Raising the Evil Spirit

Raising the Evil Spirit

Chapter 14 - The Crisis Persists

Geng Zimo stood on the side, mouth agape, with a strange expression on his face as he watched Su Kun use the spirit and posture of performing a grand opera, using his head to hit the table, while continuously howling a long string of words, his voice trembling, nearly suffocating himself.

He couldn't see what exactly the little ghost was doing, with what kind of expression it was facing Su Kun's series of actions, whether its threat and hostility towards Su Kun had diminished. Therefore, besides standing on the side and watching, there was nothing he could do.

It wasn't until he saw Su Kun sit back on the bed with a plop, seemingly letting out a sigh of relief, but in reality still stiff and tense, that he became even more unsure whether the misunderstanding between him and the little ghost had been resolved or not. Just as he was hesitating whether to speak up and ask, the telephone suddenly rang.

The most primitive kind of sharp ringing sound startled both of them at the same time. Hearing this kind of ringing sound in this situation, anyone would feel uncomfortable. Geng Zimo couldn't help but think, what if when the phone was picked up, the voice coming from inside wasn't a human voice?!

Geng Zimo hesitantly glanced at Su Kun, who had a stiff neck, only to see him carefully looking at the coffin, not even blinking his eyes, his hands propped on the bed, looking like a relaxed posture, but in fact, the moment the telephone suddenly rang just now, he nearly jumped up like a startled bird. He hesitated for a moment in the urgent ringing of the telephone, then quickly glanced at Geng Zimo, and turned his gaze back to the direction of the coffin.

Receiving Su Kun's signal, Geng Zimo quickly walked to the computer desk, where Su Kun's room extension was placed. To be honest, in this day and age, most people directly call mobile phones for convenience when contacting each other, and very few people call the home landline. Could it be that the mobile phone had run out of battery and automatically shut down without him noticing?

As Geng Zimo picked up the receiver, he subconsciously took out his mobile phone from his pocket and swiped the screen.

As the screen lit up, a somewhat hoarse voice also came from the receiver. It was unknown whether it was the effect of telephone voice change, but that voice sounded like fingernails scraping across coarse sandpaper, which could make one's hair stand on end in this kind of quiet environment. Geng Zimo's hand trembled, nearly dropping the receiver.

"Is it Ah Kun?"

"No, I'm his friend. He's not available to take the call right now. Who is this?" Geng Zimo glanced at Su Kun, who was still confronting the coffin, and answered.

Su Kun listened with one ear to Geng Zimo's conversation on the other side, while continuing to stare at the little ghost.

Ever since he saw that hint of disgust that hadn't completely withdrawn in its eyes, his slightly relaxed heart tightened again. He seemed to suddenly realize at this moment: fuck, this is a ghost! Trying to reason with a ghost, even if it seems to make sense, if the other party suddenly feels like it, killing you would still be a matter of minutes.

Accidental killing, wrongful killing, murder, etc., to it, it's like accidentally crushing an ant, just pat the shoe and walk away. It's not afraid of being shot! Relax my ass!

Stimulated by this thought, Su Kun no longer dared to take his eyes off the little ghost. While not missing the slightest change in the little ghost's expression, he pondered in his mind how to take advantage of the little ghost's hesitation and deliver another heavy dose, to make it completely believe that he had absolutely nothing to do with the fatuous emperor it was yelling about.

The little ghost, who had been stared at by Su Kun's eerie gaze, didn't seem to care. Its full attention seemed to be drawn to Geng Zimo, who was answering the phone on the side.

That frowning, deep look on such a small figure was like a baby less than a year old insisting on putting on a blank face. If it were under normal circumstances, Su Kun would definitely be amused and laugh, but this baby was wrapped in tattered cloth, covered in dried bloodstains, and most importantly, it wasn't human at all, so it was a different matter.

Su Kun suddenly remembered that when the telephone rang just now, he and Geng Zimo were greatly startled, but didn't this little ghost also tremble for a moment?! If he remembered correctly, it seemed to widen its eyes at that time, looking around for the source of the sound, its body tense as if entering a state of high alert. But it quickly calmed down...

At least it looked quite calm.

A thought slid through Su Kun's mind, making him can't help but twitch the corner of his mouth: this little ghost... could it be, could it be that it only now realized that this is a completely different era from the one it lived in?!

One had to say, Su Kun accidentally guessed it right.

For Gu Yan, the great general Gu, he only remembered that he was forced to hold on to his last breath in the pain of being cut into a thousand pieces, a fate worse than death.

In a state of near confusion yet not completely dissipated consciousness, he watched row after row of familiar people being dragged onto the guillotine. In the sharp pain of the blade scraping into flesh, and the bone-deep sorrow of witnessing rows of heads rolling to the ground, he carved the image of that fatuous emperor in his heart, over and over again, with deeper and deeper hatred—

Even if he fell into hell or entered the cycle of reincarnation, he must remember this person! Then return to him a thousand times the pain and torture, making him equally unable to live or die!

His consciousness became more and more blurry, more and more distant, even the pain on his body and the sorrow in his heart were no longer clear. The only thing he remembered was that hatred.

So, when he woke up again in that sealed coffin, instinctively breaking free from that nearly suffocating constraint and confinement, vaguely seeing the face of the person on the bed under the dim moonlight, his first reaction was not "why am I awake again" or "where is this", but that hatred he never forgot even in death instantly occupied his no longer beating heart.

He didn't care whether that person had long hair or short hair, whether the clothes on his body exposing arms and legs were improper, how strange the surroundings were. He only felt that the face he wished he could tear apart with his fingers overlapped with the face that had its eyes closed in front of him.

During these two days, he either spent time in the coffin that had no trace of light, or chased after Su Kun with deep hatred. It wasn't that he truly didn't see those things that were quite strange to him, but that he simply never shifted his attention away from Su Kun, and had no time to think about what exactly those things were, naturally also not truly realizing the fact that he was already in another era.

The misunderstanding with Su Kun was temporarily resolved, allowing him to finally cool down a bit and barely suppress the still-surging hatred and resentment in his heart. Only now did he notice how strange this place was, and how different this person he had mistaken for that fatuous emperor really was from him.

However... that similar face made it truly difficult for him to treat this person with a peaceful heart.

Perhaps it was because he was no longer bound by a physical body, but he found that every ripple in his heart, especially those dark and vicious thoughts, seemed to be amplified and clearly gained the upper hand. For a fleeting moment, a thought even flashed through his mind: what's wrong with killing by mistake? It's just one life, as long as it can relieve even a shred of the hatred in his heart... Moreover...

Su Kun, who was just thinking about how to invite this deadly Buddha out, saw the little ghost remaining silent and cautiously spoke up: "Since, since the misunderstanding is cleared up, then, then, um, big brother, can you move somewhere else to stay?"

Gu Yan, who had been shrunk down to this tiny size, stopped the thought that had just emerged in his mind, withdrew his gaze from the phone, and his eyes seemed to casually sweep over Su Kun's neck, appearing light but making Su Kun's entire neck feel a chill. Then he lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, seemingly pondering the meaning of Su Kun's words.

A few seconds later, he pursed his lips and nodded, then climbed back into the coffin and even considerately closed the coffin lid again.

Su Kun touched his own neck: Damn, it definitely still wants to kill me! QAQ

No! The focus is wrong!

He looked at the motionless coffin, on the verge of tears: "..." Bro!! Moving somewhere else doesn't mean moving from the table back into the coffin, bro! I kowtow to you _(:з」∠)_


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
