Death Progress Bar

Death Progress Bar

Chapter 75 - White Moonlight

It was all just speculation, and worrying about it now was pointless.

Shi Jin quickly cleared his chaotic thoughts, adjusted his mood, and happily went to the bathroom to help Lian Jun with a pre-massage warm-up.

That night, Shi Jin finally slept well, but as soon as he woke up, his mood immediately plummeted.

"How did it jump to 600? Can it just settle down?" He hugged his egg-shaped pillow and buried his head in it, feeling hopeless.

Xiao Si weakly said, "The progress bar increased in the early hours of last night. I saw that you and our baby were sleeping soundly, and the progress bar didn't increase much, so I didn't wake you up..."

"An 80 point increase all at once, that's not too much," sighed Shi Jin. He thought for a moment, then tremblingly pulled out his phone and found Shi Weichong's number. He wanted to call and ask if he had a fight with Xu Jie, but he was afraid that it would be too obvious and make Shi Weichong suspicious. So he dejectedly stuffed his phone under his pillow.

The bathroom door opened from the inside and Lian Jun rolled out in his wheelchair. Seeing that Shi Jin had changed his sleeping position and was hugging a pillow, he guessed that he was already awake. He leaned over and patted Shi Jin's back, saying, "Get up, I have a gift for you."

Hmm? A gift?

Shi Jin turned his head to look at Lian Jun.

"It's actually something that should have been given to you a long time ago." Lian Jun leaned in and reached out to touch his messy hair, explaining, "When we were on the island, I promised to help you check Shi Xingrui's letter records. But I've been busy with other things within the organization, so the investigation progress has been delayed. The data was only sent over a few days ago. I thought you were taking the college entrance exam, so I held onto the data for a few days. Now that you're done with the exam, do you want to see the data?"

Letter records?

Shi Jin was momentarily confused, but he finally remembered that he had asked Lian Jun for this favor. Thinking of the mysterious white moonlight, he suddenly became excited and flipped over to grab Lian Jun's hand, exclaiming, "Yes, yes, yes! I want to see it!"


With lightning speed, Shi Jin finished washing up and quickly downed a few bites of breakfast before taking the tablet containing the data from Lian Jun's hands.

The data was extensive and password-protected, causing Shi Jin to take a deep breath before opening it and entering the password Lian Jun had given him.

Upon opening the files, the first thing that popped up was a copy of an excellent essay with a very elementary school style. Shi Jin was taken aback and flipped through the following pages, only to find that several more were of the same type.

He was confused - weren't these supposed to be letters and records for investigation? Why were they all essays?

"Shi Xingrui erased the letters too thoroughly for the investigation team to find any clues, so they changed their approach," explained Lian Jun at the right moment. He added, "This information didn't reveal much, so be prepared. I'll have my people continue digging and send over any updates."

Upon hearing this, Shi Jin furrowed his brow but quickly relaxed and flipped back to the first page of the documents. Sure enough, he saw Shi Xingrui's name listed as the author of a primary school student's essay.

So the investigation team used Shi Xingrui's published articles as their starting point?

This direction wasn't wrong. If Shi Xingrui wanted to publish an article, he would have to submit it first, and submitting requires the use of letters.

As Shi Jin read through the essay, he gathered his thoughts and focused his attention. He carefully examined the content and publication date, and estimated that it was written by Shi Xingrui when he was ten years old and in the fourth grade of elementary school.

According to the information, this was Shi Xingrui's first published work, submitted by his teacher and eventually featured in a small campus newspaper in the city. The researchers were meticulous, even noting the name of the teacher who submitted the essay and their current situation, along with a photo.

Shi Jin glanced at the photo and recognized the teacher from Shi Xingrui's biography, but they didn't bear any resemblance to him. He quickly averted his gaze. He clicked on the next page of information and found another essay had popped up. Judging by the time, this should be the second article published by Shi Xingrui, only half a month after the first one. It was still submitted by the teacher and published in the same campus newspaper.

Shi Jin sped up his search and discovered that throughout fourth grade, all of Shi Xingrui's essays were submitted by the same teacher. This meant that during this time, Shi Xingrui had no correspondence with the outside world and all external communication was handled by that teacher.

In fifth grade, Shi Xingrui changed teachers as his previous teacher was transferred. This caused a small break in his essay publishing journey until he had a new article published in the second half of fifth grade. It was still a composition, but the place of publication had changed. It was no longer confined to the small campus newspaper, but appeared in the education section of a mainstream newspaper in the city, as an example of excellent writing in a corner of the study column.

