Raising the Evil Spirit

Raising the Evil Spirit

Chapter 15 - Top of the Food Chain

Who knows if that little ghost is truly foolish or just pretending. Ever since it moved into the coffin, no matter how long Su Kun muttered outside that thick dark brown lacquered wooden lump, the little ghost didn't make a peep.

"Could it be that the soundproofing of this coffin is too good?" After finishing his third glass of water, Su Kun finally gave up on his idea of trying to lure the little ghost to leave his home.

In any case, this ghost from who knows which dynasty has made up its mind to stay here! QAQ

Since he can't drive it away, Su Kun could only think of other ideas. After all, keeping a coffin in your own bedroom for a long time is something only people like Geng Zimo, whose mind occasionally isn't too clear, and Su Kun himself, who was momentarily bewitched by bad luck, would do. Normal people couldn't do such a foolish thing. And after being frightened multiple times, Su Kun has now returned to the ranks of normal people.

He carefully cradled the coffin, trying not to let it shake and disturb the little ghost inside, while signaling with drained eyes for Geng Zimo to help open the balcony door. The two of them worked together to lift the small coffin and place it on top of the broken washing machine the landlord had left on the balcony. Their expressions were solemn and movements cautious, comparable to holding a vibration-sensitive bomb that could blow them to bits at any moment.

Tiptoeing out of the balcony and closing the door, Geng Zimo stood up straight, pretentiously dusted off his clothes, and mocked Su Kun: "Look at you just now, it's like you were holding an urn of ashes and being asked to kiss it."

Su Kun: "..." This guy's level of sarcasm must be directly proportional to the thickness of his skin, making it seem like he dared to breathe loudly just now.

"Starving, let's eat!" Geng Zimo completely ignored Su Kun's side-eye and walked ahead on his own, flexing his wrists as if he had just moved a truckload of steel instead of a shoebox-sized coffin.

The two didn't finish their big lunch outside at noon and had packed some to bring back, planning to reheat it for dinner. Besides, with Su Kun around, the taste definitely wouldn't be much worse than eating it fresh at noon. In Geng Zimo's words: "This guy's limited intelligence is all concentrated in the area of his brain responsible for cooking skills." This was probably one of the reasons he's willing to keep renting with Su Kun.

Even if he's been implicated by Su Kun's bad luck to the point where he can't even walk steadily, he still can't mistreat his own stomach. He'll freeload for as many days as he can.

Unfortunately, before he could even walk into the kitchen, he heard Su Kun let out a howl behind him.

Geng Zimo, who had almost developed a conditioned reflex from his howls over the past two days, subconsciously went weak in the knees, thinking: That coffin couldn't have caused more trouble, right?!

He turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw Su Kun standing at the doorway of his own room, still maintaining a posture with one foot forward. He was probably walking towards the kitchen while glancing at the bedroom, but then froze in place, pointing at the room with a trembling finger like he had Parkinson's, his expression even more desperate than if he was asked to kiss an urn. His mouth opened and closed several times but no words came out.

Geng Zimo, whose intelligence was obviously higher, took one look at his frightened appearance and roughly guessed what had happened. He turned around, strode back to the balcony, looked inside through the glass door at the refrigerator, sighed and said, "Stop shaking, the coffin in your room isn't a hallucination. There's not even a shadow of wood on this side of the balcony."

Su Kun wept: "..."

Time and again, Su Kun humiliatingly conceded. He felt his territory was being lost step by step, his bottom line crumbling bit by bit.

Painfully giving up his own room to that coffin that had taken root, after finishing dinner and taking a shower, he hugged his bamboo mat and scurried into Geng Zimo's room, planning to let Geng Zimo let him crash on the floor long-term in exchange for the meals.

The air conditioner in the room was set to a slightly cool temperature. Geng Zimo hugged his quilt, leaning against the head of the bed with his legs crossed, holding a book in his hand. He flipped a page, admiring Su Kun's posture of wiping the bamboo mat with a towel, his butt sticking out.

After a moment, he couldn't help but say, "Didn't you complain that my sleeping posture is too bad, and I always fall off the bed and land on you, almost crushing your balls?"

Su Kun gritted his teeth and closed his eyes: "I'm going all out. Even if you flatten my balls into an egg pancake, I'm not going back!"

Egg... pancake...

Geng Zimo was silent for a few seconds, then spat out expressionlessly, "I thank your uncle! You've eliminated another breakfast option for me in the future!"

Su Kun happily flipped him the middle finger, then picked up the towel, intending to go to the bathroom to scrub it clean.

Geng Zimo: "..."

As a result, as soon as he opened the bedroom door, Su Kun sucked in a breath of cold air. He stood stiffly at the doorway, his gaping mouth making Geng Zimo really want to stuff a whole set of egg pancakes with sausage into it.

"What are you doing standing foolishly at the door?" Geng Zimo asked. "Did the coffin move to the living room?"

From Su Kun's angle, he definitely couldn't see his own bedroom.

