I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 16 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 16

After confirming that he had no way to learn how to manage the company within a year, and completely giving up on this idea, Su Duan was no longer in such a hurry.

He closed the thick professional book, one hand gripping the edge of the bookshelf, standing on tiptoe with the other hand to place it on a higher shelf. He felt an invisible burden being lifted from his body, instantly making him feel much lighter.

Learning is truly a terrifying thing. Looking up at the wide spines of the books exposed on the shelf one last time, Su Duan slowly exhaled. Realizing that he no longer had to continue studying, he felt as if his entire being had been reborn.

This feeling of lightness reminded Su Duan of a period in the distant past from his memories. It was not long after the birth of the cultivation world, when the spiritual energy on Earth was still very abundant.

When the spiritual energy was too concentrated, it would condense into rainwater and fall from the sky. The sweet dew containing spiritual energy would fall on all things. If one had good comprehension, they could quickly absorb the spiritual energy from the rainwater automatically. For those with poor comprehension, the spiritual rain would flow along their bodies into the earth to nourish the other creatures growing on the ground.

Su Duan had awakened in such an abundant spiritual rain. At that time, he was still only a very small herb, with dark rhizomes the size of a one-yuan coin, and only two small, slender leaves growing on his head.

Although his rhizomes had drunk their fill of rainwater and became round and plump, presumably increasing in weight, at the time Su Duan only felt that his whole body was light and airy, as if he could float away at any time.

Of course, it was impossible to actually float away.

In fact, having just gained spiritual intelligence, he did not even have the ability to slightly move his body, and could only look around at his surroundings with his two small leaves.

Trees, rocks, passing beasts... This whole world was unfamiliar to Su Duan. At first, he would curiously observe every subtle detail around him. But as a month, a year, ten years passed like this, with the environment remaining so unchanging, Su Duan also lost his curiosity about those things and became lost in a daze every day.

However, life was not always so boring. Occasionally, Su Duan would also encounter some demon beasts of the same kind, although they did not necessarily all come with good intentions, but they would always bring some fluctuations to his life.

Su Duan remembered seeing all kinds of strange demon beasts. During the cultivation period, there were many wonderful species on Earth that later generations had not even heard of. For example, he had seen a black giant beast—

Hmm... What did it look like again?

At this thought, Su Duan's mind suddenly paused. He found that a part of his memory seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not recall the specific details.

Could it be that during the time he was dormant along with the Earth, his brain had developed a problem from sleeping too much?

Suddenly, two "chirp chirp" sounds pulled Su Duan's thoughts back from his memories. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw a little bird with a round body and slender legs, perched on the edge of the study window, tilting its head to size him up.

Seeing that Su Duan had no reaction, the little bird chirped twice more, its small bean-like eyes focused on Su Duan. It moved its thin legs and puffed out its round, fluffy chest, taking two steps in his direction.

This little bird's species was unknown, but in any case, it looked very round and cute. When it moved, it was like a rolling snowball. Just looking at it would make people feel a newfound sense of adoration. If it were a girl who had no resistance to cute little animals, she would probably already be cupping her face and squealing.

But Su Duan quietly took a step back.

At the same time, he warily sounded the alarm of vigilance in his heart!

He had once been pecked and injured by a bird demon. That time, he lost most of his leaves and a small piece of rhizome tissue. If he had not used the little bit of spiritual power he had accumulated over several hundred years to hide deep underground, he probably would have lost his entire Poria cocos to the bird's beak!

From then on, as soon as Su Duan saw a bird approaching, he would immediately use his spiritual energy to conceal himself and prepare to flee at any time. Only when the other party had walked out of sight would he dare to release his spiritual energy.

Faced with a creature with a sharp beak and wings, Su Duan felt as if his body was aching again.

No, wait—why did he remember this memory of being pecked by a bird so clearly?

Su Duan was stunned for a moment, but before he had time to think carefully, the little white bird chirped crisply again, and with a flap of its wings, it actually jumped directly from the window sill to the desk.

Su Duan's heart was immediately filled with the desire to survive, leaving no room to ponder the unexpected memory that seemed to have occurred to him.

He took two steps back, his hand on the bookshelf ready to let go at any time. He tried to look at the location of the study door handle with the corner of his eye, simulating how he could run over and open it at the fastest speed, then close the door before this bird could catch up!

