Picking Up Stars

Picking Up Stars

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

According to the plan, Qin Fang was supposed to go home this week, otherwise Jian Muyang would make a fuss again. But Hua Tong wasn't going home, his parents were away on a business trip and not at home, so there was no point in going back, he didn't want to bother.

In the end, Qin Fang brought Hua Tong back to the Jian family home together.

Hua Tong originally didn't want to go along, but Qin Fang said, "Come with me, you'll save a lot of trouble by being with me, no need for awkward chats."

"Alright then, let's go," Hua Tong said, "It's not like I haven't been there before."

Not only had Hua Tong been there before, he used to go often.

He and Qin Fang had known each other since they were very young. When Qin Fang felt down or had childish moods in the past, he would call a few little friends over to stay, his house was big anyway. The little friends were especially envious of Qin Fang at that time, thinking his house was so big with all kinds of toys, and although he had a young stepmother, she seemed so gentle.

Later when Qin Fang grew up, he didn't have so many moods anymore, but Hua Tong would still go over occasionally and was quite familiar with his family.

Hua Tong bought a box of small cakes for Jian Muyang. When Jian Muyang saw the two of them, he was overjoyed. With an "ow" sound, he dashed down from upstairs. Qin Fang caught him and ruffled his hair, "You'll fall and hurt yourself."

"Brother! Brother Tong! Why didn't you tell me in advance that you two were coming back!" Jian Muyang was on holiday today and didn't go to cram school. He was playing puzzles upstairs by himself. As soon as he heard the sound, he immediately put down what he was doing and ran out.

"To surprise you," Hua Tong flicked his forehead, "Look how happy you are."

Although Jian Muyang was happy, he still looked up at Qin Fang and said, "Brother, you have to tell me in advance next time you come back. What if I had gone out to play or to cram school today?"

"Then we'd just wait for you to come back, what else can we do," Qin Fang rubbed his shoulders, "What a silly look."

—"You're back?"

A voice came from upstairs. Qin Fang looked up, then greeted, "Auntie Yin." Hua Tong also called out.

"I was lying down upstairs for a while and fell asleep," Dong Yin walked down the stairs holding the handrail, "Hua Tong hasn't come back together in a long time."

"Be careful coming down the stairs," Qin Fang raised his hand to support her arm without actually touching it, "Slow down."

Dong Yin smiled gently, "It's okay, pregnancy doesn't make me that delicate."

Hua Tong laughed and said from the side, "It never hurts to be careful."

With Hua Tong coming along, it saved a lot of chatting. The two of them just had to stay in Qin Fang's room or go to the playroom to keep Jian Muyang company. But Jian Muyang was also older and didn't like toys much anymore. Most of the time, he just sat cross-legged on Qin Fang's bed without needing to be specially entertained.

It's just that with Hua Tong there, Jian Muyang couldn't cling to Qin Fang's bed to sleep. Before bed, he could only reluctantly return to his own bedroom.

"Your brother is so well-behaved," Hua Tong yawned and said, "When I was his age, I was causing trouble all over the place."

"He causes trouble too," Qin Fang went to the drawer to find him a toothbrush, "He's only this well-behaved when I come back."

"Why is he so attached to you?" Hua Tong asked.

Qin Fang shook his head, "I don't know either. Maybe children have an inexplicable admiration and affinity for their older brothers. I also wanted to have an older brother when I was young. He's quite sensitive, afraid that I'll be annoyed with him, so he's especially well-behaved when he's with me."

"It's because you're good to him," Hua Tong looked at Qin Fang and said, "Actually, you're a warm guy, Fang Ge."

Qin Fang laughed, "Didn't you say I was a jerk?"

"You're quite warm. If I had a younger brother, I'd probably torment him and give him shadows from a young age. In families with two brothers, the younger one usually has no admiration for the older one, only despair."

Qin Fang threw him a new toothbrush, "Is your definition of a warm guy a bit off?"

