Death Progress Bar

Death Progress Bar

Chapter 79 - Results

After two days, Uncle Long finally came up with a preliminary treatment plan for Lian Jun.

Shi Jin flipped through the pile of nutritional recipes and phased exercise plans that Uncle Long had sent over and asked, "Is this it? No medicine or maintenance treatment? Just simply nourishing the body?"

"The initial treatment plan is just these," explained Uncle Long. "His body is a battlefield between the toxin and medication, and it won't do to not have a strong foundation."

He looked at Jun Lian and continued, "I've sent a nutrition plan to the kitchen. Starting today, they will strictly follow the menu on the plan. Since you don't like having outsiders present during treatment, I will personally oversee your exercise routine. Young Master Jun, you better prepare yourself mentally because the process of exercising will not be easy. But if you want a healthy body, it's necessary to get moving. There's no bargaining on this."

Unlike what Uncle Long had imagined, this time Lian Jun was very cooperative and nodded obediently instead of resisting treatment like before. He only added, "Please have the kitchen separate my meals from Shi Jin's. He is in good health and doesn't need to eat the nutritious meals with me."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Long glanced over at Shi Jin and said, "Okay, I will instruct the kitchen to do so. Also, there is something I must solemnly remind you of."

Shi Jin was suddenly nervous at his serious tone and hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

Uncle Long's gaze swept back and forth between the two of them before saying, "Indulging in pleasure is a big taboo for maintaining the body. I know you are both at the age where your blood is boiling and you may not be able to resist, but during this special period, you must resist even if you can't. Once a week, no more, and if you really can't resist, I suggest you sleep in separate rooms."


Shi Jin accidentally tore off a corner of the treatment plan.

Lian Jun slid over and blocked Shi Jin behind him, looking at Uncle Long and saying, "There's no need to sleep in separate rooms. We have self-control. Uncle Long, you've worked hard these past two days, so go rest in your room."

They actually kicked him out directly. Uncle Long snorted and glanced at Shi Jin, who had a stiff expression behind Lian Jun. He still stubbornly said, "Why be so thin-skinned about it? Learning medicine is the best way to build courage and psychological resilience. Some people just don't have a clue."

Shi Jin snapped out of his stiffness and looked at Uncle Long seriously, saying, "Have you ever heard a saying?"

Uncle Long frowned, realizing there was a trap ahead, but still stepped into it and asked, "What saying?"

Shi Jin enunciated each word clearly, "Advising someone to learn medicine is like asking for a thunderbolt from the sky."

Uncle Long: "......"



Uncle Long slammed the door and left, very angry.

Shi Jin covered his chest and looked at Lian Jun, his brow furrowed and his tone uncertain, "It seems like nobody likes me going to the police academy. Is it really such a terrible choice?"

Although he really wanted to stick to his career and continue pursuing his dreams, if applying to the police academy would really cause trouble for everyone, he could grit his teeth and change his choice to attend a regular university.

...Anyway, after graduating from university, he could still take the civil service exam.

"It's okay." Lian Jun pressed his forehead and gently advised, "It's not a problem. Uncle Long hopes you study medicine so that you can take care of me in the future, but that's too unfair to you. Just study what you like and don't worry about what others think."

Shi Jin pulled his hand down, wanting to ask if Lian Jun wanted him to apply to the police academy, but the words were swallowed back because he knew that if he asked, Lian Jun's answer would definitely be the same - just do what you like to do.

With a soft look of tolerance from Lian Jun, his heart melted and he couldn't help but embrace him, saying, "Lian Jun, I'll exercise with you. I want to see you get better."

Lian Jun hugged him back, stroking his back and nodding, "Okay." Although deep down, he didn't really want Shi Jin to see him in a disheveled state while exercising.


Uncle Long was always efficient in his work, and that night, he had already prepared the exercise room specifically for Lian Jun to use. It was also on this night that Shi Jin and Lian Jun began their separate lives of eating at the same table but with their own dishes.

