Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 18 - Tsundere Emperor Dog × Salted Fish Queen 18

Prefect Liao stayed in Luoyang for a few days. Sima Jiao allowed him to enter the palace every day and even dine together with Liao Tingyan inside.

After these few days, Prefect Liao felt that Sima Jiao was different from the Sima Jiao he had imagined before. He had come to Luoyang before and seen Sima Jiao at court from afar, but he had never clearly seen Sima Jiao's face while keeping his head lowered, let alone personally experienced what his personality was like.

Just in these few days, he discovered that the rumored ruthless tyrant who killed people like scything flax actually doted on and indulged his daughter in every possible way. Prefect Liao was dumbfounded and even suspected if his daughter had fed the emperor some kind of bewitching drug.

At first, Prefect Liao didn't pay attention to what his daughter ate and used.

Later, when attending a banquet one day, he found that the national treasure cups gifted by foreign envoys were passed to his daughter and used by her to hold milk. She accidentally dropped one on the ground without even thinking of bending down to pick it up or sparing it another glance.

Only then did he start noticing the surroundings and was shocked to realize that almost all the furnishings in the hall were priceless treasures. Setting a fire here could burn up half the contents of the imperial treasury.

Shouldn't these treasures be hidden away in the treasury? Why display them for his daughter to use as she pleased?

Looking at his daughter's still beautiful and fair face, albeit slightly chubbier, Prefect Liao felt that Sima Jiao might have gone mad, which was exactly the same as in the rumors.

Seeing her father showing that subtle melancholic expression towards her again, Liao Tingyan had no choice but to put down her silver chopsticks, wipe her mouth and say to him: "Don't worry, Father. I haven't gotten as fat as a pig yet. When the weather gets hot next year, I'll definitely slim back down."

These past few days, her father seemed to want to sigh every time he saw her. She understood that no one would be happy to see their pretty daughter, raised like a tender cabbage, turn into a big white radish after marriage.

However, thinking about it from another angle, getting fatter wasn't without benefits.

At least in the future, if Sima Jiao lost his kingdom and she became an unrecognizable fatty, she wouldn't be called a femme fatale. Those old men also wouldn't shake their heads and lament that Sima Jiao ruined the country over a beauty, but would squarely face that the main reason for his downfall was because he was too self-destructive.

It's not about being fat or not at all! Seeing his daughter's complete lack of self-awareness, Prefect Liao sighed and said earnestly: "Tingyan, your father will be returning to Hexia soon. Remember, don't be arrogant when enjoying glory and wealth, and don't be disheartened if you fall from grace in the future. No matter what, living well is the most important..."

Her father's eyes practically had "Dating the emperor won't end well, daughter, you must remain composed no matter favor or humiliation, take care" written in them. Liao Tingyan laughed.

She chose to come to Sima Jiao's side precisely to let herself and this father live well. She never thought about exchanging tender feelings with Sima Jiao. With Sima Jiao's personality, it was uncertain if he could even love someone. Him treating her so well also wasn't necessarily because of love.

In any case, she didn't want to dwell on this issue. She just wanted to live well in this world, preferably continuing to be a carefree fatty with a bigwig's protection like now. Frankly, who wouldn't want a life like this?

Prefect Liao continued nagging: "Also, there's no one to look after you in Luoyang. You need to be clever and have more wits about you..."

Liao Tingyan: "Father, the palace doesn't lack for clever people. Everyone has plenty of schemes. I'm fine the way I am."

After all, Sima Jiao had personally admitted that he liked this kind of ordinary, guileless, innocent and cute silly girl. If being dumb enough could gain Sima Jiao's favor, Liao Tingyan understood why in the original story, Sima Jiao also kept the female lead by his side for so long.

Wait a minute, doesn't this indirectly confirm the tragic fact that she actually has about the same intelligence as the original female lead? And her treatment being several levels higher than the original female lead, does that mean her IQ is also several levels lower than her?!

...This blind tyrant, he should just lose his kingdom.

Before long, Prefect Liao set off to return to Hexia. Liao Tingyan specially went to see him off. Wearing a cloak, she watched the distant carriages and horses leave from afar in the cold wind, exhaling a breath and rubbing her hands.