Qin Fang didn't have a great temper. It had gotten better in the past two years. In high school, he was always getting into fights, almost becoming half a school tyrant. The term "warm guy" sounded a bit dissonant when applied to him. Qin Fang laughed self-deprecatingly. Anyway, he didn't have a girlfriend, so it didn't matter much whether he was warm or not.

After staying one night, Qin Fang and Hua Tong returned to school. It was quite ironic. Qin Fang would rather go to Hua Tong's dorm to use a small electric fan and take cold showers than stay in the small villa for a few more days.

But the holiday wasn't boring. The Dragon Boat Festival was considered a small long holiday, and little friends studying in neighboring provinces all came back. The two of them weren't idle these past few days either, having to go out and meet up during the day.

Feng Zhe even asked Qin Fang, "Did that idiot look for you again later?"

Qin Fang was playing cards with someone at the time. Looking at the cards in his hand, he said, "No."

"If he looks for you, give a shout," Feng Zhe cursed "idiot", then continued, "Xiao Fan and I will tell him to settle down."

"You two give it a rest," Qin Fang said, "Making trouble for no reason."

Someone else on the side asked who the person was. Qin Fang held the small stack of cards in his hand and waved them, then said, "Small matter, don't ask."

In the evening, the group went to a bar again. Qin Fang was a bit tired and didn't want to go. When Hua Tong went back, he brought a few cans of beer and drinks. You couldn't buy ones this cold in the school supermarket, the ones in the freezer weren't enough to sell.

As soon as he got out of the car and walked three steps, Hua Tong felt like he was going to sweat. After enjoying the day out, he was experiencing the suffering of the human world again in the evening. Hua Tong laughed and turned his head to say to Qin Fang, "Fang Ge, we're not masochists. Why didn't we get a room outside, we'll have to go out again tomorrow anyway."

Qin Fang said, "If you don't go back to the dorm, don't even think about sleeping tonight. If they don't make a racket all night, I'll admit defeat."

"Forget it then," Hua Tong felt a headache just thinking about it, "How can they be so energetic?"

Qin Fang said as he walked, "They're bored."

Halfway through, Qin Fang remembered he left his phone in the car and told Hua Tong to go upstairs first.

As soon as he opened the car door, a gust of cool air hit his face. Qin Fang didn't even want to go back. Hua Tong had also forgotten to take the drinks he was carrying just now, so Qin Fang took them together.

There were a few messages on his phone. Qin Fang replied to two of them while walking. After replying, he looked up and found a familiar back view, an acquaintance.

Qin Fang called out loudly—"Xing Yan!"

The other person looked back. Qin Fang waved his arm at him.

Qin Fang was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, revealing a long stretch of leg, youthfully handsome. Xing Yan was wearing a short T-shirt and sweatpants, also very handsome, but paired with his face, he looked clear and cold.

Qin Fang threw a can of beer over from a distance. Xing Yan narrowed his eyes, then raised his hand to catch it.

Qin Fang walked over, smiling in greeting, "What a coincidence."

His arm bumped Xing Yan's arm. Qin Fang had just gotten out of the car and hadn't heated up yet. His arm was cool, feeling comfortable against the skin. Xing Yan turned his head and asked him, "Your dorm isn't on this side, right?"

"Mm, isn't there a loudspeaker on your side," Qin Fang walked with Xing Yan, "I'm staying with my friend for a couple of days."

Xing Yan asked him, "Which building?"

"Six," Qin Fang asked casually, "Which building do you live in?"

"Eight." Xing Yan said.

After saying that, Xing Yan looked up at him. Qin Fang instantly remembered that he had been to the Chemistry Department dormitory before...

What the hell...

Qin Fang blinked and let out an "ah" sound.

Xing Yan curled the corner of his lips and chuckled softly.

Qin Fang bumped his arm. "Stop laughing."

Xing Yan's eyes carried a hint of amusement but he didn't say anything more.