Just then, the system suddenly spoke up: "Host, don't panic. Right now, the host's weight is one thousand and thirty times that of this bird. One hand can easily crush two of them to death!"

Su Duan's retreating footsteps paused: "..."

That's right, he was human now.

With hands and feet that could move freely, and a weight that was, hmm, over a thousand times that of the bird.

Su Duan's mood suddenly calmed down. He moved his gaze from the door handle to his hand.

On the bookshelf he was holding onto, there was a row of books, each thicker and more solid than the last, each looking more intimidating than the last.

Su Duan, who had just felt a bit of aversion to these heavy books, suddenly felt that they had become endearing at this moment.

Just as Su Duan's hand was about to leave the bookshelf, intending to grab a book to chase away the bird, the door behind him was opened with a click.

Seeing someone come in, the bird seemed to be startled. It took a few steps back on its legs, gave Su Duan a reluctant look, then flapped its wings and flew out of the open window.

Su Duan silently retracted his hand that had wanted to reach for the book and looked back at the person who had come in.

It was Su Zheng.

Su Duan called out, "Brother."

Su Zheng walked over and sat down with him beside the desk, gently saying, "Is Duan Duan still studying? If there's anything you don't understand, you can ask your brother."

Perhaps it was the shock of his parents' deaths, but this past month, Su Duan had suddenly become interested in the company's affairs.

Anyway, it's a relief that the younger brother didn't become disheartened due to the parents' accident, but instead chose to try his best.

Of course, Su Zheng was happy to see this. With something to do, Su Duan wouldn't be brooding all day over things that couldn't be changed.

To make his brother more comfortable in the study, he even had the butler add a chair with a soft cushion - the one Su Duan was sitting on now.

Su Duan shook his head, "Thank you brother, but no need, I won't study anymore."

Seeing him suddenly say this, Su Zheng asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Could it be that he heard some rumors from the servants? Thinking that he wouldn't like Su Duan being interested in company matters?

In fact, such rumors had started spreading in the Su residence after the parents' accident. Su Zheng had dismissed two servants because of this, but he spent too little time at the Su residence to ensure these words completely disappeared from Su Duan's ears.

However, Su Duan just looked at him and said three words very seriously, "Can't learn it."

Su Zheng: "..." A very reasonable reason.

Su Zheng knew his personality. Seeing Su Duan's serious little look, he knew he was telling the truth. After pausing for a while, he could only smile indulgently.

Su Zheng, who was just feeling gratified that his younger brother had grown up, changed his attitude in a second. He said to Su Duan gently, "It's okay, then don't study. Duan Duan just needs to be happy, your brother will provide for you."

Su Duan didn't immediately reply, just sat quietly on his little chair looking at him, his bright black eyes like a tranquil night sky, appearing clear and pure.

In his younger brother's gaze, Su Zheng felt an indescribable emotion, and for some reason, it seemed like an untraceable sadness.

But before he could think further, he heard Su Duan say softly, "Okay."


Time still quietly extended its footprints into the future.

Before the day of change arrived, everything seemed so calm and peaceful.

Su Duan still regularly observed his healing target. Unlike his worrying situation of sighing in his heart all day, Qin Zhi's fate line progressed very smoothly.

Even a little too smoothly.

Su Duan asked, "System, did Qin Zhi suffer some stimulation again?"

The system replied, "Okay, please wait a moment - beep beep, the system did not detect any abnormalities!"

Su Duan couldn't understand, "Why is he, um... why is his fate line moving so fast?"

In the original plot of the world, it took Qin Zhi three and a half years to seize Qin Group and complete his revenge on Qin Feng. But now, in less than two years, it seemed he was already about to succeed.

Isn't this a bit too fast?

System: "The system doesn't know either QAQ"

Su Duan said, "Okay."

In any case, for some unclear reason, under Su Duan's secret observation, Qin Zhi's fate line progressed strangely and rapidly.

When Qin Zhi was preparing to launch the final blow against the Qin Group, the plot targeting the Su Group quietly began to erupt. One late night while working overtime, Su Zheng was directly taken from the Su Group to the police station.

Author's note:

Su Duan: Why is his fate line moving so fast?

Qin Zhi: Of course it's because of love _(:з」∠)_

Su Zheng: Suddenly hit pig.jpg


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
