Death Progress Bar

Death Progress Bar

Chapter 70 - Unreliable Teammate

The bathroom on this floor was located towards the center. Shi Jin pushed David in that direction without saying a word.

Sure enough, after the two turned a corner and were out of sight from the people in the emergency room, David casually spoke up, "Was the person you called 'Brother Nine' your brother? He looks so young."

Ah, the target is clear. He went straight for the key people.

Shi Jin continued to act dumb, putting on a very easy-to-please expression as he replied, "No, Brother Nine is Jun... um, someone my boss left behind to take care of things at the hospital. He's almost thirty, but he looks young because of his deceiving baby face."

"Almost thirty? Oh, sorry, I always have trouble guessing the age of you Chinese people. Hmm... it seems like this hospital is quite empty, are they not accepting patients?" David continued his 'casual' inquiry.

In his mind, Shi Jin couldn't help but criticize David's impatience. He replied, "No, my boss has rented out this hospital and we are not currently accepting outside patients. You guys are exceptions."

David looked shocked, like a poor boy who had just witnessed the extravagance of a wealthy boss. He exclaimed, "Rented out? Renting a high-end hospital like this must cost a fortune. Did your boss rent it because a family member is sick?"

Shi Jin sighed, realizing he had misunderstood.

This actor's acting skills were not that great after all.

In order to avoid appearing too fake, he changed his tone and deliberately showed a cautious side, saying stiffly, "I'm sorry, these are my boss's privacy, I can't answer them. The bathroom is over there, please go ahead." With that, he quickly took two steps and pushed David into the bathroom.

David noticed that his tone was off, so after entering the bathroom, he looked at his expression in the mirror above the sink and saw a hint of caution and wariness in his uncovered eyes and eyebrows. He quickly turned his head and smiled slightly at Shi Jin, who seemed a bit uneasy, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm always too curious and ask too many questions. My mom always says that I'm easily offending people this way. Thank you for bringing me here. If I said anything offensive just now, I'm sorry and please forgive my impudence."

When Shi Jin met his gaze, he hesitated and slowly relaxed his expression, looking a bit uncertain. He then replied, "No, you didn't offend me. It's just that...sigh, I'm just being sensitive. Anyway, thank you for saving my colleagues. I can't say much about my boss's situation. Please use the washroom quickly quickly. Dr. Long hasn't seen me in a long time, and he's definitely going to scold me."

"Oh, sorry, I'll take care of it right away," David quickly responded. He tried to stand up by supporting the wheelchair's armrests with both hands, but his legs failed him several times, and his face showed a hint of embarrassment. Shi Jin watched quietly as he performed, only pretending to realize after he had seen enough. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed his arm, feeling embarrassed as he said, "I forgot about your injured leg. Come, be careful, I'll help you over there."

"Thank you," David stood up with his help, and then tried to lean on his shoulder.

Xiao Si nervously screamed, "Jin Jin! Stay away from him! The progress bar has increased again, it's at 980!"

Shi Jin was startled by Xiao Si's shout, and he stumbled on purpose, kicking the wheelchair a little further away. He then acted as if he had been tripped and couldn't stand steady, letting go of David's arm and falling to the ground with a loud crash. He even used David as a cushion, accidentally elbowing him in the stomach.

"Ugh." David never expected this to happen. His leg was injured and he couldn't exert any force. His arm was raised as if to ask for help, but it was difficult to maintain balance.

So when Shi Jin came and started hitting, smashing, pressing, and poking him, he had no chance to fight back. He suffered a lot of injuries and even felt the acid in his stomach being squeezed out. His hand involuntarily turned into a claw, wanting to grab Shi Jin's throat and throw him off.

Xiao Si screamed again.

Shi Jin did a turn like a carp and rolled over, then pounced on David's raised arm like a hungry tiger. He anxiously said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I accidentally kicked the wheelchair and lost my balance. Where did you fall? Did your leg get hit?"

With a twist of his body, he held down David's restless leg that was about to attack, and pulled at his pants. "Let me see, did you hurt your wound? I'm sorry, it's all my fault for being too careless."

As his pants were being pulled and his leg was being pressed down, David's stomach was still hurting and he was absolutely furious. He really wanted to strangle this damn little doctor to death.

But at this moment, he was lying down while the other person was sitting, and his movements were partially restricted. The situation was too unfavorable for him, so he had to abandon the idea of killing the little doctor right now.

While trying to bend his leg to get up, he said, "No, no, my leg wasn't hurt. Don't worry. Can you let me get up first? It's a bit uncomfortable lying like this."

