Emblem of the Phoenix

Emblem of the Phoenix

Chapter 11 - Every Word Breaks My Heart

The Empress's hands trembled uncontrollably as the blade slid across Mingde's delicate neck. From the Qianwan Emperor's angle, he could clearly see the blood droplets sliding down the dagger's groove.

The Qianwan Emperor took a step forward, but the Empress pressed the blade down. "Your Majesty! Don't come any closer!"

Blood suddenly gushed out. Even Li Ji, an emperor who had faced life and death on the battlefield and galloped across the fields of war, felt his legs go weak for a moment. He then stopped in his tracks. "What... what are you doing?"

"I beg you to release him," the Empress said clearly, word by word. "I can wrong my own nephew for a time, but I cannot watch him die at your hands!"

"Do both of you, the Empress and the Crown Prince, no longer wish to hold your positions?"

"The position of Empress can be given up. If the Crown Prince is no longer the heir, he can still live as a commoner. If the Crown Prince must use his brother's life as the price to seize the throne, then it's better not to have it!"

The Qianwan Emperor pointed at the Empress, speechless, slowly nodding his head. "Very well... well done..."

Kill Mingde?

It would be less painful to directly carve out the flesh from Li Ji's heart.

The Qianwan Emperor took a deep breath and said calmly, "Releasing him is possible, but there is no precedent for releasing an official's son without going through the imperial examinations."

"I believe Your Majesty has a way..."

"I have no way," the Qianwan Emperor said, his expression unusually calm. "I think what the Empress hopes for is for your nephew to safely go to some warm place in Jiangnan to be a minor official, not to have him face the gossip and slander of the entire court and become a frontier governor somewhere. Apart from going through the normal channels, I have no other way to prevent the senior officials at court from becoming suspicious."

The Empress hesitated for a moment.

"The spring examination," the Emperor said from on high. "The Crown Prince's wedding will be preceded by an additional examination of grace. The spring examination will be held early. If he passes, I will let him go. If he doesn't pass..."

"What if he doesn't pass?"

The Qianwan Emperor looked at her with pity. "Your nephew composed the Capital Rhapsody at the age of fifteen. Could he not even pass an examination of grace?"

Shangguan Mingde only heard a buzzing sound in his ears. Something cold was pressed against his neck, as if it would freeze even his blood.

Then that thing left. The Emperor's footsteps retreated, and a woman embraced him, choking with sobs. "Mingde! Mingde! ...My child, you must pass the exam, you must leave this place..."


"I'm here, I'm here!"

"...Empress," Mingde opened his eyes slightly and smiled faintly. "...The Crown Prince no longer wants his position, does he?"

The pearl on the Empress's forehead swayed as she shook her head excitedly. "As long as you live, you will have everything. If you die, it means he was never meant to be the Crown Prince in the first place!"

"You're wrong," Ming Ming said softly. "You shouldn't force him."

For a moment, the Empress did not react to who he was talking about. Then Mingde stared at her and said in a low voice, "Li Ji."

In the entire empire, perhaps only Shangguan Mingde would directly call out that man's name. In bed, in the hall, in court, in front of others, in private, when cursing, no matter when, he was not bound by any hierarchy or status.

"Empress, I may pass the spring examination and be released, and the position of Crown Prince may not be touched for the time being. But what about later? In half a year? In a year? Two years, three years, and after that? ...If one day news comes that Shangguan Mingde died of a sudden illness while in office, will you believe it or not?"

The boy's low, hoarse tone was so calm that it was even cruel. The Empress's long, luxurious false fingernails covered her lips, her eyes frightened and uneasy.

"When I 'die', the Crown Prince's position will be unstable... The Crown Prince, he is not someone who can govern the country. What will happen to you when he loses the position of Crown Prince? What will happen to me?"

The Empress suddenly stood up and paced back and forth in the room like a trapped beast, abruptly stopping. "Even if I take the Crown Prince to live in seclusion in the Cold Palace for the rest of our lives, at least His Majesty will not kill you. He will not deliberately want you dead. After all, he still likes you very much..."

"I don't believe it."

Mingde took a deep breath, staring at the Empress's face, and said word by word, "I don't believe it at all."

The Empress looked at Mingde's profile in the shadows, half light and half dark, with exquisite coldness and scars.

The veins on the back of the Qianwan Emperor's hand bulged, then clenched tightly into a fist.

He stood at the door of the great hall, which was ajar, with Zhang Kuo kneeling silently behind him. The long corridor, laid with a large red carpet, was lit by majestic palace lanterns flickering with a golden-red light.

