After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket

After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket

Chapter 69 - Chapter 69

Fang Shaoyi's original physique was too muscular for the later stages of his role, but after being hospitalized for so long, he was able to fit the character perfectly. The only problem was his hair, which was now too short. In the film, the character had to have messy, unkempt hair.

Every day before going on stage, he spent a long time styling his hair and doing his makeup to achieve that decadent look. He deliberately made his complexion pale and sickly, and meticulously created the effect of dry, cracked lips.

The first time he saw him after putting on makeup, Yuan Ye couldn't handle it. He silently stared at Fang Shaoyi for a long time before turning around and remaining silent for a while. His hair aside, his pale and haggard face immediately brought Yuan Ye back to the days when Fang Shaoyi was lying in the ICU. He could only visit him for ten minutes in the morning and evening, and spent the rest of his time pacing back and forth in the hallway.

The emotions stirred up were not just from memories of that time, but the makeup also easily caused a person's imagination to become active.

Fang Shaoyi was born to be a dazzling person, and he might shine for his whole life. He may never have this disheveled appearance again, but Yuan Ye couldn't help but think about what he would look like when he got old.

"Does Yuan-laoshi think it's okay?" the makeup artist asked her.

"Sure, looks good," said Yuan Ye as he gazed at Fang Shaoyi in the mirror. They had exchanged this kind of look many times before.

The first time was when they were both seventeen and went to play on a film set. Everything was new and exciting back then, and Fang Shaoyi looked even more handsome after putting on makeup. Yuan Ye laughed heartily at him, and Fang Shaoyi responded with a gentle smile that was only meant for him.

Now, Fang Shaoyi in the mirror looked old and worn out, and after a long silence, Yuan Ye tugged at the corners of his mouth and gave him a faint smile. Fang Shaoyi's response was not just the warm and gentle acceptance from before, but also represented the many years they had spent together.

Two pairs of eyes met, as if they had lived their entire lives under each other's gaze, slowly and unconsciously.

There was a scene where Fang Shaoyi had to climb a tree, tie a cloth strip, and jump down, then fall to the ground and roll over. The director arranged a stunt double for him without even asking, and Fang Shaoyi wouldn't even be allowed to try if he wanted to.

His health was now the top priority for the crew, enjoying a level of treatment he had never experienced before. In the past, Fang Shaoyi only used a stunt double for intimate scenes, rarely for action scenes. He wasn't even allowed sometimes to have a stunt double when jumping off a building or parachuting.

But now, they didn't even dare to let him jump off a tree.

That's just the way it is, the movie star is too delicate now.

Yuan Ye had previously fallen from the tree and watching this scene, he could still feel a faint pain in his ankle. He walked over to the tree and patted its trunk, laughing as he said, "We spend every day cultivating our relationship, but it seems like you haven't cultivated any feelings for me. You really didn't hold back when you threw me off, huh?"

The director overheard and said to him, "You call that cultivating a relationship? Don't you just sleep on top of it?"

Yuan Ye turned back to the director and said, "Isn't that cultivating? It's just heartless and disloyal."

The director wasn't idle enough to argue with him and ignored him. Fang Shaoyi took on the scene of rolling on the ground himself. After rolling once, he sat up and stared blankly at the camera for two seconds before standing up and looking up at the cloth he had just tied.

This type of scene is not difficult to perform, and Fang Shaoyi would always have a good grasp of the film. After experiencing this ordeal, his state has become even more stable.

When he's not filming, Fang Shaoyi has to wear a mask and stay away from crowds as much as possible. Ji Xiaotao came over with a thermos filled with chilled pear juice. Fang Shaoyi opened it and shook his head, saying, "I won't drink it."

Ji Xiaotao immediately turned around, looking everywhere for Yuan Ye. Fang Shaoyi frowned, pulled at his mask, not allowing him to raise his voice, and whispered, "You drink it, quickly."

"I drink it?" Ji Xiaotao refused, "No way, if Brother Ye finds out, he'll kill me."

"What's the use of this thing?" Fang Shaoyi still frowned and didn't take off his mask. "Just drink it quickly, or your Brother Ye will come back and stare at me again."

"What did my Brother Ye go to do?" asked Ji Xiaotao.

Fang Shaoyi shook his head. "I don't know, maybe he went to make a phone call."

Ji Xiaotao had no choice. Fang Shaoyi didn't want to drink and kept pushing the cup towards him. Just as Ji Xiaotao was about to take a sip, Yuan Ye pinched his neck from behind. Actually, Yuan Ye didn't have any intentions. He thought Ji Xiaotao was just drinking water normally, but Ji Xiaotao was guilty and his shoulders trembled.

Yuan Ye could easily read the situation. He glared at Ji Xiaotao for being so useless. Yuan Ye raised an eyebrow and sniffed the cup. Fang Shaoyi reached out to Ji Xiaotao and said to Yuan Ye, "He stole my stuff."

"Hmm?" Yuan Ye looked at the two of them. "He didn't let you drink it?"

Fang Shaoyi nodded: "Yeah."

Yuan Ye took the cup from Ji Xiaotao's hand and handed it to Fang Shaoyi, saying, "I snatched it back for you, drink up."

Ever since he was discharged from the hospital, Fang Shaoyi had become difficult to manage. He wouldn't drink water properly and would do whatever he wanted, becoming temperamental.

This was a problem that only arose after he was injured. Before that, he didn't care about these small things at all and was too lazy to talk about them. By the time he finished talking, he would have already finished drinking.

