Chapter 49 - Chapter 49

Jiang Bin stood at the sidelines with his arms folded, Gu Fei and a few others were already standing in the center of the court, but Jiang Bin showed no intention of coming over.  

"This bastard is waiting for Jiang Cheng," Liu Fan said.  

Gu Fei turned his head to look at Jiang Bin, who was still standing there motionless.

"Playing or not?" Gu Fei asked.

Jiang Bin snorted coldly, lowered his head to look at the black brass knuckles on his fingers, and only after a long while did he raise his head: "Where's Jiang Cheng?"

"I'll take responsibility for his part," Gu Fei said. He knew that without seeing Jiang Cheng, Jiang Bin would not readily agree to start. He had been thinking about how to resolve this issue, but seeing the brass knuckles on Jiang Bin's hands, he knew this would be easy to handle.  

Those brass knuckles belonged to Monkey. Monkey gave the brass knuckles to Jiang Bin, which meant the issues between the two of them would need to be resolved today too. Monkey was just finding an excuse to stand up for Jiang Bin. His target wasn't Jiang Cheng, it was him.  

This made things much easier to handle.

"Take responsibility?" Jiang Bin laughed. "Since when did you take on a little brother?"

"You've been following Monkey for more than just a day or two," Gu Fei said unhurriedly as he adjusted his own wrist guards. "How come you didn't pick up an ounce of his guts?"

"Say that again!" Jiang Bin was instantly riled up. He didn't have his arms folded anymore and strode up to Gu Fei in two steps, his finger nearly poking Gu Fei in the face.

"There are wins and losses in competitions. If you want to play, then learn to be a good loser. Didn't your brother teach you that?" Gu Fei glanced over at Monkey. "During the match, you made the first move. He's just a student. Not only did he not fight back, he didn't even talk back, right? Yet you insist on holding on to this grudge. Doesn't seem like something someone who followed Monkey would do."

Jiang Bin was decent at fighting and basketball, but was always at a loss when it came to words. With the crowd watching, although they were mostly unsavoury characters, but with "reason" on Gu Fei's side, Jiang Bin's face turned red and he couldn't get a word out edgewise.

In the end, he shot an irritated glance over at Monkey.

"Hurry up," Monkey said impatiently around his cigarette.

"It'll just be you and me today," Gu Fei looked at Jiang Bin. "Whoever accepts defeat, we'll settle this in one go."

Jiang Bin stared at him for a full five seconds before squeezing out a word from between clenched teeth: "Fine."

The match would last half an hour with no breaks or substitutions. Other than someone coming in to toss the ball at the start, there were no referees and no scoreboard. The spectators in the stands were the scoreboard.  

If there was any betting going on, they would remember the score more clearly than any scoreboard.

Liu Fan and Qian Kai jumped for the ball. Both had their eyes fixed on the ball, everyone around was watching the ball...or rather, watching the fighters, in silence.

The person tossing the ball threw it straight up and immediately turned to flee from the court like his life depended on it.

With the way everyone on court was armed, if he didn't run after the toss, he might get caught in friendly fire.

Although this was ostensibly a basketball game covering up a brawl, Liu Fan was the only one of them who had been jailed before, just after the new year he had spent a week inside. But he also loved basketball the most out of this bunch, so he went for the ball.

Qian Kai didn't. His target was Liu Fan's arm.

As Liu Fan batted the ball towards Gu Fei, Qian Kai's hand brushed along Liu Fan's, from his wrist to lower arm in a swipe.

As Gu Fei caught the ball, he saw the bloody stripe on Liu Fan's arm.

He turned with the ball to drive towards the hoop.  

There were footsteps behind him as someone charged over swiftly. Gu Fei took two more steps forward before suddenly dodging to the side and leaping up for a jump shot.

From the corner of his eye he saw Jiang Bin rush at him from the right, left hand swinging past his side.