Xiao Si relaxed its nerves a bit and said, "The progress bar has gone back to 970, but it's still very dangerous. Be careful."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Shi Jin reassured Xiao Si and put on a slightly embarrassed expression. He grabbed Meng La's arm and positioned himself behind him, out of harm's way. He helped Meng La up and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Why don't you go ahead to use the washroom? Do you want me to help you take off your pants?"

Take off his pants? David's slight suspicion about Shi Jin's due to his professional precision in positioning vanished in an instant, and his expression twisted as he turned to look at him.

Shi Jin innocently looked back and said, "Your clothes are too thick and it's difficult to move around. Let me help you take off your pants so you can use both hands to hold onto the urinal. That way, you won't fall. Otherwise, if you try to do it yourself and fall halfway through, it won't be good."

David was taken aback by his nonchalant attitude towards the topic of urination. He firmly pushed away his hand and said, "It's okay, I can do it myself."

"Oh, don't be embarrassed. We're all men here, and I'm a doctor. I've not only seen but also dissected male genitalia. It's just bloody and nothing to look at," Shi Jin eagerly offered to help.

David suddenly felt a chill down there and shook his head, refusing, "No, I can really do it myself."

"Okay then." Shi Jin stepped back with a disappointed look, remaining still while watching David.

David felt like he had just eaten shit and asked, "…Aren't you going to turn around?"

Turn around? To give you an opening?

Shi Jin rolled his eyes inwardly, but on his face, he appeared sincere and understanding.

"To prevent you from falling down halfway through urinating with no one to help you, I've decided to stand next to you. Don't worry, I'll stand behind you and won't be able to see anything."

David realized he had made a mistake. He shouldn't have picked a young and seemingly easy-to-manipulate doctor to follow him.

The plan had to be executed quickly, and he didn't have much time to waste. It seemed like he would have to temporarily abandon the idea of getting rid of this doctor and focus on the task at hand.

"Actually...I need to use the stall," he said, changing the subject and looking embarrassed. He bounced towards the bathroom stall, saying to Shi Jin as he went, "I might take a little while to take care of my...needs. Why don't you go back to the emergency room lobby so your boss won't scold you?"

Shi Jin frowned, "Do you need to use the stall again?"

"...I suddenly felt stomach pain after you pressed on me earlier," David replied.

Shi Jin's face was filled with shock, "So you just got pressed a little and you ended up having to go? You, you...there must be something wrong with your body."

David gritted his teeth, "Thank you for your concern, but my body is fine."

Shi Jin looked at him sympathetically, with a "I understand, I won't expose you" expression, and said, "Then go ahead, I'll wait in the emergency room."

David finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his shy and embarrassed self, saying, "Thank you for this, I appreciate it."

"No problem at all," Shi Jin replied, but he didn't leave.

David stood in front of the cubicle door, facing off with him for two seconds. His brow furrowed and he resignedly stepped into the cubicle, locking the door behind him. After a few seconds, the sound of footsteps gradually faded away from outside.

David quickly composed himself, put down the toilet seat, and pulled down the zipper of his shirt. He rummaged through it and took out various tools and compressed fuel for the explosives, preparing to install them on the door panel.

As he worked, the sound of footsteps suddenly approached again and stopped steadily in front of the cubicle.

David froze, his eyes fixed on the door panel. With one hand free, he reached back and grabbed a sharp little awl, ready to strike.

Suddenly, a pack of paper was pushed through the gap under the cubicle door, and a voice said, "It seems like there's no paper in this bathroom on the first floor. I brought you a pack."

David's grip on the knife loosened slightly as he glanced at the paper on the ground and switched to a gentler tone. "Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome," came the voice of Shi Jin, followed by the sound of his footsteps receding into the distance.

David remained still this time, waiting until he was sure the footsteps had stopped before continuing with his task. He quickly installed everything, set the timer, straightened his clothes, and pushed open the door.

Shi Jin was standing directly in front of the partition door, his gun already loaded and pointed directly at David. He asked cordially, "Mr. David, why do you not lift the toilet seat, use toilet paper, or flush the toilet when you use the bathroom? And please do not litter, as it makes the cleaning staff's job much harder."

David's expression changed drastically as he reached back to grab something.


Shi Jin aimed his gun at David's arm and fired.

David quickly ducked and Shi Jin didn't continue his attack, just watching him like he was a monkey.

