One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 22 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 22

After parting with his good friend on bad terms, Xu Qing stood by the roadside for a long time with a gloomy expression. Only after composing himself did he gently push open the door of the villa with a face full of tenderness.

Actually, he wasn't unaware that his current actions were a bit too emotional.

He had just returned to China and his foundation was not yet stable. Although he had been directly transferred to the branch company as the general manager, in the short term the actual decision-making power of the company was still controlled by those greedy directors. Even if he wanted to intervene, there was no way for the time being.

However, he was after all the rightful heir of the Xu family. As long as he had patience and wore down these people, sooner or later he would be able to gain power. What he didn't expect was that as soon as that group of shrewd people heard that he had offended the Mo family head, they began to openly ostracize him, and even sarcastically mocked him several times at board meetings for being too young and impulsive.

That group of directors were old and each one was very conservative. Getting them to make even a slightly risky decision was harder than ascending to the heavens. So in recent years, the domestic branch company had just been tepidly marking time.

But he had returned to China wanting to take advantage of the favorable policy window to make a career. This group of conservative faction who completely disagreed with him refused to relinquish power, so naturally it was difficult for him to accomplish anything.

If this stalemate continued, his final performance in the domestic branch company would only be a complete mess. If his father, who had always had strict requirements for him, found out, he would inevitably be disappointed in him.

You should know, although he was the legitimate heir of the Xu family, his philandering father still had several illegitimate children outside who were only a few years younger than him. Each one was like a hungry wolf, coveting the position of the Xu family heir.

The seat under his bottom was actually not very stable.

If he stumbled in China, those half-brothers of his who shared the same father but different mothers would definitely not miss the opportunity to strike at him.

"You're back!" Rubbing her sleepy eyes as she opened the door, when Mo Lanyu saw him, a delighted smile immediately appeared on her face. Half coquettishly and half complaining, she said: "I thought you weren't coming back today..."

"How could that be," Xu Qing hugged her soft body and lightly kissed her face, gently saying: "How could I bear to leave you alone at home?"

Mo Lanyu's face immediately flushed red. "You're always saying nice things."

Then she nestled against his shoulder and softly said after a while: "Ah Qing, I know that recently because of my matters, you have also been implicated. I didn't expect that my cousin would still hate me so crazily... I'm really very sorry. Ah Qing, I'll go find him to apologize in a couple days. As long as he doesn't make things difficult for you anymore, I'll do anything."

She had previously fallen in love at first sight with Xu Qing at Old Master Mo's banquet. After being pursued by Xu Qing for a period of time, in order to be with Xu Qing, she had impulsively kicked out the original crown prince of the company.

That ex-boyfriend of hers was also a petty person. When they broke up, he acted very magnanimous, but later caused all kinds of troubles and nitpicked at the company's business. She couldn't bear it and resigned from the company not long after.

Now, besides Xu Qing, she had no one else to rely on. So for this man, even if she had to suffer some grievances temporarily, she was willing. Moreover, this man loved her so much and definitely wouldn't let her suffer this grievance in vain. Someday, she would come back and fiercely slap the faces of those who had insulted her!

Hearing this, Xu Qing was naturally touched and guiltily said, "Lanlan, I'm sorry, it's all because I'm too incompetent, making you suffer like this."

Mo Lanyu immediately refuted: "Ah Qing, how can you belittle yourself like this? You're only in your early twenties this year and can already have this kind of achievement. How many people can compare? If you want to talk about incompetence, it's my cousin who is truly incompetent. A grown man with able hands and feet, yet willing to submit to others for the sake of money and power. That kind of person is the dirty one!"

Xu Qing held up her face, looked deeply into her eyes, and kissed her with a heart full of tenderness.

Before meeting Mo Lanyu, he had also dated many girlfriends. But in each of his past relationships, all he could get was physical satisfaction. Only after meeting this woman did he know for the first time what it felt like to cherish someone, and gained a sense of responsibility to want to support the sky for a woman.

It was probably because of this feeling that he would stand firmly by Mo Lanyu's side despite pressure from all sides and even the disapproval of his good friend.

Life always encounters difficulties. Perhaps it was because the first twenty-some years of his life had been too smooth sailing that he was now facing one problem after another. However, with such an understanding lover by his side who always thought of him, what did he have to complain about?

They could get through this difficult time together.

He believed that as long as he and Lanlan lowered their heads first, even if the Mo family head doted on that willful lover, he wouldn't completely sour the relationship between the two families without regard for the bigger picture.

After Lanlan's cousin was abandoned by the Mo family head, they would slowly settle the score with him.

The two of them had good plans, but before they could even make an appointment to meet with Mo Yitao, they discovered that the situation had developed more severely than they had imagined.

Xu Qing was hurriedly summoned back to Country M by a phone call from Old Master Xu. When he left, his face was as dark as water, leaving Mo Lanyu alone in the country, apprehensively and chillingly speculating wildly.

Had Mo Qi instigated the Mo family head to do something dirty in private again?

After returning to Country M, Xu Qing had not contacted her for a long time. Her heart was filled with worry and also mixed with a hint of panic that couldn't be told to outsiders. When her emotions accumulated to a peak from being alone at home, she even smashed a cup and cursed Mo Qi shrilly!

However, He Yan, who was hated to the bone, not only was completely unaware, but was even watching the show with great interest.

Having just woken up from a nap, He Yan lay on the sofa, lazily resting his head on the man's hard thigh. Because he had just woken up, his voice was still a little hoarse: "That first love of the Xu family head is really pregnant again? He's really quite devoted."

The father of Xu Qing, who was also the current head of the Xu family, had a deeply loved first love in college. She had once been pregnant with a child for him.

However, at that time, the family had arranged a marriage for him that was well-matched in terms of family background. The woman's family absolutely would not allow him to have an illegitimate child before marriage. For the sake of the position of family head, he could only endure the pain and abort the child.

After marriage, he only dared to secretly associate with his first love. Only after his wife passed away did he dare to openly bring her into the family.

When his wife was still alive, that first love gave birth to a boy for him, who was less than a year younger than Xu Qing, the legitimate son of the first wife. The boy was very much loved by Old Master Xu, and judging from Old Master Xu's intentions, he had the idea of finding an opportunity to make this first love his official wife.

Therefore, Xu Qing had always been on guard against his father's lover.

Just a week ago, Old Master Xu's first love was found to be pregnant again, and Old Master Xu almost immediately decided to marry her, which is why Xu Qing rushed back to Country M.

Speaking of which, he rolled his eyes again, "It's said to be true love, but it didn't stop him from finding mistresses in between and having a bunch of illegitimate children."

That's right, although the head of the Xu family had been taking meticulous care of his first love for more than twenty years, in fact, besides this first love as the third party, he also had a fourth, fifth... and countless illegitimate sons and daughters, enough to form a football team and still have plenty to spare.

Seeing the contemptuous expression on his lover's face, Mo Yitao immediately touched his lover's smooth and tender cheek with a solemn expression, and seriously pledged his loyalty, "I don't have a first love, I've only loved you, and I won't have any illegitimate children in the future."

He Yan stretched out his fair fingers and poked his firm lower abdomen, smiling, "Why are you so nervous, I didn't even ask you?"

The head of the Mo family felt a little aroused and tight in his lower abdomen from the poking, so he caught the mischievous fingers and kissed them affectionately.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

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