Chapter 57 - Chapter 57

Because their attitude while watching the movie was extremely improper, after the two of them had used up the small pack of about ten wet wipes given by the cinema, and repeatedly checked that there was nothing left on their clothes or hands, they were already completely lost regarding this horror film that seemed would keep shrieking throughout.  

"Why is this woman..." Gu Fei picked up a small plastic bag to pack up the messy wipes while asking in a low voice, "Hey, is this still the same woman as before?"

"...Which woman?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"There's just... a few women?" Gu Fei looked at the screen.

"Probably three. This one should be the orphan that person mentioned before." Jiang Cheng guessed.

"What person said she was an orphan?" Gu Fei asked.

"...Why don't you just play Candy Crush," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "We're in the back row anyway, won't affect others."

Gu Fei laughed: "Do you have any complaints about me? Did you understand it?"

"No," Jiang Cheng said, "But I wasn't going to ask you anyway."

Gu Fei kept laughing while taking a sip of his drink: "Do they really have infrared surveillance?"

"I'm not sure about this one," Jiang Cheng looked around at the walls and said in a very low voice, "I saw a post on the forums before, where everyone was talking about the shameful things they did while watching movies, then suddenly someone replied, the projectionist is telling you guys, we can see everything you do in the monitoring room, the surveillance is infrared... I feel like that reply left a deep shadow on those people in the post... as well as me."

"That makes sense," Gu Fei leaned in and whispered, "Look how dark it is, normal surveillance wouldn't capture anything."

"Sit properly." Jiang Cheng sat up straight.  

"Got it." Gu Fei also sat up straight.

They watched the movie together, though the plot had already gone to who knows where.

And they actually persisted until the ending.

When the lights in the screening hall came on, Jiang Cheng swiftly lowered his head to check their bodies again for any indecent traces, and looked around to see if any paper was left on the ground, before standing up.

He didn't know why, but looking at the couples walking out hand in hand, Jiang Cheng felt like the words "reluctant to part" were written on all their faces.

'A guilty conscience sees everyone as their fellow.' - By the Jade Emperor

"Check the back of my pants," Jiang Cheng turned around with his back facing Gu Fei, feeling a little uneasy, "Any stains?"

"You..." Gu Fei sighed, "What angle could make it shoot to the back?"

"Screw you!" Jiang Cheng turned back around somewhat annoyed, grabbed Gu Fei and pulled him up, "Let's go! Cripple!"

Gu Fei took two steps towards the hallway, then suddenly started hopping on one leg.

"Damn," Jiang Cheng walked forward to take a look, and saw the usher who had come in, standing by the wheelchair waiting, "What service."

"I'll lend you this set next time," Gu Fei said, "You can experience it too."

"What's there to experience, if I were to experience it, it'd be experiencing you carrying me to climb that mountain you mentioned." Jiang Cheng laughed.

"Sure, let's go there together someday, I'll carry you up." Gu Fei said.

Dating as a couple, who knows what procedures to follow, anyway after leaving the theater, they were planning to find a place to eat, but it was still a bit early, so they sat in the plaza first.

The plaza was quite lively, some real estate company was holding an event, many people around, some singing, some dancing, there was even a fashion show.

"The photos you posted on Moments before," Jiang Cheng looked over that way, "Were they taken here? The one with two old ladies fighting over a fan."

Gu Fei laughed and took out his phone to flip through and handed it over: "You mean this one?"

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng nodded, "When was it taken?"

"Last summer, right here," Gu Fei said, "They started fighting in the end."  

"Damn, how did it get resolved in the end?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"An old man came over and broke the fan in half, gave each of them one half." Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng laughed for a long time, then sighed: "What's there to fight over a fan for?"

"All kinds of people," Gu Fei took out a cigarette and lit it, "If you sit here one day, you can see all kinds of people."

"Do you always watch?" Jiang Cheng looked at the coming and going people in the plaza.

"Yeah, it looks different through the lens," Gu Fei stretched out his left hand in front of him, thumb and index finger framing half a rectangle, "Try it."

Jiang Cheng paused for a moment, looked around and saw no one was paying special attention to them, then he stretched out his right hand, thumb and index finger also framing half a rectangle with Gu Fei's fingers.  

"This way you'll see different people, fewer distractions," Gu Fei slowly moved their hands, stopping when the finger frame captured a girl looking dazedly at the stage, "Passerby? Or fan? Or just spacing out?"