"It feels like we're fighting and living separately," Shi Jin muttered as he ate, his eyebrows furrowed tightly.

Lian Jun warned him with a glance and said, "Don't talk nonsense." So, Shi Jin kept his mouth shut and glanced at the delicious food in front of him, then looked at the watery soup in front of Lian Jun. He felt frustrated and buried his head, speeding up his eating.


The next morning, Shi Jin pushed Lian Jun to the gym and accompanied him to exercise.

It was said to be exercise, but it was just walking slowly around the gym. However, for Lian Jun, who experienced unbearable pain with every step, this seemingly easy exercise was nothing short of torture for him.

Uncle Long was already waiting in the gym when Lian Jun arrived. He first arranged for him to lie down on the dedicated massage bed, carefully massaging and warming up his legs. Then he helped him put on the specialized medical equipment and guided him to the wall railing in the gym, saying, "Try to walk a little longer, endure the pain for now. Your leg muscles must be activated, and this part cannot be neglected."

Lian Jun nodded and held onto the railing, unable to resist turning his head to look in the direction of Shi Jin.

"I'll go play mahjong on the side, you exercise and call me when you're done." Shi Jin saw him looking over and quickly adjusted his expression, taking out his tablet and waving it at him.

Suppressing his worries, he turned his back and walked to a nearby resting chair, sitting down facing Lian Jun and pretending to focus on playing mahjong. Upon seeing the relaxed expression on Lian Jun's face, Uncle Long nodded and motioned for him to take a step forward. However, Shi Jin immediately turned his head and looked at them nervously, his eyes filled with worry.

Uncle Long observed their state and let out a small hum, but this time there was no trace of anger in his tone. They started with a slow walk, followed by standing in place and stretching their bodies. After an hour and a half, Lian Jun, whose clothes were now completely soaked with sweat, finally finished today's exercise and sat back in his wheelchair with the help of Uncle Long.

"Better than expected. Although there were a few close calls, you managed to stay steady in the end," Uncle Long said with a rare smile on his face. "I thought you would struggle with the first stage for a while, but you managed to meet the standard on the first day. Well done."

Shi Jin perked up his ears and breathed a sigh of relief at the words. However, his gaze remained glued to the tablet, pretending to be fully focused on playing mahjong instead of secretly watching Lian Jun throughout the entire time.

Lian Jun wiped the sweat off with a towel and said, "It's thanks to Shi Jin."

This was the truth. If it weren't for Shi Jin keeping an eye on him every day this year, making sure he ate well and even giving him massages and leg rubs every night, often accompanying him for a walk in the room to exercise, he wouldn't have been able to endure today's workout.

Shi Jin couldn't pretend any more. He put on a look of just coming back to reality from a game and said, "Who called me? Oh, Young Master Jun, is your workout over? I was too focused on the game and didn't notice anything. Hold on, let me finish this round first." He then made a false win and entrusted the game to the system before standing up as if nothing had happened.

Uncle Long looked at Shi Jin speechlessly. He had never seen such a terrible acting performance after spending so long in Annihilation.

However, Lian Jun couldn't help but laugh. He waved at Shi Jin and said, "Come on, I want to take a shower."

"I'll help you!" Shi Jin quickly put down his tablet and ran over to Lian Jun, patting his sweaty hair before turning to help him onto his wheelchair. He greeted Uncle Long and pushed Lian Jun towards the built-in restroom in the gym.

Uncle Long watched the two leave and couldn't help but laugh, muttering, "Two stinky kids."


After the workout, Lian Jun's legs trembled uncontrollably for a long time. Shi Jin worriedly stood by, watching Lian Jun calmly read documents. He was so anxious that he imagined dragging Xiao Si around in his mind until the trembling in Lian Jun's legs disappeared and he finally calmed down.

Before bed, Uncle Long found Shi Jin and whispered to him for a long time. In the middle of the night, Lian Jun was awakened by a sudden pain in his leg. He reached out and suspected it was a cramp.

