Emblem of the Phoenix

Emblem of the Phoenix

Chapter 18 - Unpredictable Dreams

The Qianwan Emperor was reading in his study when he suddenly saw Zhang Kuo standing at the door, subtly gesturing with his eyes towards the screen. Looking in that direction, he caught a glimpse of a white satin robe fluttering behind the carved screen. The Qianwan Emperor was so startled that he dropped the brush in his hand.

Zhang Kuo said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Young Master Mingde requests an audience."

The Qianwan Emperor was greatly puzzled. Mingde always avoided seeing him whenever possible, and even for unavoidable official meetings, he would put on a respectful, modest and sanctimonious appearance, only slowly strolling in after going through layers of announcements. Although it was still the emperor's world once he entered, at least the superficial formalities could not be omitted.

For the boy to be hesitating outside like this, hinting at something, it was too ambiguous.

The Qianwan Emperor tidied his sleeves, thought for a moment, then lowered his head to check himself before clearing his throat and saying, "Come in."

Mingde seemed to hesitate for a moment outside, then slowly sauntered in with his head lowered. He was wearing a white satin robe without a belt, just casually fastened with a golden pin from which hung a long, emerald tassel that swayed gently back and forth in the breeze. As the Qianwan Emperor watched him carefully walk over step by step, it was as if his own heart was being tickled by that tassel, with a bit of aching itch welling up inside.

Mingde walked up to the desk and stood there silently with his head down. The Qianwan Emperor tentatively reached out his hand, his fingertips brushing across the boy's cheek as he asked softly, "Why did you come out? Do you feel cold?"

Mingde reflexively flinched a little, but without much revulsion. The Qianwan Emperor paused for a moment, then pulled him into an embrace.

"Why did you suddenly run out here? Who upset you this time?"

The boy's thin and soft body was tightly held in his arms, fitting perfectly into the crook of his elbow with just one scoop. The scent he had been longing for day and night filled his nostrils, along with a faint medicinal fragrance that gently provoked the man's nerves.

Seeing Mingde remain silent, the Qianwan Emperor took a deep breath and asked with a smile, "If you don't tell me, how can I avenge you?"

He noticed Mingde's expression suddenly change, as if he was holding back something while looking very sad and frightened. The emperor immediately fell silent, pretending nothing had been said as he flipped through a book, all the while wondering what was going on with the boy today.

Usually he was someone who feared neither heaven nor earth, even when it came to killing consorts and harming dragon seeds. So why did he look so aggrieved today? Who on earth had upset him?

Zhang Kuo stepped forward and quietly asked, "Your Majesty, shall I have the meal served?"

The Qianwan Emperor glanced at Mingde, then nodded, "Serve it."

The Qianwan Emperor was not an extravagant person. He was used to eating coarse grains in the army and had no particular requirements for food and drink. His usual meals consisted of no more than eight dishes, one soup, and one staple food, barely enough for the palace attendants serving him to finish together, and there were generally no leftovers.

If there were any leftovers on a given day, the Qianwan Emperor might not be pleased. Today, the chef was perceptive. Upon hearing that the favored consort was accompanying the emperor in his study, he immediately increased it to thirty-eight exquisite small dishes and soups, filling up an entire table to be brought in.

Zhang Kuo took one look and said in a low voice, "Old brother, why did you make so much? Aren't you afraid of flattering too obviously?"

The chef hurriedly stuffed some loose silver into his palm, "I'll leave everything to you, Eunuch."

Zhang Kuo tossed the silver aside and returned to the study. Who knew that the Qianwan Emperor would only glance at the small food table and frown, asking, "Why is there no meat or seafood at all?"

Zhang Kuo smiled apologetically, "The chef heard that the young noble consort has just recovered and cannot tolerate meat or seafood."

The Qianwan Emperor laughed and scolded, "So I'm not going to eat then?"

Zhang Kuo turned to go convey the message again, but the Qianwan Emperor said, "Forget it, he meant well, knowing how to serve. You see to it that he's rewarded with something."

Zhang Kuo smiled and said, "Then this servant thanks Your Majesty on his behalf."

The Qianwan Emperor had one arm around Mingde while carefully picking out the bones from the perch for him with the other hand. He coaxed, "Do you want to eat it?"

Mingde shrank back a little, but took a bite, wrinkling his nose and saying, "Too fishy."

