Nine Heavens

Nine Heavens

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20

Seeing Yu Nuo's face change greatly, Zhou Yin slapped the table and stood up, knowing that he had fallen into a demon's illusion again.

In fact, not only Yu Nuo, but even he himself was also trapped in a demon's illusion.

The illusion was indeed set up ingeniously. With his vigilant eyesight, from just now until now, he had only seen a little clue.

At first, Zhou Yin thought that this four-sided illusion was composed of several different illusions connected together. As long as one was seen through, one could smoothly enter the next one, until all the illusions were seen through. The false appearance would collapse on its own, and they would naturally be able to enter the true core of the cave. This was also the most common form of illusions.

But now it seemed that his assumption was wrong. The arrangement in this cave was far more complex than he had imagined.

The illusions here did not exist in parallel and interconnected forms, but were like nested boxes, with large boxes containing small boxes, layer upon layer, endlessly. In these large and small "boxes", some "boxes", that is, illusions, had more realistic effects.

Like the one they were in before in the passageway, even if they came out of the illusion, the injuries suffered would not heal with it. While some "boxes" were only complete demon illusions, like Yu Nuo's current situation, only he was trapped in it, while Zhou Yin was still in the "box" of the previous layer and did not know what he encountered.

These true and false dimensions combined to form an exquisite and almost flawless illusion. As long as they hadn't found a way to break the formation for a day, they wouldn't be able to walk out of this illusion for a day.

Zhou Yin looked at the dancing woman in the center of the lake, deep in thought.

Here, spells and magic weapons were useless. Yu Nuo's Mind-Clearing Bell originally had the wonderful effect of cleansing the mind and resisting confusion, but it was obviously useless to let them escape from the predicament when used just now.

Destruction before establishment, failure before success.

Over there, Yu Nuo staggered, his face distorted, but he slowly collapsed beside the small table.

Zhou Yin said to the two women, "You come here."

Hearing this, Yanzhi and Fendai stopped dancing and flew over from the center of the lake.

Seeing Yu Nuo passed out there, Yanzhi asked with concern, "Has this young master passed out from drinking? This servant will take you two to rest."

Zhou Yin asked, "Have you been injured here?"

Yanzhi was surprised, "This place is peaceful and there is no danger."

Zhou Yin: "Do you feel pain?"

Yanzhi and Fendai looked at each other, not knowing where his strange question came from, but they still answered honestly, "Except for our lifespan, we are no different from ordinary people. When we were picking peaches earlier, our arms were cut by peach branches. The wound was painful and took more than a month to heal."

Zhou Yin nodded.

The next moment, Yanzhi's eyes widened, staring straight at him.

Zhou Yin's Lingyin Sword pierced through Yanzhi's chest. Yanzhi's face twisted and she slowly fell to the ground.

Fendai screamed and turned to run, but was also pierced through from behind by the sword.

The scene that should have been splattered with blood did not appear. The calm lake water suddenly surged with huge waves, and the peach trees and willows withered one after another. The ground beneath their feet shriveled and cracked, and the otherworldly paradise like a human fairyland shrank and decayed at a visible speed inch by inch.

Compared to Zhou Yin's calmness, Zhou Chen seemed to be in high spirits, scurrying around in his arms without a moment of quiet.

When the entire space was completely distorted and shattered, they returned to the starting point.

The deep and dark passageway at the very beginning.

It's just that the surrounding rock walls and the stone slabs under the feet were intact, and there was no sign of the previous sky and earth shattering.

Yu Nuo let out a weak moan and opened his eyes, slowly standing up with the support of the rock wall.

Although his cultivation was not high and he was not valued in the sect, he had spent a lot of time wandering outside after all. His vigilance and reaction ability were sufficient. He didn't rush to ask Zhou Yin, but first looked around by himself before asking in a hoarse voice, "Why are we back here again?"

Zhou Yin explained the matter in a few words, and Yu Nuo still listened with his mouth agape.

"Those two women were killed by you?"

Zhou Yin glanced at him, not interested in repeating what he had said.

Yu Nuo felt extremely regretful. Even if they were very likely the key to the formation, it was a pity that Zhou Yin could bring himself to do it to two such stunning women.

The pity for the fairer sex that ordinary men should have could not be found in this person at all.

Zhou Yin seemed to see through his thoughts, "If you dual cultivate with them, you might not be able to come back."

Yu Nuo was at a loss for words, and it took a while before he found his voice, "What should we do now then?"

"Continue." Zhou Yin took the lead and walked towards the front.

Yu Nuo had no choice but to follow behind him.

No matter what Zhou Yin felt inside, at least on the surface, he always looked so calm, rarely changing color or showing emotion. But this calmness also affected Yu Nuo, preventing him from being too lost in this unpredictable environment.

This time when the passageway reached the end, it was not the original peach forest, but a stone door.

The door was not locked. Although it looked heavy, it was not difficult for cultivators. But neither Zhou Yin nor Yu Nuo made a move.

Because they didn't know if this meant the beginning of another illusion.

Yu Nuo smiled wryly, "Don't laugh at me, fellow Daoist. Now I just want to get out of this ghost place quickly. The desire to find treasure has faded quite a bit."

Zhou Yin was silent. In his previous life, he had also entered and exited countless dangerous places, not knowing how many times he had narrowly escaped death.

