One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 15 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 15


Mo Yitao let out a muffled groan, trying to hold back.

The private doctor in a white coat said calmly, "Relax a bit, you're too tense, it's not good for the injection. Oh and remember to get plenty of rest for two days after you go back."

Mo Family Head: "............"

Never in a million years did Mo Yitao imagine that there would come a day when he would be drugged, and the process was extremely simple and crude. It was nothing more than an unscrupulous woman bribing the waiter serving drinks at the banquet.

Although there was an element of negligence in supervision by the organizers, it was undeniable that he had indeed let his guard down.

As for that woman... he had originally been so lenient with her for the sake of her father. Now it seemed that since this family did not cherish his leniency, he need not show them any mercy.

Knowing that the boy was still waiting for him to return home, Mo Yitao dared not delay. Feeling the drug's effects subside a little, he hurried back to the old mansion from the private doctor.

As he expected, as soon as he entered the door, the boy came up to him, eyes shining brightly, with a hint of complaint in his voice, "Why did you come back so late, brother? I was waiting so long I almost fell asleep."

At this time, Mo Qi's body still had some lingering heat. He just hastily ruffled the boy's hair and urged, "Sorry, something held me up. It's very late, can you be good and go to sleep? I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

He Yan lowered his head, narrowing his clear black and white eyes at an angle Mo Yitao couldn't see. When he raised his head again, he had a charming, aggrieved look. He hugged the man's arm and rubbed against him, "No way, I waited so long for you, how can you brush me off like this!"

Not expecting the usually obedient boy to suddenly get angry, seeing that slightly pretentious fierce little face, Mo Yitao's heartbeat instantly went out of rhythm.

On one hand, he was extremely pleased to see a side of the boy that he had never shown before. But on the other hand, the boy's slender, soft body was tightly pressed against him, wriggling angrily, which was definitely torture for a certain restless part of him that had not yet fully calmed down!

"Xiao Qi... don't make a fuss." Mo Yitao carefully adjusted his posture to prevent a certain unruly part of him from startling the boy. He was so anxious that cold sweat poured down.

It was just that the boy didn't know what was wrong with him today, being especially fierce and clingy, circling around him like a kitten, occasionally clawing at him. He couldn't bear to actively push the boy away when he was being so proactive, so he could only painfully and happily coax the boy.

After who knows how long, only after promising the boy a series of reparations, was he released by the satisfied boy. At this point, Mo Yitao's whole body was burning, even more unbearable than when the drug first took effect.

Therefore, afraid that he would do something to the boy in a moment of impulse, Mo Yitao almost fled in panic under the boy's gaze.

Watching Mo Yitao's somewhat disheveled back disappear at the turn of the stairs, He Yan thought of something and smiled happily.

Late at night, under the cover of the dark night, the old mansion was so quiet that there was not a sound. But in this silence, the door of the master bedroom belonging to the Mo family head was quietly pushed open, and a dark figure nimbly slipped to the front of the Mo family head's bed and stood still.

Mo Yitao vaguely sensed something in a half-asleep state and struggled to open his eyes, but in the next second, he was pulled back into the sweet darkness of dreamland by a sudden overwhelming drowsiness.

He Yan retracted his mental threads and looked at the Mo family head on the bed, a surprised expression appearing on his face. He had just used a bit of spiritual power to ensure that the Mo family head would sleep like a dead pig, but made an unexpected discovery.

Mo Yitao's spiritual sea seemed a bit off.

Normally, for ordinary people who cannot use spiritual power, there is still a certain amount of spiritual power present in their spiritual seas, it's just that the quantity does not reach the threshold for awakening.

But just now, when he probed his mental threads into Mo Yitao's spiritual sea, he found that the Mo family head's entire spiritual sea was almost completely empty, with only a few weak light spheres formed from spiritual power floating in some corners.

Spiritual power is closely related to a person's consciousness. In other words, those without spiritual power are the "vegetables" referred to here.