But Su Kun seemed to not hear his question at all. His lips trembled a few times and he incongruously said to the empty space at the bedroom doorway, "Big brother, what exactly do you want..." QAQ

Geng Zimo rolled his eyes: Great! The coffin filling has come knocking!

The shrunken coffin filling - Gu Yan, General Gu, was currently floating at the doorway of Geng Zimo's room. He was just about to pass through the door and float in when he saw the door open by itself.

The five or six centimeter thick wooden door panel passed through him without any obstruction and remained half open. The cool air from inside the room continuously flowed out, intertwining and mixing with the hot air in the living room, forming a state of ice and fire at the position where Gu Yan was floating. Unfortunately, General Gu, who had already become a spirit, couldn't feel it.

The only thing he could feel was a special attraction from Su Kun's body. Just like for a person who had been soaked in ice water for three days and three nights, even his pores numb, nothing else could awaken his frozen senses except for a continuous stream of warmth, alternating between heavy and light. And this strange stream of warmth, caused by who knows what reason, was slowly rising from Su Kun's body.

This was the only thing that could serve as a signpost for him, a lonely soul, in this completely unfamiliar world.

This made him very conflicted.

After all, the face of the person in front of him who looked like he was about to cry was a huge shock to him. Every time he looked at it, hatred surged in his heart. It was so strong that he himself found it a bit hard to understand. Even though he already knew this person was not that fatuous emperor, he still couldn't control this associated dislike.

This kind of irrational and even somewhat childish disgust was something Gu Yan absolutely would not have had when he was alive. Even if he did, with his usual temperament, he would have suppressed it, at least appearing calm on the surface.

He didn't know if this was because his emotions had become singular and intense after his death, like those vengeful ghosts who only knew to seek lives and didn't recognize their relatives, or if it was a negative effect caused by the shrinking and weakening of his soul. In any case, whichever it was, he seemed to be unable to control it at the moment.

So, when Su Kun opened his mouth to him with two bubbles of tears, he instinctively turned his face away, not wanting to directly face that similar countenance.

Su Kun, who was standing at the door, was almost driven crazy by the little ghost floating in front of his eyes. The thought of "finding a rope to hang himself now and then coming to fight this little ghost, if only there was enough time for this" even popped into his mind like a lunatic. He sniffled, staring at the little ghost's averted face with eyes slightly larger than normal people's, waiting for its answer.

The little ghost slightly knitted its brows. If it were the big fellow before shrinking, those sharp sword-like brows furrowing would definitely appear a bit fierce. But on this little ghost's face, it had a strange comical effect. It seemed to be digesting Su Kun's words, converting them into a meaning it could understand.

Su Kun wasn't sure if he saw wrong, but he felt its expression seemed to show a moment of blankness. However, before he could react, the little ghost made a move.

It was seen floating up until its feet could directly kick Su Kun's forehead with one move before stopping. Perhaps because it was very tall before shrinking, compared to the previous eye-to-eye view, it was obviously more accustomed to this perspective. Its expression also became a bit more natural.

Su Kun subconsciously raised his face, arduously meeting its downward gaze. He silently cursed in his heart: Damn, you think you're great just because you can float!

It didn't lower its head, only lowering its eyes. If not for this tiny appearance, it would probably have an aloof air of looking down from on high. But even now, it still suppressed Su Kun's momentum by a large margin. It was seen slightly tilting its head towards Su Kun's room next door. Although its voice wasn't as deep as an adult's, it still had a kind of emotionless, chilly quality: "Go back!"

Su Kun, who had been standing for a long time hoping this little ghost would give an explanation, waited only to receive a command.

The most fatal thing was that his first reaction wasn't to take off his slippers and throw them at this little one's face, but that his knees softened and he subconsciously wanted to say: "Yes!"

In that instant, he felt he had strangely gotten on the same frequency as that fatuous emperor. Although he still hadn't figured out exactly who this little ghost was and why it died, he couldn't help making a bold guess: It was a rebellion, right?! It must have been because of a rebellion, right?!

One minute later, Su Kun, who had eagerly moved the rattan mat into Geng Zimo's room, hugged the mat with a grave-visiting expression and dejectedly returned to his own room.

He looked at the little ghost crawling back into the coffin with a complex expression. That pale little face without any blood color was expressionless as if paralyzed, but Su Kun actually saw a trace of complexity between its brows and eyes. If he had to describe it, it was probably between distorted and satisfied?

At this point, Su Kun, who had struggled in vain on the verge of death, had gone a big circle and returned to the starting point. He still had to share a room with this broken coffin and the little ghost inside that could demand his life at any time. Ah, and head-to-head too. Perhaps after falling asleep, with a turn, he could even be face-to-face with it across the coffin. = =

As the saying goes, the soft fear the hard, the hard fear the ruthless, and the ruthless fear those who don't want to live. The fellow lying in the coffin at the head of his bed had already lost his life, clearly standing at the top of the food chain. And Su Kun, who had always had a courage smaller than a needle tip since childhood, was undoubtedly at the bottom of the food chain, thoroughly suppressed with absolutely no chance of turning over.


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
