I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 19 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 19

Although he had been observing Qin Zhi's growth bit by bit through the system over the past two and a half years, when Qin Zhi's face was magnified and appeared in front of him, Su Duan was still so shocked that his heartbeat quickened for a while.

After that strange feeling passed and he came back to his senses, Su Duan asked the system in confusion, "Why isn't he coming up?" Didn't he come to see him? Why was he sitting in the car smoking?

The system said, "The system doesn't know either."

Although Qin Zhi's behavior seemed a bit strange, since he was already at the door, Su Duan couldn't pretend he didn't see him. So of course he couldn't continue looking at the documents on the table.

Pushing aside the documents that looked as identical as multiple twins in front of him, Su Duan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had the system turn up the screen brightness a little and started to stare at his healing target.

Because he was busy with company matters and didn't have much free time, Su Duan hadn't observed Qin Zhi so carefully for a long time. Most of the time, he would just take a quick glance, knowing that the other party was running at full speed on the destined line of fate, knowing that he had become a little more outstanding, and then put his mind at ease to do other things.

Now that he suddenly had the opportunity to observe the other party so quietly, Su Duan suddenly realized that Qin Zhi had indeed undergone very big changes when he wasn't paying attention.

Su Duan still remembered the first time they met. At that time, Qin Zhi's demeanor carried obvious panic and confusion, being forced to be cautious by pressures from all sides, until he got familiar with him before it got a little better. But now, there was no longer a trace of trepidation in Qin Zhi's eyes, replaced by a kind of composure and indifference after being polished.

There were also some other things, subtly engraved in the pitch-black depths of Qin Zhi's eyes, but Su Duan couldn't quite understand them, so he didn't think about it.

Su Duan sighed to the only bystander, "He has changed so much."

The system obediently echoed, "Yes, host."

On the screen, Qin Zhi didn't know what he was thinking. After exhaling a puff of smoke, he slightly frowned, his right hand holding the cigarette, hanging out the car window, not taking another puff.

The vertical crease between his brows looked particularly deep in the night.

Watching him frown and smoke, Su Duan asked strangely, "Is he unhappy?"

It is said that people often smoke when they are under a lot of stress, and Qin Zhi's brows were furrowed so tightly that it made people feel he had something on his mind.

What does this mean? Does coming to see him make Qin Zhi feel unhappy?

Thinking of this possibility, while feeling a bit puzzled, Su Duan also felt a little inexplicable stuffiness in his heart.

The system said, "Host, please wait a moment, beep beep - the detection results show that the emotional fluctuations of the healing target are relatively large, but do not belong to the negative category, so he should not be unhappy."

Su Duan blinked, although knowing that Qin Zhi did not come to see him with an unhappy mood made him feel a little better, but he was also completely confused.

Human emotions are really puzzling, the little herb sighed for the umpteenth time.

Obviously showing a sorrowful appearance, but it could also be a sign of happiness. Humans are really complex creatures.

On the screen, after exhaling that puff of smoke, Qin Zhi did not go to move the cigarette held between his fingers, letting the more than half of the cigarette burn in the air. The wisps of smoke had not yet had time to gather and circle upwards before being torn apart by the passing night breeze.

The bright orange firelight kept burning until it reached the joint at the base of the cigarette. Just as it was about to kiss the curved knuckles, Qin Zhi reached out and extinguished it in the car's ashtray.

Then he reached out to open the car door and got out of the car.

While Qin Zhi was lost in thought for some unknown reason, Su Duan also spaced out for the length of a cigarette. Only after Qin Zhi started to move did he come back to his senses as if startled, asking, "Is Qin Zhi coming in?"

The system said, "The forward direction of the healing target coincides with the direction of the main gate, so it seems to be the case."

Under Su Duan's gaze, that tall figure walked to the tall iron fence carved door of the Su family, calmly said something to the approaching security guard in a low voice, and the security guard picked up the walkie-talkie to notify the inner courtyard.

So two minutes later, the door of the study was knocked on by the butler.