From an unknown campus newspaper to the study column of a city newspaper, the platform for publishing Shi Xingrui's article had made a qualitative leap. Unfortunately, there was no submission information attached to this manuscript.

Without the help of his teacher, Shi Jin could be sure that the publication of Shi Xingrui's composition was definitely his own doing. However, unfortunately, Shi Xingrui had erased all the information about their correspondence, so the submission information could not be found.

Undeterred, Shi Jin held onto a glimmer of hope and continued to sift through several more pieces of material, hoping that there might be some overlooked information or archived articles at the newspaper. Unfortunately, every place he could think of had already been checked by the investigation team and even Shi Xingrui had thought of it. As a result, this part of the investigation remained a blank slate and nothing was found.

Overall, it seemed as though Shi Xingrui's articles had magically appeared on the editor's desk, with no trace of their origin. Shi Jin resigned himself to this fact and shifted his focus to other aspects of the articles. He slowly realized that it was from this point on that Shi Xingrui's path to publication became smoother and wider.

Since his first essay was published in the study section of the city newspaper in the second semester of fifth grade, Shi Xingrui's name has become a permanent fixture in the column. By the time Shi Xingrui graduated from elementary school and successfully passed the entrance exam for the city's junior high school, he had already become a well-known child prodigy in the eyes of the citizens.

After Shi Xingrui entered junior high school, his parents had to sell their property and move to the city to raise money for his tuition. They went through a difficult period, but it was during this time that Shi Xingrui's articles were no longer limited to newspapers. They were gradually noticed by some publishing houses and institutions, and were included in many textbooks and study guides.

He received a generous amount of money for his work, which helped his father get through the most difficult period after moving to the city. When Shi Jin saw this, he stopped flipping through the materials and his gaze fell on one of the coaching textbooks that included articles by Shi Xingrui.

The textbook was a specially converted electronic version, with the cover and content all faithfully reproduced from the physical book. On the introduction page at the back of this coaching textbook, there was a line that caught Shi Jin's attention - Planning Editor: Jian Chenghua.

Jian Chenghua, that name sounded familiar.

Shi Jin's mind stirred, and he quickly flipped back to the section of articles that Shi Xingrui had published in the city newspaper when he was in sixth grade.

The information sent over by Lian Jun's subordinates was incredibly detailed. It even included information on every journalist and editor who appeared in the same issue as Shi Xingrui's articles, with investigators carefully compiling their profiles. They also included the names and information of the behind-the-scenes staff responsible for that section of the newspaper. The information of the person responsible for reviewing the articles was even highlighted in red.

Shi Jin carefully searched through the list of names highlighted in red and quickly found what he was looking for - Jian Chenghua, the chief editor of the education section of the city newspaper. One was a city newspaper that regularly published articles by Shi Xingrui, while the other was a coaching textbook that included articles by Shi Xingrui.

These two seemingly unrelated things were actually under the same person's responsibility and included the same person's articles. Was it a coincidence? Or was there a deeper connection?

As Shi Jin unconsciously sat up straight and flipped through the materials, he couldn't help but pay more attention to the name Jian Chenghua. Even after entering junior high school, Shi Xingrui's articles still occasionally appeared in the city newspaper, and Jian Chenghua remained the editor-in-chief of the newspaper's education section. The two had no apparent personal relationship, and Shi Xingrui's articles were not included in the textbook.

Shi Jin furrowed his brow, feeling uncertain. Looking at it this way, the coincidence of the same person being in charge seemed to be just that - a coincidence.

He shook his head and continued flipping through the materials. After entering the second year of junior high, Shi Xingrui no longer only wrote essays. He began to gradually explore the creation of short stories and prose, and his submissions gradually expanded. He slowly accumulated some reputation and popularity in the field of education publications in China.

But even though he had already established himself in national publications, Shi Xingrui never gave up on the local newspaper. He regularly published articles, poems, and study tips in the newspaper's education column. His character as a genius and top student was well-established.

The situation continued until Shi Xingrui was admitted to the provincial high school and smoothly promoted to the second year. In the first semester of the second year, Shi Xingrui's articles suddenly stopped appearing in the city's newspapers. At the same time, Shi Jin noticed that Jian Chenghua also suddenly left the city's newspaper and entered a big newspaper in B city.

Shi Jin was suddenly alert and sighed that this Jian Chenghua was indeed problematic. Before, the coincidence of auxiliary teaching materials and newspaper staff overlapping could be explained by the fact that the education industry was just such a small place, and it was inevitable for everyone to have some cross-work.

But this, when Jian Chenghua left, Shi Xingrui stopped submitting articles to the city newspaper. Could this also be a coincidence?