But the Mo family head was clearly as normal as can be in daily life, and even surpassed most people in this world in terms of intelligence!

He Yan pondered for a while with furrowed brows, but still could not find an answer from his past knowledge. He could only temporarily put this matter aside for now. This time, he came prepared to do bad things to the Mo family head.

He Yan slowly lifted the blanket draped over the edge of the bed, and seeing the Mo family head's masculine, testosterone-filled figure in the night, revealed a mysterious smile.

Today, when he discovered through surveillance that the Mo family head had been drugged, a sense of anger at having his territory invaded suddenly surged in his chest, mixed with a hint of panic. In that instant, he suddenly understood that the reason he had acquiesced to Mo Yitao's closeness over the past year may not have simply been because he didn't dislike this person.

He was never a coy person. After figuring it out, he quickly and frankly accepted the reality that he also had favorable feelings towards Mo Yitao. Even though these feelings were not very strong, to the point that he only realized it belatedly, He Yan, who had a very strong sense of territory, still immediately decided to severely punish that woman who dared to make a move on his property!

Then, seeing the Mo family head enduring with a flushed face, somehow, he suddenly had the urge to test the goods...

Mo Yitao had a dream. In the dream, He Yan turned into a little person only the size of his palm, with two pointed black cat ears standing on his head, his limbs all turned into furry little black paws, and a flexible, cute cat tail connected to his round little butt.

The exquisite-looking cat-eyed boy fiercely waved his soft little paws to slap his palm, "I want dried fish!"

Afraid of angering the delicate little cat, even though the Mo family head's palm was tickled, he didn't dare move at all. But regarding the little cat's request, his attitude was very resolute, "No, you'll get a tummy ache if you eat more."

"Big bad guy!! Liar!! Meow!!"

Hearing the man's refusal, the boy was so angry that his cat ears tilted back. He angrily waved his little paws to hit the man's chiseled handsome face.

Seemingly angered, the man pinched the young boy's warm, furry paw with two fingers and said righteously, "You're getting more and more disobedient. Do you still take me, your master, seriously? I need to teach you a good lesson!"

With that, he gently tossed the little kitten onto the soft quilt, pinched the kitten's ears that kept flicking back with two fingers, and rubbed them back and forth until the kitten's eyes were brimming with tears. "This is the first punishment."

Then he shifted his focus and repeatedly stroked the top of the kitten's head with his thumb, calmly saying, "This is the second punishment."

Afterwards, his two large hands each grabbed one of the kitten's front paws, pressing the paw pads one by one. After a while, he held the two paws together and kissed them with a "muah muah" sound. "This is the third one."


Before the punishments were even finished, the previously arrogant and domineering little kitten had become dispirited, whimpering softly with tearful eyes, making fawning and plaintive cries from its throat, sounding infantile and pitiful, hoping that the man would spare it.

Unfortunately, the man had a hard heart and was not moved in the slightest. He thoroughly "punished" the little kitten from the tips of its ears to the tip of its tail, with certain key areas being punished many, many times. It could be said that he was very inhumane!

Early the next morning, the Mo family head woke up from a chaotic dream with a dizzy head, feeling the stickiness between his legs, and couldn't help but feel conflicted.

What little kitten, punishment? What kind of nonsense was that?


Feeling that his throat was a bit uncomfortable, the Mo family head coughed lightly, but his voice was so hoarse that it didn't sound like him. Frowning, he felt his forehead with the back of his hand and, unsurprisingly, felt a high fever.

So, after being drugged and tossed about during the day, having his quilt pulled off by someone passing by at night, and then experiencing an extremely exhausting dream, the usually strong and healthy Mo family head finally developed a fever the next morning.

It could be said that he was very miserable!

Author's note:

There is no clichéd drugged and chaotic sex scene, because the first thing to do after being drugged with an unknown substance is of course to see a doctor! Knock on the blackboard!

By the way, emmmm... have I not written the plot for a long time, and just keep writing sweetness nonstop without wanting to stop, sob.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