David sneered in his heart at Shi Jin's carelessness and reached for his small dagger. He slightly adjusted the angle of the blade and used his thumb to press a small button on the handle.

"Why do bad guys always think their opponents are fools?" Shi Jin still didn't move, casually twirling his gun.

David sneered again and was about to press the button on the dagger when he heard the sound of wind behind him. It was too late to dodge and he felt a sharp pain in his back. He fell to the ground face down, not even seeing who had attacked him.

"Don't move."

A circular object was pressed against the back of his head, obviously a gun barrel.

David reluctantly complied and stared coldly at Shi Jin.

Without warning, Number Nine, who was assisting Shi Jin in apprehending David, struck him and prevented him from looking at Shi Jin. They then bound his hands and pulled him up from the ground, searching him for weapons and throwing them aside, shouting for the rest outside.

A group of people rushed in, heading straight for the stall where David had been in. They quickly discovered the items hidden inside and after a thorough inspection, the leader of the group emerged to report, "It's a small batch of explosives with an accelerant nearby. If it exploded, it would definitely start a huge fire."

Shi Jin lowered his gun and looked at David, who had no expression on his face. He raised an eyebrow and said, "So the fire over there was also caused by you using this method? Pretending to be official personnel, then planting these little things everywhere. When the time comes, they explode and the fire ignites."

"You won this time, no need to talk nonsense with me. If you want to kill or torture me, go ahead." David retorted coldly, completely different from his previous timid and harmless demeanor.

"I just like to talk nonsense. Let me guess, your other injured rescue brothers probably have this stuff on them too. When the fire starts here, they'll pretend to be actively serving the people even if they're injured, and take the opportunity to sneak away from everyone's sight and scatter throughout the hospital to continue setting fires. When everything ignites at once, this hospital is probably done for," said Shi Jin as he observed David's expression, noticing a slight change before looking towards Number Nine.

Number Nine furrowed his brow and ordered the few people dismantling the device, "Go to the emergency hall and arrange for people to search all the injured rescue personnel under the guise of changing their patient gowns. Separate and isolate them. If they refuse to change, just strip them naked and lock them up."

One of the subordinates immediately responded and hurriedly walked out.

With the plan exposed, David's once cold gaze turned into a murderous one. He had originally thought that he was the only one caught and that the plan could still continue. When chaos ensued, he could take the opportunity to escape. But now, the plan was completely disrupted.

"Who exactly are you?" He couldn't help but ask.

"I'm just an ordinary intern doctor," Shi Jin replied, still rambling on. "Let me guess, setting the fire was just the first step. Once the fire starts, we'll definitely call for help and a bunch of official 'rescue personnel' will come to the hospital. No one will suspect anything, and that's when you can take advantage of the confusion to steal someone from the hospital...Meng La, am I right?" David's expression suddenly changed, his face trembling as he tightly pursed his lips without saying a word.

Number Nine also looked shocked and surprised, turning his head to carefully examine David's face before pulling out his gun and aiming at his leg, eliminating any possibility of escape.

"Ah!" David let out a low cry, the pain almost causing him to collapse to the ground.

Number Nine roughly pulled him up and turned to Shi Jin, asking, "Are you sure he's Meng La? Meng La is already in his forties, but this person looks like he's only in his thirties."

What? Meng La is already in his forties?

Shi Jin was surprised and furrowed his brow slightly, but instinctively believed in his own judgment.

"His voice and appearance are very similar to Meng La's, but regardless, we should be cautious," he said, restraining himself from punching the foolish and ignorant Meng La who was watching the performance. He ordered, "From now on, block off the hospital and expand the protective measures. No one is allowed in except for our own people, not even officials from the L country."

Number Nine understood and responded with a nod. He then called over a team member who was dismantling something and instructed him to spread the message in the outpatient hall. After that, he helped David, who had difficulty walking, and walked out.

Shi Jin followed closely behind, putting his gun back in his pocket and returning to his harmless doctor appearance.

"Who are you really?" David suddenly asked.

Shi Jin glanced at his features and replied seriously, "You can call me the Mahjong Superman."

Number Nine and David: "..."

As David looked at Shi Jin, he suddenly burst out laughing for no apparent reason and said, "You're quite interesting. Why don't you come work for me? I can offer you better treatment than in Annihilation."

Number Nine furrowed his eyebrows and pulled him aside with force.

David's blood dripped onto the floor, leaving a winding trail, but he seemed oblivious to the pain and continued to try and strike up a conversation with Shi Jin. "Think about it, little doctor. I have high hopes for you."