His voice was a bit hoarse. The Qianwan Emperor wanted to ask what happened, but then realized it must be from crying out too much that night, tearing his throat.

Boys this age are going through voice changes, and their throats should be well protected in the first place. Once torn, their voices may carry a bit of hoarseness for life.

The Qianwan Emperor silently picked out a chopstick-full of food for him to eat, watching intently as he swallowed it and drank half a bowl of porridge. Mingde liked to eat sour and sweet things, and kept eyeing the bowl of orange cream soup farthest away. The Qianwan Emperor patted him and said, "That's fermented, you can't eat it."

If it were before, the boy would have certainly thrown a tantrum to get back at him, maybe even making a fuss until the empress or crown prince came to rescue him. But today, he just lowered his eyelids and said nothing, obediently and pitifully.

The Qianwan Emperor couldn't resist and quickly coaxed, "Then just eat a little bit."

Mingde shook his head, "I won't eat anymore."

"Just this little bit?"

"I ate before coming."

The Qianwan Emperor thought, if you ate before coming, why didn't you refuse at all just now? Actually, if you said you didn't want it, I wouldn't have forced you.

He kissed the corner of Mingde's lips and sighed, "If only you were always this well-behaved."

Mingde avoided him slightly, but without much movement, seeming to quickly glance at the Qianwan Emperor's expression. Seeing that he didn't appear angry, Mingde cautiously gave him a small smile.

The Qianwan Emperor was stunned for a moment, then suddenly grabbed Mingde with such force that his hand was trembling imperceptibly. Mingde's brows furrowed a bit, but he didn't make a sound, just lowered his head to look at the table without saying a word.

The Qianwan Emperor felt an itch in his heart, along with a bit of pain. That strange sensation coursed through his entire body along with his pulse, making his chest throb. "Mingde," he said, his voice slightly unsteady, "you never really hated me that much, did you?"

Mingde remained silent.

"You were just upset, and once you let it out, you'd be fine, right?"

Mingde turned his head away, and then the Qianwan Emperor scooped him up in his arms. This man was very tall and strong, able to draw a giant bow without issue during battles. To him, Mingde was no heavier than a small kitten.

The Qianwan Emperor carried him a few steps to the soft golden cotton couch in the inner chamber, pressing him down onto the softest bedding. The supreme emperor, kneeling beside the couch, grabbed Mingde's chin and stared at him: "Be good, take your medicine properly, and get well. Stay here with me, okay?"

If you stay with me, this entire world is yours for the taking. The most beautiful scenery and the wealthiest palaces are all yours to enjoy. The best times and the best years are all yours to spend, as long as you stay obediently by my side, okay?

From being a concubine-born prince to the crown prince, to ascending the throne, to ruling the world, to having all directions bow down and myriad nations come to pay homage... In Li Ji's life as the Qianwan Emperor, he had never experienced the current mix of unease, apprehension, dread, and a hint of joy.

When was the last time he was happiest?

Probably that late night two years ago, the night he had the youth before him.

It was also a mix of wild joy and intoxication, always wanting to sink deep, deep into the most beautiful dream.

Mingde pursed his lips, not speaking for a very long time. Li Ji waited patiently like this, letting time slip away in the lingering light smoke of aloeswood incense, letting the daylight gradually turn to dusk. In a daze, just a glance seemed to span years.

Mingde moved slightly, lowering his head and carefully, with the weak timidity of a newborn cub, tentatively kissed the Qianwan Emperor's forehead.

It was just a pure contact without any hint of lust, but the Qianwan Emperor felt his whole body ignite. That suppressed fire suddenly consumed this emperor in his prime, as if he couldn't even think anymore.

The Qianwan Emperor pressed Mingde down on the couch and frantically kissed down the skin of his temples, not even sparing the small, tender patch of skin behind his ears. The wonderful pleasure from memory surfaced from the depths of his heart, carrying a sweeter taste than the usual violence.

"Mingde, Mingde," The Qianwan Emperor sighed, "why do you always hurt yourself, why do you always protect others... Can't the two of us start anew..."

Suddenly he heard a faint and restrained sobbing, gradually seeping out from the quiet room like cracking ice.

"Why are you crying?"

The Qianwan Emperor used his hand to wipe away a bit of moisture from the corner of Mingde's eyes. Thinking his hands were too rough, he carefully used the Xiang silk by the pillow to gently wipe his face. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"...Can you... can you not kill the crown prince..."

