A Lucky Coin

A Lucky Coin

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Yan Hang looked down.

In his palm was a shiny hexagonal black pebble and a thin red string.

He could still feel the delicate touch of Chu Yi carefully placing the items in his hand.

"You finished it so quickly?" Yan Hang picked up the pebble. The hole in the middle for threading the string had already been drilled.

"No, not that fast," Chu Yi looked at him a bit nervously, "Do you like it?"

"Mm." Yan Hang nodded and threaded the red string through the small hole.

As he tied it around his ankle, Chu Yi explained softly again: "The hole is too small, leather string and braided string can't pass through."

"This is fine." Yan Hang said.

"Master, I also don't know how to braid." Chu Yi said.

Yan Hang laughed: "I know."

This little pebble was quite cool, with a simple and generous shape, and clean color. It looked quite stylish tied around the ankle.

"Actually your aesthetic sense is a bit stronger than what you usually show." Yan Hang lifted his leg, showing off his ankle to him.

"The aesthetic of a mutt," Chu Yi smiled, reaching out to hold his ankle, "Looks good."

"Is there one for me?" Dad, who had been listening in front, turned his head back and asked, "Little mutt."

"There are many," Chu Yi scratched his head a bit shyly, "I'll show you the photos, you pick one."

"Okay." Dad nodded.

Chu Yi took out his phone, pressed it, and then the three of them looked together at the black screen.

Yan Hang felt this phone had probably been smashed by Liang Bing just now and was no longer working well. The time it took to light up the screen was much longer than usual.

In the middle, Chu Yi even had time to wipe the dust off the screen with his hand.

"What are we doing?" Dad asked.

"Waiting to see the photos." Yan Hang said.

"Oh." Dad nodded.

The screen finally lit up. Chu Yi tapped the photo album. The album opened quite quickly, and the folder called "Little Stones" inside also opened fast. However, after opening, rows of black squares were displayed and remained unchanged for a long time.

"There's a group photo," Chu Yi rubbed his nose and clicked on one of the black squares, then held the phone in one hand and rested his chin in the other, "How time flies."

"Indeed," Dad stroked his chin, "My beard has grown out."

Finally, this photo opened. Chu Yi enlarged the picture: "These are it, actually not good-looking."

"Quite good-looking," Dad took the phone, "Let me take a careful look and pick one. You drill a hole for me too, okay?"

"Mm!" Chu Yi immediately nodded.

Yan Hang glanced at him, feeling that Dad calling him a poor thing was not wrong at all. He probably had never shown these stones to anyone, and no one would say they looked good, let alone say they wanted to pick one and have him drill a hole for them.

Chu Yi's pebbles were all quite small, probably because small stones didn't need to be polished for too long and were easy to hide.

But the colors and shapes were quite diverse. The more complex ones even had petal shapes. They couldn't be called exquisite, but they were all very cute.

"Is this red one painted with pigment?" Dad pointed to a round little stone in red with a bit of orange and asked.

"It was originally like this," Chu Yi said, "Found in the river."

"I'll pick this one then. It can be worn on the hand." Dad said.

"I'll bring it to you tomorrow." Chu Yi said with a smile.

"Thank you." Dad said.

"You're welcome." Chu Yi waved his hand.

The black pebble felt cool. Yan Hang could always feel it, a cool little point, not knowing if it was an illusion or real.

Before getting out of the car, he couldn't help but untie the slip knot of the red string and changed it to a fixed knot.

It would be a pity to accidentally lose Chu Yi's token.

Today was the first day of the music festival, and also Friday. There were a lot of people in the square. As soon as they got out of the car, it was as if they were thrown into a huge speaker.

Music, people's laughter and shouts.

Yan Hang stood on the sidewalk near the road in the square, feeling a bit dazed.

He didn't like the hustle and bustle very much. Most of the time, he liked to be alone and space out. Dad understood his habits very well, so he wouldn't take him to such occasions to join in the excitement.

Today's scene could be counted as the most lively one he had seen besides the New Year's fireworks party.

"Shall we go to the front?" Dad asked.

