One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 19 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 19

Regarding his cousin Mo Lanyu, Yan He was very reluctant to get close to her.

Because in the original trajectory, Mo Lanyu made her fortune by relying on Mo Qi's inheritance. And later, when the murder of their adopted son by Mo Tiangao and Shen Cuiwei was exposed by her opponents, she tried every means to exonerate the two.

Although from the standpoint of children, what she did was reasonable, but from the perspective of the innocent Mo Qi who was brutally killed, Mo Lanyu's approach could be said to be disgusting.

Although strictly speaking, the young master who was killed by Mo Lanyu's parents was not him, now that he had taken over Mo Qi's body, he couldn't help but have some projected dislike for Mo Lanyu.

Moreover, through his several interactions with Mo Lanyu, he really couldn't bring himself to like this cousin who was constantly exuding a contemptuous aura towards him.

Yes, he didn't deny that Mo Lanyu was indeed a genius with great business acumen. But in the workplace, is just having intelligence enough? Based on his experience in his previous life, none of the generals who rose to high positions in the military were reckless fools.

In addition to solid military qualities, they were also very skilled in dealing with people. Even Mo Yitao, who always liked to keep a cold face, acted with discretion and never treated people with a condescending attitude.

Therefore, regarding the fact that Mo Lanyu was able to smoothly rise to such a high position in the original trajectory, he found it very incomprehensible.

Thinking it over, he could only conclude that his cousin was really too lucky.

Forget it, as long as it didn't provoke him, he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business anyway.

So regarding the matter between Mo Lanyu and Qing Xu, Yan He was slightly conflicted for a moment, but then didn't take it to heart.

Recently, that large wolf dog at home was jealous because he paid a little bit more attention to a certain young CEO, and took advantage of this excuse to toss him around a few times until he wanted to hit someone.

But afterwards, this man had to put on an aggrieved and forbearing look, willing to be beaten and scolded. Even though he knew this man was probably using excuses to stir up trouble, he was still worn down until he lost his temper.

Today, after being pestered by a certain someone using both soft and hard tactics for half a day, he finally agreed to the man's request to accompany him to work.

Since last year, as the domestic market had become relatively stable, in order to expand into foreign markets, the Mo company began to shift its focus to building overseas branches. The headquarters had successively dispatched many high-level talents, so there was inevitably a shortage of manpower. As the boss, Mo Yitao could no longer skip work every few days to go on dates like in previous years.

In this regard, the still-single assistant expressed great delight. Every time the boss played hooky, the work naturally fell on his shoulders. The boss went to date, while he suffered and got tired!

But before the assistant could secretly gloat for long, he discovered that their boss had actually begun to openly bring his little lover to the company, working while being affectionate, which could be said to be very shameless!

After a few times, now everyone in the Mo company knew that the boss had an extremely beloved little boyfriend!

The employees were both disappointed and excited. Disappointed because this handsome, rich, flawless except for being seeming unapproachable diamond bachelor boss was already taken, making all the single folks sigh in dismay; excited because the boss had publicly come out of the closet!

Although the same-sex marriage law had been passed domestically a few years ago, it had not yet been fully accepted by the general public, and many people still felt that same-sex love was wrong. So for the boss to so unabashedly bring his boyfriend to work, the employees - especially some female employees - couldn't help but feel excited.

Of course, among these excited employees, there was no pitiful CEO assistant.

When delivering takeout to the CEO's office at lunchtime, seeing the scene of the boss working while being all smiles, the assistant finally couldn't help but stick voodoo dolls of the boss in his heart.

The head of the Mo family who was cursed by the assistant didn't feel any resentment from his subordinate at all, or even if he did, he automatically chose to ignore it. All his mind, apart from work, was focused on his beloved beside him. Where would he have the energy to care about the assistant's mood?

"I bought pastries from Tianwei Zhai, all your favorites," Mo Yitao put down the documents at hand, sat down next to Yan He, and opened the lunch delivered by the assistant, saying lightly, "Last time we went too late and couldn't buy them. This time I still had to go through the back door to get them."

Regarding the man's credit-taking, Yan He naturally took the hint and took the initiative to kiss the man on the mouth a couple of times. Sigh, although this man was domineering and stubborn to the bone, every time he wagged his tail in such a serious manner to please him, it really made him find it unbearably cute.

Neither of them were the type to waste extravagantly, so although there were quite a few dishes for lunch, the portions were just right, and they quickly finished eating.

After lunch was the employees' break time. The people below were all resting, so naturally this boss Mo Yitao had nothing to busy himself with. So he hugged his little lover again and nestled on the couch behind the screen, being affectionate.

Although it wasn't to the point of having a thrilling and exciting office play, touching little hands and kissing was no problem.

"Don't mess around." Yan He held his phone in one hand, calmly watching a show, and with the other hand pushed away that big head nuzzling at his chest. If he didn't keep an eye on him, his buttons would be more than half undone.

He really couldn't understand, he was a young man in his early twenties. Logically speaking, it was when he should be in the prime of his youth. But compared to the old lecher Mo Yitao who wanted to take advantage of him at all times, he was made to seem like he had no sex drive.

The two were enjoying their leisurely lunch break when the office phone rang inopportunely.

The head of the Mo family paused for a moment, withdrew his hand that had reached the youth's waist, and went to answer the phone with a cold expression. It wasn't that easy to get through to the CEO's office. If there wasn't really something, the assistant probably wouldn't have transferred the call to him.

After hanging up the phone, the head of the Mo family's originally cold expression became even colder.

Yan He lay on the sofa and lazily kicked the man's muscular calf. "What, who's bothering you again?"

The man's eyes held a bit of an unspeakable look. After thinking for a moment, he said, "It's Qing Xu. He said that there seems to be some misunderstanding between you and Mo Lanyu, and he wants to talk face-to-face."

Then he paused again and added, "Mo Lanyu is now his girlfriend."

Upon hearing the three words "Mo Lanyu", Yan He felt a headache coming on.


What misunderstanding could he and Mo Lanyu have?

Although he and Mo Lanyu didn't have any direct grudges, from the moment Mo Tiangao and Shen Cuiwei poisoned He Yan, it was destined that he and this cousin could no longer get along peacefully.

Thinking of Mo Lanyu's filial piety in the original trajectory, where she exhausted all her connections to clear her parents' crimes, He Yan suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
