Chapter 56 - Chapter 56

To go to a decent movie theater, you had to go to the shopping mall in the city center. If it was a normal day, Jiang Cheng would not be willing to ride his bike and bring someone this far away to the shopping mall.

But today was different. The person behind him with his forehead leaning against his back and his hand tucked into his pocket and almost choking his neck was his boyfriend Gu Fei. This person was just his deskmate before 8 am this morning, but now he was already his boyfriend, how magical.

He had many imaginations about "dating", something everyone would have at this age, but during the time he was with Yu Xin, no matter how carefully he experienced it, he never felt it matched up. He always felt like his expectations were too high.

It was only now, riding with this person behind him, with fake and real bandages wrapped around him, on the way to watch a movie together, that he suddenly had the feeling of "dating".

Although this was a relationship he had always avoided, resisted, and feared, but all the fear and unease buried in his heart since the day he realized something was off with himself, at this moment they were trampled under excitement and delight.

At first when Gu Fei suggested watching a movie, he didn't really understand why they had to go somewhere with so many people, but as he rode his bike and blew in the wind, he suddenly understood.

It was that feeling of little secrets in a crowd.

You see, there's so many people, we're just here, walking together, in the crowd, under other people's sights, yet having a hidden sense of security.

Gu Fei's forehead that had been leaning against his back suddenly slid to the side, and his body swayed to the side with it.

"Damn," Jiang Cheng quickly steadied the handlebars, looking back, "Did you fall asleep?"

"Yeah," Gu Fei leaned his forehead back against his back, and readjusted his hand in his pocket, "Just keep riding, I'm just dozing for a while."

"Do you even know what dozing is, illiterate," Jiang Cheng said. "You're fully asleep."

"I started with dozing, then accidentally really fell asleep," Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng laughed, then sighed after a while: "Why don't we skip the movie, you can go back and get some sleep?"

"No need," Gu Fei said, "It's too late now, I won't be able to really sleep. I just want to watch a movie with you."

"What if you fall asleep at the theater?" Jiang Cheng said.

"I won't," Gu Fei's hand suddenly patted his leg through his pocket, "We'll watch something more exciting, and use some more exciting ways to watch it..."

"Watch yourself!" Jiang Cheng was almost swerved into the electric bike next to him from his pat.

"Okay, I'll continue my dozing," Gu Fei didn't move again.

Since it was the shopping mall area, there basically wouldn't be people from the steel factory side, so as soon as they arrived, Jiang Cheng hadn't even locked up his bike properly when Gu Fei already walked into the sporting goods store nearby.

"At least walk slower," Jiang Cheng followed him in, "If someone who knows you sees you walking so briskly like this, you won't even have time to pretend."

"The steel factory is too far from here, I rarely come all year," Gu Fei walked slowly between the shelves, "They usually don't go shopping, and if they do it's just around the bridge, the commercial street around Wang Xu's place."

"Is that so," Jiang Cheng thought about it, "No wonder they all dress like that, the shopping mall here doesn't have the styles they wear."

"What kind of style?" Gu Fei smiled.

"Skinny like a toothpick yet wearing tight clothes, tight three-quarter length pants on their legs, at a glance if you don't look closely you can't even tell they have legs," Jiang Cheng thought about the group last night, and immediately got fired up again, "I'm telling you, if you let me shoot at those wooden picks from the building beside them I could hit it, but trying to hit them directly I might not even be able to..."

Gu Fei smiled holding a baseball glove for a while: "Not all of them are skinny, some are quite muscular."

"Yeah, the flesh on their belly is quite muscular," Jiang Cheng said.

"Oh," Gu Fei smiled with a sigh, "But there's also people like me."

"You're not one of them," Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Although you did dress quite slutty yesterday too, how come you're not wearing your biker jacket today?"

"It ripped," Gu Fei thought about it, "Actually, skin tight clothes... I did have them before..."

"If you still wore them now, I guarantee we wouldn't even be deskmates," Jiang Cheng said.

"You're scaring me," Gu Fei put on the baseball glove, threw a ball into it a couple times.

"You're buying this to play with? You guys play basketball with weapons at the steel factory," Jiang Cheng said, "Wouldn't you play this by directly throwing grenades?"

"It's for Er Miao," Gu Fei said, "She saw it on TV the other day and wanted one."

"Buy a kid's one, isn't this too big?" Jiang Cheng said.

"It has to be adult size, these don't break easily, if she grows up and the glove is too small, you have to change it, she'll be mad, you don't change it, her hand won't fit in, she'll also be mad."