Yan Hang didn't speak, feeling a bit hesitant. He glanced at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi looked quite excited, constantly turning his head and looking around, his eyes shining.

"Let's go to that tree over there. Too close and we'll only see the backs of heads. The sound isn't right either." Yan Hang pointed to a tree in front.

There were also quite a few people under the tree. People were even standing on a stone bench.

When they went over, someone just happened to get down from it. Yan Hang saw it and quickly pulled Chu Yi, rushing over in two steps and pushing him onto the stone bench: "Get up, get up, get up..."

"Ah." Chu Yi also quickly stepped onto the stone bench.

However, there were a few too many people on the stone bench, and he couldn't stand steadily after getting up.

"Hold onto me." Yan Hang said.

Chu Yi put his arm on his shoulder, thought for a bit, and then laughed: "Shorty."

"You fucking get down." Yan Hang looked at him.

"No." Chu Yi shook his head with a smile.

A few drum sounds came from the stage, and the people around shouted together. Chu Yi quickly turned his head to stare in that direction.

Yan Hang felt that Chu Yi was quite a magical person.

Just an hour ago, he had been beaten by the river, had his phone smashed, and almost had his pants stripped off, but now he was completely fine.

Or rather, from the time they left the riverside and returned to his home, he had basically returned to normal.

This astonishing recovery ability made Yan Hang feel a bit emotional.

Chu Yi no longer talked more about the causes and consequences of this matter, and didn't ask how he and Dad found him. The discussion about this matter didn't even last one second.

It was tossed aside very cleanly and neatly.

Regardless of whether Chu Yi's ability was actively or passively acquired, Yan Hang felt that this kid had a remarkably awesome endurance.

Dad went somewhere and made a round, and when he came back, he had three small binoculars in his hand.

"Use this," he handed the binoculars to Yan Hang and Chu Yi, "You can see clearly."

"Thanks, thank you Uncle Yan." Chu Yi took the telescope.

"No need to be so formal," Dad said, "it's quite a mouthful."

"Thanks Uncle." Chu Yi said.

"Yes, that's much easier." Dad nodded.

Chu Yi looked down at the telescope: "I've never played with this before."

"Well, play with it now," Yan Hang smiled, taking the telescope and looking towards the stage where a few bald young men were standing, "quite clear."

"Ah," Chu Yi also put the telescope to his eye, and after a while said, "so far away."

Yan Hang looked at him.

He also glanced at Yan Hang, paused for a moment and then very calmly flipped the telescope around: "Got it."

Yan Hang couldn't help but laugh: "Country bumpkin."

"City slicker," Chu Yi continued looking through the telescope, "be serious."

By the time they arrived, the music festival had already been going on for quite a while, so the mood of the people in the square had already been stirred up. When there was a bit of movement on the stage, people below would raise their hands and wave.

When this band of bald young men started performing, the cheers from below almost drowned out the music.

The intro was very familiar, Yan Hang glanced at his dad.

This was a song Dad really liked.

Dad's knowledge of English was limited to hello and hi bye, but he could still sing this song.

"One day, I won't be insane..." Sure enough, Dad started singing along.

Yan Hang smiled and sang a line together with him: "Won't play all their foolish games, we all need to pay..."

Chu Yi also stopped looking at the stage and turned his head to look at them.

"What's wrong?" Yan Hang asked.

"No-nothing," Chu Yi said, "just a bit surprised."

After this song, the band sang one of their own originals, very fiery, everyone's hands were raised, like a small forest.

Yan Hang looked at the swaying arms in front of him, feeling a bit dazed.

The sound in his ears also slowly faded away, leaving only the swaying shadows under the strong light.

As if shouting.

Also as if struggling.

Black and white silent chaos.

Someone lightly flicked his face, Yan Hang came back to his senses, the music and shouting that instantly returned poured into his ears, he almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Chu Yi," Dad called out to Chu Yi, "how about we change locations?"

"Okay." Chu Yi agreed without thinking.

"Let's go over there, a bit further away," Dad pointed to a mall across the street from the square, "looks like there's an outdoor tea bar on the second floor?"