Jiang Cheng didn't speak.

"When I'm looking at you, who's looking at me," Gu Fei softly sang a line, "Brush past in the eyes, doesn't matter if we miss..."

"What song?" Jiang Cheng asked a question, the melody was unfamiliar, but quite upbeat and nice.

"Nothing," Gu Fei smiled, "I just made it up."

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at him: "The lyrics?"

"Made up randomly," Gu Fei said, "I can improvise eight hundred words of rubbish lyrics easily."

Jiang Cheng smiled without speaking further, following Gu Fei's fingers, watching the people drifting slowly past the finger frame.

This side of Gu Fei was hidden very deep, Jiang Cheng often forgot he was actually a sensitive and meticulous person, even somewhat artistic.

Because Gu Fei was after all a cripple, moreover a cripple who could stride like flying on the streets, after they finished the "onlooker" activity in the plaza, they didn't go far, and ate lunch in a small eatery street beside the plaza.

Don't know if it's because they just became boyfriends today, and were overexcited while watching the movie, but their lunch today was not much more than breakfast.

"I need to stop by the fried rice cake place on the way back to get some packed," Gu Fei said, "Will definitely be hungry in the afternoon."

"Might as well go eat fried rice cakes again later." Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little craving, remembering the taste of the fried rice cakes that day.

"That works too," Gu Fei thought about it, "Actually..."

"We actually don't need to eat here at all, right?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"That's right," Gu Fei laughed, "Wow, your IQ almost caught up with Wang Xu."

On the ride back carrying Gu Fei, Jiang Cheng was pondering the whole time, when they get back later, they'll go directly to the fried rice cake place, and eat fried rice cakes.

Then what?

Go home separately?

Or... have Gu Fei come over to his place?

What would they do if he comes over?

Thinking to this point he would suddenly feel embarrassed, he doesn't necessarily have to do anything with Gu Fei, of course it'd be quite normal if they did anything, it's not like they haven't done it before, but the key is his main purpose is not to do anything, and they already did something in the theater...

Somehow feels like if he says "come hang at my place for a bit", it carries unavoidable indecent connotations that are hard to explain.

...What a mess!

Big men being so shy!

"Let's go to my place after eating rice cakes?" Jiang Cheng asked, turning his head.

"Okay," Gu Fei still leaning his forehead on his back nodded, "Good timing, I can copy your homework."

"Are you really unable to do it, or just unwilling?" Jiang Cheng felt a little speechless, "Looking at your midterm exam paper, it's not like you can't write at all, I actually thought you'd get the bottom grades in the level."

"Too lazy to write." Gu Fei smiled.

Jiang Cheng was about to say something more, but on second thought still didn't speak.  

Gu Fei's indifferent response made him feel like anything else would be redundant, he didn't want to be nagging back and forth like Old Xu, and most importantly, he was also sensitive to it, always feeling a hint of helplessness and plain unwillingness for further discussion on this issue in Gu Fei's tone.

"Let's stop by the shop first, got some deliveries today, don't know if my mom figured it out." Gu Fei said again.

"Okay." Jiang Cheng acknowledged.

When they stopped at the shop entrance, Jiang Cheng propped his feet on the ground, and as soon as he stepped back onto the steel factory side, Gu Fei's acting skills came online instantly. Getting off the back of the bike took at least five seconds.

"Aren't you overacting a bit?" Jiang Cheng looked back at him.

"Hurts a lot." Gu Fei frowning.

"Gosh," Jiang Cheng held back his laugh, "I'm about to cry now."

"Quickly park the bike and help me up." Gu Fei stayed in character.

Jiang Cheng leaned the bike on the wall and came over to help him into the shop. As soon as he lifted the curtain, he heard a familiar voice call out: "Gu Fei what happened to you?"

Jiang Cheng and Gu Fei froze at the entrance together, staring at Old Xu standing in front of the cash register.

"Yo!" Gu Fei's mom who was behind the cash register also called out, "Did you fall or fight someone?"

"Fell." Gu Fei said.

"Fractured?" Old Xu walked over, "Is it serious?"

"Not serious," Gu Fei glanced at Old Xu, "What are you doing here?"

"Teacher Xu came for a home visit," Gu Fei's mom carried a chair over, "Hurry and sit, with your leg like this you didn't even tell me and still went running around everywhere."