"......Fine." Jiang Cheng sighed, to be Gu Miao's brother, he'd have to consider so many things every day.

After buying the glove and ball, Gu Fei forcibly stuffed them into Jiang Cheng's backpack.

"......I'm not bringing a backpack next time I go out," Jiang Cheng said.

"Carry it for me," Gu Fei said.

"Enough, you disabled person," Jiang Cheng said, "I'm not a girl."

"Actually we should have bought it when leaving," Gu Fei said.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng looked at him, "Yeah? Why did we buy it now?"

"Yeah why?" Gu Fei also looked at him.

"I don't want to laugh," Jiang Cheng turned and walked away, "Really, let's agree on this, no more silly laughing from now on, it's too stupid doing it every day."

"Okay." Gu Fei followed him with a serious face.

Finally holding in the urge to laugh in his nose, Jiang Cheng felt quite accomplished.

"Which floor is the theater on?" Jiang Cheng asked as they walked up the escalator.

"Don't know," Gu Fei looked around, pointed at a sign behind them, "Fifth floor."

"You've never been?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

"No," Gu Fei thought about it, said softly by his ear, "The last time I watched a movie was probably when I was at vocational school, the school organized us to watch some documentary about interviewing prisoners.

"That's not really a movie," Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little unpleasant, "What about before that?"

"Elementary school, my mom took me to watch some cartoon, I don't remember clearly," Gu Fei said.

Jiang Cheng felt a pang of heartache: "You never go watch movies with people usually?"

"With who?" Gu Fei smiled.

Jiang Cheng paused, unable to speak.

Right, with who? With Gu Fei's personality, it's not possible with classmates, friends... just those not-a-good-birds, didn't look like people who would want to watch movies, family... it was already surprising Gu Fei's mom took him to watch a movie once.

He suddenly felt Gu Fei wanting to watch a movie with him probably wasn't just to find a crowded place where they could snuggle, but also because he almost never watched movies.

When they arrived at the theater, Jiang Cheng looked at the rolling screen, there weren't any good movies showing recently either, so they sat down on the sofa and Jiang Cheng took out his phone: "Let me check discounted tickets first."

"I'll do it," Gu Fei said, "I..."

"You still have to download the app," Jiang Cheng said, "Don't fight me on this."

"Then you," Gu Fei leaned back into the sofa, smiling, "Don't forget to buy snacks."

Jiang Cheng flipped through his phone for a long time, but couldn't pick a movie he wanted to watch. He had to turn and look at Gu Fei: "Do you think a domestic horror movie counts as an exciting movie?"

"......There's nothing else?" Gu Fei asked.

"The rest are all artsy films," Jiang Cheng said.

"Then domestic horror it is," Gu Fei nodded.

Jiang Cheng bought a combo with a large popcorn and drinks, when picking seats he hesitated again. The theater was basically empty now, he first picked a middle seat, but then felt it was too center, if they were to do anything... So he cancelled it and changed to the last row. After selecting it he again felt it was too shameless, as if he really wanted to do something. He glanced at Gu Fei next to him, Gu Fei was just playing Candy Crush quietly.

Alright, compromise, Jiang Cheng cancelled the last row and picked the second to last row.

After getting everything set up, he stood to go get the tickets from the machine. Just then a theater staff member walked over pushing a wheelchair: "Sir, this is a wheelchair our theater provides for you."

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng was stunned.

"It's quite a ways to walk to the theater," the staff said, "This will be more convenient."

"Oh," Jiang Cheng looked at the wheelchair, "Thank...thank you."

"Just return the wheelchair to the service counter after," the staff left the wheelchair and walked away, looking back repeatedly.

Jiang Cheng turned to look at Gu Fei, Gu Fei was leaning against the sofa laughing for a while already.

"Want one, sir?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"I do," Gu Fei nodded, "You can push me in later."

"Damnit," Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, "If the producers know we're pushing a wheelchair in to watch their domestic ghost-free ghost movie, they'll probably be so moved they cry."

"Hurry up," Gu Fei looked at the rolling screen, "Twenty minutes left."

After getting the tickets, Jiang Cheng pushed the wheelchair over next to Gu Fei's legs: "Come on Mr. Gu."

Gu Fei leaned on the armrest to shakily stand up, hopped on one leg twice to turn around, then leaned on the wheelchair armrest to sit down: "Done."

