I Won't Treat This Patient

I Won't Treat This Patient

Chapter 14 - Young Master of a Wealthy Family × Substitute Servant 14

Upon hearing this prompt, Su Duan was stunned for a moment.

He asked the system: "The healing value increased?"

He clearly felt that Qin Zhi's mood didn't seem too good, so how could the healing value rise?

The system instantly replied: "Yes, does the host have any questions?"

Su Duan thought for a bit and said: "A little." Actually there were many.

The system explained: "The healing value on the healing target is only related to the illness symptoms that require the host's treatment, regardless of what state the healing target is in, the system will only scan and record the healing situation of these specific symptoms. And in most cases of Stockholm syndrome, 'imprisonment' is a very important contributing factor. For this illness, the Su family is where the healing target was 'imprisoned'. Now that he has left the Su family, it's equivalent to eliminating another factor causing the illness."

Su Duan didn't have a deep understanding of human language systems, and was more familiar with only the daily life expressions that were often used during this period, so he was a bit dazed for a while by the system's explanation that involved some technical terms.

—In fact, until now, he still only had a partial understanding of illnesses like Stockholm syndrome.

He hadn't even figured out basic human emotions, let alone understand such complex psychological issues.

He repeatedly mulled over the system's explanation twice before feeling that he roughly understood what the system meant.

So it was another cause of illness that he hadn't noticed?

Su Duan counted and said: "Now it has already increased by 30 healing points, with only 20 points left. At this rate, can't we complete the mission very soon?"

But the system said: "The host shouldn't think the mission is too simple. The ten healing points that just increased were not only because Qin Zhi left the Su family, but also due to some changes in his mentality. The cumulative total resulted in an increase of ten healing points. Generally speaking, the healing value will only increase quickly in the early stages, and it will become more difficult to increase the closer it gets to the later stages."

Su Duan nodded and said: "I understand."

He tried to sort out the logic in his mind:

Now that he and the Su family's illness factors have been eliminated, after Qin Zhi's mother's surgery is successfully completed, the healing value should be able to increase a bit more.

After that is the Qin family heir Qin Feng who had always bullied Qin Zhi. If Qin Zhi can still step on Qin Feng like in the original plot trajectory this time, the healing value should also increase by a large margin.

—It's just unknown if Qin Zhi will still have such great perseverance to overcome the hurdle of Qin Feng this time without the original body's torment and the blow of his mother's death.

After all, even though he wasn't very knowledgeable about the ways of the world, he could still feel the disparity in strength and status between Qin Zhi and Qin Feng. Toppling Qin Feng would definitely be a very difficult thing for Qin Zhi.

But even if he was a bit worried, it seemed he couldn't help much in this regard. Su Duan sighed.

System: "The host doesn't need to worry. 80 healing points is already not low. Even if the remaining illness risk factors are not successfully eliminated later, the host can still receive at least a C rating."

Su Duan left the window and returned to his little bed, saying: "Okay."

Seeing how the system was so focused on the mission, he was too embarrassed to say that he wasn't sighing about the mission progress just now.

He was just worried about that human who had lived with him day and night for nearly ten days.


Su Duan's life quickly returned to tranquility, slowly moving forward.

Su Zheng wasn't able to stay home with him for a few days before throwing himself back into his busy work, with extremely limited free time.

But Su Duan had his own things to do when alone at home. Through repeated practice, he gradually grasped the skills of controlling his body, and no longer dropped his chopsticks every time he ate, looking no different from a normal person.

Not long after Su Zheng left, the system notified him that Qin Zhi's healing value had increased by another five points, reportedly because Qin's mother's surgery had been completed very successfully.

And with Su Zheng's behind-the-scenes help, Qin Zhi had also entered a foreign company that even Qin Feng couldn't interfere with, finally having the opportunity to apply the knowledge learned on campus to practice.

From time to time, Su Duan would observe his healing target through the system and found that Qin Zhi was much more promising than he had imagined. Not only did he quickly gain a foothold in the workplace, but he also withstood Qin Feng's later suppression and obstruction. Although he had stumbled, he was able to climb higher each time.

Su Zheng had only given him a stepping stone and wouldn't always protect him. The path ahead was all paved by Qin Zhi himself.

Overall, the things Su Duan had previously worried about did not happen, and everything was developing in a smooth direction.

There was just one strange detail:

Su Duan asked: "Why is he writing my name?"

Su Duan looked at the image on the screen and asked the system.

On the screen, after finishing work and returning home, Qin Zhi was handling unfinished work in the small study when he suddenly pulled out a blank sheet of paper from the bookshelf and wrote the two characters "Su Duan" on it.

Qin Zhi's hand holding the pen was very forceful, his fingers tightly pursed, and even the blue veins on the back of his hand bulged slightly, but his strokes were very gentle, as if afraid of tearing the fragile paper.

From the strokes of his handwriting, one could see a hint of sharpness that was just beginning to emerge, just like Qin Zhi himself, who had just made a name for himself in the business empire.

Su Duan recalled his own scrawled handwriting and felt that Qin Zhi's writing of his name looked much better than his own.

