow... Do you have a toothbrush?"

Jiang Cheng took a toothbrush out of the cabinet and gave it to him. Looking at the headboard, he really should have just bought a double pillow that day. He was too innocent when buying bedding, not thinking for a moment that there might be more than one person in the bed.

"Why doesn't this toothbrush have packaging," Gu Fei waved the toothbrush in front of his eyes, "Did Pan Zhi use it before?"

"It's a set of two, I took it out of the packaging..." Jiang Cheng said halfway and stopped, giving him a sideways glance, "Yeah, it's the one Pan Zhi used before, I couldn't bear to throw it away."

"That's great," Gu Fei said as he walked out, "Pan Zhi, he looks pretty good, and his personality is better than yours too..."

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything, just watched him go into the bathroom and then went over and closed the bathroom door.

"Trying to lock me in the bathroom?" Gu Fei laughed inside, "You top students don't seem to have much common sense. Bathroom doors are usually locked from the inside."

Jiang Cheng gave a cold laugh: "As expected, you failing students have poor observation skills."  

The auntie landlord who previously lived in this apartment alone probably locked it from the outside for safety reasons... He reached out and pulled out a latch on the bathroom door, locking it from the outside.

Gu Fei's voice suddenly stopped, then Jiang Cheng heard the sound of him trying the door knob.

"There's still a lot in this world left for you to explore," Jiang Cheng leaned against the door.

"The fuck?" Gu Fei knocked on the door while trying the knob, "Are you kidding me? What are you doing this late at night?"

"Teaching you a lesson," Jiang Cheng said. "Revenge."

"I was wrong," Gu Fei said immediately.

"...No," Jiang Cheng almost laughed, "Can't you have some backbone, you're supposed to be the little overlord of the steel factory."

"Can't do it," Gu Fei said, "I was wrong, Brother Cheng."

"Can you just follow the script," Jiang Cheng said, "At least pretend to threaten me first, then beg for mercy on your knees?"

"Brother Cheng, I was wrong," Gu Fei knocked lightly on the door, "Let me out, I was wrong."

"...Show some backbone!" Jiang Cheng said.

"Can't do it," Gu Fei continued pleading pitifully, "I was wrong, I'll never get jealous for no reason again, Brother Cheng please let me out."

"Go ahead and wash up first, don't waste time!" Jiang Cheng said, "It's so damn late!"

"Aye," Gu Fei responded.

Then Jiang Cheng heard the sounds of him brushing his teeth and washing his face.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei's voice rang out again after the water stopped, still pitiful, "Brother Cheng, are you outside?"

Jiang Cheng started recording on his phone and held it to the door: "Say it again."

"Brother Cheng, I was wrong," Gu Fei said.

"The sentence from before, the really pitiful one," Jiang Cheng said.

"Brother Cheng, are you outside?" Gu Fei was very cooperative, even scratched the door twice, "Please let me out."

"Beg two more sentences, sincerely," Jiang Cheng said, holding back laughter.

"Please, Brother Cheng," Gu Fei said softly, "I won't ever do this again, I was wrong, please let me out."

"Say, who are you," Jiang Cheng said.

"I'm Cute Little Bunny," Gu Fei spoke softly.

Gu Fei, who usually acted like a noble orchid, could turn pitiful in an instant with no sense of disconnect. It even gave people the illusion that he had always been a delicate flower.

Jiang Cheng wanted to go pat this Cute Little Bunny on the head to see if there were little flowers on it. Very satisfied, he saved the recording and opened the bathroom door. "Let me tell you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Fei pulled the door open, and Jiang Cheng felt a gust of wind. Before he could react, Gu Fei had already grabbed his phone, hugged him and bit hard on his neck: "Did you record it?"

"Fuck?" Jiang Cheng was a little shocked. What happened to this Cute Little Bunny!

"Feeling good about yourself?" Gu Fei bit him again, and viciously pushed him into the bedroom, "Brother Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng laughed: "Fuck, I let my guard down?"

"Too much!" Gu Fei pushed him again, making him fall back on the bed. He pounced on him, hugging and kissing him wildly, his hands going under his clothes, "This bunny gets hungry when anxious."

"Fuck off!" Jiang Cheng pinched his leg, "Don't mess around, it's too late. It'll be a pain to clean up after, are we even sleeping tonight!"

