Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Happy Ending with the Second Male Lead

Chapter 11 - Tsundere Emperor Dog × Salted Fish Queen 11

Liao Tingyan sat beside Sima Jiao, listening to the officials below arguing back and forth.

She felt that what Sima Jiao said before was indeed true - he was just here to watch the show. Even the emperor was here to watch the show, so as his human ornament, of course she was just sitting there in a daze. She couldn't understand what these people were going on about, like the reform of the official evaluation system and the ethnic groups in Yunzhou and Huizhou wanting independence.

The eunuch Jin De beside them looked at the two and found that their dazed postures had a subtle similarity. He secretly sighed in his heart - indeed worthy of being His Majesty and the Noble Consort.

"Your Majesty! The Mihe flood disaster must be dealt with swiftly by dispatching officials! This matter cannot be delayed!"

This shout in the hall woke Liao Tingyan from her daze. Hearing the four words "Mihe flood disaster", she reacted even faster than Sima Jiao, suddenly looking at the official who spoke.

That person was still describing the Mihe flood disaster, his concern overflowing in his words. The entire Mihe river was extremely long, flowing through more than a dozen prefectures. Even Hexia, where Liao Tingyan was previously located, had Mihe tributaries nearby.

However, what made Liao Tingyan react so strongly was not the flood disaster itself, but the signal it conveyed.

Liao Tingyan remembered that in the original novel, the decline of this country began with this flood disaster. Yes, even though Sima Jiao was a tyrannical emperor who loved to kill, he only killed those in the class that could have contact with him, so the lives of ordinary civilians were still alright.

The beginning of the country's demise was this natural disaster, the Mihe flood.

At first, it was only a small number of areas experiencing flooding, but the heavy rains continued and the Mihe river breached its banks one after another. Soon, all the nearby prefectures and counties were affected, with countless tragedies of families being destroyed and lives lost happening at every moment.

But the court was mired in open and secret struggles, and Emperor Sima Jiao did nothing, never caring about matters thousands of miles away, causing the situation to worsen day by day.

Not only that, by next year, there would also be droughts and small-scale plagues, adding frost to snow. Corpses would float for thousands of miles and the starved would be everywhere. Who knows how many people wouldn't be able to survive.

Only then would the uprisings of the lower class civilians gradually begin, with several forces rapidly rising - the male lead Chen Yun was one of the forces that emerged at that time. Because he was favored by the only daughter of the Lord of Southern Qin and married his daughter, who was the female supporting character in the original novel, he gained the support of the Lord of Southern Qin.

So in the end, he successfully incorporated the other small uprising forces and fought all the way to Luojing, burning down the palace and killing Sima Jiao.

This flood disaster was like a prelude. For Liao Tingyan, it was also an important time marker, just like when she encountered the male lead and realized the plot had officially begun. Hearing the four words "Mihe flood disaster", she knew that the subsequent plot developments were constantly approaching.

This made her feel nervous and anxious.

This feeling persisted even after the court session ended and she returned to the Furong Palace. In the past, Liao Tingyan always ate well, drank well, and slept well. Even if Sima Jiao tormented her, she could adjust herself. Her mentality was unparalleled.

This was the first time she was so worried. Guiye didn't know what she had encountered and carefully served her, intentionally presenting her favorite foods, but it still couldn't make Liao Tingyan's face relax.

Liao Tingyan had to be nervous. Who told her to be basically tied together with Sima Jiao now?

Originally, before entering the palace, she thought that even if she entered Sima Jiao's harem, she would be a low-key little concubine. If the original male lead really came to kill Sima Jiao in the future, she would find a chance to escape and, with good luck, might be able to successfully return to Hexia to find her biological father.

But who knew it would develop like this, directly becoming Sima Jiao's "favored consort". In this way, if Sima Jiao died here later, she would most likely have to die with him.

Sima Jiao was definitely the kind of person who, if he was going to die, would drag her to die with him.

She could almost foresee her own death, which made it impossible for her to be happy. It was like knowing you were going to die, but it wasn't imminent yet, so you could still take it one day at a time. But once this time of death was clarified, it was like a sharp sword hanging over your head, making it unbearable.