Gu Fei sat down without speaking.

Old Xu stood over here, Jiang Cheng felt the fried rice cakes were out of the question for now, and that day Li Baoguo had also looked for Old Xu the other day... He felt like he should leave before Old Xu noticed him and reacted.

But as soon as he turned around and lifted the curtain wanting to leave, Old Xu had already called his name: "Jiang Cheng! Good timing, I need to talk to you too."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng didn't respond, strongly holding up the curtain at the entrance.

"Wait for me, after I finish chatting with Gu Fei's mom, we can talk." Old Xu said.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak.

"Wait for me, wait for me." Old Xu said again.

Jiang Cheng sighed, Old Xu's tone made it so he really couldn't just walk away, and could only reluctantly acknowledge.  

Old Xu went to the backyard with Gu Fei's mom, while he pulled over a stool and sat down next to Gu Fei.

Right after sitting down, Old Xu walked back into the shop: "Gu Fei, tell me later what happened to your leg?"

"Fell," Gu Fei said, "Drove the motorbike too fast and flipped."

"Is it serious?" Old Xu walked over to take a look.

"Manageable." Gu Fei retracted his leg back a little uncomfortably.

"Don't move," Old Xu gestured with his hand, straightening up, "Take a few days off, stay in bed properly."

"...Oh." Gu Fei nodded.

Old Xu sighed, and went to the backyard again.

"How come Old Xu is here?" Jiang Cheng asked in a low voice.

"He comes around to visit everyone almost every month," Gu Fei said, "Mainly my home, and Wang Xu's and that bunch."

"Really not afraid of tiring himself out, he's quite dedicated indeed," Jiang Cheng furrowed his brow, Old Xu was indeed quite diligent, "I guess he'll be talking to me about Li Baoguo again later."

"Probably, aside from Li Baoguo there's not much about you that's worrying either." Gu Fei laughed.

"Li Baoguo came to school earlier, talked about who knows what with Old Xu at the entrance," Jiang Cheng stretched his legs a little irritably, "What's he trying to do!"

Gu Fei didn't speak, patting his leg: "Listen to what Old Xu says later, don't get annoyed, just the usual are you going home or not, are you still his son or not sort of talk."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng looked towards the backyard and fiddled with Gu Fei's hand.

"Let me know after you're done talking to Old Xu, we'll go eat fried rice cakes." Gu Fei said.

"No appetite, don't feel like eating anymore." Jiang Cheng said.  

"Then watch me eat," Gu Fei said, "I have appetite."

"Damn." Jiang Cheng laughed.

Old Xu chatted with Gu Fei's mom in the backyard for over ten minutes before returning to the shop.

"Teacher Xu please take a box of milk home," Gu Fei's mom carried a box of milk out, "Thanks for your trouble."

"No need, no need, no need..." Old Xu waved his hands, "This is my job, my scope of work, no need to be so polite, I'm very happy if parents can cooperate with my work."

"I'll cooperate, I'll definitely cooperate," Gu Fei's mom kept trying to stuff the milk into Old Xu's hands while talking, "Teacher Xu, you..."

"Mom," Gu Fei stood up to block her, "I'll take it to Teacher Xu's place tomorrow."

"Okay, okay then." Gu Fei's mom nodded.

"Really no need, really no need," Old Xu walked out while waving at Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Cheng, come come, let's sit outside."

Jiang Cheng stood up, glanced at Gu Fei. Gu Fei smiled at him and gestured making a phone call.

Jiang Cheng nodded, then followed Old Xu out.

Old Xu walked in front, he followed behind, not speeding up to catch up.

Although like Gu Fei said, even if it was about Li Baoguo, it was no big deal, just about how he refused to go back, but the previously good mood was still completely ruined.

If not for Gu Fei's smile at the end, he really would have turned around and silently ditched Old Xu.

"Let's go get some tea up ahead." Old Xu turned back and said.

"Tea?" Jiang Cheng was quite surprised. On this street that he came to countless times, although he didn't look closely each time, since they were small grey shops, he could be certain there was no such leisurely place like a tea house.

"Don't like tea?" Old Xu smiled, "That's true, young people these days... I was also quite surprised the first time Gu Fei brought me here for tea, this brat drinks tea too."

"Oh." Jiang Cheng was surprised again.

He only knew Gu Fei liked to put lemon in water, but had no idea Gu Fei drank tea too.