It's just that the situation this time was a bit special. The era of the cave's existence could no longer be traced, and the cave owner was too powerful. The entire illusion was set up like an antelope hanging by its horns, leaving no trace to be found. With their current cultivation, it was indeed not optimistic.

But that's often how things are in the world. Where there is no danger, life is naturally calm and uneventful. To obtain high returns, one must be willing to risk their life.

As a novice cultivator just starting out, Yu Nuo obviously didn't have a deep understanding of this. He came here with the ambition to make a name for himself, but now he was having some second thoughts.

"Chirp?" Zhou Chen looked up at Zhou Yin, not understanding why he suddenly stopped.

Yu Nuo laughed, "Brother Zhou's pet is truly spiritually intelligent."

Ever since he found out that Zhou Chen was a high-level demon beast, his gaze towards it held deep meaning.

Zhou Chen really disliked this kind of gaze, but nestled in Zhou Yin's arms, it felt a strong sense of security and couldn't be bothered to pay him any attention.

Zhou Yin reached out to push the stone door, using only 70% of his strength.

The door made a muffled sound and slowly opened.

The two couldn't help but feel surprised.

The scene this time was completely different.

A chilly breeze blew over and a spacious, lofty hall appeared before their eyes.

The four walls and domed ceiling were all carved with murals, depicting ethereal stories of celestial gods and immortals. There were graceful and charming female immortals as well as dignified and handsome male immortals of all kinds. Some were singing and drumming, wine cups crossing, while others rode colorful auspicious clouds, roaming the four seas. The murals were exquisite and lifelike, as if they would transform into real people at any moment.

Facing them on the central mural, unlike the other murals, there were no extra decorations, only a solitary dragon head with flaring whiskers and bulging eyes, looking fierce and menacing.

Below the dragon head sat a lone meditation cushion. This place seemed to be where the cave owner originally cultivated.

Dragons are one of the high-level demon beasts, but in the current state of the continent where even demonic cultivators are rarely seen, naturally even fewer people have seen a dragon reveal its true form.

Although there was only a dragon head carved on the mural here, one could still feel an overwhelming pressure.

But what attracted the attention of the two the most was not the dragon head, but the five magic treasures not far from the meditation cushion.

The five magic treasures seemed to be fixed in midair by someone's magic, each emitting a different radiance due to their own elemental attributes. This brilliant and dazzling light illuminated the entire hall and made the magic treasures themselves appear especially eye-catching.

Yu Nuo recognized the two magic treasures in the center at a glance and exclaimed, "The Vast Sea Star Chart and the Layered Iridescent Cinnabar?!"

Zhou Yin asked, "What are those?"

Yu Nuo took a deep breath to calm his excitement somewhat and said, "When I was at my sect, I heard people say that according to legend, a few supreme treasures had appeared in the world three thousand years ago. One of them encompassed the boundless stars of the universe and could discern good and evil, calculate the workings of heaven, control yin and yang, and transcend life and death. That is the Vast Sea Star Chart.

"Another one had divine light converging and separating, with luminous pearls and kingfisher feathers, and could greatly enhance one's cultivation. It's called the Layered Iridescent Cinnabar. These magic treasures have appeared in the world several times, but no one has been able to find them. I never thought they would be here."

Zhou Yin said, "We previously speculated that the owner of this cave dated back to ancient times. If that thing is the Vast Sea Star Chart you mentioned, then the identity of the cave owner needs to be reconsidered."

Yu Nuo didn't think much of it. "Maybe someone had obtained them before and then came here, leaving the magic treasures behind..."

His words abruptly stopped. Obviously, Yu Nuo also realized the flaw in his words.

Since the Vast Sea Star Chart and Layered Iridescent Cinnabar were such powerful magic treasures and had been possessed by someone, then the fact that these magic treasures appeared here now, did it mean that person encountered some mishap and had to leave the magic treasures behind, or perhaps had already perished here?

Before Yu Nuo could break out in a cold sweat, he heard Zhou Yin say unhurriedly, "There is another possibility. The treasures in this cave appear in the world every once in a while, but no one has ever been able to obtain them."

This explanation inexplicably made Yu Nuo feel much more at ease. He slowly exhaled, his gaze still not leaving the five magic treasures. Although he couldn't name the other three, the fact that they were displayed together with the Vast Sea Star Chart meant they naturally wouldn't be nameless objects either.

"If only everything wasn't an illusion." He took a few steps forward to examine carefully, but let out an "eh" sound, his expression turning to disbelief.

His finger easily touched the star chart, the texture smooth and delicate, not the illusion he thought it was.

Yu Nuo couldn't hide his surprise. He looked at Zhou Yin, then back at the star chart.

The russet-colored star chart was inconspicuous, but it was flowing with radiance, as if countless starry rivers were slowly flowing on it, forming a boundless and vast cosmic wilderness.

"Is this really not an illusion?"

"Of course it's not an illusion!"

Accompanied by a low and drawn-out dragon's roar, the two only felt a buzzing sound in their ears, and even the great hall shook a few times.

The one answering Yu Nuo was not Zhou Yin, but came from the mural.

That dragon head directly facing them in the center.

Zhou Chen suddenly poked its head out from Zhou Yin's arms, all its fur standing on end, also staring at the dragon head, its cries filled with vigilance and hostility, but no fear.


Hello! I'm Echo, and I've always been fascinated by how stories can connect us across different worlds. When I'm not translating, I'm probably playing guitar or experimenting in the kitchen. I hope my translations resonate with you, just like a good melody

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@ohce.