Gu Fei only felt something scrape viciously along his lower right ribs. He didn't feel any pain as he landed. Eyes fixed on the hoop, he saw the ball sink in and only then glanced down.

His t-shirt had a slit in it. Lifting it up, he saw the rough scrape along his waist left by the brass knuckles. As he looked down, blood only started seeping slowly from the ragged wound.

He grabbed his shirt and pressed hastily over the gash. It was shallow and aside from looking ugly, didn't impact him much.

Jiang Bin inbounded, passing to Qian Kai again. Gu Fei had wanted to intercept but seeing Liu Fan go for it, he headed straight past half court to get back on defense.

The wound on Liu Fan's arm was bleeding but didn't seem too deep. Gu Fei's gaze hadn't left Liu Fan's arm yet when Li Yan's voice called from the sidelines, "Da Fei, behind you!"

He didn't look back, just bent at the waist. Someone swung a fist over his head.

Just one basket in and things were already like this. Gu Fei felt that even if they didn't fight back this game, lasting five minutes could be considered a miracle.

And they weren't not fighting back either. Over there, Liu Fan had done the same to Qian Kai while defending him, the wrist guard hiding something inside scraping past Qian Kai's arm.

Gu Fei couldn't see the details from this angle, but a muscle in Qian Kai's face twitched. He must not have held back.

This game wouldn't last half an hour, probably not even five minutes. Gu Fei straightened up.

The one who had swung at him from behind he wasn't too familiar with, didn't even know his name or nickname. He could only take a leaf from Jiang Cheng's book and mentally dub him Little Swing.

That punch from Little Swing had been aimed at the back of his head. If it had connected, he would definitely be sprawled on the ground right now, possibly unable to get back up immediately.  

This bunch was clearly crueler than Monkey's own people. Monkey still kept to some code of honor and had to keep up appearances. But not this bunch. With them around, you had to watch your step or you might trip and fall face first on someone.

Little Swing's fist met air and didn't hesitate to swing back towards his face with a chop.

Gu Fei saw he had a section of steel pipe in his hand. It wasn't sharp, just a blunt rounded head, but if it hit him... Gu Fei raised his left arm to block, using his arm as a fulcrum to brace against Little Swing's elbow. His right hand gripped Little Swing's wrist tightly and wrenched hard.

Little Swing froze for a couple seconds before letting out an anguished wail. Gu Fei shoved him aside and caught the ball Luo Yu passed over.

He charged past two people with the ball. Jiang Bin blocked his path up ahead. Gu Fei braked sharply, preparing for a 3-pointer.

As the ball left his hand, Jiang Bin rushed forward, his hand slamming down to block. The brass knuckles first smashed into his shoulder, then raked viciously down along the momentum.  

The stands erupted in whistles and applause. Sinking a 3-pointer in this situation, Gu Fei had to admire himself a little.

But the game was done. Jiang Bin had little self-control left, not even pretending anymore. If this went on, even if they were leading in points, few on their side would still be standing.

Moreover, with Jiang Bin and his side blatantly disregarding the basketball guise over this brawl, even if they won on points, this wouldn't be settled.

The only way.

The only way.

Gu Fei was suddenly struck by a feeling that the only way was what he had learned from his old dad.

And that was a move to make the opponent not dare touch you again.

Whether it was Mom's unreliable suitor, or Monkey from before, or Little Swing just now, regardless of intention, his old dad's style that had terrified him since young was now flowing in his blood unknowingly...

As Jiang Bin's brass knuckles came at him a third time, Gu Fei swung his arm up, torso and waist twisting, and slapped viciously at Jiang Bin's left cheek.

There was no sharp slap, just a muffled thud.  

Jiang Bin was battered sideways to the cement floor, the knock of his head against the floor even louder than the slap to his face.

Everyone on court froze. There was a brief silence in the stands too.

Jiang Bin lay sprawled on the ground, only starting to struggle to get up after several seconds. But he fell again after two tries, finally bracing his hands on the ground and beginning to retch.