Su Duan had the system turn off the screen and said, "Come in."

The butler still had that serious look, with a deep wrinkle formed between his brows from frowning for a long time. Only the white hair at his temples had increased a bit, mixed with the few remaining black hairs combed at the back of his head, showing obvious signs of aging compared to before.

Since the accident of Mr. and Mrs. Su, the Su family had suffered successive blows, and the butler had more things to worry about. In just a short year and a half, it seemed as if he had aged four or five years.

The butler said, "Young Master, there is a visitor."

He paused for a moment before saying in a low voice, "It's someone named Qin Zhi, who served as Young Master's servant for a period of time two and a half years ago, and later resigned because his mother needed surgery. Do you still remember?"

As the person who helped Su Duan recruit people back then, the butler of course knew what kind of unspeakable secret the truth behind that recruitment was, and also knew that the resignation was just a superficial cover-up for the sake of face.

Su Duan nodded and said, "I remember."

The butler looked at Su Duan with turbid eyes and said softly, "Young Master, he is now the master of the Qin family."

Su Duan said, "Mm, I know."

Several years ago, the Qin family's position in the business circle was not inferior to the Su family. Especially after the Su family had suffered two setbacks in the past six months and its assets had shrunk a bit, the Qin family had steadily surpassed the Su family and became the undisputed leading company in City A.

The change of ownership of the Qin family was such a big event that it was impossible to hide. Now almost the entire industry knew that Qin Feng had lost to an illegitimate child of the Qin family and had to give up the entire Qin family.

The butler lowered his eyes and said, "Mr. Qin is outside the door now, and he wants to see you."

Su Duan said, "Let him in."

But the butler didn't move. He seemed to have some concerns and said in a low voice, "Young Master, it's already very late now. Why don't you let Mr. Qin come back tomorrow?"

Su Zheng was not at home, and the servants at home had not received professional training. If something happened after Qin Zhi came in, how would he explain it to the eldest young master?

"It's okay." Su Duan shook his head, not thinking in any strange direction at all.

The butler repeated worriedly, "Young Master..."

Su Duan interrupted him, "Let Qin... Mr. Qin come in, I'll wait for him in the living room."

He thought that the butler was probably so wary of Qin Zhi because he didn't know that Qin Zhi was a good person.

Seeing that the young master had already made his decision, the butler couldn't persuade him anymore. After saying yes, he left the study to let the security guard open the door.

However, the butler was shrewd. When notifying the security guard to let the person in, he also had two people from the security group come in with electric batons.

Su Duan took three minutes to tidy up the documents on the desk a little, stacking them together, and then went downstairs to meet Qin Zhi.

In the end, Qin Zhi's speed was unusually fast. He had just walked to the second-floor staircase when he saw a tall figure step into the living room.

As if sensing Su Duan's gaze, Qin Zhi raised his head, his dark eyes staring intently at Su Duan.

Su Duan's foot, which was about to step down, subconsciously paused. At the end of the stair railing, he stood still and looked at Qin Zhi.

After all, the projection and the real person are different. Although he had been looking at the screen for a long time just now, when he really saw him, Su Duan still felt a little unfamiliar.

The system said that Qin Zhi had grown four centimeters taller in the past two and a half years, but perhaps because his muscles and aura had become more obvious, his whole person seemed very oppressive, and he looked far more than just four centimeters taller.

It was like evolving from a harmless young bamboo into a predator with extremely strong lethality, letting people know at a glance that he was not a good guy.

Even standing at a disadvantage like this, looking up at him from the bottom of the stairs, Su Duan couldn't help but feel an impulse to cover his head with little leaves and escape to the bottom of the earth.

Under the manipulation of some kind of harm-avoiding instinct, Su Duan couldn't help but move his feet and took a small step back.

However, Qin Zhi, who was standing below, suddenly spoke. His voice had a slight hoarseness, but it was a very gentle tone, even a little cautious as he called out to him, "...Young Master."


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

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