Nine Heavens

Nine Heavens

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

On the Taichu Continent, dragons are an extremely rare type of high-level demon beast. Even if they can't be called the king of demons, they are not far from it. As long as they can transform into human form, they will definitely become high-level demonic cultivators in one leap.

So even though there was only a dragon head here, Yu Nuo didn't dare underestimate it. It might be a beast raised by the cave owner or sealed here.

He quickly put down the star chart and retreated several steps.

Zhou Yin stroked Zhou Chen's head to comfort it while keeping an eye on the other party's every move.

The dragon head was dark, with whiskers growing from its mouth and eyes like copper bells. Once opened, they were dazzlingly bright, as if innately carrying a chilling murderous aura that followed like a shadow, making the two who only had Foundation Establishment cultivation feel uncomfortable all over.

Since the other party spoke human language, Yu Nuo naturally didn't dare to be negligent. He observed for a while and tentatively asked, "Senior, are you a Flood Dragon?"

The dragon head exhaled and slowly said, "You still have some knowledge."

Hearing the tone of voice, Yu Nuo felt there was room for discussion and the other party was not angry because they intruded here. He couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Exchanging a glance with Zhou Yin, he asked again, "May I ask Senior, what is this place?"

The Flood Dragon said, "If you don't know the history of this place, how did you get in?"

Yu Nuo briefly recounted how they entered. The Flood Dragon seemed very surprised, then realized, "So it turns out so many years have passed outside. No wonder..."

It seemed unwilling to say more. Yu Nuo could only ask again, "Then can we still leave?"

The Flood Dragon snickered, "Leaving is easy, but are you willing to?"

Yu Nuo glanced at Zhou Yin and said, "May I request Senior's guidance."

The Flood Dragon said, "I have been guarding here on my master's orders for thousands of years. During this time, a few people have come, and upon seeing these things before their eyes, they all had the same reaction as you."

Yu Nuo asked, "Who is your master, senior?"

"My master, well, it's been so long that even if I told you, you might not recognize the name. Before my master left on a long journey, he left behind this cave abode and instructed me that if destined people came, I could gift them with these magic treasures. However..."

Yu Nuo's suddenly elated mood was left hanging by that "however", waiting for a long time without hearing the rest.

"However what?"

The Flood Dragon revealed a strange expression, which in Yu Nuo's eyes seemed a bit cunning. "Let's wait until you've chosen the magic treasure you want before saying more. But each person can only choose one; you wouldn't be able to take more anyway."

"First it was fear, then lust, and now what is being tested, greed?" Zhou Yin suddenly spoke up.

The Flood Dragon abruptly looked at him, squinting its bell-like eyes to size him up and down, emitting an unfriendly aura. But Zhou Yin was someone who, no matter the situation, always lacked expression on his face.

The good thing was that the Flood Dragon couldn't discern anything from his face, while the bad thing was that as a companion, Yu Nuo similarly didn't know what he was thinking, breeding no small amount of suspicion in his life.

"What's that in your arms?" the Flood Dragon asked.

"Chirp!" The little Zhou Chen, who had just been pushed back down by Zhou Yin, poked its head out again. Although its eyes were only the size of mung beans, it still glared fiercely at the Flood Dragon on the principle of not being outdone.

The Flood Dragon looked at it for a while, its tone strange and a bit schadenfreude: "I've never seen one so small..."

It changed the subject: "Anyway, let's talk about the main matter. Since you've said this much, I might as well lay it all out. This cave abode, according to my master's plan, is set with eight illusions, representing fear, lust, jealousy, selfishness, cowardice, greed, arrogance, and hatred - the eight key natures of humanity."

It spoke eloquently without the slightest error, and the two listened very carefully.

"On your way here, you must have experienced some things. These illusions are not simply isolated from each other, but are mutually integrated and derived from one another. You never know when one illusion will lead to another.

"Although they are illusions, once deeply trapped inside, the false will become real, and you will never come out again. Seven days in the mountains, a thousand years in the world - that's the principle. But since you were able to come here, it is undoubtedly a blessed fate. However, even after fate, it's not over yet."

"These few magic treasures were painstakingly collected by my master over his lifetime. Among them, there is one that is extremely precious. If he were still alive, he would definitely come back for it. But from the time he left until you arrived, more than 10,000 years have passed. I'm afraid my master has long since perished."

As the Flood Dragon said this, its tone held an undisguised loneliness, but Yu Nuo and Zhou Yin needed to digest the information it shared and couldn't possibly interrupt.

"Can you name these five magic treasures?"

Seeing that Zhou Yin had no intention of speaking, Yu Nuo pondered for a moment and asked in return, "Aren't the two in the middle the Vast Sea Star Chart and the Layered Iridescent Cinnabar?"

The Flood Dragon was surprised: "From your familiarity, could it be that these magic treasures are already known throughout the world?"