To ease his own embarrassment, Qin Fang changed the subject and asked Xing Yan, "Did you just come back from the library?"

Xing Yan asked him, "What time is it?"

Qin Fang glanced at his phone. "Not yet nine o'clock."

Xing Yan grunted and said, "The library closed four hours ago."

"..." Qin Fang was choked by his words. Finally he laughed, "Forget it, we can't chat."

They had just reached the bottom of Building Six. Xing Yan opened that can of beer, gestured to Qin Fang, then said, "Go back and sleep."

After saying that, he took a sip, his mouth filled with beer as he raised his chin at Qin Fang, then turned and left.

Qin Fang smiled at his retreating figure and said, "See you around."

Xing Yan didn't look back, just raised his arm and waved.

Pushing open the door to the dorm room, Hua Tong was stepping on a ladder spreading a bamboo mat on the bed. Qin Fang put the drinks he was carrying on the table and looked up to ask Hua Tong, "What new weapon are you making now?"

"I'm laying out a bamboo mat for you," Hua Tong replied, sticking his butt out. "I bought it this spring. If you hadn't come, I would have forgotten to use it."

Qin Fang glanced at the bed and laughed out loud. "It reminds me of my grandpa."

"Piss off." Hua Tong laid it out neatly and carefully wiped it with a towel.

Qin Fang hadn't seen this thing for many years. He had only seen his grandpa lay out this kind of mat. The old man's legs weren't very good so he couldn't use the air conditioner. In the summer, there was always a bamboo mat on the bed. Back then, Qin Fang loved to take a long afternoon nap with his grandpa on that mat. After waking up, he would roll out to play.

Perhaps it was really too hot in the dorm, or perhaps the texture of the bamboo mat was too vivid in his memory. That night, Qin Fang had a long dream about his grandfather.

His grandpa was a wealthy and handsome old man, making a grand entrance wherever he went. At that time, Qin Fang wasn't called Qin Fang yet.

His grandpa always held his hand and called him "Little Star", the ending always carrying a childlike lilt, a relaxed and doting tone. So back then, whenever others asked Qin Fang his name, he would always answer briskly, "My name is Jian Xingxing!"

In the dream, he lived in his grandpa's small building. There was a big dog in the house. His grandpa sat on the sofa patting his head while Qin Fang sat by his legs petting the big dog. The dog stuck out its tongue to lick Qin Fang's face. The little boy felt disgusted but also liked it.

The old man chuckled, an old man, a young boy, and a dog, carrying a sense of tranquility from the passage of time.

Dreams are always like an old movie, the hues dim and yellow, even the sunlight is warm, bright but not dazzling.

When Qin Fang woke up, the small fan was blowing directly at his chest. Qin Fang slowly opened his eyes and raised his hand to touch that spot. After being blown by the small fan for who knows how long, it was icy cold. No wonder he felt like his heart was missing a piece.

Because of this dream, Qin Fang's mood was depressed the whole day, missing a bereaved loved one, like a dull knife grinding flesh. Not sharp, but continuously spreading, making the nerves swell and go numb.

It had been so many years that no one could tell when Qin Fang was missing someone. Hua Tong hung out with him the whole day and couldn't tell. In the afternoon, the two of them even went out to eat with someone. In the evening when they returned, Hua Tong went to the student council.

Qin Fang listened to music by himself in the dorm for half an hour. Later, he took off his headphones, wanting to exercise.

His two roommates were studying in the dorm. Hua Tong wouldn't be back for a while. Qin Fang thought for a bit, wanting to drag someone to accompany him to the gym to play a game.

In the end, Qin Fang sent Xing Yan a message: Bro Yan, still going for a run today?

Xing Yan replied after a few minutes: Something the matter?

Qin Fang responded: Want to play badminton?

Xing Yan asked him: No one to play with you?

Qin Fang thought for a moment, then lowered his head and sent an "Mm".