The Qianwan Emperor suddenly froze. Mingde really wanted to suppress his sobs, but he couldn't control it, his voice almost broken.

"If you want to kill them... I can't stop you... but if I behave... can you not kill them... don't, don't kill them..."

The Qianwan Emperor was frozen in place for a long, long time.

...Haven't I endured them for so long because of you?

If not for you, what other reason would there be for them to still be alive now?...

The Qianwan Emperor slowly embraced Mingde, forcefully burying his crying face into his own chest. The boy hiccupped, each broken tone like a sharp knife, viciously cutting into his heart.

A long time ago, when the Qianwan Emperor was still a concubine-born prince, he had seen his father the Emperor dote on Consort Wang, the mother of Prince Dongyang. That was truly the favor of three thousand concentrated on one, outshining all other palace beauties. Even if Consort Wang coughed once, countless people would kneel at her feet to serve her with utmost care, afraid of slighting her in the least.

For a long time, he always had a thought. If he found the one he loved and favored the most, he would definitely make her the Empress. He would pile all the wealth and beauty in the world at that person's feet for them to pick and choose, to spend as they wished. He wanted to let the one he loved and favored the most to never suffer the slightest grievance. He wanted to let that person stand at the most noble height in the world, with no one able to defy their words or actions.

However, now, the one he loved the most, aggrieved, docile, wanting to speak but not daring to, bearing illness and a weak body, carefully retracting all sharpness, fearfully yet suppressing that fear to beg the lofty emperor to not hurt them anymore.

That person could no longer endure any more harm. Even a bit of slight pain could take their life.

The Qianwan Emperor continuously kissed the corners of Mingde's eyes, kissing away his tears, constantly coaxing in a low voice: "It's alright... it's alright... I won't kill the crown prince, how could I kill him, I'm just teaching him a lesson..."

Mingde sobbed and asked: "Will you forbid me from going to Jiangnan?"

The Qianwan Emperor paused, then said softly: "No, you can go wherever you want."



Just like that night two years ago, he asked: Will you kill me?

How did he answer at the time?

...Oh, he said: No.

He asked again: Really?


The Qianwan Emperor closed his eyes, his heart aching and spasming as if viciously cut apart by a knife.

He should have said then: Really no, I will cherish you, love you, not let you suffer the slightest grievance, no one can bully you...

But he didn't say that. He only said: I won't kill you, I really won't kill you.

... Won't kill you, but might torture you alive until you wish you were dead but can't die...

That promise from the emperor to his beloved was so cruel, like a heavy shadow that loomed over Mingde for two whole years. It made him live cautiously, extremely vigilantly, fearing that he could be torn apart at any moment, devoured alive without even a single bone remaining.

Mingde slowly fell asleep. The Qianwan Emperor carefully laid him down and tucked in the blanket corners, then turned and strode out.

Zhang Kuo was waiting outside. As soon as he saw the emperor come out, he immediately knelt down.

The Qianwan Emperor walked out with big strides while coldly saying: "Lift the lockdown on the Eastern Palace and arrange the crown prince's wedding as soon as possible."

Zhang Kuo lowered his head: "Yes."

"Also, arrest and interrogate everyone in Qingzhen Palace."

"Your... Your Majesty?"

"I want to know," The Qianwan Emperor's face was almost twisted, "-- exactly who has been wagging their tongue in front of Mingde!"


The Eastern Palace was sealed off overnight and reopened overnight. The crown prince, who was awaiting punishment, suddenly regained his freedom. The emperor decreed that someone had falsely accused the Eastern Palace and ordered a thorough investigation.

At the same time, because the crown prince was obsessed with Buddhism and such matters, the emperor sternly admonished him and ordered the palace servants in the Eastern Palace to be replaced.

"Madam! Madam!" The personal maid rushed into the exquisite moon door of the inner chamber of Chunman Palace and threw herself on the ground: "Madam! It's terrible! It's terrible!"

Ding Zhaorong's hand shook, and the ivory precious comb she was holding to comb her hair snapped with a crack. The beautiful face in the bronze mirror darkened. She threw the comb heavily on the ground: "What are you yelling about! Who knows how many years I'll have to wait for you to come back and inform me!"

The maid nodded timidly: "Madam, the emperor... he no longer wants to depose the crown prince!"