Moreover, despite his utilitarian personality, which always seeks to submit his articles to larger platforms for greater benefits, Shi Xingrui still insists on submitting to the city newspaper. There must be some other reason behind this, and no one would believe otherwise!

Shi Jin couldn't resist clicking on Jian Chenghua's profile and found his photo. A picture of a middle-aged chubby man with thick glasses and a simple appearance popped up. Shi Jin's excited expression froze as he carefully examined the photo.

Disappointed, he realized that this chubby man had no resemblance to himself, and given his age, he couldn't possibly be Shi Xingrui's "white moonlight." Could he have been wrong all along?

Shi Jin furrowed his brows deeply and scrutinized Jian Chenghua's photo carefully. In the end, he couldn't deceive himself any longer. This person was definitely not Shi Xingrui's "White Moonlight". He sighed with regret and flipped through the documents.

However, as he continued to read, his disappointment grew.

Since the second year of high school, Shi Xingrui had not only stopped submitting articles to the city, but also to other publications. He had focused solely on his studies. At the same time, Shi Jin remembered that it was during this year that Shi Xingrui's father began to experience health problems and was frequently hospitalized.

This was probably one of the reasons why Shi Xingrui stopped writing articles - to take care of his father. With this realization, Shi Jin felt a sense of despair. He had already flipped through most of the documents. Shi Xingrui had wiped his correspondence records so clean that from the time he started submitting his own work in fifth grade to his temporary hiatus in his sophomore year of high school, spanning such a long period of time and so many publications, he had not missed a single piece of information. It was simply insane.

Without detailed records of their correspondence, it was incredibly difficult to find any useful information solely through Shi Xingrui's publishing history.

Shi Jin was feeling quite disheartened after sifting through such a large pile of materials, having gained nothing except for confirming something he had already suspected - that there must be a secret hidden in Shi Xingrui's correspondence records.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone through so much trouble to erase them, leaving no trace that could even be detected by forensic analysis.

Is it possible that his previous guess was correct?

Shi Jin tried to comfort himself. He lifted his spirits and opened the remaining materials.

From his sophomore year to the first half of his freshman year in college, Shi Xingrui's record of published articles remained blank. It wasn't until the second half of his freshman year that he had another article published, but since then, the content of his articles became very singular - no beautiful prose, no interesting stories, only one highly professional paper after another.

Suddenly, Shi Xingrui transformed from a literary genius who loved writing articles to an academic overachiever.

He no longer had any intersection with Jian Chenghua. Although both were in B city, one was developing peacefully in the newspaper industry while the other was writing a brilliant life story in university. They never crossed paths, as if they were two separate worlds.

Four years of college had passed in the blink of an eye. After finishing the last paper published during his university years, Shi Jin finally reached the end of this thick pile of materials. After graduating, Shi Jin had devoted himself to running his company and had not picked up a pen since.

At the end of the materials, the investigators made a special note. Since they could not find any written correspondence related to Shi Jin, they had visited his high school and middle school classmates to inquire about his letter-writing habits during his school days.

Based on the vague memories of these classmates, the investigators concluded that while Shi Jin did receive letters during his school days, they were all from newspapers and magazines. They had never seen any personal letters addressed to him.

Shi Jin put down his tablet and slumped onto the couch.

It seemed that their investigation had yielded no results. The investigation team led by Annihilation had already tried their best. Despite the lack of written records, they managed to piece together some of Shi Xingrui's correspondence through the articles he had published. But it wasn't enough. Annihilation needed more detailed information to find a clue.

Should he continue to wait for more information to surface?

He lifted his tablet and stared blankly at the last page of the data.

But if he kept waiting, there probably wouldn't be any more information. Shi Xingrui was too careful, and he couldn't bet on him leaving any clues for him to find.

Maybe he should try to extract useful information from the existing data.

He shifted his gaze and began flipping through the pages of the data one by one.

This white moonlight, if she really existed and had correspondence with Shi Xingrui, would have left some traces. When Shi Xingrui was young, he didn't have many friends due to his poor conditions, and the only way to make pen pals was through newspapers and magazines. There must be something related to his white moonlight in these materials.

Could this white moonlight be a fan of Shi Xingrui? Maybe she read his articles and started to like him, then sent him letters?

Shi Jin speculated, but shook his head after reading the last sentence of the materials. It's unlikely. If it was a fan letter, Shi Xingrui's classmates would have heard about it, and he never revealed his address on public platforms, so fans couldn't send him letters.