After two years of intimacy, teaching him poetry and songs with one hand and military strategy with the other, stuffing him like a duck and training him to become a martial arts expert, watching him grow up without blinking an eye, noticing even if his hair grew a little longer. In the end, what the child had in mind was nothing more than those three words - I don't believe it.

He doesn't believe I won't kill him.

He doesn't even believe I like him.

That night two years ago, the young man who woke up from a nightmare shrank back in fear, avoiding the embrace of the emperor of this dynasty. Li Ji tried to comfort him, tried to calm him down, but he failed. The young Shangguan Mingde trembled and hid deep in the huge dragon bed, his voice barely audible as he asked, "...Are you going to kill me?"

"...I won't kill you."



How could I possibly kill you, the Qianwan Emperor thought slowly. I like you so much, I won't let you go for a moment, how could I possibly want to kill you...

Zhang Kuo suddenly looked up and saw the Qianwan Emperor's fingers supporting the wall, slowly sliding down, leaving five long finger marks on the hard wall.

As an emperor, Li Ji had let down many people. He was not the original crown prince; the previous emperor favored Prince Dongyang Jinyuan, and had intended to make him the heir apparent instead.

After much difficulty, Li Ji finally entered the Eastern Palace, but his birth mother was poisoned by the then empress, now empress dowager. Yet, the previous emperor said nothing, and even Li Ji himself could not utter a word. It was only after the previous emperor's passing that he ascended the throne.

However, his Empress had an affair and gave birth to an illegitimate child, causing a huge scandal. In the ten years since his enthronement, there was not a single person by his side who truly understood him. In this endless and lonely life of wealth and status, the only thing that added a bit of color was personally leading the troops into battle.

Leading the troops thousands of miles away, he still had to guard against the court officials' infighting in the capital, the empress instigating the crown prince to rebel, and Prince Dongyang Jinyuan rising in rebellion to make a comeback.

Yes, he had killed many and let down many; he was ruthless, cruel, and merciless. History books would not give him a good reputation. But even so, he had never let down Shangguan Mingde.

The Qianwan Emperor closed his eyes, his chiseled face bearing a hard, rock-like expression that was completely unmoved.

He strode out of the palace, with Zhang Kuo hurriedly following and asking in a low voice, "Your Majesty, are you really letting Mingde leave the capital?"

The Qianwan Emperor stepped into the imperial carriage in one stride and threw back a sentence without looking back, "After returning, issue a decree that the empress is confined to her palace from now on!"


Mingde had to stay in bed for a full half month at the suburban imperial villa before he could get up.

Madam Zhang thought that the missing illegitimate son would not return and happily said to her eldest son Shangguan Quan, "Heaven still has eyes. That eyesore of a lowly thing must have run off to fool around and got robbed and killed. At least he won't come back to obstruct our good marriage alliance with Minister Xia's family."

Madam Zhang had a harsh and overbearing personality, so the sons she raised were all meek and subservient. Shangguan Quan nodded, "Mother is right."

Who knew that a few days later, Mingde returned on his own, brought back by Prince Dongyang Jinyuan. Minister Shangguan had never seen a prince personally visit his residence, so he hurriedly brought the entire family out to kneel and welcome him at the door. From a distance, it was an impressive sight with a sea of people prostrating on the ground.

Prince Dongyang Jinyuan was the current emperor's younger brother. Although he was not made crown prince, he was still a prince with some real power. When he traveled, twelve tall warhorses led the way, followed by vermilion insignias and gongs. Fruits, money, and other items were scattered along the way. The gold-topped, purple wooden carriage pulled by four warhorses arrived at the Shangguan residence in a grand procession.

Jinyuan lifted the carriage curtain and glanced at the scene of over a hundred family members kneeling at the door. He laughed and turned to ask, "Mingde, how do you feel?"

Shangguan Mingde sat upright in the carriage, looking straight ahead with an unmoved expression, "The people admire Your Highness's grace. Mingde merely feels deep respect upon seeing it."

Jinyuan laughed and clapped his hands, "The emperor's words were not false. You are indeed a tough nut to crack."

"If Your Highness is tired of me, just throw me out of the carriage directly."

Jinyuan gave a cold laugh, "How would I dare? If not for the urgent report from the 800-mile frontline reaching the imperial study, the one sending you back would definitely be the emperor himself. Since I have taken on this important task, I must do it in grand style for you. Throw you off the carriage? If I did that, the one thrown out after returning to the palace would be myself."

Mingde stood up and bowed respectfully, "I wouldn't dare."

Seeing his demeanor, with not a single flaw, his mannerisms and tone all in line with the most perfect court etiquette, Jinyuan knew that if he could not win him over for his own use, he would definitely be a troublesome character in the future.