He glanced at Shi Jin, who was sleeping peacefully beside him, and gently sat up. He wanted to get out of bed and massage his leg to relieve the pain. However, as soon as he moved his body, he heard some movement from Shi Jin's side.

"What's wrong?" Shi Jin opened his eyes in a daze, and reached over to hug Lian Jun's waist.

Lian Jun paused his movement and looked at Shi Jin's sleepy face. He reached out and touched his hair, saying, "It's okay, go back to sleep. I just need to go to the bathroom."

"Mm..." Shi Jin responded with a sound, slowly releasing his arm from Lian Jun's embrace. Under his touch, his consciousness slowly dissipated, and he fell back into a peaceful sleep.

Lian Jun endured the pain for a while, making sure that he had fallen asleep again before carefully retracting his hand and gently moving his leg back to its original position. Suddenly, Shi Jin opened his eyes with a start, looking like he had been startled by something.

He sat up and rubbed his face before leaning over to Lian Jun's side and lifting the blanket to examine his leg. As he gently massaged it, he asked, "Is it hurting or cramping? Which leg is it?"

"I'm fine," Lian Jun wanted to hide it from him.

"It's both hurting and cramping, isn't it?" Shi Jin didn't fall for it. He rubbed his face again to fully wake himself up, then climbed back to his side of the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

He reached for a medical spray from the bedside table and climbed back to Lian Jun's side, saying, "Just endure it for a bit and we'll stretch the muscle out."

When Lian Jun saw how well-prepared Shi Jin was, he couldn't help but think of the way Uncle Long had called him out for a private conversation after dinner. With a hint of helplessness in his eyes, Lian Jun decided not to hide anything and said, "It's my right leg that's bothering me."

Shi Jin promptly moved to his right side, lifted up his sleeping robe, and was about to start massaging when he suddenly stopped and pointed to his own face, saying jokingly, "I'll give you a reward for letting me stretch you out, right here."

Lian Jun's guilt was instantly dispelled by his words, and he couldn't help but kiss Shi Jin's cheek and whisper, "Thank you," in his ear.

Shi Jin scratched his ear and chuckled, burying his head to earnestly massage and stretch Lian Jun's leg. After half an hour of busyness, the pain in Lian Jun's legs finally completely subsided. Shi Jin put the spray back and lay down, holding Lian Jun in his arms, saying, "Go to sleep."

Lian Jun hugged him back, touched his back, and softly replied, "Goodnight."


In the following days, Lian Jun's legs would tremble for a while after exercising, and he would always be awakened by the pain in his legs at night. Shi Jin became more and more sensitive, and almost immediately woke up at any slight movement on Lian Jun's side at night.

Lian Jun felt sorry for him and found a suitable atmosphere to gently bring up the idea of sleeping in separate rooms with Shi Jin.

Shi Jin's expression changed suddenly, and he angrily said, "You were the one who asked me to move in, and now you want to kick me out. Tell me, are you tired of me and want to break up with me?"

As Lian Jun looked at the intentionally fierce expression on his face, he knew it was just an act. But he couldn't bear to say anything hurtful to him, so he comforted him, "We're just sleeping in separate rooms for now. You need to rest well."

"I sleep just fine. I'm the latest one to wake up at the entire club, and I even get to sleep in every day," Shi Jin said with a foolish grin on his face.

He held out a dessert menu and eagerly said, "Uncle Long said your exercise routine has been effective lately, but your diet may need some adjustments to keep up with your exercise. I asked him, and he said it's okay to occasionally have some desserts. This is a list of desserts that Uncle Long has approved. Take a look and see what you want to eat. I have some free time, so I can learn how to make them for you."

Lian Jun felt both guilty and regretful. "I'm sorry, we had plans to go on a date after returning to B city, but..."

"Do you want to go on a date? Great, let's go!" Shi Jin suddenly remembered something and slapped the dessert menu, getting up and saying, "You go ahead and approve the documents, I'll go out and buy something."