"Holy shit!" Several dozen spectators shouted out, whistles and yells blending together in excitement.

To them, it didn't matter who won or lost, who got beaten down. As long as someone fell, got hurt, couldn't get back up, they would be thrilled.

Everyone on court crowded over. Qian Kai went over wanting to prop Jiang Bin up. Gu Fei gave him a look. "Is it you?"

"What...?" Qian Kai froze.

"Next one," Gu Fei looked at him, voice leaden. "Is it you?"

Qian Kai didn't reply but froze in place, not daring to step forward and help.

"Let's stop playing," Gu Fei turned to sweep his gaze slowly over the circle. "Settle this directly. Anyone else wants a go?"

An awkward standoff descended on them. With that bare-handed slap, Gu Fei had battered Jiang Bin to the ground retching, barely able to crawl. There was another guy likely with a broken arm from the agony of holding it, and now no one dared step up against him.

But after all, this was meant to be an "ultimatum" game. To just stop here would mean they could never make another move...

"Help him up," Monkey's voice sounded from behind, breaking the deadlock.  

Some people finally went over to drag Jiang Bin up. Jiang Bin was unsteady on his feet, seemingly dizzy, and needed two people propping him up.

Monkey stared at Gu Fei and walked up to Jiang Bin. "How is it?"

"Can't hear clearly," Jiang Bin coughed twice. "Ringing ears."  

"Take him to the hospital," Monkey frowned. "Wipe his mouth."

They started taking Jiang Bin away, but he struggled as they passed Gu Fei, glaring at him.

The ringing ears was certain, possibly along with worse than just that. But Gu Fei didn't care at all now. Unlike Jiang Cheng who might worry over someone left sprawled in the snow, he wouldn't feel remorse afterwards.

Gu Fei tilted slightly towards Jiang Bin's right ear and enunciated clearly: "I'll end it here today. I don't like trouble. As long as no one stirs up trouble for me, I absolutely won't look for anyone."

Jiang Bin didn't reply, also unclear if he heard it clearly. He stared at Gu Fei for a while before leaving.

With Jiang Bin's people gone, all that remained on court were Monkey and Gu Fei's bunch. The spectators around were still enthusiastic, although no one dared come closer, staying nearby instead, waiting for the second match that might occur after this intermission bout.

Wasting their own time, surrounding themselves with the blood of others. Although they were just onlookers, these people still disgusted Gu Fei.

"Still such a heavy hand. Always taking them out in one move," Monkey looked at Gu Fei. "Nearly two years now and still no restraint at all."

Gu Fei didn't speak.  

To be honest, he wasn't as unafraid of Monkey as he was of Jiang Bin. Monkey was several years older than him, had dropped out of middle school and started mixing with the wrong crowd. Unlike those who would mess around for a few years before going to work or returning to civilian life, Monkey was the sort who stepped into this darkness and never intended to leave.

"I thought going to a regular high school from vocational school would make someone behave better," Monkey smiled. "But I wouldn't have cared about you and Jiang Bin's issues, I told him already to handle it himself. He has to accept the outcome whether he likes it or not. But now it's different, you stood up for Jiang Cheng so I have to stand up for Jiang Bin."

Gu Fei still didn't speak.

"To be honest I don't want to either," Monkey stretched lazily, lighting a cigarette. "But I figured might as well resolve our issues together. Otherwise I really won't have peace."

"I have a match after tomorrow," Gu Fei finally said. "After it's done."

Monkey was the vengeful type. Jiang Cheng was just an excuse. Getting his bladder ruptured from one of Gu Fei's kicks over a year ago - even if he wasn't the vengeful type, it wasn't easily forgotten.

With how much the time had passed, he needed an excuse for revenge. Now he had one, a simple one on one fight wouldn't do since Monkey knew he couldn't win. A group fight went against Monkey's "principles". So Gu Fei only set the time, leaving Monkey to decide the method.