Could it be one of Shi Xingrui's schoolmates whom he has never met before? Someone who admires Shi Xingrui's talent and has written anonymous love letters to him, eventually winning his heart?

But that doesn't seem right either. Even if it were a schoolmate, although the letters wouldn't have to go through the postal system and could simply be slipped into his desk, with so many people coming and going at school, if this were the case, there would probably be messages flying everywhere by now.

No matter how he thinks about it, there are no clues.

Shi Jin furrowed his brow, absentmindedly flipping through the documents. As he flipped, a photo of Jian Chenghua popped up again. He instinctively fixed the photo on the screen and his attention returned to this person.

In the dossier, there was only one person who seemed to have a special connection with Shi Xingrui - a chubby man named Jian Chenghua. Despite being old enough to be Shi Xingrui's father, he looked nothing like him. However, as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, he had access to all the articles submitted to the newspaper. If he were to use the newspaper's system to write to him, it wouldn't raise any suspicion.

During Jian Chenghua's tenure as the editor-in-chief of the city newspaper, Shi Xingrui never stopped providing excellent articles to the newspaper. Even when Shi Xingrui went to the provincial capital to attend high school and his articles were good enough to be published in national publications, he still continued to write for the city newspaper, even though his identity was no longer suitable for writing articles aimed at elementary and middle school students.

This was really quite strange. Shi Xingrui was not a sentimental person. After having a better platform for development, he had no reason to not give up on the small pond that is the city newspaper and instead swim in better rivers and seas.

Thinking this way, this person really does seem to have some problems.

Shi Jin sat up and thought for a moment before walking towards Lian Jun - until he found more useful information, any information that seemed out of place was worth digging into.


Lian Jun was reviewing documents. After listening to Shi Jin's words, he took the tablet and looked at Jian Chenghua's photo.

He said, "You can ask Number Nine to check this. Number Nine can apply to log into the official system and access some basic information. This Jian Chenghua is just an ordinary person and his information is very transparent. It's easy to investigate him."

Shi Jin was overjoyed and thanked him with a kiss before picking up his tablet and heading out to find Number Nine.

It was easy for Number Nine to find information on Jian Chenghua, and it only took him a morning to gather all the details of his life. He brought his computer to Lian Jun's study to find Shi Jin, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

Upon seeing this, Shi Jin's heart tightened with both anticipation and worry. He asked, "Did you find anything?"

"We did find something..." Number Nine replied, with a face that didn't know how to express itself. He took a step forward, placed the computer on the desk, turned on the screen, and said, "Take a look for yourselves."

The screen lit up and an old photo appeared. In the photo was a chubby teenage boy with a pale complexion, but he had a smile on his face that made him look very cute and friendly. He was sitting on a hospital bed, making a peace sign towards the camera.

"Ah!" Xiao Si exclaimed.

Lian Jun furrowed his brows and instinctively looked over at Shi Jin.

Shi Jin was dumbfounded, unable to say a word as he looked at the photo.

When he first reincarnated, the original owner of the body was quite overweight. Although it was only for a short period of time, he remembered what the body looked like when it was chubby.

Now that this photo had popped up, he almost suspected that it was taken when the original owner was still overweight.

"Who is he?" he asked in a hoarse voice, his heart pounding as he felt he was getting closer to the truth.

"He is Jian Chenghua's son, Jian Jinwen. He passed away from cancer," Number Nine replied, opening another photo. "This was taken a month before he passed."

Another photo appeared, showing the person as a young man with a pale complexion and purple lips, looking very sickly. Despite this, he still had a smile on his face, with a gentle expression and a hat on his head. He held a magazine in his hand and smiled happily at the camera.

Ignoring his poor health and age, if you just looked at his facial features, he was a spitting image of Shi Jin, except for the fact that he didn't have a mole on his nose.

As he looked at the photo, Lian Jun couldn't help but see the striking resemblance between the person in the picture and Shi Jin's features. It was as if he was looking at a dying Shi Jin.

Lian Jun instinctively reached out and closed the laptop screen, then slid over to hold Shi Jin's hand.

Shi Jin was startled by his actions and quickly grasped his hand, suppressing the tremors in his heart. He comforted Lian Jun, "It's okay, that's not me. I'm healthy, that's not me."

"I know," Lian Jun felt his warmth and the palpitations he felt when he saw the photo gradually faded away. He tightened his grip on Shi Jin's hand and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure... Number Nine, bring the laptop over."

Number Nine looked at Lian Jun with concern and brought the laptop over. The screen reopened, and Shi Jin quickly skipped over Jian Jinwen's photo and began flipping through other information.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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