Lian Jun was taken aback and reached out to pull him, calling out, "What do you want to buy? I..."

"I'll be back soon, don't miss me too much." Shi Jin had already walked to the door, leaving behind a farewell and running out.

The study suddenly became quiet, Lian Jun's hand hanging in the air, slowly retracting. He turned his head to look at the dessert menu left by Shi Jin on the coffee table, looked around the study, and suddenly felt a little lonely.

He was used to always being in the position where Shi Jin could see him with just a glance, unable to be driven away or coaxed away. Now that Shi Jin had suddenly left, he was feeling a bit empty inside. He turned back to his desk and picked up some documents, hoping to shift his focus to work. However, he couldn't concentrate on a single word for a long time, and in the end, he couldn't resist taking out his phone and calling Shi Jin.

The phone was quickly answered, and Shi Jin's energetic voice came through, saying, "Number Nine will accompany you instead of me. If your leg is uncomfortable, remember to say so. Don't endure it, let Number Nine help you call Uncle Long."

"Where are you?" he asked in a low voice.

Shi Jin replied, "In the garage... Number Two, over here... Do you want to buy anything? I'll bring it back for you."

In the distance, Number Two's voice could be heard faintly, filled with complaints: "Always ordering people around. You better hurry up and get your driver's license, what are you dragging me around as your driver for. What kind of nonsense is that? Hurry up, get in the car, and let's go."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," replied Shi Jin in a muffled voice, before his voice became clear again. "Young Master Jun, I'm in the car now. We'll talk later." With that, he hung up the phone.

Lian Jun listened to the busy tone on his phone for a while before finally putting it down. He lowered his head and looked at his useless leg, pressing his hand against his forehead.

Well, it's no surprise Shi Jin, who was only eighteen or nineteen years old, would feel bored being cooped up in the club all day.

Meanwhile, in the car, Shi Jin put down his phone and began rummaging through his pockets.

As Number Two drove away from the club, he casually asked, "What do you want to buy? Do you want to go to the nearest mall?"

"I'm not buying anything," Shi Jin replied, pulling out two cards from his pocket and holding them out in front of him. "This is my salary card and the task bonus card given to me by Young Master Jun. There's probably close to a million yuan in there. I want to use this money to book a completely safe place in B city for a date with Young Master Jun. Where do you think would be the best place to book?"

Number Two slammed on the brakes and turned to look at Shi Jin, surprised. "A date? What kind of date?"

"Just the most ordinary kind of date, like eating, watching a movie, going to an amusement park, playing games, and walking around," Shi Jin replied, his eyes filled with anticipation.

He then extended the cards forward and said, "Is this enough money? If not, can you lend me some?"

Number Two looked at him with a strange expression, and couldn't help but roll his eyes and push his hand away. He restarted the car and said, "You really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve... a date, huh? Alright, I'll take you to check out some spots today. There's more than just one club and one nursing home in B City. Get ready to be dazzled."


When Shi Jin left, it was a whole day. Lian Jun exercised alone, ate lunch alone, took a nap alone, processed documents alone, and played two rounds of mahjong alone. It wasn't until before dinner that he finally saw Shi Jin, who was carrying a bunch of things.

"Where did you go to play?" He closed the losing game on his tablet and asked as he put it down. Without noticing the low tone in his voice, Shi Jin leaned over and asked, "I went to the mall and bought you a new outfit. Do you like it?"

Lian Jun looked at the white T-shirt that Shi Jin took out of the bag and unconsciously twisted the hem of his robe on his lap. He nodded and said, "I like it."

Seeing his expression, Shi Jin suddenly put down the clothes and hugged him, kissing him passionately.

Lian Jun was stunned for a moment, then immediately hugged him back, closing his eyes and deepening the kiss with a sense of urgency and intensity.

But then Shi Jin suddenly bit him, forcing him to back off a bit. He bumped his forehead against Lian Jun's and said, "We can't rush... Uncle Long said we can only do it once a week, right?"