"A school match?" Monkey asked.

"Mm," Gu Fei grunted yes.  

Monkey looked shocked, the exaggerated manner clearly showing his relation with Jiang Bin. It was a while before he laughed. "So there's been some change after all. No. 4 High is a good place, Gu Fei's even joining a school match."

Gu Fei was too lazy to argue with him, remaining silent.

"Fine, I'm easy to talk to," Monkey poked Gu Fei in the chest with a cigarette. "Eight at night, day after tomorrow, the old building by the railway bridge. We'll play fair."

Gu Fei looked at him for a moment. Liu Fan stepped forward beside him as if agitated. Gu Fei held out a hand to stop him. "Fine."

"High jump," Monkey said. "Assume your own risks."

"Okay." Gu Fei said.

"F*ck me!" Liu Fan slapped the steering wheel as he got in the car. "Why'd you agree to a high jump with him? Can't you beat him in a fight?"

"It has to be settled." Gu Fei said.

"Then settle it with a fight! Why high jump?!" Luo Yu yelled from the back.

"Would he agree to settle it with a fight?" Gu Fei looked back at Luo Yu. "If he was willing to fight it out, it would've happened already, right?"

"Then let him keep waiting! So what if you ignore him?" Liu Fan was yelling too now. "He doesn't dare make a move on you, so just ignore him..."

"What if he tries something sneaky?" Gu Fei cut him off. "What if he looks for someone else? What if he goes after Er Miao?"

The car fell silent.

"And I'm sick of this," Gu Fei said with a frown, tugging at his bloody shirt. As he ripped it open fiercely, he nearly shouted from the pain. "Even if I'm stuck in this life forever, I want some stability. I don't want to live in violence every day."

"Don't nag anymore," Li Yan spoke up. "It's agreed already, no use talking about it now. If we can settle this, then settle it. It's not fatal, worst case is just a few months in the hospital..."

"Who said it can't be fatal?! You see the news?! Some guy just tripped and fell over and fucking died!" Liu Fan glared at Li Yan.

"Fuck, fuck your whole family!" Li Yan lost his temper, glaring back. "Hurry, touch wood and spit it out! Idiot!"  

Liu Fan froze for a long while before slapping the wheel again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Gu Fei turned to look out the window, laughing for a good while. "Idiot."

Jiang Cheng stood in Gu Fei's family shop, looking awkwardly at Gu Fei's mom cracking melon seeds behind the cash register, not knowing whether to stay or leave.

"Have a seat, why don't you," Gu Fei's mom said. "He usually comes by the shop around meal times."

"I..." Jiang Cheng didn't want to sit. He pointed at the door, wanting to say he'd go wander around outside.

Before he could finish, Gu Fei's mom glanced at the clock beside her and waved him over. "Oh, I didn't notice the time. I have to head out. It's good you're here, I won't have to close up the shop. Stay and watch the place, alright?"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng froze.  

"Just help with the cash register. Li Yan helps out with it all the time," Gu Fei's mom said as she put on her coat. "Don't tell me you don't even know how to work a register?"

Jiang Cheng wanted to say he really didn't know how, but before he could reply, Gu Fei's mom had already rushed out the door. He stood in the shop stunned for a long while before finally sitting down behind the register.

He didn't know what Gu Fei had been up to all afternoon, but it definitely didn't involve Gu Miao since he had asked earlier and she was home drawing.

He was almost certain Gu Fei had gone to the zoo.

But no one knew where this place was where people could play basketball and get into fights. The only person in class he could ask was Wang Xu, but Wang Xu didn't know, so no one else was likely to know either. Other than his classmates, the only other person he could ask was Ding Zhuxin, but Ding Zhuxin didn't give him an answer either.

"If he doesn't want to tell you something, even if I know it, I can't tell you," Ding Zhuxin said gently, not even giving him a chance to ask another question.  

