Royal Descendants

Royal Descendants

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

At midnight, the lights were still brightly lit in the Hecheng Pavilion of the Lingnan Prince's Manor.

Sir Dong arrived a step late. After entering, he asked Cen Chaoge to repeat what was just said.

Cen Chaoge carefully reiterated in a low voice, "Although Xi Xiang didn't say it explicitly, it seems that... the Emperor doesn't have much intention to intervene in this matter. It's all being handled by Princess Dunsu. Unfortunately, our manor doesn't have any ladies who can pay a visit to the Princess, so... we can only go and sound out the Crown Prince."

The more Sir Dong listened, the more he felt there was room for maneuver. He glanced at Bairen and said softly, "That's good then... Your Highness, don't be upset. I'll say something unpleasant - although Princess Roujia has the title of the first-born, if we talk about who is more favored by His Majesty, it's still Princess Kangtai. The Crown Prince might also have some hesitation. There are still ten days left. If we make some more moves, there might still be a chance..."

Bairen pursed his thin lips and said in a low voice, "It's my fault... Previously, I didn't want to get involved in disputes, so I didn't pay attention when the Crown Prince was close to me. Forget it, I heard the Crown Prince also likes our tea leaves. Prepare some of the best for me, I'll go to the Crown Prince's Manor tomorrow."

Sir Dong nodded, "Yes, but... I heard that the Crown Prince doesn't have a very good temper. Your Highness didn't pay much attention to him before, so this time... I'm afraid Your Highness will have to endure some grievances when you go. Your Highness, please be more tolerant."

"It's alright." Bairen smiled self-deprecatingly, "Am I still afraid of suffering grievances?"

Sir Dong shook his head, "Heaven is about to bestow a great responsibility. Your Highness, there's no need to belittle yourself. Chaoge, you tomorrow... Chaoge?"

"Ah?" Cen Chaoge suddenly came back to his senses, dazed, "Did you call for me, sir?"

Bairen frowned slightly. Not caring that Sir Dong was beside him, he couldn't help but ask with concern in a low voice, "Are you tired?"

"No." Cen Chaoge gave a dry laugh, rubbed his brow and smiled, "I'm just a bit sleepy. What instructions do you have, sir?"

Sir Dong smiled, "Nothing, just telling you that since you said Xi Xiang is staying out tonight, you'll have time to make some moves tomorrow. His Highness spent a lot of money to get on the good side of the Chief Steward, so don't let this connection break."

Cen Chaoge was just worrying about not having an excuse to find Xi Xiang tomorrow. Sir Dong's words hit the nail on the head. He quickly agreed, "Yes, sir, rest assured, I'll go first thing in the morning."

Sir Dong smiled, "There's no need to be in such a hurry. You look absent-minded all day, are you tired from the past few days? Go and rest."

Cen Chaoge forced a smile, turned to look at Bairen. With Sir Dong present, Bairen couldn't say much, only said softly, "Go."

The night passed without conversation. Early the next morning, Bairen instructed someone to send a visiting card to the Crown Prince's Manor. At 9am, he took his people to the Crown Prince's Manor.

In the main hall of the Crown Prince's Manor, Jiang Deqing politely served tea to Bairen, smiling attentively, "I'm really sorry, the Crown Prince left early for court this morning and didn't see the visiting card. He didn't know Your Highness was coming. The Crown Prince hasn't returned yet... I'm afraid he's held up by some matter at court."

Bairen was anxious in his heart but couldn't show it on his face. He smiled and asked, "Then do you know when the Crown Prince will return?"

Jiang Deqing frowned slightly and shook his head, "This servant can't say for sure. Now that Princess Dunsu is in the palace, it's common for her to invite the Crown Prince to dine together at noon. If the Princess invites him over... then who knows what time he'll return."

Hearing Princess Dunsu's name, Bairen's heart jumped. He became even more anxious. This matter was brought up by Princess Dunsu. If Qi Xiao often spent time with Princess Dunsu, and the marriage was settled, then no matter what method he tried, it would be useless.

Bairen increasingly regretted - that day when Qi Xiao exchanged pleasantries with him, why couldn't he have the patience to say a few good words? Now that the other party no longer paid attention to him, it was too late to say anything.

It was said that he left early in the morning and didn't see the visiting card, but it was also possible that he simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Thinking of the ten-day deadline Cen Chaoge mentioned, Bairen became even more anxious.

Seeing the expression on Bairen's face, Jiang Deqing smiled gently, "Does Your Highness have some urgent matter? No problem, this servant will immediately send someone into the palace to find the Crown Prince. Even if he's with Princess Dunsu, if Your Highness has something important, the Crown Prince will return."

Jiang Deqing's few words completely dispelled the doubts in Bairen's heart. Bairen thought, as long as he's not deliberately avoiding me, it's fine. Jiang Deqing saw Bairen not speaking and asked again, "Your Highness, please come to the study? This servant will send someone into the palace right away."

