Raising the Evil Spirit

Raising the Evil Spirit

Chapter 13 - Seventy Percent Resemblance

Su Kun shared his thoughts with Geng Zimo, who twitched his mouth and said after a while, "Swallowing jade for what? Suicide?"

Su Kun: "...He's already dead, how much of a grudge do you have against him to want him to die again?" With this kind of abnormal mindset, one can't expect him to grasp the main point.

After pondering for a moment, he stroked his chin and said, "He's clearly non-corporeal, passing through walls is even easier than passing through paper, so why was the jade able to flow down his esophagus to his heart [...], instead of directly falling through unobstructed?"

It turns out that this guy's ability to miss the point is far more severe than others.

However, before the two could finish pondering their questions, they heard a faint sound coming from Su Kun's room next door, as if something hard had been placed on a table, making a "clack" sound. The sound insulation in this old residential building is so poor that although the sound wasn't loud, the two huddled in Geng Zimo's room heard it clearly.

Su Kun almost reflexively jumped up, sighing inwardly: He would probably develop a psychological shadow in response to similar sounds in the future. Hearing it three times in two days, each time with a life-threatening rhythm! TAT

Actually, when they discarded the coffin, although they harbored a bit of wishful thinking, deep down, they were already prepared for the coffin to find its way back. So after Su Kun jumped up, Geng Zimo still relatively calmly grabbed his hand, slapped him behind himself, and took the lead in walking towards the next room. After all, the coffin wasn't targeting him, so it was safer for him to go first and take a peek inside.

Of course, this guy had completely forgotten that the reason the little ghost was thrown so far into the small wild woods had a lot to do with his "bagging" contribution.

Opening the door a crack, Geng Zimo stuck his head in and took a glance. Sure enough, on Su Kun's bedside table, the heavy, evenly thick, dark brown lacquered coffin appeared again.

Su Kun, who sneaked his head in from under Geng Zimo's chin, also saw it at a glance. He was simply moved to tears by this coffin, oh no, by the relentless and persistent spirit of the little ghost inside trying to kill him.

"Crying my ass!" Geng Zimo glanced at the teardrops in Su Kun's eyes with disdain. "Look how scared you are, bother to open your dog eyes and take a good look, okay? That little ghost shouldn't be able to do anything for now, see the chain outside is still tightly locked with two loops? This coffin can be touched by the little ghost, but if it doesn't open, it can't come out, so as long as this lock can't be opened, it's fine."

Hearing this, Su Kun felt that this fart made a lot of sense, so he stood up straight, stared with his dog eyes, and followed Geng Zimo's small steps into the room with a bit of fear. As he walked, he felt sad in his heart - the room he had lived in for two years and was familiar with every corner, each marked with his territory like a puppy peeing, had been so disturbed by that damn little ghost in the coffin these past two days that he didn't dare to enter alone.

The two finally dawdled to the side of the coffin, step by step with frequent pauses. Su Kun stretched out a finger and flicked the lock on the chain, which was indeed intact. It seemed that the little ghost had just persistently followed, but couldn't come out.

However, just as Su Kun slightly relaxed and was about to retract his paw, he saw a strange change in the lock his fingertip was supporting. As if an invisible hand had fiddled with a hairpin in the keyhole for a while, the originally tightly clasped lock moved slightly a couple times, then with a soft click, it opened.

Su Kun: "..." He knew it!! Even if Geng Zimo's words sounded reasonable, it was still fart ah ah ah ah--

If he really screamed out loud now, the final tone would definitely go off-key, because just as he was silently mocking Geng Zimo, before his feet could move, the lock completely separated. With a gap in the entire chain, it began to slowly move, making a "rustle" sound of metal friction that made Su Kun's scalp go numb.

The tightly wound double loop of chain seemed to be pulled apart from both ends, and the coffin lid was pushed open amidst this "rustling" sound.

Giving up struggling, Su Kun banged his head against the edge of the bedside table and wailed like a dead dog, "Fuck, big brother, how can you give me a way out, give me a straight answer!!"

The little ghost who had just crawled out of the coffin: "..."

It seemed to be in a daze for the few seconds after crawling out each time, perhaps because it couldn't discern the location and orientation.

And at this moment, Su Kun was facing down, his head against the bedside table, so the little ghost who had always recognized people by their faces had a momentary lapse in response. It subconsciously lowered its head, but only saw the back of Su Kun's head, with a few unruly black hairs sticking up, making him look a bit silly.

Su Kun didn't know what expression it had now, only knowing that while the little ghost hadn't made a move yet, he howled a long string without taking a breath, "I'm so wronged I could jump into the Milky Way and not wash myself clean. You keep calling me a fatuous emperor, but have you ever seen an emperor wearing a sweatshirt and shorts, running around like a dead dog all day looking for work and livelihood?