Dinner was eaten without taste. As usual, Liao Tingyan went to Sima Jiao's bedchamber to rest. Sima Jiao also quickly discovered that something was wrong with her. She was too quiet, the melancholy between her brows couldn't be hidden, unlike her usual self.

Seeing her like this, Sima Jiao's brows also slowly furrowed. He reached out and pressed on the space between Liao Tingyan's brows, forcefully smoothing out her frown. "Why do you have such an expression, did someone upset you?"

Liao Tingyan felt the space between her brows ache from his pressing, but she didn't have the heart to scold him. She forced herself to smile and said, "No."

Sima Jiao carefully observed her, narrowed his eyes in thought for a while, and suddenly said, "You seem to have lost your energy after the grand court meeting, it should be from... when the discussion of the Mihe flood began that you started acting a bit strange."

Liao Tingyan thought: Weren't you always in a daze? How did you notice such details!

She lowered her head, sat on the bed picking at her fingers, and didn't speak.

Seeing her not responding, Sima Jiao understood that it was more or less because of this reason, but he couldn't figure it out. "It's just a minor flood, it can't reach Luojing, and it's still far from Hexia. Why do you have such an expression?"

Liao Tingyan certainly couldn't explain that she had read the original novel and he was going to start losing the country because of this "minor flood". She could only casually make up a few excuses.

But with this matter weighing on her mind, she couldn't fall asleep at all that night. She kept thinking about this matter. Even late into the night, she still had no sleepiness.

This was already much later than her usual bedtime. Beside her, Sima Jiao made no movement. Liao Tingyan didn't dare disturb this lord's rare sleep and forced herself to lie there motionless.

Suddenly, in the darkness, a hand reached over and covered her open eyes. Then Sima Jiao's clear and sleepless voice came over, "You're truly so worried that you can't even fall asleep?"

Sima Jiao already had poor rest and easily woke up from dreams while sleeping. Tonight, Liao Tingyan, who always slept well, couldn't sleep, so he was even more unable to sleep.

He quietly observed Liao Tingyan for a long time, watching her frown, ponder, worry and toss and turn. The more he watched, the more irritated he felt, and couldn't help reaching out to cover Liao Tingyan's sorrowful eyes.

He always felt that there shouldn't be worry in those eyes, they should be lively and free like usual.

Liao Tingyan was startled by him, her eyelashes brushing against his palm. "Your Majesty also couldn't sleep?"

After she said this, she suddenly heard what seemed like a sigh from Sima Jiao. This was extremely rare. "Don't worry, go to sleep. I will resolve this matter tomorrow," Sima Jiao said.

What resolve? Before Liao Tingyan could figure it out, she felt Sima Jiao pull her into his embrace, pressing her head against his chest.

"Sleep now."

Liao Tingyan smelled a faint fragrance, unsure what it was, very light and unique. Being forced to lean against Sima Jiao's chest at such close proximity, after a while, Liao Tingyan gradually felt the body temperature of the figure holding her. She couldn't move at all.

Before falling asleep, she couldn't help but think that it turns out Sima Jiao does have warmth when held for a long time.

As for Sima Jiao, although Liao Tingyan had been sleeping beside him for a while, this was the first time the two had slept in an embrace. Unlike Liao Tingyan's feeling, not long after holding the person in his arms, he felt her body heat transmitting over in waves, like a warm and soft furnace in this deep autumn night, and fragrant too.

The physician who used to take care of him said that a person's body temperature comes from their blood. Liao Tingyan was so warm, the blood in her body must be scalding hot too, unlike him, with a body of filthy cold blood that could never warm up no matter what.

Sima Jiao furrowed his brows, then slowly relaxed, holding the already sleeping person in his arms a bit tighter.

Because she slept late, Liao Tingyan also woke up late that day. Sima Jiao had woken up early. He came to the east hall of Taiji Palace and first summoned Grand Protector Gao.

After hearing a few words from him, Grand Protector Gao said in surprise, "Your Majesty summoned this servant to discuss the flood disaster in Mihe? This matter is not very serious, the affected area is not considered large. Yesterday, Censor Ma had already taken charge of this matter..."

Generally speaking, once someone had been ordered to handle it, his Majesty would not inquire further. No, his Majesty usually did not inquire about many matters, especially things like this. He never cared before, so why the sudden attention this time? Could there be some hidden secret?