"No need." Bairen hurriedly declined. He always had a sense of propriety. With his status, how could he really have someone go into the palace to find Qi Xiao? He paused and said softly, "There's nothing important. I just happened to hear that the Crown Prince really likes the tribute tea this time. Coincidentally, the manor still has some of the best tea. Having nothing to do today, I simply delivered it myself. Since the Crown Prince isn't here, I won't disturb you any longer."

Jiang Deqing kept nodding, "Alright, alright, when the Crown Prince returns, this servant will immediately inform him."

Bairen turned his head. The attendant behind him stepped forward and presented a red lacquered box with carved patterns. Jiang Deqing hurriedly bowed to receive it.

Bairen paused, turned to the attendant and said with displeasure, "Why did you only bring this? Didn't I tell you, this tea needs to be brewed in a Thousand Springs jade teapot to have the best flavor? I specifically told you to bring it together, how come I don't see it?"

The attendant was stunned for a moment, then quickly knelt down to apologize, "Your Highness, please spare me. That set of tea ware has been sealed in the warehouse since we came here and hasn't been touched. This lowly one couldn't take it out. When I went to tell the steward last night, he was already asleep. This lowly one originally thought to go early this morning to get the token and retrieve the items, but... this lowly one deserves death, I woke up dazed in the morning and completely forgot."

Bairen frowned, "You can't even handle such a small matter!"

Jiang Deqing laughed in his heart and hurriedly mediated, "Your Highness, don't be angry, be careful of your health."

"How embarrassing..." Bairen gave a bitter laugh, "It's just a pity. This tea is different from others. Brewed in porcelain, it's just ordinary. It must be brewed in jade to bring out the color. Thousand Springs jade from Lingnan is the best. Forget it... Since I've started giving, I'll do it completely. I'll come again tomorrow."

Jiang Deqing kept agreeing, "That would be best, but it's too much trouble for Your Highness."

Bairen gave a faint smile, "No problem."

Bairen left with his people. Jiang Deqing had someone clean up the leftover tea and snacks. He himself held the box, turned behind the screen, and bowed, "Your Highness, the Prince has left."

Behind the screen, Qi Xiao looked at the box in Jiang Deqing's hands with an amused smile, "His mind is quite nimble, coming up with this whole set of excuses."

"The person Your Highness has taken a liking to is naturally not one who is foolish and incompetent." Jiang Deqing smiled flatteringly as he opened the box for Qi Xiao to see, "The young master is determined to meet Your Highness, and will probably come early again tomorrow."

Inside the box were four small bottles of tea leaves, all tightly sealed with red silk. Qi Xiao casually picked up a bottle and smelled it: "If he comes again tomorrow, I still won't see him."

Jiang Deqing laughed in spite of himself: "Why is that? Your Highness..."

Qi Xiao put the tea leaves back in the box and said lightly, "First, to test his patience, and second... let's wait until there's news from Xi Xiang."

Xi Xiang didn't keep Qi Xiao waiting for long, and the news came quickly. Two days later, the list of attendants accompanying the official in charge of transporting the grain to Lingnan was released.

Qi Xiao had pulled some strings and took over the distribution of the documents. Qi Xiao was already involved in the distribution of grain and fodder this time, so no one suspected him. It was all the same whether the documents were issued from the Ministry of Officials or from the Crown Prince's residence.

Jiang Deqing looked at the documents on Qi Xiao's desk and smiled flatteringly, "Your Highness can rest assured now, right? By the way, Xi Xiang also asked me to give this to Your Highness..."

Jiang Deqing pulled out a stack of silver notes from his sleeve and handed them to Qi Xiao, "These are all what Cen Chaoge has sent to Xi Xiang in the past few days. Xi Xiang said this is for serving Your Highness. Although he knows that Your Highness doesn't care about this small amount of money, he doesn't dare to keep it for himself, so he asked this servant to send it to Your Highness. Please accept it, Your Highness."

Qi Xiao chuckled lightly, "He is quite obedient... This is a total of..."

"Fifteen thousand taels." Jiang Deqing paused for a moment and then added, "Among them, three thousand taels were given earlier for inquiring about the marriage alliance, and another twelve thousand taels were given later to be able to return to Lingnan with the grain transport army."

Qi Xiao sneered, "How much money does Bairen have to let him spend like this."

Jiang Deqing shook his head, "The young prince probably doesn't know yet, and only thinks it's money spent on arranging the marriage alliance, sigh..."

As the two were talking, a maid came in from outside and bowed, "Crown Prince, the young prince of Lingnan has arrived."

Jiang Deqing looked at Qi Xiao. Including this time, Bairen had already come three times, and each time Qi Xiao had politely turned him away. Jiang Deqing looked at Qi Xiao's expression, "Your Highness, this time..."

"This time I'll see him." Qi Xiao looked at the distribution documents on the desk and smiled faintly, "The young prince has sent me quite a few things these past few days. I should return the favor..."


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
