After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket

After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket

Chapter 65 - Chapter 65

Moving from one hospital's ICU to another sterile ICU is no different to outsiders, as they cannot see or touch anything. Ji Xiaotao asked why their hospital didn't have glass windows, but no one paid attention to him.

At night, there couldn't be too many people in the corridor of the intensive care unit. Eventually, only Yuan Ye was left. The others found a place to stay or went back to sleep, but Yuan Ye couldn't leave for a moment, and no one asked him to go. Lin Feng called to ask about the situation, and Yuan Ye said it was okay, nothing serious.

Before leaving, he briefly explained the situation to the director and mentioned that he might not be able to continue with the rest of the work. Lin Feng didn't say anything and urged him to go back, assuring him that he didn't need to worry about anything here. Yuan Ye could still call Feng Leizi to go over and keep an eye on the script. He calmly delegated all his tasks.

In the corridor of the ICU, Yuan Ye stood still or paced back and forth. If these scenes were captured in a time-lapse manner, they would look just like in a movie, with each frame capturing a different position and posture. The desolation and bleakness were palpable. There were two medical staff in the ward who occasionally came out.

Yuan Ye asked, "Has he woken up?"

After the other person shook their head, he asked again, "Is he still bleeding?"

The other person said, "Just a little."

Yuan Ye nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

At half past two in the morning, one of the nurses came out and Yuan Ye saw him walking over from the other side of the corridor. He walked quietly, without making a sound. The nurse had a smile on his face and said to him, "The patient is awake."

Yuan Ye closed his eyes and nodded. Then he nodded again, looked at the time on his phone, and spoke softly, afraid to speak too loudly, "Can he speak?"

"He hasn't spoken," the other person said, "but his spirit is good."

Yuan Ye asked, "Has the fever gone down?"

The nurse shook his head.

Yuan Ye said, "I understand, thank you."

The other person waved his hand and went back in.

Leaning against the wall, Yuan Ye looked up and wondered if he was awake. He couldn't tell if his mind was clear, or even what he was thinking. If he could sigh, he would have sighed and thought about what would happen next.

In fact, Fang Shaoyi had not woken up for even ten minutes. By the time the nurse came out and put on a sterile suit to go back in, he had already closed his eyes again.

Visiting hours in the ICU were only once in the morning and once in the evening at six o'clock. Geng Jinwei and Ji Xiaotao had already arrived.

Only one person could go in, so Yuan Ye took out everything in his pocket and gave it to Ji Xiaotao. He went to the bathroom to freshen up and even washed his hair. He put on a sterile suit and followed Ji Xiaotao inside. The nurse said the patient was still sleeping, and Yuan Ye nodded with his mask on, saying, "It's okay, I just want to take a look."

There was a chair by the bed, and Yuan Ye sat down. The monitoring equipment in the ward occasionally made a "beep" sound, which made people feel uncomfortable for some reason.

Perhaps sensing something, Fang Shaoyi slowly opened his eyes as soon as Yuan Ye sat down. He still had the oxygen mask attached to his face, which made his cheekbones look high and less handsome. Yuan Ye just looked at him, and the two of them locked eyes, seeing into each other's hearts through their eyes. Yuan Ye suddenly smiled at Fang Shaoyi.

Fang Shaoyi still looked at him, and his smile seemed a bit difficult. Yuan Ye leaned in closer, not touching him, and took a long breath before smiling with a hoarse voice and with his eyes red, saying, "...You scared me to death."

Fang Shaoyi was still in a critical condition. As long as his high fever persisted, anything could happen, especially since his bleeding had not stopped. When the experts consulted later, they would have to study his current situation and find the source of the bleeding. If they couldn't stop it, they would have to open his chest again.

It was all very troublesome, but it wasn't to the point that he could only lie there and breathe. He couldn't speak because it was inconvenient with the oxygen mask, but he could still move.

Fang Shaoyi reached out his hand, which still had an IV drip attached. Yuan Ye subconsciously reached out his hand, but hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could touch him. The nurse whispered from behind, "It's okay, I'll wipe him down later."

