I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 18 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 18

Even if Qin Zhi were to take action, it would be a matter for later. Qin Zhi had just dealt with Qin Feng, and the Qin family had suddenly changed hands and was still in chaos. It would take at least half a month before Qin Zhi could spare the effort to care about Su Zheng.

This matter could not be rushed.

So although a bit of anticipation arose in his heart, Su Duan quickly refocused his energy on the matters at hand.

The process of dismissing the professional manager was not smooth. The other party had been working at the Su Group for half a year and had already figured out the entire company, even having more clout than Su Duan in some respects.

—This was the downside of completely delegating management authority.

Not to mention he had also colluded with a major shareholder, making the situation even more complicated.

But since Su Duan was able to hire the person half a year ago despite the opposition of more than half of the shareholders, he naturally also had the right to drive the person out now.

Although the dismissed party came to argue with Su Duan in quite a dissatisfied manner, in this world all computer firewalls were virtually non-existent in the face of the system. When Su Duan calmly laid out the evidence of the other party's petty tricks, the other party immediately didn't dare say a word and slunk away from the company with his belongings.

Because with the information Su Duan held in his hands, even if only half of it was made public, the other party could forget about making it in the industry.

However, for Su Duan, driving the person out was only the first step. The real problem was that after the previous manager left, if the next manager did not take over smoothly, it would have a significant impact on the Su Group.

As for this new manager—

Well, it hadn't been settled yet.

Actually, one had originally been found, but there was a little accident along the way.

Because of the lesson from last time, Su Duan and the system were much more cautious in selecting people this time, almost digging out and analyzing every little detail of the candidates' experiences. However, there are no perfect people in this world. After looking and looking, always feeling uneasy, it was only when a decision had to be made that one was reluctantly decided upon.

After reaching a verbal agreement with the other party, Su Duan took action to drive out the manager who had developed ulterior motives. According to the plan, the new manager would come to fill the vacancy that very day.

But Su Duan's luck seemed to be particularly bad recently. After announcing the dismissal of the previous manager, he had just walked out of the conference room under the gazes of various shareholders when he received an unexpected call—

His new employee, while walking out the door to drive to work, was unfortunately hit on the head by a falling object, already taken to the hospital with a head full of blood.

Preliminary examination showed it was no life-threatening danger, but the injury was not light either. And it was an injury to the head, a minefield of an area, so in the short term, coming to work at Su Group was out of the question.

Su Duan: "......"

The contract had not been signed yet, and he could not force the other party to come to work with a hole in their head, putting their life at risk. He could only comfort the other party to recuperate well in the hospital.

After hanging up the phone, Su Duan asked the system in his heart, "Is this also the world's self-correction?"

In order to make the Su Group go downhill like in the original plot, there was this accident, causing his chosen new employee to get their head smashed halfway?

Were the rules of this world so strict? Not only people's fates, but even such small plot points could not deviate.

If that was really the case, it seemed he had implicated the new employee who didn't get a chance to take office...

A sense of guilt welled up in Su Duan's heart, and he sighed worriedly at the empty air in front of him.

The system's response was the same as last time: "Sorry, the system cannot detect any abnormalities QAQ"

Su Duan said, "It's okay, let's find another one and try again."

If the next one encountered this kind of accident again, then it should be the world's rules at work. At that time, Su Duan could only give up on the idea of saving the Su Group.

In any case, a third manager still needed to be found, but before finding one, he could only handle the company's affairs himself.

Although he was basically clueless about company affairs, under the guidance of the computationally powerful system, he should be able to manage for a while... right?

Su Duan started worrying again, how should he explain this mess to his brother the next time he visited Su Zheng?

Although he knew Su Zheng definitely wouldn't blame him, at the time Su Zheng had handed him a well-functioning Su Group, yet he had made such a mess of the situation. Even knowing that perhaps the world's rules were at work, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

He could only pray that Qin Zhi could quickly finish handling the Qin family matters, then remember there was still a person who had helped him before still in prison, and fish the person out like in the original trajectory.

Who knows if Su Duan's prayers were heard, Qin Zhi appeared much faster than he imagined.

A week later, late one night, Su Duan was in the study fretting over documents when the system suddenly reported to him, "Host, it is detected that the employee you drove out was just cornered in an alley and beaten, with a comminuted fracture of the right leg."

Su Duan lifted his head from the seemingly never-ending documents, shook his somewhat dazed head, thought for a moment, and commented, "Oh, he's a bit unlucky then."

But why did the system specifically tell him about this little thing? He didn't seem to have asked the system to monitor that person.

The system's next sentence answered the question he didn't get a chance to ask, "It was arranged by the healing target."

Su Duan froze for a moment, suspecting he had misheard, "Qin Zhi?"

System: "Yes, Host."

Su Duan's brows furrowed in puzzlement as he asked, "Did that person bully him before?"

The system said, "The system did not detect any interactions between the healing target and your former employee other than this incident."

Su Duan still didn't understand, "Then why did Qin Zhi find someone to beat him?"

The system continued, "After calculation, the system speculates that the healing target may have done this because he found out this former employee had betrayed you, so he wanted to punish him on your behalf."

Su Duan blinked, and a bit of indescribable softness suddenly appeared in his heart.

He and Qin Zhi had not seen each other for a full two and a half years, yet Qin Zhi not only always remembered him, but also remembered to help him punish bad guys when he was so busy.

Was it because of that brief, less than ten days of interaction, where he showed Qin Zhi a bit of kindness that wasn't even that obvious?

Su Duan couldn't help but curve the corners of his eyes, and sincerely commented, "He's really a good person."

The system didn't agree with him, but instead continued, "There's another thing."

Su Duan asked, "What?"

The system said, "The healing target is currently right outside the Su family's main gate."

Su Duan let out a surprised gasp. He specifically got up and walked to the window, pulling open the curtains to look at the sky that had already turned dark outside. His mind was filled with doubts, "It's so late, what is he doing at the Su residence now?"

The system said, "He probably wants to see the host, but the system can't analyze the deeper reasons. Does the host want to see the projection?"

Su Duan said, "Yes, thank you."

In the next second, Qin Zhi's figure appeared in front of him.

Two and a half years wasn't long, but it wasn't very short either. At least for Qin Zhi, these two and a half years brought about earth-shattering changes in him.

He was no longer that thin and immature youth from back then in the Su residence. After more than nine hundred days and nights, not only had his stature grown taller, with a layer of bulging muscles covering his tall and thin frame, but the aura between his brows and eyes was also completely different.

Qin Zhi was sitting in a black sedan, a cigarette clenched between his lips. The car window was half open, revealing his side profile that looked particularly deep in the night, and the flickering point of fire at the corner of his mouth.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