Sima Jiao beside her took her hand. His hand wasn't much warmer than the winter ice and snow. Liao Tingyan shivered but didn't let go. Instead, she naturally held his hand in return. "Your Majesty, let's go back."

Sima Jiao observed her expression. "If you can't bear to part, I'll decree for your father to come serve as an official in Luoyang. What official position do you want him to take?"

Liao Tingyan shook her head. "No need. Father has spent most of his life in Hexia. Almost all his efforts are there. He won't be used to moving anywhere else. Just let him spend his retirement in peace in Hexia."

Sima Jiao said again: "Your family doesn't have any close relatives either. Otherwise, I can have them come to Luoyang to serve as officials."

Here it comes, a must-have for a muddleheaded ruler - when favoring a beauty, he has to promote her family members too. The so-called 'when one attains the Dao, even his pets ascend to Heaven'. Nepotism has always been a staple of ancient palace life.

Liao Tingyan curled her lip, not taking it seriously at all. "Forget it. Although there are relatives, there was unpleasantness in the past due to my mother's matter. My family doesn't have much contact with the main family. There are no relatives we're close to."

Sima Jiao was at a loss, feeling that the consort beside him was like a turtle that gave people no openings.

"Then is there anything else you want?" Sima Jiao stared at her.

Liao Tingyan: "..."

Sima Jiao's personality of hating someone to death but loving them to life was truly demonstrated to the fullest at every moment. He wasn't comfortable if he didn't give her something every day, to the point that she now almost saw money and valuables as dirt. She even found a large expanse of gold dazzling to the eyes. This was such a luxurious experience.

Discovering that Liao Tingyan no longer liked those treasures as before, Sima Jiao started thinking of other things.

One day, Sima Jiao came to ask with quite some interest: "How about I build you a terrace?"

Liao Tingyan: "...Terrace?" What terrace, the kind of terrace where if she couldn't take it anymore one day and jumped off to end her life, she'd definitely splatter into a puddle of mud?

Sima Jiao smiled: "A hundred-foot tall terrace, built right in the middle of the palace. From up there, you can take in the scenery of the entire capital. How about it? Don't you like enjoying the views?"

Liao Tingyan: Crap, this sounds so familiar. Isn't this the Star-Plucking Terrace? Seems like I'm really going to turn into Daji*. This can't be!

*T/N: Daji is a famous concubine who was known to bewitch the ruler into tragedy. The Star-Plucking Terrace was gifted to her.

"Not to deceive Your Majesty," Liao Tingyan touched her chest, her expression serious and solemn as she fabricated, "Actually, whenever I am high up, I feel dizzy, weak in my limbs, nauseous, and the higher I go, the harder it is to breathe. A doctor from Hexia diagnosed this condition as 'acrophobia,' so I fear I am not fortunate enough to enjoy the terrace."

When Sima Jiao heard her words, he found them dull and waved his hand dismissively, "Then forget it. If you can't join me to enjoy the view, there's no point in building that terrace."

He turned and went back to the front hall. Seeing a flattering eunuch approaching, he, without a second thought, ordered, "Drag him out and kill him."

Upon hearing this, the eunuch's smile turned to fear, "Your Majesty! Why—?"

His mouth was quickly covered, silencing him.

Sima Jiao sat down at his desk and casually flipped through the documents submitted by his ministers. He didn't mind people harboring little schemes to persuade him into action—if it was something he wanted to do, he would; but if he no longer wished to, then the one who made the suggestion had to die.

Another new corpse hung in front of the Taiji Hall.

In his younger days, Emperor Sima Jiao hung corpses and flayed human skins in front of the Taiji Hall, which provoked criticism from the court officials. They vehemently accused the young emperor of tyranny, and as a result, a new row of corpses hung in front of the hall that very day, the blood dripping down and staining the jade stairs.

Since then, any dissent saw more corpses hanging.

When the court officials came to the court meetings, from the other end of the Taiji Square, they could see the corpses fluttering in the wind like tattered cloth.

Approaching the hall, the strong smell of blood was unmistakable, and none could help but tremble with fear. Entering the hall and seeing the youthful face of the emperor, who looked innocent yet somber, no one dared to belittle him because of his age anymore.

Now that the young emperor had grown up, the ministers had grown accustomed to the occasional scent of blood and the bodies hanging outside the Taiji Hall.