To his surprise, Shi Jin continued chatting with him and shook his head, saying, "There's nothing to consider. I like working for bosses who are good-looking, and you're not as handsome as Young Master Jun, so I don't like you."

David's enigmatic smile faded from his face, and he paused for a few seconds before continuing, "You really are quite interesting."

"Too kind, too kind," said Shi Jin, waving his hand while poking at Xiao Si in his mind, "Do we have enough audio samples yet? Is he really Meng La?"

Xiao Si remained quiet for a while, seemingly calculating and testing something, before excitedly exclaiming, "Yes! It's him! There are no two identical voices in this world, he is Meng La!"

Shi Jin breathed a sigh of relief and his facial expression relaxed.

David noticed the change in his expression and his bound hands began to move subtly.

The three of them turned the corner and ahead of them was the emergency hall.

They walked slowly and by now, the people in the hall had received the message and were following Shi Jin and Number Nine's orders to lock down the hospital.

The injured 'rescue personnel' were all gone, and no one knew where they had been taken. The hospital gates were tightly closed, and the hall was empty. Not a single official from L country could be seen.

Surprisingly, Fei Yujing, who should have been protected deep inside the hospital, was standing in the lobby and talking to Uncle Long. He was facing the corridor, so when Number Nine and David appeared, he saw them immediately. He noticed Shi Jin walking behind them and frowned. Suddenly, he strode over and called out, "Shi Jin, where did you go? Didn't you say you would be back soon?"

Shi Jin?

David, who was carefully observing the situation in the outpatient hall, reacted to the name and subtly shifted his gaze towards Shi Jin. He remembered Number Nine's attitude towards Shi Jin and suddenly suppressed his expression, subtly moving his bound hands.

As soon as Shi Jin saw that his progress bar, which had dropped to 700 after David was caught, suddenly jumped back up to 950, alarm bells went off in his head. He immediately realized that something was definitely not right.

But before he could take any action, there was a deafening explosion. The official L-country vehicles parked outside the hospital emergency room, which had not been moved in time, began to explode one after another, causing a huge commotion that directly shattered the closed doors of the hospital and left a hole in the wall.

Several people who were closer to the door were thrown back by the blast and fell unconscious on the ground. The ground seemed to shake along with the explosion.

Shi Jin struggled to keep his balance and dodged the flying debris. He raised his voice and quickly said, "Everyone, get away from the door and bring the unconscious people inside, quickly!"

On the side, Number Nine was also unstable due to the shockwave. He loosened his grip on David's hand, giving David the opportunity to twist his body, kick his leg, and forcefully kick Number Nine away. David's bound hands somehow managed to break free from the restraints, and the lock on his wrist shattered and fell off. He twisted his body and lunged towards Shi Jin to attack.

Shi Jin had been keeping a sharp eye on him, and he quickly dodged by crouching down and kicking David's injured leg.

David let out a muffled groan as several waves of attacks missed their mark. Unexpectedly, Shi Jin's skills were so agile. Seeing Number Nine had already climbed to his feet and his expression had changed, David suddenly changed his target and grabbed the just-stabilized Fei Yujing, dragging him over and holding him by the neck as a hostage. He retreated towards the gap created by the explosion.

The sound of rescue vehicles' sirens could be heard in the distance, and the reinforcements with guns arrived.

"Let me go!" Fei Yujing's face turned black as he tried to break free from the person behind him. However, as an ordinary person who only went to the gym for exercise and had not undergone any systematic training, he was no match for David's skilled restraining.

Number Nine crawled up from the ground, wanting to rescue Fei Yujing.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll die with him!" David suddenly flashed the mini remote control in his hand, retreating while threatening.

Damn it!

Number Nine stopped and began to regret only focusing on learning technology, neglecting physical training. He tried to negotiate, "You release him, and I'll let you go."

David sneered and said nothing, continuing to retreat towards the gap.

When Shi Jin saw that Fei Yujing was caught, his mind raced and he suddenly took off his mask. He rashly took two steps forward and anxiously said, "Don't hurt him! He's my brother, I'm Shi Jin, I'll exchange myself with him!"

"Shi Jin!" Number Nine couldn't believe it and turned his head to look at him. He couldn't imagine such foolish words coming out of Shi Jin's mouth.

Fei Yujing also frowned and looked at Shi Jin, his expression even more unpleasant than when he was taken hostage.

David's footsteps paused and he looked at Shi Jin.