"Yes sir," Gu Fei instantly let him go and sat up, taking Jiang Cheng's pajamas and changing into them while saying, "See how well I can restrain myself."

Jiang Cheng lay in bed laughing for a good while, then couldn't really laugh anymore. When Gu Fei took his clothes off leaving just his underwear, he could feel his own breathing hitch violently.

But before he could feast his eyes, Gu Fei had already put on the pajama pants. He could only look at his waist and back, and didn't even get two eyefuls before Gu Fei put on the top too.

"Wait," Jiang Cheng held out a lecherous hand.

"Hm?" Gu Fei turned to look at him, hand paused from pulling down his shirt.

Just this pose, it was simply... Jiang Cheng stared at Gu Fei's waist, the only bit of erotic territory still in his vision besides his face.

"Don't move," Jiang Cheng said.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fei asked, confused.

Jiang Cheng swiftly retracted his hand and felt under his own nose. Good, no nosebleed. Then he leapt up from the bed and pounced over, hugging Gu Fei and biting down on his waist.

"Ah--!" Gu Fei yelled, grabbing his hair and tugging without dislodging him. He could only push at Jiang Cheng's shoulders to get him off. "Jiang Cheng, did your brain short circuit from drinking acid!"

Jiang Cheng ignored him, not letting go of his bite. His other hand yanked Gu Fei's pants open and grasped him.

"I..." Gu Fei's body instantly tensed, and the hand grabbing Jiang Cheng's shoulder tightened. His other hand braced against the desk next to him, "You said... it's too late... to make a mess... and clean up after..."

Gu Fei couldn't finish his sentence after inhaling sharply.

Jiang Cheng pulled him and they tumbled into bed with two thuds.

Even in his debauchery, Jiang Cheng still had the mind to reflect that this bed would collapse sooner or later with movements like these.

The hardworking people of this neighborhood got up early and were loud. Jiang Cheng rarely overslept without a special reason.

But he did today, because he chatted with his boyfriend until late while in a bad mood, and was still a hundred times more spirited and excited to get off. That was a very special reason.

So when he opened his eyes and grabbed his phone to check the time, it showed that first period was already almost over.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng threw the phone aside and closed his eyes again. Late... since he was already late, whatever. He could take a little break.

After dozing a while longer, he reached a hand back and touched Gu Fei's butt.

Gu Fei didn't move, probably still sleeping soundly.

But... Jiang Cheng propped himself up and looked back. Last night Gu Fei had clearly hugged him to sleep in the so-called most popular spoon position. How did this guy end up with his back to him this morning.


Not sweet at all.

Jiang Cheng grabbed his clothes and pulled them on haphazardly before getting out of bed. He went closer to look at Gu Fei. To tell the truth, he had basically seen every side of Gu Fei already, just not this sleeping look.

Gu Fei slept very properly, lying on his side in a standard pose, half his face buried in the blanket. His eyelashes drooped obediently. Jiang Cheng looked for a while, unable to resist reaching out to touch his eyelashes.

Gu Fei's eyes fluttered and he retracted his hand. After a few seconds he reached out again.

"I'll hit you," Gu Fei said from the blanket, his voice heavy with sleep.

"Fuck," Jiang Cheng laughed, "You're awake?"

"With you being so naughty, how could I not wake up," Gu Fei opened his eyes, "Staring at someone early in the morning, got eye gunk yet?"

"No," Jiang Cheng thought about it, then immediately backed up a few steps and rubbed his own eyes, "Do I?"

"Don't know," Gu Fei said, "I haven't had a chance to look yet."

"Are you getting up? It's almost one period late already," Jiang Cheng said while putting on his pants, "Why did you sleep with your back to me?"

"Ah," Gu Fei flipped onto his back, "I wanted to hug you after you fell asleep. I had just reached over and you swung your elbow back like a psycho. I nearly had my ribs broken by you. It's already good I didn't go sleep on the couch."

"No way?" Jiang Cheng was surprised, "I didn't do that when I slept over at your place before."

"Of course not," Gu Fei sighed, "I didn't touch you then, and I almost got hit just from leaning over."

"...Come come come, let Brother Cheng rub it for you," Jiang Cheng rubbed Gu Fei's ribs.

Gu Fei stretched lazily: "You go to school first. If we're both late and show up together, I bet the school forum would crash today."