"Some time had passed without seeing His Majesty execute and hang anyone, I thought he had changed for the better, but it seems his bad nature hasn’t," remarked one minister.

"Indeed, some even said that His Majesty had changed after he took the Noble Consort. I always said that a mere woman couldn’t influence His Majesty’s temperament, and now it proves true," said another.

"You should stop talking, unless you want to hang there too!" interjected another.

The ministers exchanged glances, seeing the fear in each other's eyes, and promptly shut their mouths.

Meanwhile, Prefect Liao, who had been summoned to Luojing for no particular reason and had only spent a few days with his daughter, was now returning to Hexia with a carriage full of gifts from the emperor. Due to these gifts, Prefect Liao's journey back was slower.

Hexia was within the territory of Gengzhou, which bordered Yaozhou, the fief of the Lord of Southern Qin. When Prefect Liao's carriage turned onto the official road leading to Yaozhou, they encountered a group of stern-looking cavalry, their armor marked with the emblem of the Lord of Southern Qin's house.

Seeing them approach rapidly, Prefect Liao willingly moved aside to avoid any mishap.

However, the group stopped near them instead. The leader, a man with a dark face, came forward with a not-so-friendly tone, pointing at their carriage, "Who is inside?"

"Our master, Prefect Liao from Hexia, just returned from Luojing," replied the coachman.

Prefect Liao, sitting upright in the carriage, fully opened the carriage curtain and frowned at the lead cavalryman, "May I help you with something?"

Hearing his identity, the dark-faced man softened his expression, dismounted, and bowed, "I had no idea it was Prefect Liao, truly sorry for the disrespect! I am Qin Yong, a military advisor of the Lord of Southern Qin, tasked with capturing a vicious thief who has fled to this area. I apologize for any offense to Prefect Liao, please forgive us!"

After the two groups passed each other, Prefect Liao watched the departing figures of the cavalry, furrowing his brow. What kind of thief required the personal soldiers of the Lord of Southern Qin to capture?

Moreover, Qin Yong, known to be a valued subordinate of the Lord of Southern Qin, seemed overqualified for capturing a mere thief.

The carriage moved on and soon passed a donkey cart by the roadside, piled high with tied bundles of fur and straw to keep off the wind and mud. A young man was resting beside it, drinking water.

Prefect Liao, looking out, felt the man looked familiar. The servant accompanying the carriage recognized the young man and explained to Prefect Liao, "Last year, when the young lady encountered bandits on the mountain path, it was this Sir Chen who rescued her and enabled her escape."

With this reminder, Prefect Liao recalled the incident. He had the carriage stop and waved to the puzzled young man, "Sir Chen."

This young man, carrying a cart of furs, was none other than Chen Yun.

—The original male lead.

Chen Yun approached, standing tall and maintaining his dignity even in the presence of a prominent figure, and bowed, "May I know why Prefect Liao has called me?"

Prefect Liao, showing a rare smile, said, "So you recognize me."

Chen Yun sincerely replied, "Who in Hexia does not know of Prefect Liao."

Prefect Liao appreciated his straightforward and unflattering demeanor, and warned him, "It seems you are heading towards Yaozhou. Just now, I encountered a group of cavalry said to be capturing a vicious thief. You are traveling alone, so be careful."

Chen Yun's eyes showed gratitude, "Thank you for the warning, I will be careful!"

After saying this, he seemed hesitant, asking, "I heard that Prefect Liao had recently been to Luojing, have you just returned?"


As Prefect Liao's caravan resumed its journey and departed, Chen Yun stood still, watching the dust trail of the departing group, lost in thought.

At that moment, a head popped out from the straw in the donkey cart behind him, a charming female voice teased, "Everyone's gone, what are you still staring at? Is that the father of the woman you love?"

Author's Note:
Ask me if Ah Jiao likes the noble concubine, and I'll tell you yes. But if you ask whether he loves her, I'll say not yet.

How to fall in love? That's something we'll have to rely on our original male lead to help with, tough as it is.

—Otherwise, what's the point of having an original male lead? He has to be useful for something, right?

The original male lead, the bearer of dramatic roles in this story.


Translations during sleepless nights. I can sleep when I'm dead! ...Please let me sleep. Happy readers keep me awake, and lots of love and a huge thank you for supporting my hobby!

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@ypeels.

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