One Hundred Ways to Become a God

One Hundred Ways to Become a God

Chapter 14 - The Domineering Patriarch Fell in Love with Me 14

After a brief family dinner, the perceptive people present more or less noticed that this domineering family head was even more indifferent than usual. In the past, although Mo Yitao was never warm to the coquettish young ladies who tried to get close to him, he had never been as cold as this, almost to the point of making people feel embarrassed.

Even though Old Master Mo hinted more than once at the dinner table that the head of the Mo family should interact more with the young lady he praised endlessly, Mo Yitao was unwilling to give Old Master Mo face this time and didn't respond at all.

Young ladies from aristocratic families all have a bit of a proud temperament. After several awkward moments, even the young lady herself who was eager to please the head of the Mo family couldn't keep a straight face and ended up leaving for the restroom with tears in her eyes.

Everyone secretly observed Old Master Mo, but this elderly man still had a kind face and a smile, showing no signs of displeasure.

After the family dinner ended, Old Master Mo's expression immediately darkened. He stopped Mo Yitao who was about to go upstairs and said in a heavy voice, "Yitao, how you want to play in private is your own business, but I hope you can distinguish between priorities and don't go overboard. The girl from that family just now was quite good. If you're really not satisfied, you can also consider someone outside the clan."

Mo Yitao seemed to hear something amusing and a hint of mockery appeared on his face. "There's no need for you to worry about my affairs. After all, you don't have the right to manage me."

He casually reached out to loosen his tie. "If you overstep your bounds, it'll make me feel like I've been too good to you, no? I think if my father were still alive, he certainly wouldn't mind me sending you to a nursing home in the neighboring city. The facilities there are very good, I'm sure you'd be satisfied."

Hearing him mention his deceased only son, Old Master Mo suddenly began trembling all over. He raised his hand with difficulty, pointing at Mo Yitao, and panted heavily, "You... you..."

The cup beside his hand was accidentally knocked over, falling to the ground with a piercing shattering sound, but the servants standing to the side were all as quiet as chickens, not a single one stepping forward to clean up.

Mo Yitao went upstairs with a calm face, leaving Old Master Mo, his face flushed red with anger, sitting dejectedly on the sofa alone.

He had deliberately brought up his adoptive father to provoke Old Master Mo.

Although Old Master Mo was very promiscuous when he was young, he had few offspring. Even in middle age, he only had Mo Yitao's adoptive father as his sole son, so naturally he placed all his hopes on this only child.

When Mo Yitao's adoptive father was preparing to marry a woman without much family background, Old Master Mo, who had a strong aristocratic mindset, already had several ideal daughter-in-law candidates in mind. He naturally could not agree to this marriage and used the Mo family's inheritance rights to force the two to break up.

But he didn't expect this only son to be even more stubborn than him. He was willing to give up the position of heir to marry the woman he loved. In anger, Old Master Mo orchestrated a car accident. Although his adoptive father's lover didn't lose her life in that accident, she lost a leg.

At that time, Mo Yitao's adoptive father had not yet formally inherited the Mo family and was completely unable to contend against Old Master Mo. In order to prevent his lover from being further harmed, he ultimately chose to bow to Old Master Mo and obediently got engaged to a woman from a matching aristocratic family that Old Master Mo had chosen.

However, once he took control of the Mo family, he immediately broke off the engagement and completely cut ties with Old Master Mo.

Old Master Mo was a traditionalist with a strong emphasis on bloodline, otherwise he wouldn't have been so insistent on having his only son inherit the family business.

To take revenge on Old Master Mo, Mo Yitao's adoptive father remained unmarried and childless his entire life, completely severing the Mo family bloodline. He eventually died of a sudden heart attack in middle age.

The existence of Mo Yitao as an adopted son was in itself a form of revenge by his adoptive father against Old Master Mo, so naturally their relationship was not good. Moreover, Old Master Mo's power had already been stripped away when Mo Yitao's adoptive father was still alive.

So apart from giving Old Master Mo some face in front of the Mo family, at all other times, Mo Yitao had always treated Old Master Mo as if he didn't exist.