Jiang Cheng held his phone, standing there in a daze behind the cash register, not sure what he was feeling.

He had felt anxious and angry before, but now that his fiery temper had burned out, all that was left was frustration, the kind of frustration that wouldn't go away until he gave Gu Fei a beating.

He stood there in a daze for nearly twenty minutes when he heard the sound of a car outside the shop. He went to stand by the beaded curtain at the entrance and looked out.

A rickety old Benben that looked like it would fall apart after driving another ten meters had stopped at the door. The windows were rolled up so he couldn't see who was inside, but after the car stopped, Gu Fei got out of the passenger side.

Jiang Cheng had been thinking that maybe Gu Fei had some other business and he was overthinking things, but when he saw the blood stains on Gu Fei's collar as he walked this way, his anger flared up again. It was like a welding torch flaming up inside him, burning all the way to the crown of his head, turning him into a torch.

Gu Fei probably hadn't expected anyone to be standing inside the beaded curtain. When he lifted it and walked in, he bumped right into Jiang Cheng.

"Ah!" Gu Fei cried out in surprise and was about to step back when Jiang Cheng grabbed him by the collar.  

"Where did you go?" Jiang Cheng dragged him into the shop and shoved him against the wall. "Tell me, what the fuck were you doing?!"

"What are you doing here?" Gu Fei looked shocked.

"I'm asking you where you went!" Jiang Cheng yelled.

Gu Fei grabbed his wrist, trying to pry his hand off, but failed. He gave up with a sigh.

"Do you want me to give you another five seconds to make up another story!" Jiang Cheng glared at him.

"Even ten more seconds wouldn't be enough," Gu Fei said. "Too sudden."

Jiang Cheng was silent as he stared at him for a moment, then suddenly let go of him and turned to sweep out the shop door.

Gu Fei frowned and knocked his head against the wall. After a pause of two seconds, he ran out after him. "Jiang Cheng!"

Jiang Cheng was already striding away with swinging arms in the direction of his rented room, not looking back or slowing his steps.

"Brother Cheng," Gu Fei caught up to him and grabbed his arm. "Brother Cheng..."

"What brother?" Jiang Cheng shook his hand off and turned to glare at him. "I don't have a son like you!"

"I called you brother," Gu Fei said.  

Jiang Cheng froze for a moment, but his anger clearly reignited swiftly. He pointed at Gu Fei, "Even if you call me grandpa, it's fucking useless!"

Gu Fei hesitated, then grabbed his arm again and dragged him back to the shop.

"What the fuck?" Jiang Cheng was shocked. He shook hard twice but couldn't shake his grip off. Just as he was about to put in more effort, he saw the blood on Gu Fei's collar again. That made him clench his teeth and suppress his third attempt to break free.  

In that brief moment of hesitation, he was dragged back into the shop by Gu Fei.

"Let's talk for a bit," Gu Fei said.

"Talk about what?" Jiang Cheng suddenly felt like all his strength had drained away the moment Gu Fei released his arm. The fiery anger froze up instantly. He leaned against the wall, "Talk about how you tricked people?"

"Mm," Gu Fei nodded.

Jiang Cheng looked at him. Other than the blood stain on his collar, there was another stain near his waist: "Treat your wounds first. Looking like you just got whipped, people who don't know might get the wrong idea."


The author has something to say: Resting tomorrow, see you on Monday \o/.

"It's 2017 already ⊙▽⊙. Let's continue to wreak havoc* together next year, little goldfish ⊙▽⊙." The author neatly lined up the black wool furballs and respectfully kowtowed to each, happily saying.

*T/N: Saye means to wreak

"Happy New Year ah o(≧口≦)o." The black furballs yelled loudly in excitement.  

"Chirp <(ˉˉ)> ." Smell little black furball said.

"Wah." Little black furball said.

"......" Black furball #4 and #5 glanced at you.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