Grand Protector Gao secretly pondered in his heart, how could he know that the reason Sima Jiao specifically inquired about this matter was simply because Consort Liao was so worried last night that she couldn't sleep.

Naturally, Sima Jiao would not explain. He just chuckled and said, "Censor Ma, that big mouth Ma, his greedy mouth can't swallow the flood waters, but it can swallow up all the disaster relief funds allocated. He does have some ability, but he's getting increasingly brazen in his embezzlement. I usually don't want to bother with him, but since I'm going to this time, I won't use him. Directly remove him for me."

Grand Protector Gao bowed and asked, "Then who does Your Majesty plan to send to manage the flood this time?"

Sima Jiao paused and said, "Have someone release Shen Shi who has been imprisoned for two years. Promote him to Fourth Rank Water Commissioner and give him full authority to be in charge of this matter."

Grand Protector Gao was even more shocked by this. That Shen Shi offended His Majesty two years ago and was locked up. Due to his identity, His Majesty did not kill him, only intending to imprison him for life. Who would have thought he was now willing to release him.

However, that Shen Shi was indeed skilled in water conservancy and upright in character, with a good family background too. Sending him to handle this was quite suitable.

"Also have Xie Shisan of the Xie family go together with General Ling," Sima Jiao indifferently instructed.

Grand Protector Gao thought for a moment and revealed an admiring expression. "Your Majesty is wise. With these two going together, checking each other while mutually assisting, they will surely achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Everyone thought His Majesty did not attend to political affairs, but who knew he was actually well aware of everything in the court. Who could be used, who couldn't, how certain people should be used - he was clear about it all.

Unfortunately, His Majesty simply did not want to manage these matters. Such indifference had existed since he personally witnessed the great fire burning down Taiji Palace when he was a few years old.

Sima Jiao pinched the bridge of his nose, his expression displeased. "This matter still needs to be resolved quickly." Otherwise, who knows how long Liao Tingyan would worry. How troublesome.

Unrolling a piece of silk, Sima Jiao wrote with a brush, then stamped it with a seal.

"Tell Shen Shi, if he can't handle this matter well, he doesn't need to come back. Just use his body to fill the river, or else he'll only die more miserably."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Liao Tingyan didn't wake up until nearly noon. Just as she was thinking whether she had Stockholm syndrome to sleep so soundly in Sima Jiao's arms, she saw Sima Jiao striding in.

Reaching out to pinch her face, Sima Jiao said, "Don't make that bitter face anymore. I've already sent people to resolve the flood disaster."

Liao Tingyan thought: Hehe, who do you think you are? You think just because you say it's resolved means it can be resolved? You think the original plot is just fluff?

Even though as the female lead, she had changed her own storyline, she never thought she could change Sima Jiao as a person or that terrible future. Just thinking about it felt ridiculous.

An ordinary person who found it extremely difficult to support herself in another world, could she really save the world just by switching worlds?

So after Sima Jiao said those words, Liao Tingyan didn't really take it to heart. She had seen that as an emperor, Sima Jiao usually didn't handle affairs.

Saying he sent people to resolve it, what people could he send? With those officials he randomly dispatched, they might even be corrupt. How could they truly solve such a difficult problem?

But soon after, news arrived that the Mihe flood disaster had been quelled.

"This time, it was all thanks to the timely flood control by the Water Commissioner. If not for his swift action to divert the flood, the continuous heavy rains would have surely breached more levees, triggering an even greater disaster. The flood victims on both banks have now been temporarily settled. Once the floodwaters recede, they can return home."

Hearing this at the imperial court assembly, Liao Tingyan was dumbfounded on the spot.

What? The Mihe flood disaster was resolved before its impact could spread??

Then...then what about the later plot developments? The fuse leading to the disaster victims' uprising is gone?

Not only Liao Tingyan, at this moment far downstream, the original male lead Chen Yun who was still an ordinary hunter also raised the same question as her.

"The Mihe flood has been managed?" Chen Yun gritted his teeth. "The female lead's plot has already deviated, and now such an important plot point like the Mihe flood is also gone. How am I supposed to start a rebellion as the story goes now?!"


Translations during sleepless nights. I can sleep when I'm dead! ...Please let me sleep. Happy readers keep me awake, and lots of love and a huge thank you for supporting my hobby!

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