Royal Descendants

Royal Descendants

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15

In the Yuxiu Palace, Jiang Deqing hurriedly entered the inner chamber with a solemn expression. He recounted everything that had just transpired in the Qianqing Palace, bowing his head and speaking in a low voice, "I heard that the imperial physicians have already been summoned and are currently attending before His Majesty."

Princess Dunsu turned her head and looked deeply at Qi Xiao for a moment before smiling, "I told you, no matter the circumstances, Bairen is still the Prince of Lingnan. His status is noble and esteemed. How could he possibly allow others to bully him? As long as he has the opportunity to retaliate, he won't let himself suffer even a bit."

Thinking about the "four bloody marks" and "blood spurting out" that Jiang Deqing had just mentioned, Qi Xiao's brows twitched in anger. Upon hearing this, he let out a cold laugh, "Aunt is right. The Prince is truly remarkable, capable of employing such a tactic of killing ten thousand enemies at the cost of eight thousand of his own men."

Qi Xiao stood up and was about to leave when Princess Dunsu frowned slightly and reprimanded in a low voice, "Qi Hua's actions were reckless. The Emperor will personally punish him. What are you going to do?!"

Qi Xiao paused for a moment and smiled, "I'm going to watch Qi Hua make a fool of himself. Does Aunt want to come?"

Princess Dunsu sighed, "Forget it, I can't be bothered to deal with you. Just go and take a look, but don't stir up any more trouble."

Qi Xiao nodded in agreement and left with a group of palace servants.

By the time Qi Xiao's sedan chair arrived at the Qianqing Palace, the princes had all arrived. The Third Prince Qi Xing and the Fourth Prince Qi Li were waiting outside the hall. Seeing Qi Xiao's arrival, they hurriedly stepped forward to pay their respects. Qi Xiao smiled faintly, "Greetings, my two younger brothers. Why are you waiting outside the hall? Is Father meeting with the ministers?"

Qi Xing and Qi Li looked at each other, unsure whether Qi Xiao was genuinely unaware or just pretending to be confused. Qi Xing hesitated for a moment before vaguely saying, "Father... probably has some matters to attend to."

Qi Xiao turned his head to look at Fu Hailu, who was also standing outside the hall, and smiled lightly, "Head Steward Fu, are you too lazy to move today? I've arrived, but you didn't announce my presence?"

"I wouldn't dare, I wouldn't dare." Fu Hailu quickly apologized with a smile and bowed, "I was just about to pay my respects to the Crown Prince before entering, but I got distracted listening to the princes' conversation. This servant will go right away."

The Emperor could leave his two sons waiting outside without regard, but he couldn't treat Qi Xiao so casually.

Before long, Fu Hailu came back out and forced a smile, "The Crown Prince may enter."

Qi Xiao entered the main hall with Fu Hailu, passing through the front hall and all the way into the warm chamber. Inside, the Emperor was sitting in the main seat, with Bairen standing below and Qi Hua kneeling beside him. Qi Xiao bowed and paid his respects.

The Emperor waved his hand wearily, "Rise... Xiao'er, you've come at the right time. Look at the disgraceful thing your younger brother has done!"

Qi Xiao didn't bother looking at Qi Hua at all. From the moment he entered the room, his gaze had never left Bairen. He only regretted that Bairen was standing on his left side, and the wound on his neck was also on the left, making it impossible to see. Qi Xiao's phoenix eyes shifted slightly as he glanced at Qi Hua and said indifferently, "Second Brother has always been respectful and well-mannered. How could he do something disgraceful? Could there be some misunderstanding?"

"How can he still know anything about etiquette? Who knows where his studies have gone!" The Emperor was so angry with Qi Hua that his lungs hurt. He turned his head and gently comforted Bairen, "Bairen... good child, Qi Hua has a bad temper and no brains. Regardless of the reason for today's incident, the fact that he offended you is entirely his fault. I have already summoned the imperial physicians for you. Let the physicians examine you first. If you have any grievances, tell me slowly later. I will definitely not mistreat you."

Bairen smiled, "There's no rush. I'm still confused about why the Second Prince resorted to violence against me. Now that the Crown Prince is also here, I'll recount what happened earlier. If the fault lies with Bairen, then there's no need to summon the imperial physicians. Since I provoked the Second Prince to such great anger, even if I were to take my own life, it would be difficult to atone for my sins. How could I dare to trouble the imperial physicians?"

Hearing this, Qi Xiao inwardly sneered. Did the Emperor think Bairen was a fool?

The Emperor had no choice but to say gently, "Don't talk nonsense... This matter is naturally all Qi Hua's fault. What does it have to do with you? I'm just afraid that your injury can't be delayed. Forget it, you go ahead and speak first."

Bairen turned his head and glanced at Qi Hua, repeating word for word everything the two of them had said earlier in the side hall. Finally, looking at the Emperor's pale face, he said indifferently, "I'm new here and truly don't understand what the 'Crown Prince's matter' is referring to. Could it be that just because I don't know about this matter, I angered the Second Prince and received this lesson?"

"Scoundrel!" The Emperor was nearly exploding with anger at Qi Hua. Although everyone was aware of Qi Xiao's matter, how could it be openly discussed? There were still loyal followers of Emperor Wu who hadn't died out yet! There were also those in the imperial family who supported Qi Xiao.