"So?" Lian Jun held him tightly, not letting him move away from his side. His heart, which had been empty all day, finally felt a little at ease.

Shi Jin didn't answer, he just kissed him again and again, only pulling away after a long while. He lazily leaned against him and sighed contentedly, "It's better to be by your side."

Lian Jun had been carrying a jumble of emotions all day, but with just one sentence, Shi Jin easily dispelled them. He reached out and rubbed his rosy lips, resignedly sighing in his heart, and held him even tighter.


That night, the two of them indulged themselves a little and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Miraculously, Lian Jun didn't wake up in the middle of the night with leg pain. He slept through the night, and it seemed that his body had finally adapted to the intensity of his exercise and no longer protested.

As soon as he woke up, Shi Jin felt groggy for a while before finally coming to his senses. He turned his head to look at Lian Jun beside him and found that Lian Jun had already woken up and was leaning against the head of the bed, looking at him with a smile. Shi Jin couldn't help but ask, "We don't need to sleep in separate rooms now?"

Lian Jun leaned over and kissed his eyes, replying, "You can only sleep by my side forever."


A few days later, news came from the authorities that everything had been arranged on Xu Chuan's side and they were ready to receive visitors. Lian Jun told Shi Jin about this, but after some consideration, Shi Jin decided not to visit Xu Chuan for the time being.

"Why? Are you worried about me?" Lian Jun asked. After being convicted, Xu Chuan was secretly sent to a prison in Province M by the authorities. Meanwhile, Lian Jun was taking care of his health, making sure he had nutritious meals and exercise. If Shi Jin wanted to go to Province M, he would have to temporarily part ways with Lian Jun for a few days.

Shi Jin shook his head and said, "It's not because of you. I just want to wait until Jian Jinwen and my mother's investigation yields more information before talking to Xu Chuan. He's a sly old fox, and I have to be cautious."

Upon hearing this, Lian Jun held his hand and said, "Okay, I'll urge the investigation team then."

Shi Jin nodded. Seeing that Lian Jun had no intention of continuing to look through files, he slyly pulled out a dessert menu.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, it was late June on a sunny morning when the college entrance exam results were announced. Everyone gathered around the sofa in the small living room, forming a circle to check his exam results.

Shi Jin was feeling very frustrated, his hands trembling as he entered his exam number. "Didn't they say that high school exam results would be sent directly to the guardian's phone? Why is it different for me? Now I have to face public humiliation!" he exclaimed.

"You don't have a guardian, and your household registration only has you left," explained Lian Jun, offering a helpful suggestion. "Do you need any help?"

This was truly a cruel reality.

Shi Jin took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, pressing the search button. "No, I can do it myself," he said.

And with a loud snap, the results were revealed. The sound of the keyboard being pressed echoed infinitely in the quiet living room. Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and watch as the computer screen began to jump to the next page, their breaths becoming shallow.

The query system was a bit slow, and the page took forever to load, leaving everyone on the edge of their seats.

Chinese: 130, Math: 110, English: 140, Science: 220, Total: 600...

Number Two muttered the scores once and his nervous expression slowly turned into excitement. He couldn't help but give Shi Jin a hard pat on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Xiao Jin Jin, you're amazing! You really exceeded expectations with this total score."

Xiao Si couldn't contain its excitement and let out a scream, looking like it was about to go crazy with happiness. It exclaimed, "Jin Jin, you're so amazing! You actually scored so many points!"

As Shi Jin was patted by Number Two, his body swayed. Hearing the commotion, he guessed that he had done well on the exam and finally had the courage to open his eyes and look at the computer screen. When he saw his scores for each subject and the total score, he was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. "Oh my god, is this my score? I actually passed Chinese? And I did so well on the science section?"

Shi Jin used to struggle with his grades, especially in Chinese. His Chinese scores were always on the brink of failing, and his essays were terrible, often causing Mr. Feng to yell at him and call him stupid.

But now, he couldn't believe his eyes. Did a miracle just happen? He actually did so well on the Chinese section of the college entrance exam!


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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