Chu Yi looked through the telescope: "Yes, let me treat you to tea."

"You don't even have enough money in January to keep from getting robbed," Yan Hang said, "and you're always thinking of treating others."

"I don't get robbed every time." Chu Yi jumped off the stone stool.

"With your uncle here, it's not your turn to treat," Dad smiled, "come on, let's go sit over there for a bit."

Yan Hang turned and followed Dad in that direction.

After walking a few steps, someone grabbed his hand, he turned his head, it was Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled at him: "Your hand is a bit cold."

"Mm," Yan Hang responded, "it's windy."

Walking a few more steps, Chu Yi showed no intention of letting go of his hand. He glanced at Chu Yi again: "How about you call me brother and I'll hold your hand crossing the street?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Chu Yi asked.

Yan Hang paused and didn't say anything.

Chu Yi still didn't let go, the two of them foolishly held hands following behind Dad crossing the street.

The outdoor tea bar on the second floor also had quite a few people, all there to join in the excitement of the music festival. If you weren't particularly fanatical, sitting here, you could hear the music, see the stage, and sit and have a cup of tea, quite comfortable.

They found an empty table and sat down. Dad ordered a pot of fruit flower tea for the two of them and a pot of green tea for himself.

As soon as the tea was brought over, Chu Yi immediately stood up and poured tea into all three cups. The waiter who was preparing to pour tea for them couldn't get a hand in and after standing there for a while could only walk away.

"Chu Yi," Dad took a sip of tea, "you haven't really come out to play like this before?"

"At night I'm always at home," Chu Yi sat down, "j-just sitting there."

"Isn't that quite boring?" Dad sighed.

"I-it's fun at Grandpa's," Chu Yi turned his cup, "can go during vacation."

"Grandpa's house is far away right?" Dad asked again.

"Mm." Chu Yi nodded.

Yan Hang listened to their chat while taking out his phone to take a few photos towards the stage.

This phone boasting a Leica lens took pretty good photos, quite atmospheric.

The stage was brightly lit, besides that illuminated colorful area, the surroundings were deep darkness, very lonely.

"Your stuttering," Dad looked at Chu Yi, "when did it start?"

"Since I can remember," Chu Yi thought, "my dad said I started talking late, always spoke unclearly, grandma was anxious and always scolded, the more she scolded the worse I got."

"So yours was from being scared." Dad said.

"Mm," Chu Yi smiled, "not from being dumb."

"That much is clear," Dad said, "try speaking slower, word by word, maybe you won't stutter then."

"Re...a...lly..." Chu Yi said.

Yan Hang opened the video on his phone and pointed it at Chu Yi.

"See, you're not stuttering." Dad clapped.

"He basically doesn't stutter when saying three words." Yan Hang said.

Dad laughed: "Then try something longer, Chu Yi how old are you?"

"Fourteen, this, way," Chu Yi sighed, "is this long enough?"

Yan Hang laughed so hard he couldn't hold his phone steady: "That last sentence of yours counts as long."

"Alright," Chu Yi turned his head and saw the phone pointed at him, "live...stream...ing?"

"No, video." Yan Hang said.

"Why...are...you..." Chu Yi dragged out his words, amusing himself, "Hey!"

"Take it slow," Yan Hang said with a smile, "If it were that easy to change back, no one would stutter."

"Yeah." Chu Yi picked up his cup and took a sip of tea with a smile, "This... tea... is, is very fragrant."

Yan Hang and his dad didn't have much sense of time. For Yan Hang, it was because of his insomnia - often the night was just a block of time opposite to the day. As for his dad, he was indifferent to everything, just letting things be.

It wasn't until Chu Yi hesitantly said he should head home that they noticed it was almost 11 o'clock.

"Oh," Dad stood up, "Hurry up and catch a cab."

"Probably won't be able to get a cab at this hour," Yan Hang glanced at the square, still bustling with crowds, "So many people."

"Bus." Chu Yi said.

Yan Hang didn't like buses. He could jog for two hours, but he was unwilling to stand on a bus for ten minutes, or even sit.