Yu Nuo said, "I only know these two, and I still have doubts. People from my sect once said that 3,000 years ago, traces of these two magic treasures appeared in the world. But you said the cave's master left more than 10,000 years ago. The timeline..."

The Flood Dragon sneered: "It must have been cultivators who later left the cave abode. Upon seeing them, they eagerly imitated and made counterfeits 70-80% similar. If their cultivation was deep enough, the imitations might have had some power. But fakes are ultimately fakes. No matter how similar, what use are they?"

Yu Nuo was deeply moved. According to the Flood Dragon, even the Vast Sea Star Chart and others that people described as magnificent were just imitations. Then how powerful would the genuine articles before his eyes be?

He also didn't understand, if these two magic treasures were so good, why did people who had the fortune to enter before not choose them, but instead waited until after leaving to make imitations?

Before he could ponder further, the Flood Dragon continued, "Besides these two, the Glazed Bell can overawe the soul, the Arcane Scale Armor can withstand water and fire, and the Sumeru Ring can store space. You each choose one. The magic treasure you choose will determine the path you walk later."

Yu Nuo was startled: "What do you mean?"

The Flood Dragon began to reveal its bad-tempered nature, letting out a low roar: "I've been talking for so long and you still don't understand! After taking a magic treasure, it will open up another world."

Yu Nuo hurriedly asked as it only said half: "And then?"

The Flood Dragon was impatient: "Then if you're lucky enough, you can naturally take the magic treasure and leave!"

Yu Nuo glanced at Zhou Yin: "What do you think, Brother Zhou?"

Zhou Yin said, "If we take nothing and leave directly now, would you be willing?"

Yu Nuo was at a loss for words. After going through untold hardships to get here, he naturally wouldn't want to leave empty-handed. With any of these magic treasures, even if he couldn't claim to be unrivaled across the land, at least he wouldn't be at the mercy of others.

For a cultivator without the backing of a powerful sect and ordinary aptitude, it would be a very precious reliance. So no matter what, he couldn't give up the tempting opportunity before him.

"Brother Zhou, which magic treasure do you want to choose?"

Zhou Yin said, "You pick first. I definitely won't choose the same as you."

Yu Nuo was a bit skeptical: "Then I'll take the Vast Sea Star Chart."

Zhou Yin hmmed: "I want the Sumeru Ring."

"..." Yu Nuo was a bit embarrassed. "Brother Zhou, don't you want to take another look? Besides the Star Disc, any of the other magic treasures would be extremely precious if taken outside."

That Sumeru Ring was the most inconspicuous of the five. Even if it could be used for storage, such things were never rare. Even Yu Nuo carried a qiankun pouch he had taken from that demonic cultivator, so naturally he wouldn't pay much attention to this dark Sumeru Ring.

Zhou Yin said, "No need, I just want this ring."

The Flood Dragon yawned and urged, "Since you've chosen, take them and leave quickly. I still need to sleep!"

Yu Nuo stepped forward and took the Vast Sea Star Chart in his hand. It felt bone-chillingly cold, as if it hadn't been touched for millions of years.

He opened his mouth, about to say something, but his figure was already enveloped in brilliant starlight and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"He has gone the path he should go. You were quite clever, choosing the most useless Sumeru Ring."

The Flood Dragon looked at him with a half-smile, "Don't blame me for not warning you. The little thing in your arms is a rare sight even in a million years. But if you don't have the ability to protect yourself, encountering someone who recognizes its value will only bring you trouble. Don't make things difficult for yourself and others, or you might even lose your life in the end."

Zhou Yin made an "oh" sound, "Can I go now?"

"..." After saying so much and getting this reaction, the Flood Dragon couldn't help feeling angry and embarrassed, "Get lost quickly!"

The other items weren't bad, but although the Sumeru Ring was the most inconspicuous, it was the most practical for Zhou Yin right now. Like the spirit talismans he wrote before, carrying them was better than not having them.

If he encountered an unexpected situation, he could use them. But they were indeed cumbersome. With this Sumeru Ring, he could throw these things inside.

Most importantly, with the current strength of any one of them, or even ten Yu Nuo combined, it was not enough to protect these treasures other than the Sumeru Ring. Instead, it would make them the target of treasure hunters.

The innocent are not guilty, but possessing jade invites trouble. Zhou Yin would never do such a foolish thing to bring calamity upon himself.

As soon as it was put on his finger, the Sumeru Ring was firmly attached and could no longer be taken off.

His mind was then struck as if by a hammer, his vision went black, and he lost consciousness.


Hello! I'm Echo, and I've always been fascinated by how stories can connect us across different worlds. When I'm not translating, I'm probably playing guitar or experimenting in the kitchen. I hope my translations resonate with you, just like a good melody

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@ohce.