"Mm," Jiang Cheng smiled, "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Look, the forum crashing because of me, me, that handsomeness, me, also that casually cool awesomeness."

"Dumbass," Gu Fei laughed.

He had been in a bad mood last night, and felt some relief after getting off. Seeing Gu Fei in the morning lifted his mood again. Going out the door, thinking of Li Baoguo dampened his emotions again. He could only quickly take out his phone and look at Gu Fei's photos to get a breath of air...

Jiang Cheng wrote his name in the late arrival ledger at the gatehouse.

"Jiang Cheng huh," the gate guard looked at him, "The grade's top student can be late too?"

"Ah," Jiang Cheng responded, "Even the top student can oversleep sometimes."

Going into the classroom right as the bell rang for second period, Jiang Cheng sat in the last row at his seat. His butt had just touched the chair when Zhou Jing turned around, "You were late a whole period?"

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng said, "Your math is really good."

"You actually came late?" Zhou Jing said again.

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng took out his books, "I also skip class sometimes."

Zhou Jing continued, "You..."

"Shh," Jiang Cheng held up a finger, "Shut up or I'll hit you."

Zhou Jing gave an annoyed click of his tongue and turned back around. Not even two seconds later he turned again, "Jiang..."

Jiang Cheng fiercely flicked a finger at his head.

"Ow!" Zhou Jing covered his head, "Fuck, that was hard! I just wanted to say how come there's mosquitoes already!"

Jiang Cheng looked at him, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Your neck," Zhou Jing pointed.


Jiang Cheng instantly felt like pouncing over to silence Zhou Jing on the spot.

Without needing to touch or look or think, just hearing the word, he immediately knew what Zhou Jing had seen!

Gu Fei's bite from last night!

Right on his neck!

And it was a pretty hard bite!

Must have left a mark!

And he didn't carefully check his handsome face and neck this morning because he was groggy!


"Maybe," Jiang Cheng said.

"It's only May..." Zhou Jing grumbled, rubbing his head and turning back around, "Is your home full of flowers and plants..."

Luckily the second period was Old Lu's class. He came in and roared from the podium, "All awake yet!"

Jiang Cheng could feel all the lowered heads raise up together. Zhou Jing was naturally also shaken out of his memories about mosquito bites.

"Class starts!" Old Lu yelled.

Jiang Cheng took out his phone and swiftly turned on the front camera, pretending to play on his phone while pointing the camera at his neck to take a look.


As expected, there were two obvious red dots left by Gu Fei's canine teeth. The only consolation was that the red ring had faded after a night of rest, not clearly a bite mark unless looked at closely.

He took a picture of his neck and sent it to Gu Fei.

-Nice work you did!

Gu Fei replied quickly.

-Boyfriend, your neck is so beautiful.

-Fuck off!!!!!

-I have bandaids in my desk drawer, take a couple to cover it.

Jiang Cheng threw down his phone and reached into Gu Fei's desk, finding a whole box of bandaids. He took out two and quickly tore them open to stick on the bite marks, taking advantage of everyone being stunned by Old Lu's yelling.  

He picked up his phone again to check there were no other mosquito bites before finally relaxing.

Gu Fei still hadn't come to school even when third period ended. Jiang Cheng was about to send him a message to ask if he was still not out of bed when he heard girls screaming in the hallway.

"Oh my god I'm going to go crazy, is he crazy?"

"I think it looks really good! Ahhh so cool! Don't you think it's really cool?"

"I like how he looked before!"

"It's not like he got disfigured, I think it looks pretty cool now too..."

Jiang Cheng turned to look and saw a row of girls leaning over the hallway railing looking down.

"Who are they looking at?" Wang Xu stood to the side, "There's no one that cool in this school, just a bunch that haven't seen the world."

"I'll go check it out," Zhou Jing was very interested and got up, leaning over the railing to look down. He suddenly whipped his head back around, "Fuck, it's Gu Fei!"

“What’s with him?” Wang Xu was confused.

“Shaved his head bald,” Zhou Jing said, glancing again and unable to stop laughing when he turned back. “He's talking to Old Xu on the sports field.”

“Let me see,” Wang Xu immediately squeezed along the wall behind Jiang Cheng for a look. “Didn't the school rules say no shaving bald...”

“We have school rules?” Zhou Jing's deskmate chimed in, baffled.