Ding Zhaorong was so shocked that she gasped. She quickly covered the maid's mouth: "What are you yelling about? If someone finds out, do you still want to live?"

"Madam! This is bad. The emperor said he wants to arrange the crown prince's wedding soon! The bride is the daughter of the Xia family! When Madam's father, Lord Ding, heard about it, he scolded those few followers!"

Ding Zhaorong sat in a daze for a while, then said through gritted teeth: "I thought that with Xia Zhaoyi dead, the Xia family would no longer be able to gain a foothold in this rear palace. Who knew they had this plan - the elder sister who was a concubine making way for the younger sister to become the crown prince's principal wife. Won't the crown prince's principal wife be the future empress... That old fox Xia Zheng is really scheming!"

The maid crawled a few steps on her knees and hugged her leg: "Madam, the emperor must be deliberately keeping the Xia family to oppose our Ding family. Otherwise, why would he issue a secret decree to Lord Ding and then take it back? I heard he was very angry when he took it back. The people in the imperial study said the emperor hasn't summoned any concubines to serve him these past few days. Madam, you..."

Ding Zhaorong clutched her chest and suddenly swayed unsteadily.


The maid hurriedly supported her, but Ding Zhaorong paid no heed. A vague, terrifying thought gradually formed in her mind, making her tremble all over with an indescribable chill.

... That strange boy who stood up for the empress that day in the empress's Jing'an Hall actually bore some resemblance to the empress...

Not everyone has the courage to step forward at that moment, clearly serving tea to send off guests and drive away the emperor...

And the Qianwan Emperor's attitude towards that boy was unexpectedly ambiguous, unexpectedly... crazy!

That kind of crazy possessiveness and desire to take was not an emperor's attitude towards a little plaything or an ordinary entertainer. It was simply a man declaring his initiative and ownership! No emperor would take such a stance towards his concubine or pet!

Ding Zhaorong's trembling fingers gripped the ivory gold-inlaid dressing table, her face pale and covered in cold sweat. Yes, she had seen such men before. The previous emperor loved the empress to death, hated her so much that he wanted to stab her to death with his own hands, but when he loved her, he wished he could pile all the world's treasures at the phoenix seat's feet for her to squander at will.

Wasn't it the same that night? A boy not yet of age, the Qianwan Emperor was vicious enough to torture him to death in bed, but afterwards? Didn't he still cherish him, dote on him, and carefully hide him in his arms like a treasure?

"Madam?" The maid shook her in a panic. "Madam?"

Ding Zhaorong hurriedly coughed and forced herself to remain calm: "It's nothing. During the crown prince's confinement, did the empress plead with the emperor for leniency?"

The maid smiled apologetically: "How would the empress dare to provoke the tiger? Of course she stayed in Jing'an Hall every day, chanting scriptures and praying to Buddha."

Ding Zhaorong nodded, remaining silent.

When she was still a young lady at home, she heard from her sister, the noble consort, that the empress was nothing more than an old palace maid who had grown old in the palace without any imperial favor. It was common for the emperor to not see the empress for many days in a row.

But... why was it that such an empress who had neither imperial favor nor maternal family... still sat steadily in her position as empress? Even the grave crime of being childless couldn't pull her down from the most honored position among women in the world?

Did the emperor really dislike the empress?

The boy who resembled the empress, the Qianwan Emperor's strange and ambiguous attitude, the unparalleled yet unknown imperial favor, the empress who nearly faced dethronement yet remained unshakable... All the seemingly ambiguous details intertwined in her mind.

Ding Zhaorong suddenly grabbed her hair and buried her head deeply. She did not believe that the Qianwan Emperor would truly abandon the idea of deposing the Empress and the Crown Prince for the sake of doting on a young boy. This was unimaginable for any emperor in the history of dynasties. All the clues pointed to one thing - the Qianwan Emperor was not as indifferent to the Empress as the palace rumors suggested.

In fact, he deeply loved the Empress who had not borne him any children. Even a young boy who bore a slight resemblance to the Empress would receive profound imperial favor. It was just that the affection between the Emperor and the Empress had not been openly expressed.


Heya! I'm Leafy. My passion for stories is matched only by my love for the outdoors. As I translate, I draw inspiration from the tranquility of nature. Whether I'm translating or tending to my garden, I'm always finding new stories to share with you.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@yfael.