He suddenly felt a little unhappy.

Something Old Xu knew but he didn't!

Old Xu knew, then what no-good birds and Li Yan, did he know, did Wang Zhuxin know, did Wang Xu know...

Jiang Cheng quietly clicked his tongue.

Tsk tsk.

This tea drinking place was a nondescript tea shop, that Jiang Cheng walked past countless times without ever noticing.

It wasn't really a specialized tea house, just one small tea table by the window, selling tea leaves, you buy and make your own tea if you want to drink.

Old Xu ordered a pot of green tea, they sat down. Jiang Cheng was silent, a bit distracted. Only when Old Xu poured him a cup of tea did he return to his senses, feeling a little embarrassed: "Thanks, Teacher Xu."

"Were you satisfied with your midterm grades this time?" Old Xu asked.

"So-so." Jiang Cheng said.

"For No. 4 High's standards, it's already very good, but I took a look, other than the three subjects with full marks, many points were deducted in the rest, not counting points off for your ugly writing..."

"You just want to talk about this?" Jiang Cheng said, "With this exam content I can score a hundred points above second place in the finals."

"You brat," Old Xu laughed and pulled out a folder from his bag placing it in front of him, "A friend got these papers for me from your previous school, these should be about the same level of difficulty for key subjects..."

Jiang Cheng was stunned.  

"When you have time you can try doing them yourself and I'll ask teachers to grade your papers, what do you think?" Old Xu said.

Jiang Cheng never expected Old Xu to go so far, he lowered his head and opened the folder, within it were indeed a large stack of various exam papers.

"Teacher Xu, you..." Jiang Cheng eyed the papers, unsure of what to say anymore.

“It's just my job, just my job,” Old Xu said. “I’ve been at No. 4 High School for so many years. This is the first time I’ve come across such a good student like you. Of course I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you,” Jiang Cheng closed the folder.  

“There’s one more thing I want to say,” Old Xu said. “You probably guessed it already, but I know you don’t want to talk about your family situation, so I won’t ask too many questions. I’m just worried it might affect your studies. So I still hope you can...”

“What did Li Baoguo tell you?” Jiang Cheng looked up at Old Xu.

“He didn’t say much, just that you didn’t go home,” Old Xu sighed. “And that he’s sick...Jiang Cheng, I can understand you not wanting to go home, but I still hope you can discuss further with him, why no...”

“I got it,” Jiang Cheng said.

Old Xu didn’t continue. He sighed again, “It’s just hard to imagine Li Baoguo could have a son like you.”

Jiang Cheng glanced at him.

“Li Hui, his oldest son,” Old Xu waved his hand. “He was my student too. A complete failure, poor attitude.”

Jiang Cheng smiled. Even though he really didn’t want to ask, he still opened his mouth and asked: “What illness does he have?”

“Some lung problem, I think. He was unclear about it,” Old Xu said.

“Oh,” Jiang Cheng frowned. With Li Baoguo's constant smoking and drinking, it was no surprise he had lung problems.

But what exactly was this "lung problem"?

Old Xu was less talkative than usual today. After saying this much, he drank two cups of tea and let Jiang Cheng leave.

“I’ll finish my tea before I go,” Old Xu said. “You go back first. You should still communicate with your dad...Li Baoguo.”

“Okay,” Jiang Cheng stood up, picked up the folder, and bowed to Old Xu. “Thank you, Teacher Xu.”

“Ah,” Old Xu had probably never had a student bow so formally to him. He quickly stood up and bowed back. “Go on, go back.”

Jiang Cheng turned and left the tea, the tea leaves shop.

As he slowly walked towards Gu Fei’s shop, he called Gu Fei.

“Done with your thing?” Gu Fei answered the call.

“Mm,” Jiang Cheng said. “Can you leave now?”

“Fried rice cakes?” Gu Fei asked.

“Must have,” Jiang Cheng said.  

“Then come help me out,” Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng went to the shop and helped the limping Gu Fei out. Then he biked him over to the fried rice cake stand and helped him inside to sit down.

“Really living the good life,” Gu Fei smiled. “In the past when I fractured a bone, I’d just lie in bed by myself and endure it. No one took me out to eat.”

“That’s because you don’t have any fractures right now, okay?” Jiang Cheng lowered his head, looking through the menu to order more cold dishes. He glanced up and did a double take. “How many times have you fractured bones?”