Putting that aside, investigating Qi Xiao's background was equivalent to investigating how the Emperor had obtained the throne back then, which had always been a sore spot for the Emperor. The Emperor glared at the trembling Qi Xiao, wishing he could tear him to pieces! He grabbed a teacup and fiercely threw it at Qi Xiao, "Constantly spouting nonsense! Xiao'er is your elder brother by blood and your crown prince by country! Is he someone you can gossip about behind his back?!"

Qi Hua was startled and quickly hid his face behind his arms, pleading with a tearful voice, "Father, forgive me... Father, forgive me..."

Bairen watched coldly as the Emperor changed the subject and continued to stab, "The Second Prince repeatedly said, 'Father praises the Crown Prince on the surface and shows him great favor, but privately it's not the case.' This I understand even less. Although I'm new here, in the month I've been here, I've never felt that Your Majesty treats the princes with unequal favor. Besides, how Your Majesty views the princes has nothing to do with me. How can this also become the Second Prince's excuse to question me?"

Hearing this, the Emperor was even more furious, his teeth itching with anger. If it weren't for the presence of Bairen and Qi Xiao, he would have almost taken action himself. He forced a smile and said, "I understand now... It's just because I've been a little more affectionate towards Xiao'er, so Qi Hua feels uncomfortable in his heart and caused this incident..."

Bairen shook his head, "I actually believe that today's matter stems from that baseless marriage alliance. I have truly never heard of this matter before. Since the Crown Prince is also here, Crown Prince... has Bairen ever mentioned to you the desire to marry Roujia to the Crown Prince? In front of His Majesty and the Second Prince, please give Bairen a clear name."

Qi Xiao instantly understood Bairen's intention. If he wanted to smoothly reject the marriage alliance, now was the best opportunity.

"Indeed not, and I don't know either... Where did my second brother hear these words from?" Qi Xiao looked at the Emperor and said solemnly, "To be honest, I had also heard similar rumors before, but I never thought that this unfounded rumor would harm the prince. Father Emperor... Please speak up and make it clear that I have never thought of marrying someone from Lingnan, and I will not do so in the future."

Upon hearing this, the Emperor was stunned. He never thought that Qi Xiao would easily let go, but regardless of the reason, the Emperor was pleased to see Qi Xiao giving up the marriage alliance himself. The Emperor looked at Qi Xiao and asked hesitantly, "Xiao'er... Is this truly what you think?"

Qi Xiao nodded, "I will give Aunt an explanation myself."

This was perhaps the only thing the Emperor could celebrate today, and he no longer minded Bairen's previous persistence. He nodded and said, "Good, Bairen, you heard it too. The Crown Prince will never marry a girl from your Lingnan in the future. You can rest assured."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. With this, I am at ease." Bairen stepped forward, knelt down, and said with a cold gaze and a solemn expression, "Although it was the Second Prince who made the first move today, the fault lies with me. I came from Lingnan, admiring the majesty of the Imperial Capital and revering the Emperor's dragon prestige, and thus I was unwilling to leave. This is also the intention of my father, the King of Lingnan.

"Although Lingnan is thousands of miles away, we dare not forget our home country for a moment. My father sent me to the Imperial City to observe and learn, so that I can educate the people in the future, always basking in the Emperor's grace. And now... I have stayed in the Imperial City for more than a month, but I haven't learned a single skill. Instead, I provoked the Second Prince like this. I reflect on myself, and today's incident is entirely my fault..."

"Good child, don't say that." Even the thick-skinned Emperor found it hard to keep a straight face after hearing Bairen's words. He comforted softly, "I said that everything that happened today was Qi Hua's fault. It's because I have spoiled Xiao'er too much that he threw a childish tantrum. He probably drank some wine today and became even more lawless. Bairen, don't worry, I will punish him severely..."

It was not only to appease the situation. Although Bairen's words were exaggerated, everyone present understood that Bairen was not just a prince. He represented Lingnan.

The Imperial City's attitude towards him was equivalent to its attitude towards Lingnan. If something happened to Bairen, it was not impossible for the King of Lingnan to use this as an excuse to send troops. Therefore, even if others despised Bairen's status as a hostage, they would still treat him with respect on the surface.

No one wanted to become the culprit of a war in the southern border. Of course, not everyone was so clear-minded. At least Qi Hua, that fool, was not.

Qi Hua, who was still kneeling on the ground, trembled even more violently. The Emperor looked at him, his liver aching with anger. Bairen had been talking for half a day, but this thing not only had no rebuttal, but also mumbled and whimpered when begging for mercy!

The Emperor was exasperated and scolded coldly, "Come! Take this unfilial son to the courtyard and give him twenty hard strokes! If anyone dares to show mercy, I will behead him directly!"

Qi Hua originally thought that he would only receive a few hits with a ruler at most, but he never expected the Emperor to get serious. He immediately cried out. The Emperor glanced at Fu Hailu, who understood and stepped forward to block Qi Hua's mouth.

One reason was to prevent him from biting his tongue when crying out in pain later, and the other was... who knew what deadly words Qi Hua might say again!

The sound of dull sticks striking flesh echoed in the courtyard. Qi Xiao turned his head and glanced at Bairen, then turned to the Emperor and bowed, "The Crown Prince's wounds still need to be treated quickly. Since today's incident involves me... Let Bairen rest in my palace for a while, as a way to apologize to the prince."

The Emperor had no objections and nodded, "Xiao'er is still the most thoughtful one. Tell the Imperial Physician to use the best medicine. If there is any problem with Bairen's injuries, I will hold the Imperial Medical Academy responsible!"

"Yes." Qi Xiao turned to look at Bairen, his eyes deep, "Crown Prince, come with me."


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