It was true that they needed to be in sterile isolation to avoid infection, but did it really mean that they couldn't even touch hands? Yuan Ye knew he was being overly nervous and laughed at himself. He then bent down and took off his mask, allowing Fang Shaoyi's hand to touch his face.

"Do I look thinner?" Yuan Ye asked.

Fang Shaoyi lightly pinched his face in response.

"I'm definitely thinner," Yuan Ye continued, "I couldn't even keep five pounds. I ate every bite myself, and in just two days, you scared off a few pounds."

Fang Shaoyi's hand slid lightly over his head, touching his hair, then moved down to his neck and collarbone.

Yuan Ye grabbed his hand and gave it a kiss on his palm. As Fang Shaoyi touched his face, he felt a bit of moisture and used his fingertips to search for Yuan Ye's eyes, wiping away the fear, anxiety, and despair.

In just half a day, they only had this brief moment to visit each other. Ten minutes passed in a flash, and before Yuan Ye left, he touched his index and middle fingers to his own lips and pressed them onto Fang Shaoyi's forehead.

Fang Shaoyi looked into his eyes, and Yuan Ye sighed, "You need to lower your fever quickly. If you don't, you'll have to stay here all the time, and you won't be able to see me. If you secretly cry from missing me in here, I wouldn't even know."

Fang Shaoyi's eyes held a hint of amusement as he blinked.

Suddenly, Yuan Ye turned back at the door and stood by the bed, saying, "I feel wronged."

Fang Shaoyi raised an eyebrow.

"I can't f*cking sign for you," Yuan Ye said. "The doctor won't let me, so Brother Geng was the one who signed. When you're awake, think about what to do about this, you were the one who made me sign it back then. How you made me sign it in the past, you better let me be able to sign it again now. Don't you know how to write my name? Only you know, and only you can. You can do it again, I don't know how to."

Yuan Ye finished speaking and turned to leave. Fang Shaoyi watched him until he was gone.

Yuan Ye told the nurse, "Wipe his hands and face for him. Thank you for your hard work."

The nurse shook her head and said, "It's my duty."

Geng Jinwei asked him, "How is he doing?"

Yuan Ye smiled and nodded, "He's doing well."

Whenever anyone asked Yuan Ye, he always said the same thing, "He's doing well."

Was he really well? Yuan Ye couldn't even breathe when he saw Fang Shaoyi at first. He wanted to take off his own oxygen mask and put it on himself.

Fang Shaoyi's lungs were injured, and even breathing was a struggle. He had lost so much blood, if his condition had really been better, he wouldn't still be wearing that thing, and he wouldn't have only woken up in the middle of the night yesterday. His breathing was so weak that it was almost non-existent.

Just a few days ago, he was so handsome and full of life in the shoots, but now he lay there unable to say a word.

With a spoilt tone, Yuan Ye told Fang Shaoyi that he couldn't sign the divorce papers and pushed the responsibility onto him, acting like a rogue and making it seem like Fang Shaoyi owed him a favor. Keeping things to oneself can be unbearable, but speaking out can also be painful. And what if Fang Shaoyi couldn't fulfill this debt? If he didn't get better, how would he repay it?

Fang Shaoyi's parents arrived in the morning. Ji Xiaotao hadn't informed them right away. He wanted to wait until things were a bit more stable on Fang Shaoyi's end before telling them. He was afraid.

It was Yuan Ye who called them yesterday after he arrived. This was not something that could wait. No one was more afraid of something happening to Fang Shaoyi than Ji Xiaotao, but no one had the right to keep his parents in the dark. What if something did happen? What if they weren't allowed to come and see for themselves?

After visiting the hospital, Yuan Ye had called them to update on the situation. Now that he saw them arrive, he walked over and hugged Fang Shaoyi's mother before shaking Fang Han's hand and saying, "Dad, Mom, everything's fine. Once his fever goes down, he can be transferred to a regular room. Don't worry."

Fang Han nodded, his voice still as steady and powerful as ever, but his eyes were clearly red with emotion. "I'm not worried. What's a small injury on a film set? I've 'died' a few times over the years and I'm still alive, aren't I?"

