Royal Descendants

Royal Descendants

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

After entering the palace, Bairen was summoned to the Qianqing Palace. Unfortunately, the Emperor was meeting with ministers at the time, so the head eunuch of the Qianqing Palace, Fu Hailu, politely led him to a pavilion in the side hall and served him with fine tea and water.

Bairen didn't like having a room full of people watching over him. After a few polite words, he asked Fu Hailu to take the people away, leaving only two young palace maids to attend to him.

"Your Highness, do you feel cold? Should we light a fragrance burner?" The young palace maid was very attentive, smiling, "It's getting colder day by day, and Your Highness is dressed a bit lightly."

Bairen smiled and shook his head. Seeing Bairen's indifference, the young palace maid didn't say anything more and retreated to continue standing outside the hall.

Bairen took a sip from the teacup, only to find it tasted bitter. Thinking about everything that happened at the Crown Prince's residence today, Bairen's heart felt as if it was stuffed with a ball of cotton, unable to spit it out or swallow it, suffocating him.

It's not that Bairen liked to complain. After all, he grew up reading the books of sages and virtuous men since childhood. Although he wasn't as self-righteous as Cen Chaoge, he never thought there would come a day when he would have to use his body to gain benefits, and without a choice at that.

Bairen closed his eyes, trying hard to recall everything about Lingnan, his loving mother, his gentle sister, the beautiful scenery of Lingnan where it was like spring all year round... Finally, he took a deep breath. It's still worth it. For the sake of his mother and sister, it's all worth it.

Bairen stood by the window in a daze, not noticing someone slowly walking in.

"Isn't this Bairen?" Qi Hua suddenly laughed, "I arrived a step early and thought I'd sit in the side hall for a while, but I didn't expect to run into Your Highness the Crown Prince here."

Qi Hua's unexpected voice startled Bairen, who had thought Bairen would be shocked. However, Bairen turned around calmly as usual and bowed: "Greetings, Second Prince."

Qi Hua rubbed his nose and smiled: "What is Your Highness the Crown Prince doing here?"

Bairen glanced at Qi Hua. There were palace servants outside, but no one announced Qi Hua's arrival when he entered. It was clear that Qi Hua knew he was inside and deliberately didn't let anyone speak up.

Bairen felt annoyed in his heart, but his face remained calm: "The same as Second Prince, I arrived a bit early and am waiting here first."

Bairen had always been like this to everyone, but in Qi Hua's eyes at this moment, it took on a different meaning.

Qi Hua was the Empress's biological son and was also well-informed. A few days ago, he learned that Qi Xiao was taking a concubine, and it was said that the new concubine consort was the biological daughter of the King of Lingnan, Princess Roujia.

Qi Hua was no fool. Lingnan was a fat piece of meat that everyone wanted to take a bite of, but now Qi Xiao had taken the lead. He was naturally dissatisfied. If it was also a political marriage, why couldn't he do it?

Qi Hua glanced at Bairen. He didn't know this matter was arranged by Princess Dunsu, and only thought Bairen was eager to find a backer, so he sought out Qi Xiao. Seeing Bairen today made him feel very uncomfortable.

Now, seeing Bairen ignoring him, Qi Hua's anger grew even stronger. To be fair, he was the Emperor's biological son. Not only had he always been overshadowed by Qi Xiao since childhood, but now even a little hostage didn't take him seriously.

A month ago, Qi Hua was schemed against by Qi Xiao because of the disaster relief matter. Now, with new and old grudges combined, Qi Hua found Bairen increasingly displeasing to the eye.

Qi Hua still had a smile on his face as he slowly said, "Why haven't I seen you at the Huixin Academy these past few days? I heard you weren't feeling well. Are you better now?"

Bairen had been trying to find a way to meet Qi Xiao these days and had no time to study, so he had been claiming to be ill. Seeing Qi Hua ask this, Bairen just nodded: "Thank you for your concern, Second Prince. I'm much better now."

Qi Hua smiled: "Yesterday, the Grand Tutors discussed a historical anecdote that I didn't quite understand. I was just thinking of asking you. It's a lucky coincidence to run into you here. Would Your Highness mind enlightening me?"

"I wouldn't dare," Bairen slightly bowed his head, "Second Prince, please go ahead. I'm just afraid my knowledge is shallow and I may not be able to explain it clearly."

"The Grand Tutor was lecturing on the Records of the Grand Historian and mentioned Li Yannian, talking about how he was favored. I didn't quite understand. He's just a eunuch, so how could he be so loved by Emperor Wu of Han?" Qi Hua suddenly laughed, "Your Highness, tell me... what skills did this Li Yannian have..."

Qi Hua's original intention was to use Li Yannian introducing his sister Lady Li to sarcastically imply that Bairen was using his own sister to become Qi Xiao's relative by marriage. However, when Bairen heard this, he thought of something else.

Li Yannian was someone who 'slept and rose with the Emperor'. Bairen had just been taken advantage of by Qi Xiao an hour ago. Hearing these words now, how could he think of Lady Li? He only thought Qi Hua already knew, and his face instantly turned pale.

Seeing the change in Bairen's expression, Qi Hua became even more certain in his heart and laughed mockingly: "They say the Crown Prince is knowledgeable of the past and present, a top talent in Lingnan. But you don't even know this historical anecdote? What a pity... After Lady Li's death, the Li clan was massacred twice until they were wiped out."

Only after hearing these words did Bairen understand. He laughed at himself in his heart. He had truly become a frightened bird, unable to even discern the meaning behind those words.

Knowing Qi Hua was just dissatisfied because of the marriage alliance, Bairen put his mind at ease, not wanting to say more to him. He calmly said: "I'm ashamed. My knowledge is indeed shallow and I don't know this anecdote. Second Prince, please don't laugh at me."