Jinyuan leaned over and asked in a low voice, "The emperor said you have pent-up anger and resentment in your heart. Mingde, since the emperor has had you, there has been no other in the rear palace. Where has he treated you badly?"

Where has he treated him badly?

...Wantonly taking, arbitrarily violating, restricting freedom, pleasing the emperor as he wished... Those nights of being forced to endure the "emperor's favor", is that called "treating you well"?

Jinyuan smiled, "Where has the emperor treated you badly? Tell me, and I will make it up to you. Do you want that?"

With a slap, Mingde slowly retracted his hand and coldly looked at Prince Jinyuan, whose face was now red and swollen on one side, "The previous emperor above, I will teach Your Highness a lesson on behalf of the ancestors: be strict with yourself and cherish your integrity. Your Highness need not thank me."

Jinyuan abruptly stood up and drew his sword with a clang, "Shangguan Mingde!"

Mingde said, "Why is Your Highness so ashamed of yourself?"

Jinyuan had no doubt that if he slashed down with his sword, the Qianwan Emperor would personally torture him to death. But when had a noble prince like him ever suffered such humiliation?

Just as Jinyuan was tightly gripping his sword hilt, the carriage stopped and a eunuch's shrill voice drawled, "His Highness has arrived!"

Then the guards and eunuchs on all sides passed the message down, "His Highness—" "His Highness—" "Has arrived—" "Has arrived—!"

It was earth-shattering, like several operas singing together.


Prince Dongyang Jinyuan alighted from the carriage and reached back to help Shangguan Mingde out. Minister Shangguan, who was kneeling at the front of the group by the main gate, looked up and his face instantly turned green.

How did this brat get involved with the prince? When did this happen? Why didn't any of his other sons, like Quan, have such dog shit luck?

In his entire life, Minister Shangguan had no other hobbies except for being a sycophant and working hard to climb the ranks. If he knew that his good-for-nothing illegitimate son had not only gotten involved with this prince, but also slapped this prince while quoting ancestral teachings, he probably would have fainted on the spot.

Mingde walked past Minister Shangguan and Madam Zhang with an expressionless face, pretending not to see them. His spirit was still not fully recovered, and the long ceremony passed by in a daze.

The Qianwan Emperor, not wanting to let Mingde out of his sight, sent Zhang Kuo to follow him all the way. This eunuch, holding the imperial edict, stood in front of the ancestral shrine and read in a sarcastic tone: "...Today, Mingde, the youngest son of the Shangguan family, has shown unwavering loyalty in saving the emperor in a critical moment... This has greatly comforted the emperor... Bestowing two jade ruyi scepters, a hundred bolts of palace silk, a hundred gold ingots, and a thousand taels of silver... Granting the title of a successful candidate in the imperial examination, allowing him to participate in the spring examination..."

Mingde knelt on the ground with his head bowed, looking very submissive, but with a hint of a cold smile at the corner of his lips.

That man was indeed very good at covering up the truth. A young man from an official family who happened to pass by, risking his life to save the emperor's most beloved younger brother, Prince Dongyang, and was seriously injured as a result. He was treated in the palace for half a month, unconscious, and thus the Shangguan family, who had raised such a good son, could not be notified in time.

The emperor was extremely gratified and moved, so he bestowed the title of a successful candidate in the imperial examination to this loyal minister's son, allowing him to participate in this year's spring examination.

Everything was explained perfectly, without any flaws.

After the imperial edict was read, the entire clan knelt down, and Mingde kowtowed deeply: "Your subject receives the edict!"

Zhang Kuo respectfully handed down the imperial edict, then bent down and pulled him up, whispering: "Young master, why do you have to do this? When has the emperor ever asked you to kowtow? It truly pains this servant."

Mingde didn't raise his head, his eyes respectful: "Eunuch Zhang, have the wounds from those thirty heavy beatings healed yet?"

Zhang Kuo immediately fell silent and stood aside with his hands down.

Minister Shangguan, seeing that everyone had stood up, rushed forward with a face beaming like a blooming flower, eagerly calling out: "Your Highness! This official has not seen Your Highness attend court for a long time and has missed you dearly. Unfortunately, official duties have kept me busy, otherwise I would have definitely visited Your Highness... Is Your Highness well? Were you frightened on the way? Quick, someone! Prepare a banquet!"

Prince Dongyang, looking smug and satisfied, was surrounded and led to the seat of honor. Madam Zhang's beautiful daughter, Shangguan Han, was waiting shyly on the side, offering the eighteen-year-old Nu Er Hong wine with infinite charm.

Jinyuan smiled slightly at the sight of the wine. When a daughter is born, the parents would bury a jar of Nu Er Hong wine in the ground, to be dug up when the girl gets married and served as the wedding wine. It can be said to be the most important wine in a woman's life.