"Yes," Yuan Ye said, "he's just like you in all aspects, Dad."

Geng Jinwei, Xiaotao, the director, and the producer were all present. Fang Han, with his deep and commanding voice, asked, "What exactly happened? Where did the steel bars come from? You used steel bars in the film?"

"Scrap metal, from dismantling a bridge," replied Ji Xiaotao. "We needed to demolish a Japanese bridge for the film, and after filming, we had to remove the debris. The truck carrying the scrap metal had a blown tire."

"How did the tire blow?" Fang Han's eyebrows furrowed into a knot as he stared at the producer. "Tell me the truth, even if you don't, I'll investigate. Was this an accident?"

"It really was an accident." The producer had been worried sick these past few days, and his hair was turning white. He looked at Fang Han earnestly and said, "Mr. Fang, the facts are right in front of us. It may sound ridiculous to say it was an accident, but as you know, everyone on our crew is well-behaved. It really was an accident."

"The truck was driving just fine, but it exploded when it was next to my son? You're trying to fool me with this excuse of an accident?" Fang Han's sharp gaze pierced through the producer, making it hard for anyone to withstand, no matter their age.

Director Wei Hua spoke up, "Old Fang."

Fang Han waited for him to continue, "What is it?"

"It was both an accident and human error." Wei Hua didn't hide anything, he explained everything as it was. He couldn't keep it a secret, and his personality wasn't one to hide things. He felt responsible for what happened.

The vehicles used by the crew were all old cars. When they weren't filming, they would be parked for one or two years, causing the tires to age. Before using them again, they needed maintenance or new tires. The driver in charge of the vehicles reported the cost of two new front tires, but didn't actually replace them.

The road conditions were too poor, and the rain made it worse. In fact, the two tires were already in bad condition before the accident. But it wasn't practical to spend a lot of time fixing them outside, so the driver replaced one with a spare tire.

The driver had been tinkering with these things for years, so he knew what he was doing. The truck wasn't that sensitive, so one or two tire issues weren't a big deal. He could make do until the filming was over. Usually it would have been fine, and if he really had no confidence, he wouldn't have done it.

The problem was that the scrap from the dismantled bridge was too heavy. The two tires on the same axis had different patterns, and the old tire was severely worn. With low tire pressure and high speed, hitting a pothole could cause it to explode.

Was this an accident? It certainly was, but it could have been avoided. The driver had the greatest responsibility, but who wasn't responsible? No one could escape blame, but going up the line, it was that the checks weren't being strictly enforced.

Along with Fang Shaoyi, two other actors were also injured. The two young actors often asked Fang Shaoyi for help with their scenes, and he usually didn't refuse. During lunchtime, Ji Xiaotao went to get food for Fang Shaoyi. Otherwise, if they were together all the time, he might also have ended up with a serious injury.

After all these years of acting and filming many fight scenes, Fang Shaoyi's reflexes were quick. The moment the accident happened, he pushed the two actors forward, otherwise they would have been hit on the head and their skulls would have been shattered.

If Fang Shaoyi had ignored the two actors, he could have avoided the situation or at least not been injured to this extent. But how could he ignore them? Should he just watch them get killed? Would he still be Fang Shaoyi?

Fang Han's eyes trembled back and forth, with murky red spots at the bottom. He asked, "What about the driver? Is he dead?"

Geng Jinwei replied, "He's in the hospital, but he's not dead. Shaoyi was more seriously injured."

"He's not more seriously injured than my son?" Fang Han was truly angry. He had lived his whole life with integrity and now he could finally say such words. "He brought this upon himself, and now he wants my son to carry this mistake for him?"

"If something really happens to my son, how could you compensate me?" Fang Han pointed at the producer and then turned his gaze to Wei Hua. Someone who could say that "there's no big deal with minor injuries on the set" was now yelling at them while pounding on the wall, "If the steel bar had pierced my son's heart, how will you compensate me?!"


A little frog who likes reading. Hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for your support! Coffee fuels my midnight translation binges.

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