The more Bairen acted this way, the angrier Qi Hua became. He smiled without sincerity: "Bairen... considering you're younger than me, let me give you a piece of advice. Don't be so shortsighted. As for the Crown Prince... you probably don't know. Go find out for yourself, so you won't regret it later."

Bairen knew Qi Hua was referring to the fact that Qi Xiao was not the Emperor's biological son. He couldn't help but sneer in his heart. Although he hated Qi Xiao for forcing him, Bairen had to admit that in terms of bloodline, let alone the self-important Second Prince Qi Hua in front of him, even the Emperor was not as noble as Qi Xiao.

Bairen didn't want to say more to Qi Hua. He slightly bowed, intending to leave. But unexpectedly, Qi Hua was determined to teach Bairen a lesson today for some reason.

He grabbed Bairen and laughed: "Your Highness the Crown Prince, where are you going? To find the Crown Prince and tattle on me? Hehe... I'll say it again. Don't be so shortsighted. You all only see His Majesty praising and doting on the Crown Prince every day, but in private..."

"Second Prince, you misunderstand," Bairen looked with disgust at Qi Hua's hand gripping his arm and calmly said, "The matters of the imperial family are not something I can comment on. Whether it's the Crown Prince or Second Prince, you are equally noble in my eyes."

Qi Hua laughed coldly, "The same? If it's the same, why were you in such a hurry to send your own sister into the Crown Prince's residence?! Hehe... Do you think I don't know? Bairen, I underestimated you before. You're usually quiet, but you've started to find a backer for yourself behind the scenes. You should open your eyes and take a good look! Can you rely on this backer? Huh?!"

Bairen's patience was exhausted. He had been puzzled before about how Qi Xiao, with his sensitive identity, could have been the Crown Prince for nearly twenty years without any issues. Now he could see... not only was Qi Xiao himself capable, but the weakness of his opponents was also a big help.

Bairen looked at Qi Hua, who still had a face full of resentment, and sighed coldly in his heart. What a pity, the legitimate prince born from the Empress, without a hint of the Emperor's ability to say one thing and do another, actually tore off his face with him over such a small matter.

Bairen laughed at himself. Perhaps Qi Hua was not so ignorant of forbearance, but felt that he was just a hostage who could be easily manipulated. Bairen took a deep breath. In recent days, he had suffered a lot. At this moment, Bairen did not want to endure anymore.

"Why can't I understand a single sentence of what the Second Prince is saying?" Bairen sneered. "Seeking the Crown Prince as a backer? I did go to the Crown Prince's residence a few times these past two days, but it was just to drink tea, play chess, and talk about the past and present with the Crown Prince.

"By the way... the Crown Prince's knowledge is really good. If the Second Prince has anything he doesn't understand in the future, just go directly to the Crown Prince and ask. Speaking of which... it's a pity that the Crown Prince no longer goes to the Huixin Academy. If one had the fortune to study with the Crown Prince, it would truly be a joyous event in life."

Bairen praised Qi Xiao with every sentence, almost putting him in the sky. Qi Hua was so angry that his eyes almost turned red. That's right! Whether it was the Emperor or the ministers in the court, everyone praised Qi Xiao endlessly, but threw him, the rightful prince, behind their backs!

In his great anger, Qi Hua's hands became more and more inaccurate, wishing to crush Bairen's wrists directly. Bairen frowned and struggled to break free. In his rage, how could Qi Hua let him go?

After several rejections, the two almost started fighting. Bairen seized the opportunity when Qi Hua was not paying attention and fiercely pulled out his arm. Qi Hua subconsciously reached out to grab Bairen. Just as his arm was raised, he saw a flash of brilliance in Bairen's eyes. Bairen took a step back and Qi Hua grabbed empty air, almost scratching Bairen's face.

Bairen slightly tilted his head, and four finger-thick bruises instantly swelled up on his neck. In an instant, blood beads slowly seeped out...

"You..." Qi Hua only wanted to teach Bairen a lesson, but didn't expect to see blood. He was stunned for a moment and stammered, "You... how did you... don't blame me!"

Bairen endured his blow, but a hint of a smile spilled from the corner of his mouth. He wiped his neck and sneered, "The Second Prince is truly mighty..."

Seeing Bairen like this, Qi Xiao became even more afraid. He took a step back and said urgently, "What... what do you want? I... I'll summon the imperial physician for you... I didn't do it on purpose!"

"No hurry, in a moment... someone will summon the imperial physician for me." Since they had already torn off their masks, Bairen no longer held back. He sneered, "Ever since I came to the imperial city, even the Emperor has treated me with great courtesy, afraid that if something happened to me, he would not be able to explain to Lingnan. The Second Prince doesn't seem to mind, very good..."

"What... what kind of thing is this to say?" Fu Hailu finally found a spare moment. He hurriedly came to invite Bairen and Qi Hua. As soon as he arrived at the side hall, he saw the palace servants all outside.

After asking, he learned that Qi Hua had told everyone to come out. Fu Hailu immediately felt that something was wrong and hurried over, only to see this scene. He was so scared that half of his soul left his body. He called out to the people, "Quickly summon the imperial physician! Oh my, my prince..."

Bairen smiled faintly, "No hurry, Bairen will first go pay respects to the Emperor."

Fu Hailu had already guessed the general situation in his heart. He wanted to cover up for Qi Hua, but the injury on Bairen's neck was clearly visible. How could it be hidden?

Fu Hailu turned his head and glanced at the fearful Qi Hua, sighing in his heart. The Second Prince had really kicked an iron plate this time. He smiled bitterly, "Yes, prince, follow this servant."


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