Xing Yan looked at the chat interface and raised his brows. He directly sent back a voice message: "Be downstairs in fifteen minutes."

He still had half an apple he hadn't finished eating. Xing Yan put down his phone and continued munching on the apple.

Someone beside him asked, "Where are you going?"

Xing Yan said, "Back to school."

"So early?" The person beside him glanced at the time, then chuckled. "Who asked you out? Bro Yan made a friend?"

Xing Yan put away his things while eating the apple. Keys and earphones all went into his pocket. He didn't answer.

"You still haven't answered my earlier question," the other person propped one leg up on the sofa, resting his chin on his knee, looking at Xing Yan with raised brows. "Are you going back or not?"

Xing Yan finished the apple and tossed the core into the trash can. "Going back."

"Then I'll book the tickets?"

Xing Yan left a sentence: "Book them." Then he left.

They played until 10 PM.

Qin Fang used up all his strength, sweating profusely. He rarely got to play so satisfyingly with others. When Qin Fang exercised, he used a lot of force, making it tiring to receive his shots. Usually before Qin Fang had enough, the other party would run out of energy, like Hua Tong who could only accompany him halfway each time.

Qin Fang sat on the floor panting heavily, sweat dripping from his chin onto the floor. Xing Yan walked over from the other side of the net, picked up the racket from Qin Fang's hand, and put it away with his own.

Qin Fang looked at him and smiled, "Impressive."

Xing Yan was also a bit out of breath. He exhaled and tossed Qin Fang a bottle of water. "You're quite impressive too."

Qin Fang drank over half the bottle. There was a drop of sweat on his eyelid. When he raised his head, that drop fell from his lashes like a teardrop. He smiled and raised his hand to wipe it, asking Xing Yan, "Are you going to shower?"

Xing Yan said, "Do you want to?"

"I won't. Didn't bring a change of clothes." Qin Fang reached out his hand to Xing Yan.

Xing Yan extended his hand. Qin Fang borrowed his strength to stand up. He let out a long sigh. His hair was nearly soaked with sweat. He said, "I see you didn't bring clothes either. Shower when we get back?"

Xing Yan nodded. "Let's go."

As the two walked back to the boys' dormitory, Qin Fang said, "There are few people who can play with me like this. My friends say I play like a beast."

Xing Yan pursed his lips. "It's fine."

Qin Fang asked him, "Do you know how to play tennis?"

"Yes," Xing Yan said. "Next time you want to play, just call me."

Qin Fang turned his head to look at him. Xing Yan still had a handsome poker face without much expression. Qin Fang blinked and said softly, "Thanks."

His sudden "thank you" made Xing Yan glance at him, but he didn't ask why. After a moment, he asked, "Feeling better?"

His short question made Qin Fang pause for a moment. He first lowered his eyes, his lashes fluttering twice, and then laughed, asking, "Where did that come from?"

Xing Yan said calmly, "Isn't it because you're unhappy that you play ball like this?"

Qin Fang remained silent for a long time as the two walked slowly along the path, with crickets and cicadas singing in competition by the roadside.

When they reached the No. 6 Boys' Dormitory Building, Xing Yan handed the racket to Qin Fang. Qin Fang tilted his head and smiled at him, asking, "How could you tell I was unhappy? Sherlock Holmes?"

Xing Yan looked at him and raised his hand to point at his own eyes.

"You could see it in my eyes?" Qin Fang asked.

Xing Yan said, "Your eyes."

Qin Fang lowered his gaze once again, the smile on his face not yet fading.

Before turning to leave, Xing Yan told him, "Let the sweat dry before taking a cold shower. When you're unhappy, you don't have to smile. Your eyes don't want to."


I'm Windwalker, your friendly neighborhood translator who loves nothing more than getting lost in a good book. When I'm not translating, you might find me hiking through nature or curled up with my cat. I hope my translations bring as much joy to you as they do to me!

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@reklawdniw.