"I'll exchange with him. If you keep him, it's useless. Look, this is my weapon. I'll put it down now." Shi Jin made a surrendering gesture, slowly took out his gun, and half-bent down to place it on the ground.

David seemed to be weighing the truthfulness of his words, his gaze fixed on him, but the man began to back away.

Suddenly, there was a loud clatter as the gun fell to the ground.

Shi Jin watched David's expression closely, seizing the instinctive moment of relaxation caused by the gun falling, and launched a sudden attack. Moving at a speed that was completely inhuman, he charged straight at David, tackling both of them to the ground. Then, he pushed Fei Yujing aside with force and reached out to grab David's hand.

David's expression changed dramatically as he flicked a small, sharp knife from his remote control and aimed it directly at Shi Jin's throat.

"Shi Jin! It's hitting the limit!" Xiao Si's voice broke into a high-pitched scream.

"Shi Jin!" Number Nine also shouted loudly, running towards them.

Fei Yujing was pushed and hit the chair before coming to a stop. As he turned his head, he witnessed the scene before him. His heart skipped a beat and his mind went blank.

At the same time, outside the hospital, the official "rescue vehicle" rushed towards the hospital, ignoring the obstruction of the surrounding people. It was heading towards the gap caused by the explosion at a reckless speed, as if the driver had no regard for their own life.

In the depths of the outpatient department, Uncle Long had just finished transporting a fainting patient back. Behind him was a large group of reinforcements rushing to support.

The scene seemed to slow down as the rescue vehicle stopped at the gap. The door opened and someone with a weapon rushed out, intending to shoot into the lobby. Others ran towards David and Shi Jin, who were still struggling together.

"Everyone, crouch down and find a place to hide, quickly!" Shi Jin shouted, grabbing David's hand and suddenly changing direction, stabbing towards his eye. At the same time, he picked up a pocket-sized gun that he had taken from Fei Yujing's pocket in the chaos of the collision and fired a shot at David's shoulder, disabling his arm. Then, he fired several shots at the 'rescue personnel' rushing over.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the bullets hit their targets, intercepting the first wave of the attacking troops.


David's line of sight was blocked, and his attack missed, grazing Shi Jin's shoulder instead.

Shi Jin grunted and fired another shot at his other shoulder, using up his last bullet. Then, he rolled to Fei Yujing's side and pulled him towards the waiting chairs in the lobby, shouting towards the people on Uncle Long's side, "Attack! Don't let the people behind us rush in!"

As if a spell had been broken, Uncle Long was freed from his captivity. He immediately shouted, "Quick! Everyone, go support them!"

Number Nine took down the second wave of attackers with his gun and rushed to protect Shi Jin in front of him.

The battle began, and the sound of gunfire filled the air. The remaining members of Annihilation also started to converge towards their location, along with the people in the hall, trapping the first wave of reinforcements in a crossfire. The other members of Annihilation within also quickly reacted and began to fend off the approaching reinforcements, blocking them outside the hospital.

The situation was quickly brought under control, and the progress bar dropped rapidly to 550.

As Shi Jin's body leaned against Fei Yujing's, he waved his hand to stop Uncle Long from coming over to check his wound. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, feeling triumphant as he said, "Just now, Meng La definitely used a remote control to detonate the bombs outside. This proves that the signal has been restored. Lian Jun will definitely call me... Hey, he really did."

Uncle Long's eyebrows twitched with anger, wanting to hit him.

Fei Yujing, who was being leaned on by Shi Jin, looked down at him. Despite the blood on his shoulder, he still answered the phone with a pleased expression. Fei Yujing snatched the phone away from him and pushed him towards Uncle Long, saying, "Go get your wound treated. I'll answer the phone for you." Then he stood up and left.

"Hey, my phone..." Shi Jin was too slow to stop him and watched as Fei Yujing took his phone away, feeling a bit annoyed.

Lian Jun must be very worried about this side now. Now that Fei Yujing has helped him answer the phone, Lian Jun must be overthinking again. What a pig-headed teammate!

"Uncle Long, can I borrow your phone?" Shi Jin turned to ask Uncle Long for his phone.

Uncle Long was so angry that he coldly sneered and pressed him to the ground. He ripped open Shi Jin's white coat and cut open his shirt at the shoulder with a pair of scissors, the cold glint of the scissors flashing as he said, "I don't have a phone. If you dare to say another word, I'll give you a shot of anesthesia!"

Shi Jin: "..."

Today, everyone is a pig-headed teammate, feeling sad and angry.


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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