He had drunk the Nu Er Hong wine of Prince Dongyang's wife at his own wedding, as well as those of several concubines. As for this fourth-rank official's Nu Er Hong wine, it was indeed a novelty.

Prince Dongyang, as if completely unaware, casually took the wine cup and directly handed it to Mingde; then he casually poured himself another cup of wine from the table, raised it and laughed heartily: "Shangguan, the prince and you have a great affinity, and I owe you much for saving me. This cup of wine is dedicated to you today!"

Madam Zhang and Shangguan Han's faces instantly turned pale, and even Minister Shangguan staggered: "Your Highness, this..."

Jinyuan raised his cup in a toast from afar: "Then the prince will drink first to show respect!" With that, he tilted his head back and downed the cup of wine he had poured for himself, smiling as he looked at Mingde.

Mingde stared at the wine cup for a while, then slowly placed it on the table and said: "Forgive your subject, Your Highness."

Prince Dongyang pretended to be surprised: "What's wrong with Mingde, are you not giving the prince face?"

Mingde said calmly: "Your subject does not drink."

Minister Shangguan strode forward: "Unfilial son! How can you speak to His Highness like that—"

"Ah, Minister, don't be like that," Prince Dongyang waved his hand to interrupt the indignant Minister Shangguan, laughing: "Mingde must not be used to such a mild wine. Forget it, the prince will accompany you in drinking some good burning liquor! This is the alcohol that northern men drink!"

With that, he waved his hand and ordered someone to bring two large jars of strong liquor, and arbitrarily poured a full bowl and forced it into Mingde's hand. Shangguan Mingde's face looked slightly unpleasant for a moment, but the corners of his eyes and brows still carried a hint of a smile.

He asked softly: "Your Highness, how come your face is flushed and radiant like the spring breeze before the wine even enters your mouth?"

Jinyuan reflexively raised his hand to touch his face, touching the spot where half of his face had been slapped red earlier.

Mingde waited with interest for the prince to explode in anger, but unexpectedly, this person's skin was incredibly thick. He laughed as if nothing had happened: "Whenever the prince sees Mingde, he can't help but feel overjoyed!"

These words were disgustingly sickening. Mingde suddenly closed his eyes, then raised his head and drank the wine dry, not leaving a single drop.

Prince Dongyang was the first to applaud: "Good! The young master has a great capacity for alcohol!" Then he tilted his head back and downed his own bowl.

Minister Shangguan was so overjoyed that he didn't know which way was which. A dignified court official, he ran to snatch the wine pot from a servant and poured another bowl. Jinyuan laughed heartily as he forcibly pulled up Mingde's hand, leading the way in draining the bowl: "Good! Good! The outstanding young heroes of our dynasty are emerging, and I'm sure we can rely on them for a thousand autumns and ten thousand generations!"

Mingde actually wasn't a complete non-drinker, but he drank little. After a bowl of burning liquor, his temples were already throbbing.

If he put down the bowl and refused to drink at this point, the prince had already said those words: this wine is to celebrate the longevity of our dynasty for a thousand autumns and ten thousand generations! If you don't drink this wine, what are your intentions?

Mingde gritted his teeth and once again tilted his head back to down the drink in one gulp, then threw down the bowl: "Forgive your subject for taking his leave, Your Highness."

With that, he turned to leave, but who knew that Prince Dongyang's thick skin was unmatched. He stepped forward, grabbed him, and dragged him back: "Hey, everyone is drinking happily, where are you going, Mingde? If you leave, it means you're not giving the prince face! Someone! Someone come pour the wine!"

Zhang Kuo, seeing Mingde's expression, felt that something was amiss and stepped forward to say softly: "Your Highness, this..."

Prince Dongyang waved his hand: "In ancient times, people bit their fingers and made blood oaths, and they had to drink three bowls of wine. Mingde drinking two bowls doesn't count for much! Come, come, come, today we must drain this cup!"

Mingde stumbled a step as he was pulled, and said in a low voice: "Your subject does not wish to form an alliance with Your Highness."

Prince Dongyang laughed, his voice low and strange: "Mingde, would you rather be content to be beneath others, gaining favor through your looks, than to emulate Wei Zheng and become a founding minister of the state?" The wine had settled deep in Mingde's heart, making him feel a bit out of breath. But when he heard the other person speak, he suddenly felt that the low, husky voice sounded oddly familiar.


Heya! I'm Leafy. My passion for stories is matched only by my love for the outdoors. As I translate, I draw inspiration from the tranquility of nature. Whether I'm translating or tending to my garden, I'm always finding new stories to share with you.

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@yfael.