"Moreover, I've thought through all the portraits of emperors in the history books I've flipped through from elementary to university in the past five thousand years, and I really can't find one that I can claim as a relative. Hey, where did you see that I'm the fatuous emperor you speak of? Can you explain it to me so I can die with clarity?!"

He finished speaking in one breath until his face turned red, then raised his head with teary eyes to look at the little ghost who was close at hand, quietly sniffling.

The little ghost was stunned for a moment by his sudden head raise. It was probably the first time it had seen Su Kun's face at such close range without its eyes being burned red with anger. Usually, looking at someone up close gives a different impression than looking at them from a normal distance. Moreover, because Su Kun was too close and its stature was relatively small, the first thing it saw was only Su Kun's eyes.

Geng Zimo had once reluctantly praised, "The only part of your whole body that doesn't look stupid is just your eyes."

Generally speaking, the older a person gets, the cloudier their eye color becomes. Aside from children, it's rare to see eyes in adults that are so distinctly black and white without any cloudiness, looking exceptionally clean.

Su Kun was one of those rare exceptions. His other facial features were not particularly outstanding, but those eyes alone made his whole person appear clean and spirited.

Su Kun stared with his black grape-like eyes, engaging in a staring contest with the little ghost. His eyes were still covered with a thin layer of mist, and the flush that had squeezed onto his face had slowly receded, leaving only a slight redness around the corners of his eyes.

However, his skin was very fair, making that ring of pink quite obvious. With that expression, if you added a wet black nose, he would be no different from a little dog.

He stared unblinkingly at the little ghost, carefully observing the changes in its expression. He didn't know if the little ghost had actually taken in the string of words that nearly suffocated him just now, but its current expression did show a hint of hesitation.

The little ghost tilted its face back, its gaze sweeping down from Su Kun's forehead, pausing for a moment below his right eye, then continuing downward. Its expression went from initial hesitation to gradually furrowing its brows, its lips pursing tighter and tighter.

Being sized up so erratically from top to bottom several times, Su Kun's heart fluctuated without certainty. After a moment of hesitation, he tentatively spoke: "Well? Do you feel that I actually look nothing like that fatuous emperor you mentioned?"

It glanced at Su Kun and slowly shook its head, but its brows remained tightly furrowed.

Su Kun: "..." Bro, is your head shake indicating we don't look alike, or that what I said is wrong?! Would it kill you to verbally answer?!

As if hearing Su Kun's inner thoughts, it spoke: "Seven parts similar." Its voice was much clearer and less hoarse than before. It sounded slightly more in line with its appearance as a little brat.

Su Kun's face twitched fiercely: "Seven parts similar?! You want to kill me just for being seven parts similar, bro?!"

He silently squirmed his lips a few times: "What will you do in the future if you encounter someone eight parts similar, or nine parts? Treating us like a grilled steak..." Taking lives so casually, it really was a ruthless villain! QAQ

The little ghost seemed to half understand Su Kun's words, its reaction slightly slow. It glanced again at the area of Su Kun's right outer eye corner and silently said after a while: "I was reckless."

Thinking along the area it had just stared at, Su Kun remembered that he had a very small mole diagonally below the outer corner of his right eye. He hadn't cut his hair for the past two months, so his bangs had grown quite a bit, probably just half covering that little mole.

Judging from the little ghost's gaze and expression, it was likely the fatuous emperor didn't have a mole there. But regardless of whether he had a mole or not, now that the misunderstanding was cleared up, Su Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief. He no longer leaned in front of the little ghost to stare at each other, but instead took a step back and plopped down on the bed, rubbing his slightly sore eyes from the prolonged staring.

At this distance, the little ghost could finally see Su Kun's entire face, and with those eyes partially covered by his own hands, only exposing the majority of his face below the eyes.

The little ghost, whose mood was originally quite calm, suddenly twitched its brows, the black pupils in its eyes abruptly constricting, its eyes and brows almost instantly tinged with a hint of faint murderous intent. The stiff lines at the corners of its mouth fully demonstrated that its mood had once again been stirred up.

So, when Su Kun lowered his hands and blinked a few times to clear his slightly blurry vision, the instant his sight became clear again, he seemed to catch a glimpse of an emotion in the little ghost's eyes and brows that it didn't have time to retract. If he had to define it, it was probably a hint of... disgust.

To be inexplicably despised by a person - no, a ghost - just for resembling some fatuous emperor who slaughtered someone's entire family, this feeling was really... a pain in the knees!!

How much more innocent can I fucking be?!


Hi, I'm Nightowl. I thrive in the quiet hours of the night, where my translations come to life. You’ll often find me with a cup of tea, surrounded by my collection of vinyl records, sharing stories that keep us all up a little too late.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@lwothgin.