It's just that Old Master Mo clearly hadn't accepted reality yet. Even at an age where he was about to enter the grave, he was still making a fuss, always wanting Mo Yitao to marry a daughter of the Mo family. Perhaps he felt that this way, the next generation of the Mo family's main lineage could still retain the Mo family's blood?

No matter what Old Master Mo's plans were, Mo Yitao had no intention of cooperating with him.


Under Mo Yitao's painstaking care at great cost, after more than half a year, He Yan crossed the threshold of eighteen years old and his body finally gradually became healthy. Not only were the aftereffects of being poisoned completely cured, even his physique had improved compared to before.

Of course, what the head of the Mo family didn't know was that this was also thanks to He Yan's own spiritual power recovery.

When he first arrived in this world, He Yan's spiritual sea was nearly depleted and he could only barely heal Mo Qiu's eyes that had been blinded by poison. However, as time passed, his spiritual power was slowly recovering and he had extra strength to enhance this body's constitution. After all, he didn't want to spend the rest of his life dragging around a glass doll-like body.

That night, at a charity gala, the auction progressed to the last and most precious item.

"This is a top-grade blue diamond mined in South Africa ten years ago. It was contributed by an overseas Chinese collector. This diamond was cut into a perfect and regular teardrop shape with flawless craftsmanship. It weighs 2.73 carats and has been certified by the China Diamond Association as a pure natural flawless vivid blue diamond. The starting price is 20 million!"

It was an extremely beautiful deep blue diamond, as mysterious and deep as a midsummer night sky. Under light at different angles, it refracted starry points of light inside.

The moment the image of this diamond appeared on the big screen, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became excited. No woman could resist the allure of diamonds.

In an instant, countless fervent gazes were fixed on this diamond that appeared incomparably dazzling and crystal-like under the spotlight. In just ten minutes, the price had been raised to 40 million by the madly bidding wealthy ladies.

Mo Yitao was originally indifferent to diamonds, and he had already bought an antique worth several million earlier. However, when he saw that crystal clear blue diamond, the scene of it being strung on a thin silver chain and tied around He Yan's equally slender and cute ankle suddenly appeared in his mind. His eyes instantly became deep.

So the Mo family head immediately joined the battle among the wealthy ladies without any hesitation. In the end, under their murderous glares, he won the exquisite little diamond with a bid of 49 million.

The assistant beside him was dumbfounded. He dared to swear that this was definitely the moment his boss was least popular with the female creatures so far! He just didn't know what his boss was going to do with this diamond. Do men also like diamonds?

Thinking of the boy he had seen in the hospital, the assistant showed a subtle expression.

After the auction section ended, the formal banquet began. This banquet was a mix of people, not only including the major powerful and wealthy families in the city, but also many celebrities who would attend, hoping to find rich and powerful sponsors at this upper-class social event. This was also why he didn't bring the boy to attend this time, as he didn't want the boy to be exposed to these dirty things too early.

The Mo family head had little interest in such things to begin with. Moreover, now that there was a little cutie (?) at home, he was even more eager to return. After drinking a glass of red wine and collecting the diamond he had just won from the organizer, he was ready to leave.

At this moment, a woman in a floor-length evening gown blocked his way and asked with an elegant and sweet smile, "Why is Brother Mo in such a hurry to go back?"

Why is it this woman again!

Hearing this sickeningly sweet "Brother Mo", Mo Yitao couldn't help frowning. His attitude at the family banquet should have been very clear, yet this person was still playing dumb and coming to pester him, which was really starting to annoy him.

The woman clung to him with a soft and delicate voice. At first, he didn't want to directly tear the woman's face off at the busy banquet, but he didn't expect this person to be completely unable to read his expression and kept trying to get close to him, making him increasingly irritated and igniting a wicked fire in his heart.

Brushing off the woman's hand that was trying to rest on his arm for the third time, Mo Yitao finally realized that something was wrong. Feeling the swelling sensation down there, his face completely darkened.

He Yan, who was bored in the bedroom and hacked into the banquet's surveillance system to casually peep on the Mo family head, saw this scene: "............"


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

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