The system replied: "According to analysis of a large number of cases, a person writing another person's name can artificially deepen the impression of that person in their mind, mostly to sustain some intense emotion."

Su Duan repeated the system's words: "Intense emotion?"

The system said: "Yes, it could be a very strong liking, or a hatred that one doesn't dare forget for a moment, as well as some other complex feelings. Human emotions are too complex and diverse to be accurately described in words."

Su Duan blinked and said: "I don't think Qin Zhi would hate me."

Although he often troubled Qin Zhi to take care of him, he had never mistreated Qin Zhi.

As a spiritual object, although he was poor at perceiving emotions, due to instincts honed over thousands of years, he was very sensitive to dangers and negative emotions that threatened his safety. At least with Qin Zhi, he had never felt any negative emotions from the other party towards himself.

The system said, "I think so too."

If it wasn't hate, then it was like, right?

...No, that's not right either. The system also said at the end that there were other emotions, so it seems that it can't fully comprehend human emotions either.

Finally, after taking one last look at the screen where Qin Zhi had already put away the blank paper and resumed working, Su Duan said goodnight to the system and turned off the screen to sleep.


After the doctor announced that the slight fracture in Su Duan's coccyx had completely healed and he could bounce around freely, the tutoring sessions resumed.

With five hours of tutoring a day, mostly highly specialized content, Su Duan naturally couldn't handle it alone. So whenever the tutor came, Su Duan would hand over his body to the system to manage, while he himself would watch some movies or simply space out.

Life was generally going quite smoothly - except that after learning how to use his body, life was starting to get a bit dull.

However, Su Duan was not the type to make a fuss. When he was still a grass, if there were no changes that made it impossible for him to survive, it was very common for him to take root in one place for hundreds or even thousands of years, so Su Duan was quite used to this relaxed pace of life.

If no one disturbed him, he could sit alone in the garden and space out for a whole day.

- After spring passed, his fellow species no longer rushed to show their reproductive organs to humans, and Su Duan still preferred to stay in the garden filled with the scent of his own kind.

So the servants in the Su residence were surprised to find that the young master had not lost his temper for a long time, and no servants had been fired from the Su family for a long time.

Su Zheng saw all this but did not express any opinion.

Time flew by from early spring to the end of the year, and snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

Today, Su Zheng was at home, teaching Su Duan how to grind coffee.

Although it was called teaching, Su Zheng, who was afraid that his clumsy brother would get hurt, didn't really let Su Duan do it himself. After grinding the coffee, he brewed a cup for him, and that was the end of today's lesson.

Su Duan sipped the coffee in small mouthfuls. Su Zheng had added a lot of sugar cubes and milk, so it wasn't bitter at all and tasted more like a smooth drink.

Looking at the shallow layer of snow outside the window, Su Duan held the coffee and drank for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked Su Zheng, "Brother, are Mom and Dad coming back this year?"

Su Zheng curved the corners of his eyes at him. Although the arc was not big, it softened his strong features a little. "They're coming back. Mom said... they booked tickets for the 19th. They originally wanted to surprise you."

It's just that when he saw his brother's longing eyes, this surprise couldn't help but escape from his mouth on its own.

Su Duan paused, tightened his hands holding the coffee cup, and asked softly, "Can't they come back earlier?"

Su Zheng said in a low voice, "Mom and Dad probably have work arrangements and it's not easy to change them."

But to his surprise, Su Duan seemed very persistent about this matter. He looked at him pleadingly and said softly, "But - I want them to come back earlier. It's been a long time since we've seen each other..."

Su Duan had not made any demands for a long time. Seeing his brother's black eyes, as if moistened by water and with a hint of stubbornness, even though he knew that this request was quite unreasonable, Su Zheng still couldn't refuse.

He patted his brother's head and compromised, "Okay, I'll go call Mom right now. Our Duan Duan misses Mom."

Seeing Su Zheng's figure going to make the phone call, Su Duan let his heart down a little bit.

Su Duan had known long ago that his parents would return home for the New Year this year.

In fact, not only did Su Duan know that his parents would return to the Su family this year, he also knew that they would die in a plane crash on this return flight. This was written in the world's information.

Su Duan confirmed with the system, "This doesn't violate the rules, right?"

The system said, "I don't know either, but there is indeed no rule in the mission rules that says 'you can't change the fate of non-target characters'."

Su Duan said, "Hmm." Anyway, he had already decided to do it, and even if it was really against the rules, it probably wouldn't change his decision.

Although he was a bit slow in terms of emotions and did not easily accept others, the frequent phone calls and video calls from his parents over the past year had still made Su Duan develop some hard-to-sever feelings of attachment towards them.

Su Duan's coquettish pleading was quite effective. Who knows how Su Zheng talked to his parents, but by the time the phone was handed to Su Duan, his mother had already sweetly promised him that they would definitely be back at the Su residence before noon on the 18th.

Su Duan put his slightly relieved heart back in his stomach. He said to his mother, "Okay, Mom, I'll wait for you at home."

However, it turned out that he had let his guard down too early.

Although Su Duan's parents arrived safely at the domestic airport on the morning of the 18th, they were involved in a serious car accident on the way from the airport to the Su residence.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