But there was no choice tonight given the situation. They definitely wouldn't be able to get a cab, and walking back would take too long. The only option was to squeeze onto a bus.

And it was truly "squeezing".

They weren't the only ones unable to get a cab. At this time, there was only one bus route running. They were quite near the front of the line, but after getting on, Yan Hang found an endless stream of people boarding. Even though they got on first, there was no difference from those who got on later - everyone was pressed together.

"Stay, strong, chest out!" Chu Yi was pressed face to face with him, still trying to cheer him on.

Yan Hang sighed and laughed, "Shut up."

After the bus drove for one stop, no one got off, and more people squeezed on.

Chu Yi also sighed, desperately trying to shift to the side, probably wanting to separate a bit from the older woman leaning on his back.

He had just moved a little when he suddenly stopped, abruptly raising his head to look at Yan Hang, quietly exclaiming, "Ah!"

"What," Yan Hang was startled, lowering his voice, "You got hard?"

"...No, no," Chu Yi lowered his head, then raised it again, "I'm not, not an adult yet, this kind of, of topic is not, appropriate."

"Then what are you making a fuss about?" Yan Hang asked.

"The little stone," Chu Yi said, "Did, did, did it, fall off?"

"No," Yan Hang rubbed his left ankle tied with the stone against his right calf with difficulty, feeling it, "It's here, I can feel it, tied in a dead knot, how could it fall off so easily."

"Oh," Chu Yi let out a sigh of relief, "I stepped, stepped on something hard, thought it was the, the stone."

"Don't worry," Yan Hang smiled, "Actually, I haven't received many gifts. Having received one, I won't lose it so easily."

When getting off the bus, Chu Yi was still squeezing through while forcibly bending down, as if having OCD, insisting on seeing clearly what he had stepped on.

"Did you see it clearly?" Yan Hang asked.

"A bottle, bottle cap." Chu Yi tugged at his clothes that had gotten askew from the squeezing.

"A bottle bottle cap, huh." Yan Hang said.

Chu Yi laughed, "Look who's, childish now."

"Let's go, hurry up, or your grandma will scold you for coming back late." Yan Hang said.

"At night no, one watches, watches over me," Chu Yi said, then seeming to remember he should slow down, repeated, "At... night... no... one... watches, watches, watches over me."

Yan Hang was smiling when a car passed by behind them, honking its horn.

"Chu Yi!" Someone called out.

Yan Hang turned his head. A white car drove over and stopped beside them.

The passenger window was open. Yan Hang looked inside and saw a middle-aged man also looking out.

"My dad," Chu Yi walked over, "You're, back?"

"Where did you go?" Chu Yi's dad opened the car door and got out, "Get in, I'll give you a ride."

After saying this, Chu Yi's dad glanced in their direction. After his gaze passed over Yan Hang's face, he suddenly froze.

Yan Hang quickly looked over at his dad, but his dad's expression was normal, even with a smile on his face, "Chu Yi, go back with your dad. We're just up ahead, very close, a short walk away."

"I..." Chu Yi hesitated a bit.

"Get in the car," Yan Hang patted his back, "You want to walk back alone?"

"Oh," Chu Yi smiled and opened the car door to get in. He then leaned against the window, "Today was very, happy, good night."

"Good night." Yan Hang said.

"Good night, Uncle." Chu Yi smiled at Yan Hang's dad again.

"Good night." Dad waved.

After the car drove away, Yan Hang and his dad stood by the road without moving.

After a moment of silence, Yan Hang glanced at his dad, "This shouldn't be the first time Chu Yi's dad has seen you, right?"

"Not sure," Dad lit a cigarette and continued walking forward, "In any case, it's the first time I've seen him."

Yan Hang was silent for a while, then followed.

In the past, he definitely wouldn't have asked this kind of question. But now he felt like a walking book of ten thousand whys.


Every chapter whispers secrets; every coffee sip fuels the journey. Let's embark on another chapter, powered by everyone's support! >.<

Give me feedback at moc.ebircssutol@skcitshsif.