"Those acting skills," Jiang Cheng said, "No one in the movie we're seeing can act better than you."

"Too kind," Gu Fei put his feet on the footrests, "Comfy."

Jiang Cheng pushed the wheelchair to get snacks, large popcorn, drinks, and water, wet wipes provided by the theater, all placed on Gu Fei's lap.

Pushing Gu Fei towards the theater, he could feel the shocked gazes of people around them.

Oh this person must be so bored he's using a wheelchair to watch a movie at a time when there's no good movies playing.

"Which theater?" Sitting in the wheelchair, Gu Fei wiped his hands with wet wipes, eating popcorn and asking.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak.

"Hm?" Gu Fei looked back.

He glared at Gu Fei: "Enjoying it?"

Gu Fei immediately picked out a sugary popcorn and brought it to his mouth: "Here."

Jiang Cheng quickly glanced around, no one nearby, he swiftly bit the popcorn into his mouth.

"You bit my hand," Gu Fei said.

"Speak less nonsense," Jiang Cheng said.  

After eating two bites, Gu Fei picked out two more sugary ones and fed them backwards over his shoulder into Jiang Cheng's mouth. Jiang Cheng lowered his head and bit them in.

Kind of stupid.

But... although he felt like a disabled hamster being hand fed, he also felt very happy.

The ticket taker at the theater door was very bored, looking around everywhere. Seeing them come over he was immediately shocked, hurriedly came over: "There are stairs inside, let me help you."

"No need, no need," Gu Fei quickly waved his hand, "I can jump myself."

Perhaps because there were few people watching this show, the ticket taker was too free and insisted on forcefully helping carry their popcorn in. Then he went back and pushed the wheelchair to the bottom of the last step before reluctantly walking out, looking back repeatedly.

"VIP treatment," Jiang Cheng sighed.

"How come you didn't pick the last row?" Gu Fei sat down.

"......What do you want to do?" Jiang Cheng looked at him.

"Nothing planned," Gu Fei smiled, pointed at the seat closer to the aisle, "You sit there."

"You can just go sit directly," Jiang Cheng said, "What's the difference."

Gu Fei didn't speak, raising his bandaged right hand and waving it at him.

Jiang Cheng instantly understood what he meant, but also instantly felt his heartbeat accelerate, his face suddenly feeling a little burnt, like sitting next to a heater.

Squeezing by Gu Fei, their bodies inevitably bumped, and he immediately felt the evil source wanting to rebel down there.

"Oh," he softly sighed, sitting down and pulling at his pants.

"Youth," Gu Fei also sat down, taking the drink and sipping it.

Jiang Cheng glared at him.

"I'm still very calm," Gu Fei also looked at him, glancing down at his own crotch, "See."

"See your grandpa!" Jiang Cheng almost wanted to slap him.

Gu Fei drank his beverage, looking ahead and smiling without speaking.

"Really," Jiang Cheng said, "At first I really didn't think you were this kind of person."

"I didn't think so either," Gu Fei lifted the armrest between them, scooted closer to him, pressing together, "I'm supposed to be the infamous one of the steel factory side..."

"That's enough," Jiang Cheng interrupted him, then laughed again, "Really, your sister is way cooler than you."

"Don't go after my sister," Gu Fei grabbed his hand, "Just go after me."

"Oh," Jiang Cheng also held his hand.

Gu Fei's hand was warm. Although it was already warm out now, and the theater was heated to be a little hot, he still felt Gu Fei's hand temperature made him feel very comfortable.

Jiang Cheng looked back, not a single person in the last row, but although the last row was empty, there were not as few people in the theater as he imagined, especially in the few minutes before the lights dimmed, twenty or so couples suddenly streamed in.

One look and you know they all came in to date.

Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little... ambiguous. Being wedged between a bunch of people with obvious motives, he and Gu Fei also became obvious.

Luckily a family of four also came in and sat in the few rows ahead of them.

Jiang Cheng instantly felt relieved.

He didn't know why he was suddenly so shameless.

He glanced at Gu Fei next to him. Gu Fei was just slowly eating the popcorn on his lap, completely calm.

"Gu Fei," he called Gu Fei.

"Hm?" Gu Fei turned his head.

Actually he didn't know why he called Gu Fei's name, he had nothing to say.

When Gu Fei turned his head, the lights in the theater suddenly went dark.

Gu Fei's face immediately disappeared into the darkness, only the contour of his profile outlined by the light from the screen remained.