Now, if he couldn't complete the task of drinking water, Yuan Ye would make him drink pear juice instead. It was brewed with rock sugar and then chilled, which was good for the lungs. After drinking it for a few days, Fang Shaoyi didn't even like it anymore and tried to find ways to avoid it.

"Tonight, I'll brew it for you. Don't like the one that Xiaotao made?" Yuan Ye asked him.

Fang Shaoyi could only nod. Yuan Ye reached out and took off his mask, saying, "Drink up."

Fang Shaoyi started drinking the pear juice. Yuan Ye sat beside him, watching him drink, while Ji Xiaotao squatted on the side, scrolling through his phone. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Little Yang's face is really handsome!"

"Yeah, it's not bad at all. His face is smooth and free of blemishes," Yuan Ye replied.

Yuan Ye and Yang Siran had been together on the set of "Hoarse" for so long that their relationship was really good now. Yang Siran was not annoying and quite sensible. Yuan Ye casually asked, "Where did you see him?"

"On the hot search," Ji Xiaotao showed him his phone. "They're shipping them as a couple. Their show is really popular."

"Who are they shipping him with?" Yuan Ye asked.

"There was a kid on the show, not from our company," said Ji Xiaotao, frowning as he scrolled through a few CP pictures. "I'll make time to talk to him, it's okay to stir things up a bit, but it can't become a real thing. That would be stupid."

"No need," Yuan Ye chuckled, shaking his head. "He probably can't."

Yuan Ye understood people well, as that's exactly what was needed for his job. When Yang Siran mentioned Geng Jinwei, his emotions overflowed from his eyes, unable to be concealed. He truly had feelings for him. If he could be moved by any CP, it might actually be a good thing.

Yang Siran has recently gained a lot of popularity. The show he was on was originally an acting program, but during one scene, he showed off his singing skills and immediately became a sensation. His singing video went viral on Weibo, and while there was some company promotion involved, it was clear that his talent was genuine.

In the show, he was paired with a young kid who had starry eyes in the singing video. Yang Siran took care of him and they became a popular "couple" on the show.

The girls loved watching this, and the editing team knew exactly how to cater to their audience.

Even after leaving the set, Yang Siran still kept in touch with Yuan Ye, who would chat with him when he had free time.

One day, Yuan Ye sent him a message: "Your Brother Xiaotao wants to talk to you about the CP."

Yang Siran replied quickly: "Hello, Brother Yuan Ye! Brother Xiaotao wants to talk to me about the CP? What CP?"

In fact, Yuan Ye was just bored without Fang Shaoyi around and was teasing him. He laughed and replied: "The one in your show."

Yang Siran: "Ah! They are so annoying. Their company keeps pushing me to promote it, but I don't like it."

Yuan Ye hadn't reply when Yang Siran sent another message: "I have someone in my heart, after all."

The phrase "someone in my heart" feels quite romantic, and Yuan Ye smiled as he looked at the screen. Regardless, his feelings were worthy of respect. Yuan Ye had never asked about his matter with Geng Jinwei, but whenever he spoke about it, Yuan Ye would listen without probing further.

However, he suddenly felt the urge to ask, so he sent a message: "Little Yang ah."

"Yes, Brother Ye," Yang Siran replied.

"That person in your heart...What's the situation with him now?" Yuan Ye asked.

He rarely showed curiosity about other people's affairs, especially when it came to matters of the heart. But as their relationship grew closer, he couldn't help but worry. Deep down, he didn't have much faith in this years-long unrequited love, and his subconscious had already painted it with a tragic tone.

After sending that message, Yuan Ye followed up with another: "I just asked casually, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. No pressure."

Fang Shaoyi knocked on the door, and Yuan Ye jumped up to answer it. Fang Shaoyi was sweating lightly and headed straight for the shower, taking his clothes with him. Yuan Ye didn't follow him in, and Fang Shaoyi called out from inside, "I'm feeling uncomfortable in my chest."

"Your script's changed?" Yuan Ye laughed and leaned against the door, tilting his head to look at him. "I'm done showering, you can wash up yourself. Hurry up and finish."

Fang Shaoyi furrowed his brow. "You don't care about me anymore?"

"I wouldn't dare," said Yuan Ye, with one shoulder inside the bathroom and the other half of his body still outside. "You'll be out of the shower in five minutes. Hurry up and wash, and I'll wipe your face for you when you're done."

With that, Yuan Ye ran off, there were still two messages from Yang Siran on his phone.

"I'm not pressured, I'm not afraid of you knowing, Brother Yuan Ye."

"Haha, I'm his lover now."

It was comfortable for his face to be wiped. Fang Shaoyi reluctantly took a shower by himself and lay down on Yuan Ye's lap when he came out, closing his eyes and waiting for his service. Yuan Ye blew gently into his eyes and said, "You're really annoying now."

Fang Shaoyi raised his hand and placed it on his own chest without saying a word.

Yuan Ye laughed, "You're just pretending."

After fooling around, they talked about serious matters. Yuan Ye used his fingers to give Fang Shaoyi a massage and whispered, "Brother Yi."

Fang Shaoyi didn't open his eyes and responded, "Hmm?"

Yuan Ye pursed his lips and asked after a while, "In future...what are your plans?"

Fang Shaoyi's voice was calm and devoid of his usual playful tone as he slowly replied, "Same as always."

Yuan Ye's hands didn't stop moving as he softly said, "Many people speculate that you won't continue acting."

Fang Shaoyi still didn't open his eyes, but he smiled and held Yuan Ye's hand, rubbing his palm. After a long while, Fang Shaoyi spoke with his eyes closed, "The me in the movies is your dream, right?"

Yuan Ye replied, "Yes."

Fang Shaoyi continued, "He is also my dream."


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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