Gu Fei just up and shaved his head bald. He hadn't mentioned it when Jiang Cheng left that morning. Sitting in his chair, Jiang Cheng felt somewhat churned up inside.

He didn't mind at all whether Gu Fei was bald or not. With Gu Fei's looks, as long as he wasn't balding, any hairstyle should be able to hold up.  

However, Gu Fei suddenly becoming bald was still a bit shocking to him. After the shock, he also felt a little like laughing.

He really wanted to lean over the railing to take a look, but the feeling of a guilty conscience was quite strong, so he finally persisted in staying seated without moving.

Anyway, Gu Fei would come up in a moment, so not only could he look, when no one was around, he could also touch and even kiss...

He wondered what it would feel like to kiss.

After a few minutes, when the class bell rang, Gu Fei strolled in through the front door of the classroom, wearing a duckbill cap.

As soon as he stepped in, there was a chorus of whistles and table slapping in the classroom, mixed with some poorly suppressed screams from the girls.

Gu Fei walked slowly to Jiang Cheng's side and sat down with a blank expression.

Jiang Cheng also remained expressionless the whole time. From the edge of the hat, he could see the stubble on Gu Fei's head. Strictly speaking, he hadn't shaved completely bald, it was basically shaved along the scalp, and visually it wasn't much different from being bald.

"Gu Fei," Zhou Jing knocked on the table and turned around, "Hey Gu Fei, Gu..."

Gu Fei pointed a finger at him and he stopped. After two seconds he continued: "Take off the hat and let's see, did you really shave it all off! What did Old Xu say?"

"Piss off," Gu Fei replied simply.

Zhou Jing made a disappointed clicking sound and turned back around.

Gu Fei cleared his throat beside him and Jiang Cheng turned to look at him.

He also turned to face Jiang Cheng, and the two looked at each other expressionlessly for a good long while. Gu Fei asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Jiang Cheng collapsed onto the table, with his face towards the table, laughing wildly, laughing until he almost coughed.

"What," Gu Fei also collapsed onto the table, "Is it that funny?"

"I don't know," it took Jiang Cheng a while to calm down, "You didn't say you were going to shave your head this morning either."

"I said yesterday I was going to shave it bald." Gu Fei said.

"You really are a man of your word," Jiang Cheng looked around and saw quite a few gazes, "I wanted to have you take off your hat and let me see."

"You want to see?" Gu Fei touched the brim of his hat.

There was a low commotion all around. Jiang Cheng shook his head, "Forget it, they're all waiting to see."

"It looks pretty good." Gu Fei said.

"Then don't take it off," Jiang Cheng lowered his voice, "I'll take my time looking when I get home."

Gu Fei smiled, "I estimate Er Miao will be touching it for at least half an hour tonight."

"Why did you shave your head bald?" Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice, "It was pretty good before."

"That pattern," Gu Fei fiddled with his phone while half-lying on the table, "didn't want to keep it."

"I never asked you before," Jiang Cheng thought about it, "the music note you have, and the one Ding Zhuxin has on her ear, are they a matching set?"

"...I guess you could say that, we got them together before," Gu Fei said somewhat hesitantly, "it's been a long time, and we never changed them."

"Oh," Jiang Cheng said in a low voice, "when you guys were in a band together?"

"Mm," Gu Fei nodded, then looked at him again, "You actually..."

"What?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"You're not jealous?" Gu Fei said.  

"Ah," Jiang Cheng was startled for a moment, "I forgot."

Gu Fei laughed, smiling at his phone screen.

Jiang Cheng clicked his tongue without speaking.

It really was easy to forget to be jealous if you don't pay attention. Probably because at this stage, being together with Gu Fei, there simply wasn't room for jealousy.

But once he thought of it, he felt it would be a waste not to be jealous.

Although it wasn't a couple item, it was still some kind of special connection between Gu Fei and Ding Zhuxin. Thinking of it this way, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little unhappy, like with "Old Xu knows you drink tea but I don't."

Couple items.

He had always felt doing these kinds of things was stupid, only junior high kids and younger liked to do this... But now, as he glanced at Gu Fei, he strongly felt like leaving his own mark on some part of Gu Fei's body.

Tsk tsk.

According to the top student's rational analysis, his current mindset was called having strong possessive desires from liking someone too much.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