Without thinking, Jiang Cheng immediately leaned in, but as soon as he moved, Gu Fei also leaned over, lightly kissing his lips.

The lights just went off, people were still moving around, some still talking.

The environment didn't have that reassuring feeling yet, but Jiang Cheng still held his breath from the kiss, his heart beat reacting a little slowly, pounding rapidly after two seconds, making him feel Gu Fei's face in front of him shaking a little.

Gu Fei didn't make any further moves, just lightly touching his lips, both of them unmoving.

Compared to their previous physical interactions, this kind of kiss was really nothing. They had jerked each other off twice already, but Jiang Cheng had a feeling he never had before.

As a top student, he actually couldn't find the right words to describe it.

After just gently touching for a while, Jiang Cheng licked Gu Fei's lips with the tip of his tongue.

Very sweet.

The movie had already started, but Jiang Cheng didn't have any intention of looking over. Gu Fei's lips were still there, moist, with a hint of sweet popcorn.

At this time even if it was this kind of movie, even if someone he knew was standing next to him, he might still take a few seconds to come to his senses...

But reality always slaps you in the face.

Although this was clearly not the kind of movie that could scare anyone, the theater's great sound system was too much to handle.  

A sudden scream from all directions at the same time scared everyone in the theater.

His heart, which had been beating rather quickly, was so frightened by this scream that it almost jumped in two. His whole body bounced in the seat.

Gu Fei was probably also badly frightened, bouncing at almost the same time as him.  

The two of them quickly turned to glance at the screen, then turned back to stare at each other in the dark. After quite a while, Gu Fei said in a low voice, "Damn, I was almost scared enough to shrink back in."

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment before he realized what had happened. He couldn't help but lower his head and laugh while biting his teeth.

"Don't you have any sympathy?" Gu Fei said in a low voice, his voice also filled with laughter.

"Oh," Jiang Cheng responded, turning to look at him and asking with a suppressed laugh, "So did it shrink back in?"

"No," Gu Fei said, "Do you want to..."

Jiang Cheng felt like the air freshener in the theater was probably toxic, or else the popcorn was toxic, or else Gu Fei's lips were toxic... Anyway, he was clearly poisoned with these symptoms.  

He suddenly reached out towards Gu Fei, almost knocking the popcorn on Gu Fei's lap onto the floor.

Gu Fei, who had been trying to hold in his laugh, suddenly tensed up a little.  

Jiang Cheng could feel with the palm of his hand that it certainly had not shrunk back in. The reason it had not shrunk back was probably because little Gu Fei was very resilient...

What the hell?  

Jiang Cheng, what are you doing?

Are you really that thirsty? The movie just started less than two minutes ago! The supporting character just screamed! Nobody has even died yet!

He suddenly felt that he didn't know what to do with the hand on Gu Fei's crotch.

After being stunned for a few seconds, just as he was determined to overcome all difficulties and retrieve his hand, Gu Fei suddenly threw the popcorn onto the next seat, and grabbed his hand.

"Are there really infrared cameras?" Gu Fei pressed his hand down and leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"I don't know," Jiang Cheng whispered back, "Should we be...a little more restrained?"

Gu Fei didn't reply. His body slid down a little, released his hand, and reached into his pants without giving him any time to react.

Jiang Cheng's mind was instantly filled with all kinds of porn scenes. He slid down with Gu Fei and yanked open Gu Fei's waistband.

The movie was still playing. To stick to the principle of "being a little more restrained", although they were leaning against each other, they kept their faces towards the screen, eyes fixed on it too, although Jiang Cheng had no idea what the woman was doing running around the room alone.

In front of him were the flashing, dim, intertwining lights and shadows. A movie that so far seemed totally incomprehensible. His muddled mind from the fire burning inside his body gave it a mysterious aesthetic feel.

The only thing that left him speechless was... the screams.

The screaming supporting character's whereabouts were unknown, and the female lead took over her unfinished business.

With three consecutive screams, although they were too engrossed in their hanky-panky to be completely frightened, they could still feel each other's hands clench.

"Picked the wrong movie," Jiang Cheng said, closing his eyes.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei called him.

Jiang Cheng turned his head, and Gu Fei kissed him.

The author has something to say: More tomorrow.

Let's end on a sweet note for now, but the next chapter won't continue from this ending. The author smiled and said while holding a bowl of braised lamb.

Chirp chirp! said the little black furball.

Oh my! My second brother has turned into a chicken! the black furball exclaimed loudly.

o(╥_╥)o, said the little black furball.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