“Not that many times,” Gu Fei said. “Three or four times. Nothing serious. I’m just saying it to make you feel heartache for me.”

“F*ck,” Jiang Cheng stared at him. A few seconds later, one of his hands suddenly clutched his chest while the other hand braced against the wall. His brows twisted in pain as he said with great difficulty, “ hurts...I don’t think I can...make it...”

“F*ck,” Gu Fei was initially startled and wanted to stand up. Realizing what was happening, he laughed so hard he almost dropped his teacup. “Your acting skills are truly amazing. I almost called an ambulance.”

“We top students have many skills. Don’t feel inferior,” Jiang Cheng dropped the act and continued looking through the menu. He was too shy to tell Gu Fei this whole routine was something he practiced in front of the mirror while brushing his teeth. He had long perfected it.

After eating, they were truly full. As he biked Gu Fei back to the rented room, he kept pressing on his stomach.

When they reached the building, Gu Fei got off the bike, waiting for Jiang Cheng’s support. Jiang Cheng looked around and saw no one, so he went straight into the hallway. “Still want me to baby you?”

Gu Fei smiled and followed him up.

Jiang Cheng had just opened the door when Gu Fei hugged him from behind, nuzzling against his ear. “I just had fried rice cakes, so I won’t kiss you.”

“Oh,” Jiang Cheng laughed. “I had pickles...”

“Let’s just nuzzle then,” Gu Fei used his foot to kick the door closed. Pushing Jiang Cheng, they walked towards the bedroom. As they went, Gu Fei kept nuzzling his shoulder. “You smell like fried rice cakes.”

“F*ck,” Jiang Cheng elbowed him. “Go away.”

“It’s fine. I can tolerate it,” Gu Fei groped him a few more times.

As Jiang Cheng turned around, he tripped on the bed beside him. Gu Fei took the chance to push him down onto the bed.

“F*ck, this bed is made of wood boards!” Jiang Cheng slapped the bed. “If you use any more force, we’d crash right through to the floor.”

Gu Fei just smiled without responding. He lowered his head to kiss Jiang Cheng’s neck, then laid on top of him with his face buried in Jiang Cheng’s shoulder.

Neither of them moved again.

Gu Fei could hear Jiang Cheng's breathing and feel his pulse lightly jumping on his neck.

Strangely, in this intimate space and position of hugging each other tightly, he didn't have any indecent thoughts.

He just felt very comfortable, wishing they could stay like this forever, zoning out or even falling asleep.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng's hand went under Gu Fei's clothes, rubbing his waist. "I just realized you're much heavier than you look."

"Can't breathe?" Gu Fei asked.

"I can last one more minute." Jiang Cheng said.

Gu Fei smiled and rolled over to lie beside him.

"Will you copy homework later?" Jiang Cheng turned to look at him.

"Mm," Gu Fei also turned. "You?"

"I'm going to do test questions," Jiang Cheng said. "Old Xu actually found me a set, from our school, Third High's papers."

"...F*ck," Gu Fei was somewhat surprised. "Old Xu is really..."

"Actually Pan Zhi found me some questions too, I did those already," Jiang Cheng said. "But I should still do Old Xu's set."

"Mm," Gu Fei sat up.

"Help me keep an eye on the time," Jiang Cheng got out of bed and sat at the desk by the bed. "You can sit..."

"I'll copy homework after you finish the test," Gu Fei leaned against the headboard, watching him. "You do it first."

"What will you do then?" Jiang Cheng reached out to touch his nose.

"I'll invigilate," Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng didn't say anything else. He took out a set of test papers and started looking through them.

Gu Fei checked the time, timed Jiang Cheng, then tilted his head to quietly watch him.

Jiang Cheng had a skill that amazed Gu Fei - the ability to instantly focus the moment he lowered his head. From the instant he started looking at the test, everything around him seemed to vanish.

Gu Fei had never seen this state in anyone around him, including Yi Jing.

Jiang Cheng really was special, different from anyone else.

Different from everyone else.

Gu Fei closed one eye, watching Jiang Cheng's profile through a circle made with his other hand.

In the moment of lowering his pen, the aura surrounding Jiang Cheng that drew eyes unconsciously was full of pride, a pride that made others proud.

Author's note: Day off tomorrow. Grandson Pan will probably come on Friday.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
